Interesting analysis of the Ivermectin wars:
Posted 27 May 2021 - 05:27 PM
Posted 27 May 2021 - 07:12 PM
The titile of the article linked to in post #2701 is: "Covid-19: Ivermectin’s politicisation is a warning sign for doctors"
By Bibi-Aisha Wadvalla, freelance journalist.
Here is an interesting respone to the interesting analysis linked in post # 2701:
"Dear Editor
Posted 28 May 2021 - 06:17 AM
The big problem with this study that I see is that there were no controls.
What they did was to measure the subjects' responses before they were vaccinated, then measured them again after they were vaccinated. So sure, we know that vaccines cause some kind of change in immune response.
But is it an unusual change? Do we see similar changes with, for example, seasonal influenza vaccine, or MMR, or tetanus, or any other vaccine? We don't know. Maybe they all do that, maybe this one is unique. The paper sheds no light at all on that.
Here is the link to the paper: https://www.medrxiv....520v1.full-text
I have not read the whole thing. From the Summary, it looks like the innate response is changed in complex and varied ways. Who knows whether the net result is good or bad.
From the summary:
Interestingly, however, the BNT162b2 vaccine also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli. The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger.
Posted 28 May 2021 - 10:39 AM
The paper said something like this has been seen with other vaccines in the past. I think that is a general statement that vaccines will generally effect innate immunity, not that any other vaccine will do the exact things as the vaccines they studied. It seems that everything we encounter, vaccine or disease, leaves a mark if we look for it hard enough. It is hard to say that these effects are limited to the mRNA vaccines. The one effect they reported that may be of some concern is the reduced production of interferon-alpha. That is a first-responder to virus infection and part of our ongoing process that keeps latent viruses, like shingles, in check.
oh boy so is the potential effect on interferon alpha theoretically caused by all of them (moderna, J&J, etc)?
Posted 28 May 2021 - 06:26 PM
oh boy so is the potential effect on interferon alpha theoretically caused by all of them (moderna, J&J, etc)?
The short answer is that nobody knows. The Pfizer vaccine gets studied first because it was one of the first released and there is a large sample size, especially in Israel.
Posted 29 May 2021 - 05:24 AM
Interesting, would you have any links or references for that?
If a cytokine storm is the cause of death in COVID-19 coronavirus infections, it's odd this virus should kill the old and the weak. In the case of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, it was usually the young and healthy that died, whereas the old and weak tended to survive Spanish flu.
The theory of the Spanish flu is that if you are old and have a weaker immune system, then the cytokine response may be less, so less chance of having a tissue-damaging cytokine storm.
Anyway, here is a large list of IL-6 inhibitors. They reduce IL-6 in various ways and by various mechanisms. I am not sure which of these IL-6 inhibitors would be appropriate for reducing IL-6 levels in COVID-19 infections. We would need to see a paper indicating the route by which IL-6 is generated in COVID-19 infections in order to try to block that route with these inhibitor compounds.
Note also that some of the studies I citied are in vitro, so it would be necessary to perform pharmacokinetic calculations to determine whether this compounds will work in vivo. Often high concentrations of the compound are uses in vitro, but these same concentrations may not be attainable in vivo, do to factors such as poor bioavailability or high plasma protein binding.
Four macrolides (roxithromycin, erythromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin) inhibited IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6 LPS-stimulated J774 macrophages. 1 (full text). NOTE: Roxithromycin is the only macrolide antibiotic that crosses the blood brain barrier.
Vitamin C and vitamin E inhibit muscle-derived IL-6. 1
Blueberries reduce TNF-α and IL-6 in mouse macrophages 1
Patchouli alcohol (from patchouli essential oil) inhibits IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6 in mouse macrophages (RAW 264.7 cells) 1
Genistein inhibited LPS-induced IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha expression in macrophages. 1
Vinpocetine inhibited the production of inflammatory factors such as IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α in BV-2 microglia. 1
Sulforaphane attenuates the LPS-induced increase of IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha expression in microglia 1 Sulforaphane reduces TNF-α-induced IL-6 synoviocytes 1
Vitamin D inhibits LPS-induced IL-6 and TNF-α production in macrophages. 1
Cyclosporin A decreases human macrophage interleukin-6 synthesis. 1
Luteolin reduces IL-6 production in microglia. Luteolin: 90% drop in IL-6 production.1
Pretreatment of primary microglia with 10 and 25 μM luteolin reduced LPS-induced IL-6 production by 40% and 90%, respectively. When luteolin was increased to 50 μM, IL-6 secretion by LPS-stimulated microglia was completely blocked.
