Realizing that COVID policy measures barely even dented the progress of this pandemic, Denmark becomes the latest country to lift almost all COVID restrictions.
Policy measures to solve the coronavirus pandemic
Posted 28 January 2022 - 11:47 PM
Posted 31 January 2022 - 08:57 PM
A lot of people are noticing the eerie similarities between 1930s Nazi Germany and the COVID restrictions now. How the "professional class" has been co-opted to denigrate and label large segments of the popuklation as sub-human scum, deserving to be locked up.
Slippery slopes toward concentration camps.
Posted 01 February 2022 - 05:40 PM
Finland had very strict COVID restrictions - yet they are now having their biggest wave of cases and mortality.
Are they realizing the futility of the current COVID public policy measures? Are they going with something different that might work better? Because, they are talking about scrapping almost all COVID restrictions and mandates, like several other countries recently.
Posted 01 February 2022 - 10:38 PM
Realizing that COVID policy measures barely even dented the progress of this pandemic, Denmark becomes the latest country to lift almost all COVID restrictions.
That must be how they got a majority of omicron-2.
Posted 02 February 2022 - 02:09 AM
A lot of people are noticing the eerie similarities between 1930s Nazi Germany and the COVID restrictions now. How the "professional class" has been co-opted to denigrate and label large segments of the popuklation as sub-human scum, deserving to be locked up.
Yes because being asked to wear a mask or take a COVID test is exactly the same as being put into a concentration camp. I don't know if you "deserve to be locked up" but perhaps you need your meds adjusted LOL.
Posted 03 February 2022 - 12:38 AM
John Hopkins meta analysis finds that "lockdowns" failed to reduce mortality. Although a caveat from what I have seen. In Australia and New Zealand where they suspended nearly all human rights and freedoms of travel, speech, worship, etc... they were able to minimize the spread, however, every time restrictions were lifted, boom, they got cases and deaths (then another lockdown, and another, and another). In Australia they even put people (including kids) in concentration camps.
General masking failed. The CVOID injections failed spectacularly to stop the spread. Sterilizing surfaces failed.
Posted 03 February 2022 - 12:44 AM
Yes because being asked to wear a mask or take a COVID test is exactly the same as being put into a concentration camp. I don't know if you "deserve to be locked up" but perhaps you need your meds adjusted LOL.
It is not a joke. It is a serious thing when one political party thinks they should be able to lock up people they disagree with. In my county a proposal was forwarded to allow the unelected unaccountable county health leader to declare anyone a public threat due to any disease. Under the proposal, they would be able to post armed guards at a person's house until the threat was resolved. Of course, people revolted against this obvious tyranny, and it was not adopted.
Posted 04 February 2022 - 05:42 PM
Another recounting of the epic failure of most pandemic responses. One of the worst was medical advice for people in the U.S.
Posted 05 February 2022 - 04:50 PM
John Hopkins meta analysis finds that "lockdowns" failed to reduce mortality. Although a caveat from what I have seen. In Australia and New Zealand where they suspended nearly all human rights and freedoms of travel, speech, worship, etc... they were able to minimize the spread, however, every time restrictions were lifted, boom, they got cases and deaths.
It's all about timing I think.
Here in Italy we were a little late with the first lockdown in 2020 winter, but the subsequent loosening of measures was done well and we didn't get a rebound.
Posted 06 February 2022 - 12:53 PM
From what I have seen, the "consensus science" is backed by a small number of "experts", while those asking legitimate questions about COVID policy are large in number. Others argue this as well.
The push for an "Omicron booster" is odd, considering the failure of the first round of injections to stop the spread of the disease (an epic failure in Israel). Early data seems to indicate the Omicron booster is useless.
Meanwhile, mainstream media in the US continue to pump out falsehoods, which keep the public following failed pandemic policies. Even a Supreme court justice has no clue about the data regarding COVID.
Posted 08 February 2022 - 12:26 AM
Highly injected Israel is giving up on the Green Pass system. Two huge post-injection waves of COVID must have convinced them the policy measures (like the Green Pass) were not working very well.
A large doctor group in the UK says the policy measures to prevent the spread of COVID did not work and caused massive harm, especially to children.
Considering the the COVID injections do not stop the spread of COVID, this opinion piece rings true - that it is now only about power and control.
Edited by Mind, 08 February 2022 - 12:29 AM.
Posted 08 February 2022 - 04:21 PM
Longecity is now a domestic terrorism threat.
National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin
Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include:
1. The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:
o For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.
o Malign foreign powers have and continue to amplify these false or misleading narratives in efforts to damage the United States.
