Or at the very least posting his bloodwork before and after the intake 
He hasn't taken it... nor has anyone else, other than a few mice. For those watching it, just speed up the video 1.25x since he has a bad case of elderly speech.
Anyway, a few things of interest that he said:
He's still very hush-hush on what the blood factors were, and wouldn't say if it would be manufactured or harvested.
Animal trials are finally starting up again this month. Up till now, they've just had the 2 trials on mice a year ago.
S. Horvath (co-author) who is more savvy in aging trials, wants to make this as legitimate as possible, so the trials here in the U.S. are being done by 3rd parties using a leading CRO(contract research organization). Researching will be done via rhesus monkeys.
Another trial, which is being funded by a Belgium investor will be a lifespan test. Basically.... they will treat the mice continually, to see if they can stay in an 'eternal' state of youthfulness forever. Obviously this is the one that everyone cares about... including himself.
He is also having Greg Fahy conduct an independent trial on dogs. This is not surprising, since Greg Fahy also works closely with S. Horvath, and they have overlapping ideologies. But this will help with overall exposure, and they will be selling this for pets, before it gets to humans. For those of you who don't know, Fahy did the breakthrough HGH/thymus involution study (TRIIM). He wouldn't say if the 'pet formula' would be the same for humans.
Human clinical trials will probably start in 2 years. He would definitely be one of the patients, as he'll be 78 in 2 years, and is very impatient to take it.
When asked about if anyone has taken it, he says that very little of his elixir has been produced up till now.... not even enough for a single human. He is obviously very cryptic on why this is the case... but says that things that will be very easy to get in the coming months, are currently very difficult to get. He says all that will be made clear in the coming months.
The patent for the elixir will be filed this month. I'm assuming that's just the provisional patent.
For those of you who don't know, a provisional patent isn't made public, its really just a placeholder until the actual (non-provisional) patent is filed... when that happens... it would be made public, and everything would 'make sense' then. (legally within 12 months of the provisional filing)
He re-iterates a few things we already knew. That the affects of the treatment are not permanent, and people would need to continue getting this treatment periodically. He had mentioned every decade in the past. He says it will be affordable for all. He says it affects/rejuvenates every part of the mice, with the one exception being the hypothalamus, which only re-juvinates 12%, which ironically (or maybe appropriately) is a theoretical control center for our biological clock.
He says that in a maximum of a year, he will have confirmatory studies completed for dogs and rhesus monkeys. And when those are done, he will be absolutely certain that it will work on humans as well. He will also be releasing a book at that time.
Edited by rodentman, 11 February 2021 - 01:24 AM.