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Effects of supraphysiological estrogen (estradiol)

estrogen estradiol

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#1 Believer

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 07:04 PM

For clarification, I'm a heterosexual male in my mid 20s who does not identify as a female and I do not wish to become feminized. I am only looking for longevity and improved brain function. I am not on anything else except the estrogen and aspirin (blood thinner). I have taken basically every primary sex hormone now, and in large dosages. I have also, a year ago, tried supraphysiological testosterone (over 3 grams a week).


This is the 44th (active) day on high dose estrogen. For around 30 days I have been on supraphysiological dosages of estrogen (50mg). I started the first week with 15mg and then went straight to 25mg (once) and the last weeks 50mg every week.


The normal dosage of injectable estradiol enanthate for biological women is around 5mg weekly whereas transgender women would take up to 15mg weekly, but for around 30 (active) days I have been injecting 50mg estradiol. This is a very high dosage of estrogen, 5-10 times what a young woman would naturally produce and even high for pregnant women (because the estrogen is not opposed by a progestin).


The objective of this experiment was to see, among other things, if it could make me more in contact with my own emotions which has always been an issue for me. I was also looking for brain rejuvenation, improvement of cognitive function and more.


Estrogen is known for many beneficial effects including enhancing NGF function, neurogenesis, neuroprotection, telomerae-activation, anti-inflammation etc.


So far I have noticed the following relating to the brain:

1. More mental clarity, especially during the peaks of the injections.

2. More aware of my own emotions but not a big change.

3. Improved senses, vision seems better, sense of smell is better, hearing may also slightly be improved, especially during the peaks of the injections.

4. A little less obsessiveness, intrusive thoughts, ruminations and anything OCD-related.

5, Some increased aggression and desire for conflict and fighting.

6. Stronger orgasms and less post-orgasm fatigue and feeling terrible (though more ED).

7. Transient reduction in mental focus, thoughts become scattered and I forget items and tasks. Happens rarely, though.


I will keep updating. The plan is to continue for up to 3 months or longer because 3 months is generally the time where the effects really start to appear.

Edited by Believer, 24 June 2020 - 07:09 PM.

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#2 ibtisam_midlet

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 01:15 AM

Thanks for info
It's make a sens because most effect you discript is known to be declined for woman's in PERIMENOPAUSE including hearing improvement is known to be caused by estrogen membrane receptors
How do you take high dose estrogen without getting gynecomastia???

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#3 Believer

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 10:48 PM

Thanks for info
It's make a sens because most effect you discript is known to be declined for woman's in PERIMENOPAUSE including hearing improvement is known to be caused by estrogen membrane receptors
How do you take high dose estrogen without getting gynecomastia???

I do have gyno though with breast development there is a weird relationship where extremely high estradiol levels can actually have a negative effect on breast growth.

I have two large nodules under my nipples but not much else.

Today I tested intranasal estradiol. I had bought estradiol powder, 1 gram, and dissolved 17mg of it in 10ml of water though it was very hard to dissolve in the water so I added 0.2ml of DMSO which made the estradiol fully dissolve in the solution.
My nasalspray gives 0.09ml per spray so this means there is 11 sprays per ml, and if there is thereabout 10ml there should be a little over 110 sprays for the bottle.
17mg of estradiol divided by 110 sprays gives about 150 micrograms per spray, which should be a little above a normal dosage. However since absorption is not 100% it shouldn't be a problem.


Myself and others tested the nasal spray and we experienced:

A stronger desire to talk to people and socialize. It was harder to shut up.

Much more positive mood.

Much more open to other people.

Stronger sense of smell, a little stronger vision, more clearheaded, more mental energy.

I personally felt that food tasted better.


Note that one of the persons testing the spray is a man taking 900mg nandrolone decanoate anabolic steroid.

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#4 ibtisam_midlet

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Posted 30 June 2020 - 11:18 PM

if i take estradiol what the super dose that will prevent breast growth in your opinion

Edited by ibtisam_midlet, 30 June 2020 - 11:19 PM.

#5 Believer

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Posted 07 July 2020 - 04:01 PM

if i take estradiol what the super dose that will prevent breast growth in your opinion

Anything used for breast cancer treatment, if using estradiol I'd say anything over 40mg weekly.

Just note that with oral ingestion most of the estrogen passes through the liver causing an increase in the production of coagulation factors and an increased risk of blood clots.

Injections don't have this issue except in dosages of 50mg per week they do slightly increase coagulation but you can easily take a blood thinner like aspirin to counteract it.

#6 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 08 July 2020 - 09:38 PM

I don't believe those levels of hormones are in any way sustainable so I'm not sure what the long term benefit is supposed to be.  Your brain is 25ish years old so I'm unsure of why it would need rejuvenating.  


Forgive me, but I just see far more potential for doing harm than doing any good with what you're doing.  Is there any research to support these levels of exogenous hormone levels?


If you are a hetrosexual male that does not wish to become feminized, taking extremely high doses of estrogen for a month and a half would seem to be a curious plan of action.

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#7 Believer

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Posted 08 July 2020 - 10:00 PM

I don't believe those levels of hormones are in any way sustainable so I'm not sure what the long term benefit is supposed to be.  Your brain is 25ish years old so I'm unsure of why it would need rejuvenating.  


Forgive me, but I just see far more potential for doing harm than doing any good with what you're doing.  Is there any research to support these levels of exogenous hormone levels?


If you are a hetrosexual male that does not wish to become feminized, taking extremely high doses of estrogen for a month and a half would seem to be a curious plan of action.

50mg of estradiol enanthate is enough to only require monthly (every 4 weeks) injections because the hormone lasts so long in the body at these extreme dosages.


Is there any research to support these levels of exogenous hormone levels?

For prostate cancer they do use dosages closer to but still under what I am doing. One reason is the increased SHBG blocking adrenal androgens.


The interesting things is that for feminization, lower levels of estradiol can actually be more feminizing whereas higher levels are less feminizing. Many posters on reddit.com/r/TransDIY/ note the very same thing in regards to feminization.


Estrogen also lowers igf-1 and has been used for acromegaly and so my main thought was that by taking high dosages I could lower igf-1 production even further.

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#8 joesixpack

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Posted 09 July 2020 - 03:08 AM

Are worried about cancer? Your body, at your age should have normal amounts of testosterone, and estrogen. You have taken massive amounts of both, and both are connected to different forms of cancer.

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#9 William Sterog

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Posted 09 July 2020 - 04:41 AM

This is one of the most dangerous, irresponsible and senseless things that I have ever seen, congratulations. You are going to regret what you are doing.
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#10 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 09 July 2020 - 04:43 AM

You don't have prostate cancer as far as we know.  I'm guessing you don't have acromegaly or you would have mentioned it.


So you're going to lower igf-1. For how long? How long do you plan to stick with this dose level?  Because we can debate to what extent 50mg estradiol will feminize you, but that you will be feminized isn't really up for debate.  It will happen.  In fact, it's certainly already begun to happen.


All these things you're trying to improve should already be in excellent shape at your age.  There are far more downside than upside to this plan. In fact, there may be no upside at all for someone at your age. It very well may be nothing but downside.


Unless you are looking for feminization, there's really nothing to recommend a male taking any substantial levels of female hormone. You are running the risk of completely screwing up your androgenic hormonal system, and yes as the post above mentions, incurring cancer.


I have to say, of all the foolhardy things I've seen in these forums, this one may take the cake.




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