Notice the vagueness and elasticity of the criteria: misleading (who decides?), undermine public trust (who decides?)
One could speculate, and I emphasize merely speculate, that today’s bulletin anticipates public outcry should there be revelations about lab-leak origin, concealment of adverse vaccine events, and the like.
The censoring of Joe Rogan is a tactic right out of old Soviet Union
Back in Soviet days, we even had a word that described those who thought differently — “inakomyslyashchiye.” We also had terms for opinions that are “correct” (korrektnoye) and “incorrect” (nekorrektnoye). Sound familiar? Brave individuals who dared to express “nekorrectnoye” opinions, challenging the party line were blacklisted, fired from their jobs, thrown into mental hospitals, imprisoned, and even expelled from the country. Books by authors who prompted people to think for themselves, such as George Orwell, were banned. The Soviets framed these drastic measures as being good for the people, protecting them from the pernicious influence of those disgruntled alternative thinkers, the “enemies of the people.”
And, just as our Department of Homeland Security warns, the Soviet Union too was threatened by "malign foreign powers" (the American imperialists).
One last worry. These days some people’s mere speech is construed as violence, and some people’s violence is construed as mere speech.
Edited by bladedmind, 08 February 2022 - 04:22 PM.
Posted 09 February 2022 - 06:33 PM
Follow the science.
Democrats Realize That Americans Are Done With COVID Rules
Avalanche of new fact checks, pioneered by CNN. Natural immunity is relevant. Children should not be masked. Restrictions and mandates impose huge costs. Covid-19 death rates were inflated. Cloth masks are useless. Lab leak is plausible. Vaccine adverse events deserve scrutiny.
But if you held any of these views a month ago, you are in our files as a domestic terrorist.
Posted 09 February 2022 - 06:55 PM
White House says they never really wanted lockdowns. Technically true, but they were constantly threatening lockdowns. Looks like politics is trumping science.
Even CNN "expert" Dr. Wen - who was absolutely all-in on every extreme restrictive pandemic policy and pushing to take extreme actions against the unvaccinated, now says people should be able to choose for themselves what type of precautions they take. Talk about not following the science. Whatever happened to the extremely deadly disease that was going to kill nearly everyone? Poof - apparently it is suddenly not all that bad.
Almost all the "Fact Checks" over the last 2 years are proving to be in error - to put it mildly. As many people suspected, the fact-checkers are just narrative managers spewing propaganda, as Sheryl Atkinson clearly details in this video.
Posted 15 February 2022 - 06:14 PM
Now that the CDC director has called for "focused protection" of people vulnerable to COVID, the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration are speaking out. They were advocating these beneficial policies two years ago! Will health bureaucrats start listening now. Don't hold your breath.
Remember when calling for "focused protection" would get you labeled as a nut-job who wanted everyone dead. I remember.
Being an election year in the U.S seems to change "the science".
Now, after immense damage has been done by the ineffective COVID restrictions, policy wonks are saying there has to be a balance. Too little too late. The damage has been done.
All the COVID restrictions are magically being rescinded, by the people who used to claim COVID was so extremely dangerous for everyone that the injections should be mandatory and masks should be warn forever.
Journalists, who have failed the public for the last two years, are still trying to scare-monger.
Per usual, the Babylon Bee nails the satire.
Posted 17 February 2022 - 09:00 PM
Public policy responses to the COVID outbreak have been an complete failure. None of the pandemic restrictions worked. We have seen wave after wave after wave of infections, no matter the restrictions. Most of these failed policies have been promoted by Dr. Fauci and the CDC.
Thankfully, a lot more high profile people are commenting upon the failure of science and public health.
The pandemic restrictions often seemed bizarre and illogical.
The worst "public health" response was the demonization of people promoting health through exercise, nutrition and supplements. The labelling of those pushing healthy lifestyles and supplements as nut-jobs, conspiracy theorists, sub-human scum, and science-deniers probably led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. There are proven things that help with COVID outcomes, besides off-label drugs. Vitamin D deficiency has been consistently linked with worse COVID outcomes, yet people suggesting vitamin D supplementation were widely ridiculed and mocked for the last two years.
Edited by Mind, 17 February 2022 - 09:03 PM.
Posted 21 February 2022 - 11:26 PM
Joe Biden indefinitely extends the national emergency regarding COVID-19. There is no longer an emergency in my area. It really hasn't been and emergency for the last 2 years. Everything has been running close to normal. The emergency has been mainly among a small slice of the population - the frail elderly, those with multiple co-morbidities, and obese. Most countries are dropping all pandemic restrictions. Odd that the U.S. continues an "emergency".
