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COVID-19 Solutions Videos - Critique

covid-19 mind video

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#1 Mind

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Posted 30 March 2020 - 10:33 PM

Hi everyone:


Spurred on by the lack of action by the general public, I decided to start a video series in an attempt to get more people talking about and focusing on solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Treatments and cures.


We are discussing it here, but I would much rather see social media and regular media get with the program as well. I plan to do a daily video, if possible, and hopefully I won't be doing it too long before some real treatments arrive on the scene.


This particular thread is for constructive criticism. The first video is just an intro. Let me know what you think. It was a little unstructured, but hopefully the quality will improve with repetition.


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#2 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 30 March 2020 - 11:56 PM



* Video background is a mountain river. Beautiful, but doesn't trigger thoughts of pandemic. Might want something a bit more virus-y, even though you ultimately explained why you used it and it does make sense after the fact.


* You have good speaking skills. Totally straightforward to follow. Not rambling. Logical progression from the situation to proposed solutions. Demonstrates mindfulness in addition to clinical awareness. Well delivered high-level overview, all round.


* Please spell out or display Longecity.org . You might also want to offer a short URL which redirects to the solutions thread.


* You might add a sentence or two just enumerating the proposed approaches. Something like "We need to reexamine the controversy around several therapies because a lot is getting lost in the noise and the subtle differences among these approaches. We'll be doing a deep dive, one video at a time."

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#3 zorba990

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Posted 31 March 2020 - 12:12 AM

Might just be my player but the audio is out of sync. I like the format though.
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#4 Mind

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Posted 01 April 2020 - 07:45 PM

Thanks for the feedback. The second video is better. The audio is still out of sync. It is a computer problem. I have a brand new HP laptop with more than enough memory and a good NVidia card, and the latest core-i7 processor, yet it is having difficulty recording these videos, even though I am only going with a resolution of 720p. I tried to record this particular video 4 times. Each time, my logitech camera recording software said it ran out of memory and it quit. That is why the current video ends abruptly. I did not want to do it a 5th time.


If anyone has a suggestion for a different recording software (preferably free), let me know.


Also, suggests any improvements.



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#5 Oakman

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Posted 01 April 2020 - 10:03 PM

* The video is now in sync for me.

* the background (an unironed sheet?) is very distracting. If you must use something like this, use an ironed one wo/pattern.

* You can do better using a green screen. Then you can edit in a background showing the LongeCity logo all over it, much like press conference backgrounds you see on on TV is one idea.

* If that's not possible, use a typical room background (neatened up of course). Much easier on the eyes than the sheet.

* I would shorten the intro ... a lot. No excuses for who you are. You are the Mod on LongeCity.com, interesting COVID-19 discussions are taking place, you want to share one (!) and then perhaps a short (ad) and intro of the purpose of the LongeCity site, and on to your talk.

* For me getting to the meat and purpose straight away (within 30-60 sec max) is imperative. My attention is very short, I want to hear/see smthg to grab interest almost immediately.

* Shorten the video length to <10 min. Have a specific topic, give us the core update, and be done. Mention the next video topic to come, then be gone. Invite viewers to subscribe and come back tomorrow (or when ever you do a new video).


Edited by Oakman, 01 April 2020 - 10:08 PM.

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#6 Rays

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Posted 02 April 2020 - 12:03 PM

I have used Filmora video editor. It's very easy to use. You can detach the audio from the video track to solve sync problems. It's also easy to add in pictures, other videos and transitions between those.
You may want to use another microphone or lower the amplification level. The sound sometimes is clipping, which makes it sound distorted.

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#7 Mind

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Posted 02 April 2020 - 03:30 PM

Thanks for the ideas everyone. I will work to implement them.


As to getting into the topics quicker. Yes, that is the plan. The first couple of videos I felt I needed to do a little intro, but also I want to make sure people are sharing the the video and other resources/discussions/videos about treatments and cures. The more people raise the discussion, the faster we can get a cure.

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#8 Mind

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Posted 04 April 2020 - 08:00 PM

Third video, not as in depth on the therapeutics, but referenced a couple of papers about the hypokalemia in COVID-19 patients and about andrographis.


No backdrop curtain, different microphone, not perfect, but I think better quality.


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#9 Oakman

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Posted 04 April 2020 - 10:19 PM

Excellent, this is good!  The format and conversation is catchy. The pic-in-pic effect is great and better by far. I'd say you are good to go :)


Have fun!

#10 Mind

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Posted 11 April 2020 - 11:18 PM

Thanks for all the feedback. Here is the latest video. I think I have the current schtick down pretty good. Camera in the corner, go through different websties, plug LongeCity. There might be some other touches I can add eventually.


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#11 Mind

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Posted 23 April 2020 - 05:56 PM

Thanks for all the feedback. 


Unfortunately I had to stop producing the videos, just when treatment trials were starting to report results (sad).


A couple of people complained to my employer. I am unsure what the complaint was.

  • Cheerful x 1

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