The guy in that video says not to take vitamin D, and the information in that paper says to take vitamin D.
So, in your opinion who is correct?
I think Chris Masterjohn is completely wrong and isn't delving into the complexities of how the RAS system functions, and what the underlying mechanistic characteristics are of ARDS and a viral infection. I bought his SARS-COV2 material. I've skimmed most of it and ordered elderberry (the centerpiece of his 'protocol'), which I had not previously considered. But I'm not giving up Vitamin D3, because there is way more going on here than more ACE2 receptor bad, less ACE2 receptor good, that he seems to think.
The whole point in ACE inhibitors and ARBs is that the body doesn't see the Ang-II so it begins upregulating receptors. Well if you are in situation with low ACE-2 receptor expression, the body probably will upregulate renin/angiotensin to try to compensate. And that's what happens when a person takes ACEi or ARBs. But that's a decidedly bad thing in normal people, if we are trying to avoid an inflammatory response cascade. We don't want the RAS pathway in overdrive.
Therefore, you would want sufficient ACE2 receptor expression, such that when angiotensin is released, it is sensed, the body doesn't upregulate and drive a pro-fibrotic cycle. If the body can't see ACE2, renin will rise. You want Vitamin D and ACE2 expression.
And consequently, my point about Methylene Blue and Vitamin C -- because NO inhibition quiets RAS on a counter regulatory way and Vitamin C improves epinephrine/norepinephrine (vasoconstrictors) would attenuate RAS also.
Now maybe I'm reading too much into this and making all about angiotensin and there other things going on here (because there probably are). I'm a lay person not a person with a background in nephrology/immunology/pulmonary.
And ask yourself this question, ignoring this train of thought I just typed out about Vitamin D and ACE2. Does anyone think going into a viral infection that having an insufficient Vitamin D level is a good idea? It doesn't even pass the common sense/smell test to me. Even basic epidemiological data shows that those who are deficient in Vitamin D do worse in ARDS, which is exactly what will kill you in this virus. I'm not saying Vitamin D is going to save us all, but actively avoiding its supplementation is just stupid on it's face to me.
Edited by thompson92, 21 March 2020 - 03:42 PM.