The policy of silencing scientific debate, destroying careers of thousands of doctors and researchers in the process, has been terrible - leading to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
The policy of forcing truckers who cross the border to get the COVID injection has led to turmoil in Canada. The vast majority of truckers are injected and can travel from north to south, east to west, anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, but cross the border - boom - need to get injected. It is an unnecessary and illogical rule - especially considering that the injections do not stop the spread of COVID. Tyrannical regimes throughout history have often been fond of illogical arcane rules. It is not about the rule. It is about obedience.
Posted 22 February 2022 - 07:12 PM
SAGE advisor in the UK apologizes for the lockdown policies, noting that they caused immense harm to the population. Remember that John's Hopkins researchers stated the same thing a couple weeks ago. SAGE also apologized for specifically using fear to get people to comply with COVID restrictions. I recall in early 2020 when many reasonable people and public policy experts were shouted down and mocked relentlessly for pointing out the downsides of shutting down the economy - the suffering and death that would result. It is unfortunate this occurred. It led to a lot of needless death and despair.
Posted 25 February 2022 - 06:06 PM
The High Court of New Zealand says vaccine mandates are not demonstrably justified. The COVID injections do not stop people from catching the virus, spreading the virus or from becoming ill....and even dying (although at a lesser rate than uninjected people - based-upon preliminary, sometimes manipulated, data). Why have a "vaccine" mandate, if it is not helping with the pandemic?
One of the worst public policy efforts of this episode was the scorched-earth assault on any researcher, doctor, policy expert, etc. that promoted getting healthy, using supplements, or seeking early treatment with safe therapeutics like HCQ and Ivermectin. Honest people who were trying to do good for the world had their careers and reputations destroyed. This led to hundreds of thousands of needless deaths. It was awful.
I am glad to see "the pandemic made me do it" excuse for horrific public policy surrounding the pandemic is being refuted by some people.
Posted 28 February 2022 - 11:01 PM
More countries are dropping all COVID restrictions and policies. Why keep doing things that are not working and haven't worked for over two years. Iceland is the latest country to drop all COVID restrictions and requirements, EVEN THOUGH they have a record number of cases right now. They are getting 5,000 cases per day and almost half the country has been infected, EVEN THOUGH the vast majority of the country is injected.
South Korea was once lauded for their advanced contact tracing and mask-wearing. These actions were hailed as the reason why the country kept COVID cases relatively under control. Then after nearly everyone in the country got injected, record numbers of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths broke out. 150,000 cases per day recently. Like Iceland, they are rolling back COVID restrictions. Why keep doing things that don't work.
According to some, in the U.S. it looks suspiciously like COVID policy is being set by polling and politics instead of "the science".
Edited by Mind, 28 February 2022 - 11:04 PM.
Posted 07 March 2022 - 09:38 PM
The CDC director seems to be very deceptive here.
“I have frequently said, ‘We’re going to lead with the science, the science is going to be the foundation of everything we do.’ That is entirely true,” she said. “I think the public heard that science is foolproof, science is black and white, science is immediate, and we get the answer and then we make the decision based on the answer. And the truth is science is gray, and science is not always immediate, and sometimes it takes months and years to actually find out the answer. But you have to make decisions in a pandemic before you have that answer.”
Walensky should be fired for this statement alone. Who does she think she is kidding?
This is not what happened.
What happened is that everyone who raised legitimate questions, anyone who said it takes years to know for sure how good a vaccine will work or to discover side effects, anyone who said science is not black and white, was COMPLETELY, UTTERLY destroyed in the public sphere. People were harassed online. People were fired. People were jailed. People were beaten in the streets. For over two years it has been one narrative that has been enforced by the CDC with no dissention allowed. Dr. Fauci even said he "is science" and anyone who disagrees with him is disagreeing with "the science".
Edited by Mind, 13 March 2022 - 11:29 PM.
Posted 07 March 2022 - 09:43 PM
No one should trust the CDC anymore. A big shake-up is needed at the agency. For over two years thousands of researchers, doctors, and epidemiologists, have been noting how children have very low risk from COVID - so low it is close to statistical zero.
Yet the CDC persisted in claiming that children are at risk and need the COVID injections, and need to be masked, etc...
Now a complete reversal from the CDC because they say "children face very low risk". What a farce. What dishonesty.
Posted 13 March 2022 - 01:30 AM
Wow, Mind, take a well-deserved victory lap.
The Holy Priests of "Science" are silent.
Posted 13 March 2022 - 11:37 PM
Wow, Mind, take a well-deserved victory lap.
The Holy Priests of "Science" are silent.