Alpha acids and iso-alpha acids in hops (found in beer) block the TNF-alpha induced production of IL-6. Alpha acids can be bought as the supplement Perluxan. 1
Polyphenols in non-alcoholic beer reduce IL-6 1
Calendula officinalis (marigold) inhibits IL-1beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. 1
Niacinamide 1
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) reduces IL-6 1
Macrolide antibiotics (like azithromycin and erythromycin) inhibit IL-6 1
Noopept reduces IL-6 by 1.8 times. 1
Nettle Leaf
Vitamin D3 and Vitamin E together inhibit IL-6
St. John's Wort (hypericum)
Vitamin K inhibits IL-6 from fibroblasts
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) inhibits IL-6 in islet cells
PABA modulates IL-6 1
Amla (Emblica officinalis) 1
Epimedium (horny goat weed) 1
Q10 1 2 extract of the fern Polypodium leucotomos (PLE) to partially inhibit the production of cytokines showing a Th1 pattern (IL-2, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha) in human PHA-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The percentage of inhibition was 24% for IL-2, 72% for INF-gamma and 53% for TNF-alpha. With regard to Th2 cytokines, the addition of PLE resulted in a significant increase (33%) in IL-10 production. Surprisingly, the production of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6 was completely abolished (100% inhibition) by PLE at all doses tested.
Posted 29 May 2021 - 08:36 AM
Let's see... possible death or severe pneumonia ...or... some possibility of cancer? Hummm? What to do...
I'm just being facetious of course. The reality here and now seems more important than the a chance of something. BHT won't be on my regimen for life (I hope), but it may help right now.
Somewhere here a good look was taken at that so called 'cancer causing' BHT study.
The strain of lab rat used in the study was one where all the rats got cancer anyway and died at around the time the rats in the 'study' died...
The HED of BHT fed to them was around 30 000mg a day, not the std 300 to 900 mg...
IIRC the study was sponsored by one of the big pharma companies. One likely to lose billions if all ailments caused by lipid coated pathogens were eliminated.
IIRC its good to take gelatine with BHT at the higher BHT doses. Something about a lot of collagen/cartilage forming/growth using up such.
Which ties in with it's telomerase activating effects...
Also NB that the secret ingredient in turning gelatine into collagen is vit C.
Edited by Logic, 29 May 2021 - 08:37 AM.
Posted 29 May 2021 - 09:32 AM
More people are noticing that Ivermectin might have made a huge difference in India. Robust evidence of its effectiveness had been established many months ago. This should not be a surprise.
Posted 29 May 2021 - 08:54 PM
Artesunate: an Artemisinin Derivative having Antiviral Properties with Multiple Pleotropic Effects is a Perfect Potential Agent for the Treatment of Symptomatic COVID-19 Infection and Related Hyper inflammation States
Artemisinin are not limited to the treatment of malaria, and wealth of studies demonstrating the activity of artemisinin and its derivatives against cancer cells, anti-inflammatory effects against SLE, RA, allergic asthma and as antiviral agent in various viral diseases including single stranded RNA virus Hepatitis C. Artesunate has concentration dependent killing effects on malaria and other viral infections with autoinduction of its own metabolism. Thus, initial high IV doses, short course of Artesunate therapy may be very useful as an antiviral agent in the treatment of COVID-19 infection. Artemisinin class of compounds have several multiple beneficial effects that are important for different diseases, might be more versatile and more successful. Artesunate a multifunctional molecule with favourable PK/PD characteristics, is a perfect potential option for urgent treatment of symptomatic COVID-19 infection. Due to its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anticytokine, multiorgan protective properties and antiviral activity against wide varieties of viruses including SARS-CoV-2 in-vitro. It has also synergistic effects with other antiviral drugs; decreases viral replication and decreases TNF-α and IL-6 levels, which are key in COVID-19 induced cytokine storm and ARDS.
Artesunate is the preferred anti malerial in Angola. (where I've been)
It has far less sides than the western equivalents, which is why I did a quick search.
Edited by Logic, 29 May 2021 - 08:57 PM.
Posted 30 May 2021 - 04:43 AM
Posted 31 May 2021 - 04:20 PM
My God... That video was incredible Gal. I decided to give it a look before bed last night, & wound up watching the whole thing into the wee hours.
There's a full transcript here, with many quotable quotes: https://vitamindwiki...p?page_id=12616
Mandatory viewing for anyone who gives a damn about what went wrong in 2020.
