With most of the world remaining substantially closed for the next couple weeks to months, I am not too optimistic society can recover in a meaningful way to rescue the (normally ample) food supply or prevent disruptive political instability.
I don’t think it’s going to be as apocalyptic though. Most countries in Europe have already started going back to business, and those that have various lockdowns and confinements are restarting work in May. Most of Asia never really halted completely. I haven’t seen any shortage of food in supermarkets so far here, a couple of brands missing here and then, but nothing catastrophic. Politics are still as stable or unstable as they were before the epidemic. There are really no signs that a mass famine is about to happen, but you can expect the prices for some fresh vegetables to go slightly higher. I’ve noticed that in a few supermarkets.
International travel may not resume until this summer , but merchandise transport has never stopped.
in fact , I’m shocked at how resilient the world systems seem to be so far, and I’m usually quite the pessimist.
The biggest challenge so far seems to be the upcoming difficulty with combining the various social distancing measures ( from one to 2 meters between individuals, depending on the countries) and the constant use of masks, with business and commerce practice. Most offices will adapt just fine, but many businesses will have tough time. Restaurants are already being asked to find a way to keep empty tables between clients when they’ll re-open, and that means they will lose half the revenues with those empty tables. Same for theaters, etc.. It’s pretty sure these measures are going to remain in effect until 2021.
we are going into a new serious recession for sure. But not a Mad Max / Walking Dead scenario just yet. Humanity has swiftly recovered from far worse than this epidemic. 2 world wars that killed millions and completely wiped out entire countries, and we’re still here, and those countries have completely rebuilt in less than a decade and are stronger than ever ( germany, japan, france , england, etc..)
Edited by BlueCloud, 24 April 2020 - 11:04 PM.