can someone explain to me why nobody in the United States or the world predict this pandemic i mean im a idiot and i predicted very soon it didn t make any seance if it infected 15 doctors at start that they can contain it but everybody and theyre mother said its ok its ok .We got like super geniuses Elon Mush Jeff Bezos,that guy with 240 iq or something Tao something was his name there isn t anybody? are the CDC IDIOTS?they had 2 mounths head start what if coronavirus started in usa not chaina and they will handle the next virus as bad as this one what if next virus has a 1 month incubation and kills more people like man made virus?
i wodve close the usa borders to all countrys when there where 400 cases in chaina if i was president
and everybody on the internet was screaming to close the borders way days before they closed borders with chaina