Let's hope we can learn something and hold the bumbling boffins of the Medical Industrial Complex accountable.
Posted 01 June 2021 - 02:52 AM
My God... That video was incredible Gal. I decided to give it a look before bed last night, & wound up watching the whole thing into the wee hours.
There's a full transcript here, with many quotable quotes: https://vitamindwiki...p?page_id=12616
Mandatory viewing for anyone who gives a damn about what went wrong in 2020.
Let's hope we can learn something and hold the bumbling boffins of the Medical Industrial Complex accountable.
CoVid origins are just now going mainstream. Only a few publications still calling it racist(Ive never understood this) to suggest it came from China.
Facebook has finally allowed its users to talk about it(how long will FB users put up with being subjects?)
Hopefully the same eventually happens for IVM, but look at how few are speaking up. McCullough is talking to whoever will have him on like Tucker and the Ingram Angle, but it does seem like the truth is hard to sell.
Posted 02 June 2021 - 02:55 AM
Powerful interview. The failure to organize and provide early treatment has been baffling and outrageous, as many in this thread have expressed. Early medical treatment is nil, based on demands for the strongest possible evidence. Vaccines were pushed, based on incomplete and limited evidence. Burdensome social interventions were imposed, based on weak evidence.
History is lived forward, but understood backward. The first months of the pandemic were conducted in the fog of war, not knowing what the virus would do and how we should respond. But then, whether by design or accident, a highly conformist regime emerged, apparently steered from within the bowels of the federal health-policy bureaucracy. The public health gurus will have a lot of soul-searching to do. Maybe a Seymour Hersh, Taibbi, or Greenwald will have to do it for them in a three-inch thick book.
Although eloquent and persuasive through most of the interview, I think McCullough goes beyond the evidence in the final minutes, nearing pandemic hoax territory.
The soul searching has begun. Here's an article by Thomas Frank, left-populist journalist, at Yahoo News.
If the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is true, expect a political earthquake.
I am no expert on epidemics. Like everyone else I know, I spent the pandemic doing as I was told. A few months ago I even tried to talk a Fox News viewer out of believing in the lab-leak theory of Covid’s origins. The reason I did that is because the newspapers I read and the TV shows I watched had assured me on many occasions that the lab-leak theory wasn’t true, that it was a racist conspiracy theory, that only deluded Trumpists believed it, that it got infinite pants-on-fire ratings from the fact-checkers, and because (despite all my cynicism) I am the sort who has always trusted the mainstream news media.
My own complacency on the matter was dynamited by the lab-leak essay that ran in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists earlier this month; a few weeks later everyone from Doctor Fauci to President Biden is acknowledging that the lab-accident hypothesis might have some merit. We don’t know the real answer yet, and we probably will never know, but this is the moment to anticipate what such a finding might ultimately mean. What if this crazy story turns out to be true?
The answer is that this is the kind of thing that could obliterate the faith of millions. The last global disaster, the financial crisis of 2008, smashed people’s trust in the institutions of capitalism, in the myths of free trade and the New Economy, and eventually in the elites who ran both American political parties.
In the years since (and for complicated reasons), liberal leaders have labored to remake themselves into defenders of professional rectitude and established legitimacy in nearly every field. In reaction to the fool Trump, liberalism made a sort of cult out of science, expertise, the university system, executive-branch “norms,” the “intelligence community,” the State Department, NGOs, the legacy news media, and the hierarchy of credentialed achievement in general.
Now here we are in the waning days of Disastrous Global Crisis #2. Covid is of course worse by many orders of magnitude than the mortgage meltdown — it has killed millions and ruined lives and disrupted the world economy far more extensively. Should it turn out that scientists and experts and NGOs, etc. are villains rather than heroes of this story, we may very well see the expert-worshiping values of modern liberalism go up in a fireball of public anger.
Edited by bladedmind, 02 June 2021 - 02:58 AM.
Posted 03 June 2021 - 04:00 AM
BIRD website -
They link to an article going after the WHO - Indian Bar Association serves legal notice on WHO for ‘disinformation’
The hard-hitting deposition lists in forensic detail, several examples of the WHO’s negative approach to ivermectin as well as well as myriad references to positive evidence for ivermectin that they have ignored – including citing the work of BIRD Group and our website.
Be nice to see the Judge's hammer swing one time for someone responsible.
We still dont have any info on quercetin, licorice, cats claw, or honeysuckle. No one has picked up the H202 protocol.
