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Who's to blame for this pandemic?


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#1 Florin

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Posted 05 June 2020 - 03:47 AM

This is my List of Blame for this pandemic (sorted from more to less blameworthy).
The experts

  • These clowns should've started screaming about masks a long time ago but didn't
  • Didn't push for the development of broad-spectrum antivirals like DRACO (mask wearing would make less necessary or unnecessary)
  • Thought travel bans don't work and could be counterproductive (mask wearing would make this unnecessary)
  • Lied about the usefulness of masks or thought masks didn't work and could be counterproductive
  • State and county mask recommendations tended to lag behind CDC recommendations for weeks
  • Some (like Fauci and Birx) still didn't wear masks in public even after recommending them
  • Some are still advising lockdowns, so don't really believe in the Power of the Mask
  • Still aren't screaming about making available reusable N95s respirators for everyone in order to prevent close-quarters spread
  • Still aren't screaming about making available reusable N95s respirators for everyone in order to prevent pandemics that could be 100X worse


The Chinese government
It didn't learn its lesson from past epidemics/pandemics and refused to clean up China's wet markets and ban the wild animal trade.
The hospital admins
These bozos had a bunch of lame excuses for not stocking up on reusable N95s respirators.
The politicians

  • Trump/previous Admins: no reusable N95s respirator stockpile
  • Trump: rejected the manufacture of 1.7 million N95 masks per week in January, still no recommendation for mask mandates
  • Governors: most still don't have mask mandates

The public

  • Should've bought N95s respirators a long time ago but most don't have the time or interest to worry about this stuff which is understandable
  • Millions of reusable N95s respirators are floating around out there and everyone now knows about the value of masks, so there's no longer any good excuse not to use them, if necessary

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#2 kurdishfella

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Posted 05 June 2020 - 09:05 AM

the ones who made the virus,unacknowledged groups (not deep state even  more secret than that) part corporate park government worldwide and jewish domination.

Edited by kurdishfella, 05 June 2020 - 09:23 AM.

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#3 gamesguru

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Posted 05 June 2020 - 01:19 PM

Maybe Trump is right for once that China and WHO seriously downplay it through Feburary.


I remember tuning into WHO conference on Feb 24 or 28th and this was before it had engulfed the media, so the WHO conferences were one of the few sources of information in those days.  Well I was frankly surprised they did not call it a pandemic in February, when it already had a foothold in Italy and Iran and was showing potential to balloon elsewhere.  In public announcements as late as 14 January the WHO said there was "no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission".[805]


The other half of the blame falls on European countries mostly who failed to prepare.  The UK's response was to wait until mid-March to admit anything was wrong.  Though Germany is doing better, their response was not much better.


Australia may be lucky in that their flu season (June-Dec) fell outside the standard months, so they saw other countries suffer and they realized the severity of the pandemic.


But most of the countries that took it seriously were Eastern.. Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia.  Impossible to deny culture didn't play a role.  It's already normal to wear masks there when sick.  They care a lot more about the elders and collectivism there.

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#4 Florin

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Posted 05 June 2020 - 09:19 PM

I should've mentioned that the reusable N95 respirators are important because their filters can last for months and new filters are easy to make.





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#5 Hip

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Posted 06 June 2020 - 01:07 AM

the ones who made the virus,unacknowledged groups (not deep state even  more secret than that) part corporate park government worldwide and jewish domination.


Are those groups the same people who placed the secret implant into your brain?  




An example of delusional thinking might be a patient thinking that the CIA has secretly implanted a computer chip in his or her brain

Source: here.



Edited by Hip, 06 June 2020 - 01:11 AM.

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#6 kurdishfella

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Posted 06 June 2020 - 10:30 AM

Are those groups the same people who placed the secret implant into your brain?  






Source: here.

watch the movie unacknowledged by dr steven greer which tells you there are special access groups were very few get in.

Edited by kurdishfella, 06 June 2020 - 11:02 AM.

#7 Hip

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Posted 06 June 2020 - 12:36 PM

watch the movie unacknowledged by dr steven greer which tells you there are special access groups were very few get in.


Ah, so it's not CIA brain implants, but alien implants, inserted by the UFO creatures!

Edited by Hip, 06 June 2020 - 12:36 PM.

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#8 kurdishfella

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Posted 06 June 2020 - 01:43 PM

just so you know im not the one marking your posts negatively. but you should give the movie a shot, aliens/ufo aside it has other more believable (for you) information. I'm not a conspiracy theorist like those flat earthers who just belive everything is a lie. im more of a realist but also open minded. unfortunately those crazy conspiracy people like alex jones have given us a bad reputation.

Edited by kurdishfella, 06 June 2020 - 01:48 PM.

#9 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 07 June 2020 - 01:01 PM

For decades you postulated, that the responsibility for the health is for the patient, not for the government, e.g. the government does not have the obligation to protect your health.

For decades you were pushing in your hospitals payed doctors, with the clear vision, that they go in your country to earn money, not to heal you.

For decades you were lying, that you provide the best health care in the world.

You didn't close your borders when the epidemics arrived.

You weren't cappable of taking immediate anti-epidemiologic measures, providing your population with suits, masks, and face shields.

Who to be blamed...

you decide.


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#10 hotbit

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Posted 05 July 2020 - 12:22 PM

Who to blame? Maybe lazy obese people (67% of population in the UK, 75% in the US) for lack of care of our planet, for compromising their immune systems, inducing hypertension, diabetes II and other health problems, and last but not least - electing dumb politicians?

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