Hello to everyone. I am new at this forum and I would like to hear from more experienced people what to you think about my stack that I take in the morning. Main goal of my stack is to improve focus and long terme memory (learning) for the big exam that I have.
So this is my stack
Modafiline (Modvigile) - 200 mg
CDP Choline (1 caps) - 250 mg
L-Theanine (1 caps) - 200 mg
On top of that I have Geranabol (Ephedra extract 50mg, coffeine 250 mg, Aspirine 150 mg, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCI 50mg).
I left Geranabol aside and I do not use it now.
What do you think about my stak? Should I add Geranabol to all of that?