Doctors & supplements have always had a thorny relationship, and a couple years back I recall an "Enough is Enough" campaign where things got really ugly. The supplement crowd was finally dealt a "Final Solution" blow, when google banished ALL alternative medicine sites from cyberspace with their "MEDIC" algorithm update. Dr Mercola's site saw a 90% decline in traffic almost overnight, & a forum I used to haunt (MD-Junction) gave up and quit this January.
Enter the COVID pandemic, and millions of hands reaching for help from Big Pharma, the CDC & FDA. "We'll make a vaccine!" came the answer. "It might only take a year". When reports started coming out of China on repurposed medications, zinc, and even Vitamin-C as showing promise treating COVID, the FDA, CDC, NIH were unanimous and quite firm. "Oh no, that's not the way we do things here in America". "We might be able to do some small scale trials, but it will be many months before these could be peer reviewed for consideration by the FDA".
As boffins ran their computer models pondering a new pharmaceutical that might help, they discovered a mechanism that might explain why some doctors outside the US were reporting success with repurposed chloroquine. The chloroquine was acting as an ionophore, transporting zinc across cell membranes that was inhibiting viral replication. The puzzling fatality rate, with geriatric populations doing poorly while the young & middle aged were not only surviving, but having remarkably mild symptoms still has everyone scratching their heads.
Hypertension & Diabetes are the most common ominous comorbities, but why? Looking at medications used to treat hypertension, it is well known that ACE Inhibitors, as well as ARB's and thiazide diuretics ALL notoriously deplete zinc. Diabetics have a similar problem due to polyuria. Widely prescribed PPI (acid blocking) meds are also known to induce zinc deficiency. Acid dissolves minerals; block the acid and there is no absorption. Geriatric populations are also known to have lower stomach acid and poor mineral absorption (including zinc).
Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine have produced promising results in China & Europe, but these countries don't have a polypharmacy population anywhere near what we have in the US. Will chloroquine medications transport zinc across cell membranes if there is no available zinc to transport?
Well, it does appear hydroxychloroquine isn't working for everyone: "Malaria drug touted by Trump for treating coronavirus patients was NO better for them than fluid, oxygen and bed rest, Chinese study suggests". How could this be?
I've only seen one report of a doctor in New York who added zinc to his hydroxychloroquine protocol, and he is reporting not only zero deaths, but zero hospitalizations in around 500 patients he has treated. Will anyone notice this?
Now we're starting to see potassium deficiency as another possible issue: Covid-19 Research Updates: Chinese Study Reveals That Hypokalemia Present In Almost All Covid-19 Patients
And Vitamin-C: Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia. In New York, where desperate times call for desperate measures, doctors at Northwell Health are reporting IV infusions of Vitamin-C as being "widely used" throughout their entire hospital system. Desperate times indeed! Doctors ordering vitamin drips?
As hospitals become overwhelmed with many patients being sent home to do the best they can until they become critical, will any of this vital information be shared with them? When all is said & done, will doctors finally admit "essential nutrients" just might be essential after all? Time will tell.