... from a long list of expensive supplementation for many years...
Would you share its constituents and your personal assessment of them?
Aug 2, 2020
7 am T3 1 tab 5ug T4 equivalence = 15ug x 2.875 + 67.86 ug = 111 ug (for thyroidectomy)
T4 75ug 1.5 tab qd less 1 tab on Wed, 67.86 ug per day average
Progest TD 20mg 1/4tsp to back of hands +rejuv hands
Hekla Lava 1tsp & 4 pellets SL Calc Fluor 30c +
rejuv spine
Pu-erh tea, 1/8 htsp TMG -homocysteine -IL-6/TNF-a/CRP -21/23/26% +immunity -cancer
9 am M1 (morning) w 1/2 tsp hyaluronic ac in water +skin/joints
After lunch L1 (lunch) w 1/2 tsp Creatine, HMB, & Hyaluronic Ac in water +skin/joints/muscles
3 pm T3 1 tab 5ug
5 pm E1 (evening) w 1/2 tsp hyaluronic ac in water +skin/joints
Pu-erh_Tea, 1 tsp inositol -IL-6/TNF-a/CRP -21/23/26% +immunity -cancer
6 pm Hekla Lava 1tsp (1pellet 30c in 6oz water) +rejuv spine
8 pm N1 (night) 1/2 tsp Reishi 100:1 extract +mouse_lifespan 20% +telomerase 200% w candesartan
11 pm T3 1 tab 5ug
M1 - morning
Vit-A 10,000 iu (3mg) 1gel syn w vit-D3 1:1 by iu UL = 3mg RDA = 0.7 mg
Alpha Keto Glutaric Ac 2cap 600mg & Vit-A 10,000iu +HDL -TC/LDL rejuv DNA_melthlation
L_Reuteri_6475 1cap 3 billion CFU +Oxytocin3x +Thymus2x -Neutrophils/Stress-hormones
- Methyl-B12 2.5mg SL (1/2 tab) Jarrow -homocysteine
- B-multi 1cap Swanson "Active-B"
- Methy-Folate 5mg 1cap LEF -homocysteine UL 15mg (unlike folic acid where > 200ug is bad)
Tadalafil 5mg (1/2tab) -BPH +lifespan in Blagosklonny_protocol
[MWF] Deprenyl (Seglegiline) 1.25mg (1/4 tab) +MAO-B to youthful level
E1 - evening
IP6 2g 4cap halflife 1hr -cancer/mTOR/iron +autophagy +NK_cells_synergistic_inositol
M1 E1 - bid
DIM_Plus 50mg 1cap -aromatase/p_C/BCL/mTOR +Autoph/DNA_repair w suforaphane, NAC, lipoic ac
Wobenzyme (1tab) Pancreatic_enzymes & Rutin_75mg -Hasini_effect/Metastasis/TGF-b1/Inflam/CRP
ComfortMax -TGF-b1/Inflam/aging PPARa-stim -pain
* DHA/EPA 1g/100mg 1gel Dr's_Best +Mem/Neurogen/telomerase/autophagy
ALCAR 500mg 1cap -Lipofusin/NF-kB/glycation +UPS/Mito/Mem/ACh chromatin-expand syn Centroph
Centrophenoxine 250mg (1cap) -lipofucin_w_ALCAR +memory/mRNA/Murine_life +27%
Pycnogenol 95mg 1cap -IL-6/TGF-b/Inflam/Athero +sox2 +Nrf2 syn w Gotu Kola/noCVD
Gotu Kola 950mg (2cap) -ROCK/Tgf_b/Smad2,3/BP/P_cancer +Klf4/PPARg/Smad7/telomerase/neurogen
Lycopene 1gel 15mg LYC-O-Mato -DHT/P_cancer/BPH/NF-kB_35% +Nrf2
Glutathione 500mg (2cap) DNA-protect cytosol_antioxidant +telomerase