I guess the I-Mask protocol is all we will get.
Posted 03 June 2021 - 04:09 AM
The soul searching has begun. Here's an article by Thomas Frank, left-populist journalist, at Yahoo News.
If the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is true, expect a political earthquake.
He is more unaware than he thinks, how dead journalism truly is.. The lab theory is really well understood, taken from city-data forum, they quote an article back in January - LINK
The host cell has the scissors or enzymes that do the cutting. The singular, unique feature of CoV-2 is that it requires a host enzyme called furin to activate it at a spot called the S1/S2 junction. No other coronavirus in the same subgenera has a furin cleavage site, as it is called. The other coronaviruses are cleaved at a site downstream from the S1/S2 site, called the S’ site.
Since 1992 the virology community has known that the one sure way to make a virus deadlier is to give it a furin cleavage site at the S1/S2 junction in the laboratory. At least eleven gain-of-function experiments, adding a furin site to make a virus more infective, are published in the open literature, including Dr. Zhengli Shi, head of coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
But it gets worse still for the zoonosis theory. The gene sequence for the amino acids in the furin site in CoV-2 uses a very rare set of two codons, three letter words so six letters in a row, that are rarely used individually and have never been seen together in tandem in any coronaviruses in nature. But these same ‘rare in nature’ codons turn out to be the very ones that are always used by scientists in the laboratory when researchers want to add the amino acid arginine, the ones that are found in the furin site.
Just willful ignorance
Edited by Gal220, 03 June 2021 - 04:13 AM.
Posted 03 June 2021 - 06:10 AM
Fantastic find Gal. Why did Jack Nicholson screaming "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" (from a few good men) just pop into my head?
The boffins looking into this will surely see this smoking gun, but will the politicos be able to go on TV & say "well folks, we have an answer"? I've already noticed some sabre rattling from China since the lab-leak hypothesis re-emerged. China has a lot of US dollars lying around. If they decided to start dumping them, the value of the dollar would plummet, inflation would spike sky-high, and the USA would be thrown into chaos.
I expect the lab-leak theory will get the HCQ/IVM treatment. Despite overwhelming evidence, the boffins will be falling all over each other, saying "NO PROOF". Nothing to see here folks... Move along.
Edited by Dorian Grey, 03 June 2021 - 06:19 AM.
Posted 03 June 2021 - 02:53 PM
Just a reminder that there is a "lab leak" thread, for that type of information. https://www.longecit...e-by-wuhan-lab/
Posted 06 June 2021 - 09:47 PM
Posted 09 June 2021 - 12:29 AM
Round table discussion from Trial site news about treatment in Canada... depressing.
Start in at 39:35 to hear the real world evidence for IVM and HCQ, 120,000 patients with 12 or so deaths.
41:20 - first time approved drugs have been restricted.
Entire video is excellent.
Sad really, Canada basically communist..
Posted 09 June 2021 - 03:15 AM
This link has more detailed information about recent ivermectin usage in India, and some on Peru. As usual, positive. From nakedcapitalism blog. https://www.nakedcap...ions-given.html
I finally watched the 2.5 hour Bret Weinstein interview of Pierre Kory on ivermectin. Nicely intelligent. It wasn’t deleted by Youtube, and it got a half million views!!! Towards the end they said the historical reckoning on this fiasco will be harsh. Kory mentioned ivermectin for longhaulers, go to FLCCC for details; and also mentioned ivermectin for post-vaccination woes (ivermectin mops up spike proteins), not yet refined and not posted to FLCCC.
I think it a moral crime to censor debate. It's nothing new. In 1835, northern abolitionists mailed antislavery pamphlets to addresses in the south. The Postmaster seized them, on the ground that they would cause harm by inciting slave insurrections. The pretext for censorship is almost always harm. There is an easy compromise. If the big tech oligarchs want to police expression, they can let something stand, but label it as follows: "Big Brother says ungood. Click link for bellyfeel truth."
A trickle of revisionism about to turn into a flood.
Edited by bladedmind, 09 June 2021 - 03:18 AM.
Posted 09 June 2021 - 02:12 PM
This link has more detailed information about recent ivermectin usage in India, and some on Peru. As usual, positive. From nakedcapitalism blog. https://www.nakedcap...ions-given.html
Hopefully we get Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story" about India's IVM reversal. The WHO feels vindicated
it was no surprise that WHO was delighted with the DGHS’ policy reversal. “Evidence based guidelines from @mohfw DGHS – simple, rational and clear guidance for physicians,” tweeted WHO’s chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan, of Indian descent. “Should be translated and disseminated in all Indian languages.
