What seems a bit weird to me is that some people that seem to be a little paranoid about spike protein would rather use supplements with flimsy evidence over vaccines which seem to have better evidence of efficacy. I also doubt that most of these people use respirators.
To counter fact based arguments with ad hominem, seems also weird. But is understandable.
Fact is that everyone observing with a scientific mind - of which I assume every MD having to a certain extent - right in the beginning under the worst crowded situation of the Diamond Pricess: out of 700 patients 7 died. Just as with any serious flu-season 1%, and only those at the end of life-expectancy. None below retirement age.
Next came the masks and worldwide lockdown, with the justification we wouldn't know how this new virus would behave. Anyone with head in the sand like an ostrich?
Have you turned into a complete covid anti-vaxxer?
Nope, I do know the time-tested risks of traditional vaccines, which I evaluated in favor of repeatedly, with relative little risks. Before retirement age and not remembering my last flu. Such a respiratory disease as Covid, like a serious flu-season, is simply not worth masking or vaccinating, for me.
Personal experience showed me right. My brother and I didn't get any covid vaccine, both of us remained free of disease. In the nearer and wider cycle of relatives, everyone vaccinated got it, worse with more boosters.
Same at my working place, a homeless shelter, where all workers had to be masked. Most vaccinated, and masked at all times, got it. Repeatedly, and some long covid. Along with clients, a total of about n of 300. Most homeless didn't wear masks on the street during the day-time, Other than my vaccinated relatives and co-workers, I heard of none suffering covid.
With one exception of an older Italian, with open wounds from diabetes, got a false positive test, and a single room accommodation as his quarantine for 10 days. But without the slightest symptom throughout.