Thanks, I appreciate the compliment. However, the main reason I continue to highlight the failures of our health bureaucracies is because people tend to have short memories. New crises are manufactured every year and people tend to forget about past injustices. There should be a record of how poorly this pandemic was handled. People need to be fired. There might have even been some criminal activity.
At least some of the doomsayers from early in the pandemic are now apologizing publicly. More of this needs to happen - so that such horrific public health policy is not repeated.
NYT writer finds that the non-pharma, non-medical interventions did not work at all when comparing states with weak restrictions, versus strong restrictions.
Posted 14 March 2022 - 01:51 PM
Incredibly impressive compilation of pharma, public health, corporate media, and government failures, Mind!
For those that haven't seen it yet, the roundtable with the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, Robert Malone, and other brave scientists and clinicians in Florida last week is worth checking out.
On a related note, and as Dr. D'Adamo stated, the Florida Department of Health is the only public health agency that has acknowledged and promoted healthy lifestyles for the profound impact that they have on Covid infection and prognosis.
Meanwhile, the CDC, FDA (with the exception of Gruber and Krause), and worst of all, the federal government have been silent on everything other than patented (read: profitable for their sponsors) medications. Simply disgusting and we cannot forget!
Posted 14 March 2022 - 05:48 PM
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Of course, a lot of the world-leading scientists, researchers, doctors, epidemiologists, and virologists that were harassed, jailed, fired, and publicly ridiculed are now speaking up.
Here is a great article from Dr. Malone with a lot of information from other researchers as well, recounting how they were proven correct, over, and over, and over again.
Posted 16 March 2022 - 03:18 PM
Kyrie Irving clearly demonstrates the illogical nature of New York's COVID policy. This is EPIC!!
Irving is unvaccinated and thus not allowed to play basketball, but he is allowed to attend the games courtside, lol.
Even more outrageous....because the Nets had so many INJECTED players sick with COVID, they brought Irving back into the line-up to play road games.
The COVID policies seem to be more about obedience than public health.
Posted 16 March 2022 - 03:50 PM
I am noticing a lot of talk about annual boosters as far as the eye can see, which would be an utterly new phenomena for this type of pandemic.
Think about it - we've had these types of viral jumps causing pandemics since the dawn of human history. In each prior case, the virus jumped into man, killed a lot of people, mutated into a less lethal form, and life went on.
For instance, the 1890 Russian Flu retrospectively appears to have been a coronavirus that jumped (naturally) from cattle to man. If you scale the deaths to today's population it killed about 5 million people worldwide causing a pandemic that lasted between 2 - 3 years. That coronavirus is still circulating today and is one of the viruses that causes the common cold.
Somehow, mankind learned to coexist with this virus without annual booster vaccines. And in fact, the outcome of that pandemic in terms of length and death toll look quite similar to this pandemic, without any meaningful medical intervention whatsoever. This was 1890 after all. Mankind only had the first inklings that something like a virus might exist in 1892 and no one actually saw a virus until the invention of the scanning election microscope in 1931.
I also notice a lot of public policy types saying "Well, the covid situation as gotten a lot better so we can relax most of these mandates but we expect to see new variants and new surges by the fall". Presumably after the mid-term elections here in the US.
I hear a constant refrain of "We're just following the science!". And that may well be true. But one starts to suspect that it is political science.
Posted 16 March 2022 - 11:28 PM
It is not just that the non-pharmaceutical non-medical interventions did NOT work but that they were sold as "guaranteed to work".
Masks are a seductive idea and work in well-controlled (lab) settings, but have routinely failed in past real-world settings and previous RCT trials. They failed again in the real world with real human interaction, yet there are a lot people who think the masks worked spectacularly and think everyone should still be wearing them all the time. Bill Gates said everyone should put on a mask everyday like everyone puts on their pants everyday.
The 6 foot spacing was not based on any science what-so-ever, yet everyone thinks it made a difference.
Sterilizing everything did not work.
The COVID injections did not work as sold. There is some data indicating a reduction in the mortality rate, but many thousands of injected people around the world have died of COVID (this is a fact - fact checkers). Unfortunately, the injections did not stop the spread of COVID cases anywhere in the world. In fact, the most injected countries had their worst outbreaks AFTER widespread injections. When I get a rabies vaccination for my cat, it is good for three years. If I had my cat injected three times in one year - and they still got rabies - I would be pissed off. A lot of people seem to be fine with a "vaccine" that wears off after a couple of months (requiring multiple boosters). It has got to be one of the worst performing "vaccines" ever developed.
Early treatment and nutritional supplements would have helped. I am still flabbergasted at the non-stop vitriolic attacks against anyone who suggested these things.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: coronavirus, policy, regulation, quarantine, confinement
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