So I talked to my doctor who prescribed ivermectin about the fat loss and showed him the studies that I have been looking at lately regarding STAT3 and its effects on adipocytes. I have had this doctor a long time and even over the telehealth appointment he said he could see just how skinny I look which he has not seen in me for 5 years now. He thinks there may be something to it. I got bloodwork as well and got the results back yesterday, and all of my blood work seems pretty much the same as it has always been. Bummer. It is now 17 days since my last dose, which should mean that at least some should be out of my fat tissue by now. But it is so bizare. One upside. I always have had extra fat under my chin that never really goes away and I can feel it usually when turning my head or looking down. It is completely gone. My bodyfat level is still incredibly low, even after eating a staggering 6000 calories a day for the last week. It is like my body just can NOT put the fat on. Doctor says he does not want me to continue it. I am sure this is not a problem for most people. But at this point, it must be the drug. There is literally NOTHING else that I have changed in my routine for the last 3 years. Here is the upside though. I still have not caught covid which is great

Protecting from Coronavirus - Supplements & Therapies
Posted 03 February 2021 - 10:02 AM
Posted 03 February 2021 - 04:26 PM
Glad you've followed up with your doc and come to a resolution Qowpel. I'd hang on to those IVM tabs. You never know when they might come in handy.
My old face could use a bit of chiseling, so I'll be watching for improvement. Not the worst side effect in the pharmaceutical world.
Posted 03 February 2021 - 07:53 PM
I don't understand why they are not actively incorporating the new variants into the vaccines. They could make a cocktail like they do every year with the flu vaccine and incorporate the UK and South African variants. They could easily include mRNAs of these spike variants into the mRNA vaccines being produced.
Well, that would be a new vaccine that would require new regulatory approval. It can be done, but it's not something you can do in the sort of time frame that has transpired since these new variants have appeared.
If these first widely deployed mRNA vaccines prove to be safe and effective, one would hope that the various national drug regulatory agencies come up with a framework for doing things like that in a timely manner.
Posted 04 February 2021 - 09:40 PM
I too have been using the Levy protocol; first real symptoms were breathlessness.
Any update? hopefully going well.
Posted 04 February 2021 - 10:26 PM
Any update? hopefully going well.
Well. I didn't have all the symptoms of onset that you're supposed to- I only got a minor throat pains,but I had been getting them before due to a tonsils infection. The breathlessness started over a week or two. I started the protocol and by day 3 or 4 I was pretty much Ok. I had a test which was negative,but if it was covid-19, I think I did the test quite late in the day anyway. I occasionally get the feeling of slight breathlessness now,but no way near as it was then.
Thing is it's difficult to an accurate diagnosis as Gp's won't see you here.
Posted 04 February 2021 - 11:27 PM
News Flash: MERCK says "Just Say NO" to ivermectin!
KENILWORTH, N.J., Feb. 4, 2021 – Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today affirmed its position regarding use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:
- No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
- No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
- A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.
Notify the Ministry of Truth! A purge is in order!
Posted 05 February 2021 - 01:17 AM
So a major pharmaceutical company doesn't believe there is evidence that a long off patent generic drug is useful against covid?
Stop the presses.
Posted 05 February 2021 - 04:20 AM
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.
Notify the Ministry of Truth! A purge is in order!
The swamp is deep and full of sewage... sold us out like Fauci.
Posted 05 February 2021 - 04:24 AM
So a major pharmaceutical company doesn't believe there is evidence that a long off patent generic drug is useful against covid?
Stop the presses.
I wonder if they just follow the plan if they or a family member gets sick... stay hydrated and rest?
Posted 05 February 2021 - 06:12 PM
News Flash: MERCK says "Just Say NO" to ivermectin!
KENILWORTH, N.J., Feb. 4, 2021 – Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today affirmed its position regarding use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:
- No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
- No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
- A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.
Notify the Ministry of Truth! A purge is in order!
I have scanned through some of the RCT trials. They seem legit to me. Once you have dozens of observational studies and several RCT trials showing a clear benefit, it usually means the therapeutic substance is good to go. Not during the COVID pandemic - when science is rejected. Sad.
Posted 05 February 2021 - 06:53 PM
I have scanned through some of the RCT trials. They seem legit to me. Once you have dozens of observational studies and several RCT trials showing a clear benefit, it usually means the therapeutic substance is good to go. Not during the COVID pandemic - when science is rejected. Sad.
