Here is a good video with a brilliant economist (author of the "Princes of the Yen") which touches upon some aspects the media-created COVID panic, but it is mostly economic history surrounding central banks. It starts to get more interesting at the 20 to 25 minute time frame, but there is some good history/context earlier in the video.
One question asked of him is who or what was driving the COVID panic? He reminds everyone that power corrupts. There are people in this world who are addicted to power and will never be satisfied until they have absolute control over everything imaginable. Psychopaths routinely rise into positions of power because they are the most ruthless. They have zero empathy for anyone who gets killed or crushed in their pursuit of power. They think they are superior to everyone else, as if they are gods, because so many other people are "hamstrung" by feelings of love/empathy or because other people value integrity and the truth.
This is something societies have struggled with for millennia - preventing psychopaths from gaining control.
A dangerous trend that was exposed through the COVID panic was how easily people can be manipulated in today's media-saturated environment. We have always known about social conformity leading people astray and this was acutely demonstrated in the "Asch Conformity Experiments". It is an amazing video. Watch it if you haven't before. People will deny reality in order to conform to the group. Public "health" bureaucrats got nearly everything wrong about the COVID pandemic response. Really, almost everything. None of the pandemic policies stopped COVID from spreading into every country of the world in multiple waves. Yet hardly anyone is calling them out for their abject failure. Social conformity.
Worse yet is the widespread weaponization of the general public. This has happened before in human history - normal ethical people being turned against each other - but not on the same world-wide scale as we witnessed in the last 3 years. The Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Experiment showed us how easy it is to turn a normal "nice" person into a brutal vicious oppressor. The results of these experiments should be taught in every school multiple times so that people can guard themselves from participating in brutality against their fellow human.
Sadly, during the media-created COVID panic, we witnessed this weaponization and brutal behavior once again. Neighbors were weaponized against neighbors. Family members against family members. The attacks were unrelenting and disgusting. This could get uglier in the future with the advancement of AI systems. It will be even more easy to manipulate people into adversarial groups - more easy to control what media people consume - more easy to shut down rational discussion and debate in favor of "attacking the opponent". Prepare for it.