* CoQ10 100mg 1gel -Ather -CHD 54% w Se syn ALCAR NOAEL=1200mg
d-Tocotrienol (E) 125mg 1gel delta-gold -TC_15%/VCAM1 +AMPK/lifespan
MK7 90ug 1gel Jarrow (100ug MK7 per 5,000 D3 is mandatory) +Ca_regulaion
- P5P (B6) 50mg 1cap (P5P should not have neurotoxicity) -homocysteine -glycation
Magtein M1 E2 (Mg 150mg & theonate 186mg in 3caps) -DKK-1 +Wnt_sig/hippocamp_neurogen
[1-3 Monthly] Quercetin EMIQ 50mg 1cap -nucCD38 ++nucNAD+ syn apigenin (caution: topo-poison)
[1-7 & 15-21 Monthly] NK-Cell-Act LEF 1cap +Immune_boost
M1 L1 E1 - tid
Mg-bicarb 1/8tsp 300mg, Ribose 3mg, AscorbicAc 1/8tsp 150mg in 20cc warm H2O -cancer
Hyaluronic acid 1/2 tsp (float then pour water on top) +joints/dermis/youthfulness
L-Carnosine 500mg 1cap -glycation/TGF-b1/mTOR/Inflamaging DNA_protect +skin/brain2
- Benfotiamine (B1) 150mg 1cap -glycation -AGEs (advanced glycation end-products)
- Riboflavin (B2) 100mg 1cap syn w vit-D3 -homocysteine
Mg-Malate (Mg 425mg in 3caps) syn CoQ10 & Selenium RDA 420mg 50% are deficient
Astaxanthin 4mg 1gel ++DNA_protect +FOXO3A -Athero/oxLDL/DNA_damage -40% [w Zeaxanthin,Lutein]
Rhodiola 350mg 1cap ++DNA_repair -stress/MAO/BG very hi dose can be toxic
Horny GW icariin 100mg 1cap -BPH/PAH/PDE5/TOR1/osteoporosis +T/BMD/stemcells/DNA-repair/mRNA
Milk Thistle w tumeric (2cap tid) Natural Grocers ++liver-protect +AMPK/lfespan
* Fo-Ti-Prep 16:1 500mg (2cap tid) +hair/youth/AMPK -amyloid/inflam/cancer liver_tox_w/o_Prep
L1 - lunch
DHEA 25mg 1cap +telomerase TOR-stim Autoph-inh -old_age goal 300 ug/dL
Pregnenolone 50mg 1cap +telomerase TOR-stim Autoph-inh -old_age goal 166 ng/dL
Stinging Nettle root 750mg 1cap -BPH/estradiol/aromatase
Heliocare Polypodium L. 240mg 1cap +p53/tgf-b/lungs/skin -IL-6/CRP/C/HasiniMetastasis halfife 4-6hr
Lutein 4 mg in 1gel LEF_MacuGuard -NF-kB +Nrf2 -DNA_damage_40% w Astaxanthin
Zeaxanthin 1.34mg in 1gel LEF_MacuGuard
Saffron ext 20mg in 1gel LEF_MacuGuard telomerase_inh
Oleuropein 100mg 1cap Swanson OLE ++UPS +HDL/Nrf2/PPARa//AMPK -LDL/oxLDL/LPS/NF_kb/cell_debris
Ginkgo 1cap 120mg +DNA_repair/NO/m_life+8%/estrogenic -inflam/CRP/cortisol/NF-kB/MPO/cancer/oxLDL
Alpha Lipoic Acid TR 300mg 1tab -LPS/lipofucin/abdomial_fat Releases_Hg needs_NAC to remove Hg
NAC TR 600mg 1cap -Hg/lung_mucus/NF-kB/IGF-1 +glutathione/Murine_life +40% needs 2g vit-C TR
* White Willow Bark 75mg salicin 1cap DNA_protect TOR-inh +AMPK/lifespan +Sirt1 -tumors_10-fold
* DHA/EPA_250/350 1gel LEF_Super_Omega3 -LPS/TNF-a/NF-kB/CRP/C/mTOR/Bcl