Remdesivir is the real SCIENCE and its $3,000 a pop, they are going to milk that and exploit the fool out of us and insurance first.
NIH needs to be decentralized, every state should have the ability to make its own protocol, way too much control in one body.
Edited by Gal220, 05 February 2021 - 07:38 PM.
Posted 05 February 2021 - 07:54 PM
The plot thickens... MERCK is suppressing IVM because they've got a new med to sell.
Merck to supply feds with COVID-19 drug under $356M deal
Merck has reached a multimillion-dollar deal to supply the feds with a coronavirus drug it’s developing to treat severely ill patients, the company said Wednesday.
The government will pay the New Jersey-based drugmaker up to about $356 million for roughly 60,000 to 100,000 doses of the drug known as MK-7110, according to a news release.
Yet another med only for those who've progressed to critical illness. Patients may survive, only to suffer long term pulmonary & cardiac issues. Better beef up the Social Security Disability funds. Instead of preventing progression to advanced disease, we're going to salvage them in hospital and send them home on oxygen for the rest of their lives.
Posted 05 February 2021 - 11:01 PM
New Israeli Drug Cured 29 of 30 Seriously-Ill COVID-19 Patients
Its and inhalation therapy to stop the cytokine storm. It would never get to that point if H202 therapy was looked into.
Posted 06 February 2021 - 09:06 AM
"The Health Ministry has approved the use of the drug Ivermectin in the fight against novel coronavirus, ministry spokesperson Zuzana Eliasova told TASR on Wednesday."
Posted 06 February 2021 - 05:09 PM
Interesting new compound:
Posted 06 February 2021 - 08:21 PM
has anyone seen or posted this? can you not make a drug out of it?
For several years cytokine production has been associated with infections but it was not suspected that some types of food could also induce cytokines, even in a state of non-infection. Lactic bacteria can induce interferon (IFN) production in human healthy subjects, thus, a better protection against infections would be expected. Therefore, we planned to evaluate the effect of two diets including yoghurt or milk on IFN-gamma production during nutritional recovery in two different situations of malnutrition: (1) children with diarrhoea; and (2) patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). Both the diet including yoghurt of that including milk seemed to increase IFN-gamma production at the end of nutritional recovery in the malnourished children with diarrhoea. The significance of interferon production and the lymphocyte subset increase should be explored to know if a better resistance against pathogens is related to them. Regulation of intestinal absorption and moderate stimulation of interferon production make the yoghurt-based diet a good choice in the nutritional care of children. In the same way, an increase in the IFN-gamma production was observed in AN patients consuming yoghurt. This increase of IFN-gamma production could be considered a biological marker to detect the effect of probiotics on the immune response, especially in the improvement of a deficient nutritional status.
I think personally yogurt contains interferons not bacteria that stimulates it in the gut (or maybe it is created by the bacteria before ingesting). If we can make a drug that is identical or extract the interferons from yoghurt and make it in large amounts in drugs to see how well it would work.
Edited by kurdishfella, 06 February 2021 - 08:28 PM.
Posted 07 February 2021 - 05:43 AM
Been away in vaccine land, surprising that there’s so little discussion of details, pros and cons, of competing vaccines here. There’s a baby vaccine thread I will contribute to in a bit when I’m feeling more energetic.
I judge that the benefit is worth the risk for me. I don’t want to discuss pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine policy here and now. I’m in the Novavax Phase 3 trial, had my second dose of vaccine or placebo (if I’m in placebo, I’m over 65 and will switch to Pfizer/Moderna as soon as it is offered to me - consistent with current medical ethics). Have examined phase 1, phase 2 studies, and the investor press (good source!) and Novavax is a leader in terms of efficacy, safety (weak to nil sides), short-term adaptability to emerging variants with boosters or multivalent vaccine, and it requires only refrigeration.
The emergence of the South Africa variant as a possible escape mutant, and more generally the prevalence of immunocompromised persons unable to mount an innate defense to CV-19 and the consequent prospect of multiple mutants of unpredictable form into the future, is rapidly raising pressure for more rapid approval, manufacture, and distribution of vaccines. A race between wide vaccine distribution (and possibly incentives and mandates) against an explosion of escape mutants. Policy consequences range from coercive vaccination at a global scale to settling down into an annual jab like influenza.
