Hello, I had an idea for a personal project I would like to pursue and I wanted feedback from others before I dive in because I'm kind of new the field of biology. It occurred to me that though that since astrocyte to neuron reprogramming is possible[1][2][3] (using viral gene therapy) and astrocytes can be made proliferative[4][5] it should be possible to permanently increase someone's intelligence albeit at the risk of cancer.
The idea would be to slow proliferation of astrocytes using FGF or VEGF or an NF1 inhibitor and then occasionally using gene therapy to convert some of those astrocytes into functional neurons. This would also cause some astrocyte apoptosis which might keep the cell count from getting too high. Also if a retrovirus was used for the conversion the proliferative astrocytes in particular would targeted for conversion so it is less likely to disrupt (and rather would supplement) existing brain functions.
I'm probably going to try this out anyways using a lot of rats and then myself. I just wanted to hear how crazy people think I am before I do it. And if they have any advice for things I could do it increase the probability or speed of success.
1. https://www.nature.c...1583-019-0227-0
2. https://www.scienced...525001619304046
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC3967760/
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC2760350/