Were they forced to drop their IVM protocol to get vaccines?
The decision to remove ivermectin, multivitamins and zinc from the treatment guidelines is hard to comprehend given the current state of play in India — unless one assumes foul play. After suffering one of the worst covid-19 outbreaks since the pandemic began, resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives, India is not just flattening the curve, it is crushing it. And the widespread use of ivermectin, a potent anti-viral and anti-inflammatory with an excellent safety profile, appears to have played an instrumental role.
Edited by Gal220, 09 June 2021 - 02:18 PM.
Posted 09 June 2021 - 07:13 PM
Perhaps the "Rest of the Story" is vaccine passports - LINK
UK prime minister set to ‘lead the way’ with vaccine passport scheme at upcoming G7 summit...
Johnson issued a call ahead of the summit, asking all G7 attendees “to make concrete commitments to vaccinate the entire world against coronavirus by the end of 2022,” according to a June 6 press release....
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair previously urged Johnson to use the summit to push an international vaccine passport scheme, predicting similar difficulties arising if each individual nation was to design its own unique system for granting cross-bord
If India doesnt vaccinate, it might be cutoff from the rest of the world
Edited by Gal220, 09 June 2021 - 07:16 PM.
Posted 10 June 2021 - 04:50 AM
Coming soon to a pharmacy near you... Molnupiravir! MERCK's new billion dollar baby. It's the new remdesivir!
With $1.2B deal for molnupiravir, U.S. bets on Merck's oral COVID-19 antiviral
"On Wednesday Merck revealed a deal to supply 1.7 million courses of the experimental treatment to the U.S. for approximately $1.2 billion. Molnupiravir has yet to be approved, but it's shown promise for newly diagnosed, non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients." With positive results, Merck expects to apply for emergency authorization later this year.
One minor detail... Probably nothing... But it may be mutagenic.
"In April 2020, a whistleblower complaint by former Head of US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Rick Bright revealed concerns over providing funding for the further development of molnupiravir due to similar drugs having mutagenic (DNA damaging) properties. A previous company, Pharmasset, that had investigated the drug's active ingredient had abandoned it. These claims were denied by George Painter, CEO of DRIVE, noting that toxicity studies on molnupiravir had been carried out and data provided to regulators in the US and UK, who permitted safety studies in humans to move forward in the spring of 2020. Also at this time, DRIVE and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics stated they planned future safety studies in animals"
Animal studies? We don't need no stinkin' animal studies! This will be approved EUA! Just take it. It will be the only outpatient therapeutic allowed by the FDA in the USA.
Posted 10 June 2021 - 05:49 AM
HCQ with ZINC works even in advanced COVID! Who knew?
"A malaria drug which Donald Trump was condemned for hailing as a possible COVID-19 treatment can increase survival rates by up to 200 per cent.
Scientists found that, when ventilated patients with a severe version of COVID were given high doses of hydroxychloroquine with zinc, their survival rates could increase dramatically."
Edited by Dorian Grey, 10 June 2021 - 05:50 AM.
Posted 10 June 2021 - 01:01 PM
HCQ with ZINC works even in advanced COVID! Who knew?
"A malaria drug which Donald Trump was condemned for hailing as a possible COVID-19 treatment can increase survival rates by up to 200 per cent.
Scientists found that, when ventilated patients with a severe version of COVID were given high doses of hydroxychloroquine with zinc, their survival rates could increase dramatically."
The fact that hydroxychloroquine + zinc is only effective for severe COVID suggests it may not be working by an antiviral action (as that would benefit COVID of any severity), but rather via the known anti-inflammatory effects of zinc, which possibly may calm the over-active immune response in the lungs in severe COVID.
Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore = a drug which binds to zinc ions and pulls them inside cells.
You can also use EGCG or quercetin as zinc ionophores, as these also bind to zinc and pull the zinc into cells. Ref: here.
Edited by Hip, 10 June 2021 - 01:02 PM.
Posted 10 June 2021 - 01:39 PM
HCQ with ZINC works even in advanced COVID! Who knew?
"A malaria drug which Donald Trump was condemned for hailing as a possible COVID-19 treatment can increase survival rates by up to 200 per cent.
Scientists found that, when ventilated patients with a severe version of COVID were given high doses of hydroxychloroquine with zinc, their survival rates could increase dramatically."