I’m making that point in this thread because if escape mutants are a likely threat to the efficacy of mass vaccinations and quelling the pandemic, then all the more reason in order to reduce contagion and also reduce breeding of escape mutants to approve safe and cheap early outpatient treatments on an emergency basis. But...crickets. Upthread, someone mentioned Fauci’s obsession with vaccines over therapeutics, which reportedly delayed bringing AIDS under control – looks like he's doing it again.
Novavax says it has already begun developing a vaccine or a booster to target the variant. But the data is the first large trial to look at the real-world effectiveness of a first-generation Covid-19 vaccine against the South African strain.
Lab tests on the Moderna vaccine have suggested that it will be less effective against South African variant, though will still protect against it. Moderna has also begun developing a booster to target the variant. More data will come in the next few days, when Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) releases data on its Phase 3 trial of its Covid-19 vaccine, portions of which were run in South Africa. Trial data is expected on how the vaccine performs against the South African variant.
But if the Novavax results are any indication, it’s looking likely that every Covid-19 vaccine developer is going to need to have a booster to target the South African variant in the near term.
But if the Novavax results are any indication, it’s looking likely that every Covid-19 vaccine developer is going to need to have a booster to target the South African variant in the near term.
“It is now clear that our economic, societal, and medical well-being will depend on second iterations of the current crop of vaccines,” Porges wrote Friday. “Within months, the protection conferred by the current vaccines could be limited to reducing disease severity, becoming effectively useless for establishing herd immunity, as many previously infected or vaccinated people will be re-infected.”…
P.S. That quote from Porges I think in response to the finding from Novavax's 2b trial in S. Africa that infection by the classic virus did not protect against the variant.
Edited by bladedmind, 07 February 2021 - 05:47 AM.
Posted 07 February 2021 - 04:51 PM
More clarity on previous post. Early treatment now! Therapeutics now!
How to promote #SARSCoV2 variants —
Never contain the virus —
Allow immunocompromised (IC) people to get infected, who can accelerate its evolution, pass it on —
Give convalescent plasma with abandon (as in the US), especially in IC https://cogconsortiu.../news_item/pers
Now 3 vaccines have been shown to have diminished efficacy against B.1.351 (South African). All prevent death and hospitalizations, so far, but there's reduction in protection from infections.
Increased Resistance of SARS-CoV-2 Variants B.1.351 and B.1.1.7 to Antibody Neutralization
The Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged the globe, and its causative agent, SARS-CoV-2, continues to rage. Prospects of ending this pandemic rest on the development of effective interventions. Single and combination monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics have received emergency use authorization1,2, with more in the pipeline3–6. Furthermore, multiple vaccine constructs have shown promise7, including two with ~95% protective efficacy against Covid-198,9. However, these interventions were directed toward the initial SARS-CoV-2 that emerged in 2019. Considerable viral evolution has occurred since, including variants with a D614G mutation10 that have become dominant. Viruses with this mutation alone do not appear to be antigenically distinct, however11. Recent emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants B.1.1.7 in the UK12 and B.1.351 in South Africa13 is of concern because of their purported ease of transmission and extensive mutations in the spike protein. We now report that B.1.1.7 is refractory to neutralization by most mAbs to the N-terminal domain (NTD) of spike and relatively resistant to a number of mAbs to the receptor-binding domain (RBD). It is modestly more resistant to convalescent plasma (~3 fold) and vaccinee sera (~2 fold). Findings on B.1.351 are more worrisome in that this variant is not only refractory to neutralization by most NTD mAbs but also by multiple individual mAbs to the receptor-binding motif on RBD, largely due to an E484K mutation, although some mAb combinations retain activity. Moreover, B.1.351 is markedly more resistant to neutralization by convalescent plasma (~11-33 fold) and vaccinee sera (~6.5-8.6 fold). B.1.351 and emergent variants14,15 with similar spike mutations present new challenges for mAb therapy and threaten the protective efficacy of current vaccines.
Looks like my obsessive investment in a dozen different home therapeutics wasn't folly.
Edited by bladedmind, 07 February 2021 - 04:58 PM.
Posted 07 February 2021 - 06:17 PM
has anyone seen or posted this? can you not make a drug out of it?
I think personally yogurt contains interferons not bacteria that stimulates it in the gut (or maybe it is created by the bacteria before ingesting). If we can make a drug that is identical or extract the interferons from yoghurt and make it in large amounts in drugs to see how well it would work.
