Yuvan provided their update on the E5 lifespan study today.
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After the 4th dose of E5, data and pictures show rats still rejuvenated
2 of the 8 control rats already died, and the 8 treated rats are still alive in the Lifespan Study
Yuvan Research's Lifespan Study with rats has reached its 10th month, and after 4 doses of E5, the treated rats continue to show the rejuvenating effects of the treatment, according to data collected and pictures of the animals. To date, all 8 treated rats are alive, while in the control group, 2 of the 8 rats have died. The second death in the control group occurred on 1st December 2021, of natural causes. The animal's organs were preserved for future studies.
After the 4th dose of E5, tests for the inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6, as well as grip strength and body weight, were performed. The graphs
with the results are shown below.
Grip strength
Body weight
The graphs above show that the rejuvenating effect of E5 — based on cytokine levels and grip strength — is maintained even after the fourth dose. The treated rats will be kept alive indefinitely with periodic doses of E5 (each dose is given every 90 days). It would be an interesting result if they outlive the control rats and surpass the 36 months average lifespan.
As for the pictures of the rats after the 4th dose of E5, the 6 remaining control animals and the 8 treated animals are shown below.
Control group
Treated group