It's odd to me that they still label HCQ as "potentially dangerous". Yes, every drug is potentially dangerous, even aspirin.
But HCQ isn't particularly dangerous. It's so not particularly dangerous that it has been given prophylactically to people traveling to areas where malaria is endemic for many decades now. God only knows how many billion of doses of HCQ have been given in the last 50 years.
Posted 10 June 2021 - 01:43 PM
It's odd to me that they still label HCQ as "potentially dangerous". Yes, every drug is potentially dangerous, even aspirin.
But HCQ isn't particularly dangerous. It's so not particularly dangerous that it has been given prophylactically to people traveling to areas where malaria is endemic for many decades now. God only knows how many billion of doses of HCQ have been given in the last 50 years.
Hydroxychloroquine can be quite dangerous if you take it for more than 5 years, because there is then a risk of damage to the retina of your eyes.
But this toxic effect on retinas is very rarely seen in short term use, so not an issue if you are only taking it for a few weeks to combat COVID.
Posted 12 June 2021 - 02:56 PM
Google drops "do no evil" motto in May 2018, and...
My June 1st discussion with Dr. Pierre Kory of @Covid19Critical on the DarkHorse Podcast has been removed by @YouTube for allegedly violating their Community Guideline against "Spam, deceptive practices and scams". The channel was given a warning, the first step toward removal.
It's now on bitchute, and audio only Apple and Spotify.
YouTube suspends Ron Johnson for 7 days
YouTube suspended Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) from posting videos on the platform for one week over his remarks touting unproven treatments for COVID-19.
The platform said it also removed a video from Johnson in line with its policies against COVID-19 misinformation. The video had highlighted Johnson's remarks from a hearing where he discussed experimental treatments for COVID-19 like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
"We removed the video in accordance with our COVID-19 medical misinformation policies, which don’t allow content that encourages people to use Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin to treat or prevent the virus," a YouTube spokesperson told The Hill…..
"It always baffled me that there was such a concerted effort to deny the American public the type of robust exploration research into early treatment early in this pandemic," Johnson said before calling ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine "incredibly safe."….
“How many lives will be lost as a result? How many lives could have been saved with a free exchange of medical ideas? Government-sanctioned censorship of ideas and speech should concern us all.”
The idea of protected free speech arose in the early parliaments. Monarchs would throw parliamentarians in jail for making "harmful" speeches, that is, any speech the monarch didn't like. From parliament, the protection of free speech gradually extended to the entire population. It's extremely disturbing that a private oligarch censors the views of an elected official.
Posted 14 June 2021 - 12:04 AM
Back to protecting from coronavirus.
Data and their proper interpretation are foggy, but the delta (India) variant may be more transmissible, more severe, double vaccination might be slightly less effective, and single vaccination less effective.
Daily Mail UK details. UK did a lot of single vaccinations to cover more of the population sooner and may be more vulnerable now.
Pfizer Moderna effective in vitro
There’s not enough information to know whether Covid-19 is behind us or has nasty surprises in store – one’s judgment about that might have more to do with innate variations in risk-sensitivity than anything else.
For those of us who have accumulated an armamentarium of early treatment hacks, it’s not a wasted investment, best to keep them handy and in your travel bag, even if double vaccinated.
Posted 14 June 2021 - 05:36 AM
Back to protecting from coronavirus.
Data and their proper interpretation are foggy, but the delta (India) variant may be more transmissible, more severe, double vaccination might be slightly less effective, and single vaccination less effective.
Daily Mail UK details. UK did a lot of single vaccinations to cover more of the population sooner and may be more vulnerable now.
Pfizer Moderna effective in vitro
There’s not enough information to know whether Covid-19 is behind us or has nasty surprises in store – one’s judgment about that might have more to do with innate variations in risk-sensitivity than anything else.
For those of us who have accumulated an armamentarium of early treatment hacks, it’s not a wasted investment, best to keep them handy and in your travel bag, even if double vaccinated.
Along the line of your post, this study in Nature looks to me very encouraging for mRNA vaccines protection against B.1.617 (delta, aka Indian):
Liu, J., Liu, Y., Xia, H. et al. BNT162b2-elicited neutralization of B.1.617 and other SARS-CoV-2 variants. Nature (2021).
B617.PNG 594.91KB
Also, do not move away from everything you have done to protect yourself and be prudent! AFAIC, having wore masks at least in public transportation during seasonal flu for 3 years before the pandemics I feel I will no longer look like an alien ;-)
Edited by albedo, 14 June 2021 - 05:42 AM.
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