Creative idea, but it is not possible. Interferons are proteins. Bacteria do not have genes that code for interferons. If bacteria in yogurt cause a rise in interferons, they have to do it by inducing the host to make them. An interferon drug would have to be administered by injection. it would just get digested if it were taken orally.
Posted 07 February 2021 - 07:21 PM
As of now it appears that because of variants even the best possible administrative rollout of vaccines could be a protracted affair.
Steve Kirsch founded the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, putting money where his mouth is. I’ve linked to this before, his Quora entry of personal recommendations for treatment, but he updates it frequently and it’s always worth a fresh look. Leads with an explainer that could be useful in persuading friends and relatives to adopt early treatment (rather than believing Big Pharma/Big Tech correct line of the day). He funded studies showing the efficacy of fluvoxamine, his favorite.
The problem is that the level of evidence for these novel treatments doesn’t yet rise to the level now required to change treatment guidelines which require large Phase 3 RCTs and/or an EUA. This is a huge problem because this is a pandemic and FDA approved drugs should be held to a lower standard of proof than novel drugs since they have a known safety profile.
For example, the p value of the Fluvoxamine evidence after just 2 studies (both with 100% effectiveness) is just .0001, i.e., 99.99% certainty that the outcome didn’t happen because we randomly got a lucky mix of patients. There is a 95% chance the effect size is 75% or better.
But people don’t trust the math because only 60% of Phase 2 studies are confirmed in Phase 3. Put it another way, if you are about to be shot by a gunman and someone hands you a bulletproof vest that had a 100% success rate in protecting the last 157 people, do you say, “I need more data”? Or do you take the vest? That’s the decision we are talking about here. The NIH would want more data before advising you to put on the vest.
But the evidence for both drugs doesn’t rely on just multiple randomized trials. It relies on many independent data points, evidence of all different types. The chance that there is no protective effect for these two drugs is close to zero. So there is an almost certain benefit and the downsides for fluvoxamine, for example, are about the same as taking tylenol for 2 weeks according to doctors who are most familiar with the drug.
The biggest mistake people make is underestimating this disease. I can’t tell you how many people will read this article and ignore the advice perhaps reasoning, “well if this is true, I’d be reading about it in the press.” That’s a good argument, but it is wrong. As I explained earlier, this is the next level of evidence down and the press will only report on the top tier evidence because they don’t want to tarnish their reputation or raise “false hopes.” The problem of course is that the CDC guidelines are inadequate: everyone now knows that with hospital capacity now at an all time high as this is being written. So, I would argue, we should look at the treatments with the “next best” level of evidence. That’s why I wrote this article.
The side effects of this disease (including organ damage, permanent blindness, and death) can happen relatively quickly and be devastating and irreversible. If I got infected, I would, without hesitation, treat it as early as possible using the options below. I would not wait for first symptoms as your first symptoms could be irreversible. Would you play Russian roulette with your brain and body? I wouldn’t. If you lose the results can be devastating A lot of physicians will consider these drugs only for patients who are most at risk of hospitalization. I think this is a huge mistake because it’s your life and nobody can tell you for certain how the virus will affect you. If there is no downside to the drug and it can reduce your chance of hospitalization by 90%, why wouldn’t you want the drug? For fluvoxamine and ivermectin, for example, the dosage is so low that any side effects are rare, minor, and go away when you stop the drug. A lot of this is simply fear of the unknown: their inexperience in prescribing the drug and trying anything new. Doctors who prescribe the drug on regular basis (psychiatrists) have no such fear.
Edited by bladedmind, 07 February 2021 - 07:22 PM.
Posted 07 February 2021 - 11:01 PM
Looks like AstraZeneca vaccine is not effective in new variant from South Africa:
Posted 08 February 2021 - 07:43 AM
A well-translated article articulates the dual mechanisms of interferon alpha-2b...

Watch: GRIPPFERON® An Affordable Interferon Immune-Hack
Posted 08 February 2021 - 03:50 PM
As usual, big pharma is trying to cash in, but Ice9, prolific covid-19 twitter oracle, objects. On nebulizing interferon:
One could buy grippferon drops and nebulize them. I lack knowledge to evaluate the safety of that tactic and am not endorsing it.
Posted 09 February 2021 - 04:39 AM
On last weeks TWIV(this week in Virology) podcast they were talking about new studies on HCQ. It's complicated but basically there are two redundant pathways that allow viral infection. HCQ interferes with one of the two pathways. If you give HCQ in combination with Camostat mesilate, an inhibitor of the other pathway, the effectiveness of HCQ on inhibiting viral infection is increased. TWIV suggested there should be a clinical trial on the combination of HCQ + Camostat.
