but what is the alternative? the world cannot stop for a year, and maybe even longer. Let the vulnerable people be on a lockdown, and let the rest of the society provide for their comfort -- it's far cheaper than enforcing a lockdown on everyone.
This virus is not going anywhere. Sooner or later the herd immunity will be reached. There is no other options. What is your solution?
And btw, I too am one of the 'vulnerable'.
I agree: with lockdown, it seems to be damned if you do, damned if you don't.
And I agree we have to consider the economy and people's livelihoods just as much as the death toll that coronavirus has caused and will carry on causing.
But those who are worried about the economy should not be downplaying and lying about the serious of coronavirus, just because they want to get lockdown lifted.
Some people would have us believe that coronavirus is no more dangerous than the flu, and that becomes their false argument for why lockdown should be eased.
I don't mind arguments for easing lockdown, as long as you don't distort the truth about the seriousness of coronavirus, and its death rate of around 0.5%, which is many times higher than the death rate of seasonal flu.
There is a maxim that in war, truth is the first casualty. Well it seems that maxim also applies to pandemics, because people are willing to distort the truth just to try to win their argument.
In any case, this argument between balancing economic needs with saving life is something we would have never needed to consider, if Western countries followed the lead of Asian nations, many of which have avoided lockdown by means of universal use of masks and a comprehensive testings program. Taiwan for example opened up 60 new factory production lines to make masks for everyone in the country, and they have only had 6 deaths so far.
We in the West are in this situation of having to apply emergency lockdowns because our governments and many of our scientific advisors did not plan ahead, even though they had months of advanced warning that a pandemic was likely coming.
My solution is for Western governments to massively ramp up mask production, to make masks for everyone, and then to pass laws requiring masks to be worn in public. Then get large scale testing organized, and keep applying sensible measures like social distancing, the banning of large congregations of people, and I think we should be able to both prevent death, and we should be able to avoid lockdown.
If it were not for the WHO's erroneous advice that masks do not help the populace, we might have had masks for all. The WHO lied about masks, because they wanted to protect the limited supply for frontline health workers. But it is a very bad thing for a scientific organization like the WHO to start telling white lies. Science should be scrupulously truthful.
Edited by Hip, 18 April 2020 - 08:55 PM.