Vit-C TR 1g 1tab -Athero Anti-ox Autoph-inh -Lp chromatin-expand to enable telomerase
Vit-D3 5,000 iu 1gel (100ug MK7 per 5k D3 reqd for Ca_reg) 10k/day D3 ruined my nails
Vit-K K1-5mg MK4-25mg MK7-500ug Astaxanthin 2mg (1cap Koncentrrated-K)
Zinc-L-carnosine 16mg (2cap) RDA 11mg -CRP/LPS/BG/reflux/gut_leakage -Cu +Nrf2
Selenium 100ug 1cap -Ather Anti-ox Typ Food100ug Optimum 200ug UL400ug
Boron 3mg 1cap CRP -50% IL-6 -44% TNFa -30% freeT+28% +estradiol_if_too_much
Iodine 225ug 1tab potassium_iodine Now Foods
[MWF] Molybdenum 150ug 1 tab
[MWF] Manganese 2.5mg (1/4 tab) hi-in-US-food AI 2.3mg excess-is-highly-toxic
[1-3 & 15-17 Monthly] Cistanche 210mg 1cap LEF +DNA_repair/Immune_boost
* blood thinner
N1 - night
Melatonin 200mg (Bulk supplements powder) -LH/fasting_insulin +thymus CR_mimetic
DHEA 50mg (2cap) +telomerase TOR-stim Autoph-inh -old_age goal 300 ug/dL
Pregnenolone 50mg 1cap +telomerase TOR-stim Autoph-inh -old_age goal 166 ng/dL
Probiotic w phages 1cap PreForPro -LPS +lifespan
Chromium picolinate 200ug 1cap Now Foods -Fasting Glucose +insulin if deficient (rare)
OPC_GSE 150mg (2tab) +nucNAD+/Sirt1/Nampt/FOXO3/PINK1/PARKIN/lifespan -estradiol/BPH/tau/mTOR
Lithium 5mg 1tab +nucNAD+ (oppsite am) +Nampt/neural-protect/AMPK/lifespan -Alz/inflam
Rhodiola 350mg 1cap -stress/MAO/BG +DNArepair
Schizandra 500mg 9% 1 cap -stress, balance para & sympa w/eleuthero
Siberian Eleuthero 500mg (5:1) 1cap -stress, +T-cells +cognition
Pycnogenol 95mg 1cap -IL-6/TGF-b/Inflam/Athero +sox2 +Nrf2 syn w Gotu Kola/noCVD
TRU Niagen 300mg 1cap NR needs_TMG +DNA_repair/NAD+/mitogenesis -IL-2/IL-5/IL-6
Methylene_blue 1g (1/4 tsp of diution) +Mitos/complex_IV -C -alt_splicing_error/senescence
LDN 2.5mg (3 squirts) +endorphins/immune_function/libedo -C/inflam/pain
[Wed] Ashwagandha KSM66 2.1g (7cap) rap_mimetic -cancer/NF-kb +Nrf2/telomeres
[1st day of Month] Apigenin 250mg (5caps) -nucCD38 ++nucNAD+ syn quercetin (caution: topo-poison)
[15th day of Month] Fisetin 1.2g 12 cap -senescent cells +osteoblasts (caution: topo-poison)
[15th day of Month] Quercetin 1g 2cap (caution: topo-poison) synergistic Fisetin
Hyaluronic acid for joints may also help maintain the glycocalyx lining of arteries and help prevent it from being dissapated by elevated postprandial blood sugar. To take hyaluronic acid, I put a half tsp on top of a cup of water, then pour more water on top of it to wet it, then spoon out the glutinous mass with a tablespoon.
Edited by RWhigham, 02 August 2020 - 06:18 PM.