You can read more here:
Edited by geo12the, 09 February 2021 - 05:33 AM.
Posted 09 February 2021 - 09:47 PM
On last weeks TWIV(this week in Virology) podcast they were talking about new studies on HCQ. It's complicated but basically there are two redundant pathways that allow viral infection. HCQ interferes with one of the two pathways. If you give HCQ in combination with Camostat mesilate, an inhibitor of the other pathway, the effectiveness of HCQ on inhibiting viral infection is increased. TWIV suggested there should be a clinical trial on the combination of HCQ + Camostat.
You can read more here:
@ice_9 also advances the dual-entry inhibition view. Camostat is available from a Japanese overseas pharmacy. Ice9 also recommends alternatives to camostat, including the easily available OTC in some countries (& ebay or etsy at times) bromhexine or ambroxol.
Also, substitutes for HCQ: Nitazoxinide, Niclosamide
Thus for "dual entry inhibition": (Niclosamide OR Nitazoxinide OR HCQ) AND (Bromhexine OR Ambroxol OR Camostat)
I don't understand the biochemistry and am not recommending anything, just linking to information.
Posted 10 February 2021 - 04:32 AM
Link in immediately prior post doesn't work.
Go inside twitter and search as follows:
ice9 dual entry inhibition
Posted 11 February 2021 - 12:28 PM
Posted 11 February 2021 - 02:19 PM
Link in immediately prior post doesn't work.
Go inside twitter and search as follows:
ice9 dual entry inhibition
Going to twitter only brought me to a sign up page with no search. Searching Duckduckgo found: https://threadreader...2233226250.html
Essentially any safe combination of at least one TMPRSS inhibitor and at least one endosomal entry inhibitor, at a sufficient dose, will confer dual entry inhibition.
- bromhexine 8-32mg t.i.d.
- ambroxol 15-50+mg t.i.d.
- camostat 200mg t.i.d. (not ideal but cannot go higher)
- HCQ 200-400mg b.i.d.
- nitazoxanide 600-1200mg t.i.d.
- niclosamide 1000mg b.i.d. (preferably crushed)
- pyronaridine 720mg q.d.
Bromhexine and niclosamide is available over the counter here in Europe. Bromhexine is also mentioned in this protocol:
Edited by pamojja, 11 February 2021 - 02:56 PM.
Posted 11 February 2021 - 04:29 PM
Thank you, excellent!
Twitter like Facebook ghoulishly incentivizes sign-up. You can't go to its front page and find a search link. However, just do a web search for any twitter celeb,.e.g.:
twitter lady gaga
That leads you to
In the upper right there's a search box. Also pushing the hashtag brings up search.
I hate twitter, it's destroying civilization.
Edited by bladedmind, 11 February 2021 - 04:29 PM.
Posted 13 February 2021 - 06:50 AM
So I talked to my doctor who prescribed ivermectin about the fat loss and showed him the studies that I have been looking at lately regarding STAT3 and its effects on adipocytes. I have had this doctor a long time and even over the telehealth appointment he said he could see just how skinny I look which he has not seen in me for 5 years now. He thinks there may be something to it. I got bloodwork as well and got the results back yesterday, and all of my blood work seems pretty much the same as it has always been. Bummer. It is now 17 days since my last dose, which should mean that at least some should be out of my fat tissue by now. But it is so bizare. One upside. I always have had extra fat under my chin that never really goes away and I can feel it usually when turning my head or looking down. It is completely gone. My bodyfat level is still incredibly low, even after eating a staggering 6000 calories a day for the last week. It is like my body just can NOT put the fat on. Doctor says he does not want me to continue it. I am sure this is not a problem for most people. But at this point, it must be the drug. There is literally NOTHING else that I have changed in my routine for the last 3 years. Here is the upside though. I still have not caught covid which is great
I am happy to see so many interested in protecting themselves from covid so please do not let this distract you. Anyway, my update now is that I am 27 days out from my last dosage. This side effect seems to still be here which is an absolute bummer. I wonder how much longer this will persist. It kind of sucks.
In terms of watching oneself for Any side effects with Any substance being taken for prevention or treatment for covid, please monitor yourselves closely and just be careful. Cheers everyone
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: coronavirus, flu, disease epidemics, viruses, immunity, covid-19
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