NAC can protect cancer-cells from oxidative bursts in mouse models.
Once lung cancer is established, it promotes it.
Before the cancer is established, it can prevent it. I love those results 
Run this through google translate
"Det har gjorts ett stort antal när det gäller flera olika typer av naturliga och syntetiska antioxidanter och när man går igenom dessa så ser man att det inte finns något tydligt budskap. I enstaka fall har det skyddande effekt, i de flesta fall ingen effekt, och i flera fall en ökad risk för cancer. Faktum är att när det gäller de största studierna som gjorts så fick studierna avbrytas – för att de personer som fick antioxidanter fick en cancerdiagnos, i betydligt större grad än kontrollgruppen."
There has been a large number [of large randomized placebo controlled clinical studied] when it comes to several types of natural and synthetic antioxidants and when we look thru these we see that there is no clear message. In a few cases they have a protective effect, in most cases they have no effect, and in many cases there is a increased risk of cancer. The fact of the matter is when it comes to the largest studies that have been done the studies had to be aborted - because the people that received antioxidants got a cancer diagnosis, in significantly larger extent than the control group.
"Sammantaget finns alltså inget stöd för att antioxidanttillskott skyddar mot cancer, utan snarare att det kan öka risken för cancer. Alla dessa studier gjordes innan vi kom in i fältet."
On the whole there is no support that antioxidant supplements can protect against cancer, rather they can increase the risk of cancer. All of these studies were done before we came into the field.
"Varför gick ingen ut och varnade för kosttillskott med antioxidanter redan efter de studierna?"
Why did no one come out and warn about supplements with antioxidants right after these studies?
"[...]-Men när det gäller just antioxidanter har det uteblivit och resultaten från alla dessa kliniska studier har lämnats vid vägkanten. En tänkbar förklaring till detta är att tron på antioxidanters cancer-hämmande effekter är djupt rotad i samhället och mycket väl marknadsförd av kosttillskottsföretag."
But when it is about antioxidants in particular it [it: warnings] has not happened and the results from all these clinical studies has been left by the way-side. A possible explanation for this is the belief in antioxidants cancer-suppressing effect that is deeply rooted in the society and very well-marketed by supplement companies.
"-Slutsatsen från kliniska, genomiska och experimentella studier är att fria radikaler är skadliga för både friska celler och cancerceller. Forskning på möss från vår och andra forskargrupper har visat att om man ger antioxidanter till en ung frisk mus som är benägen att utveckla cancer senare i livet, så minskar tumörutvecklingen. Men den sammantagna forskningen visar också att så fort en tumör bildats så hjälper antioxidanterna även tumörcellerna att antingen växa snabbare (lungcancer) eller sprida sig fortare (melanom)."
The conclusion from clinical, genomic and experimental studies is that free radical are harmful to both healthy cells and cancer-cells. Research on mice from our and other research-teams have shown that if you give antioxidants to a young healthy mouse that's prone to develop cancer in late life, the growth of cancer is ameliorated. But the whole research taken as a whole also show that as soon as a tumor is present the anti-oxidants also help the tumors to either grow faster (lungcancer) or spread quicker (melanoma).
"-Sammanfattningsvis visar alltså vår och andras studier att antioxidanter skyddar friska celler mot fria radikaler men de skyddar även cancerceller mot fria radikaler. Fria radikaler är skadliga och det spelar ingen roll om det är en frisk cell eller en cancercell. Men det innebär att konsekvensen för en tumör-fri person och en cancerpatient som tar extra tillskott av antioxidanter kan bli den motsatta.
Men då kan väl friska personer fortsätta att äta kosttillskott med antioxidanter?
– Det stora problemet är att man inte generellt kan rekommendera alla som är friska att ta extra kosttillskott med antioxidanter eftersom det är omöjligt att upptäcka små, odiagnosticerade tumörer."
In summary our study and others show that antioxidants protect healthy cells against free-radicals but they also protect cancer-cells against free-radicals. Free radical are harmful and it does not matter if it is a healthy cell or a cancer cell. But it means that the consequences for a tumor-free person and a cancer-patient that supplements extra anti-oxidants could be the opposite. But then can healthy people continue eat supplements with anti-oxidants? -The big problem is that we can't generally recommend all healthy individuals to consume extra supplements with anti-oxidants because it is impossible to discover small, un-diagnosed tumors.
If any of these anti-oxidation promoters actually have any sort of indication that they actually extend life then I'm up for taking it. As far as I know there isn't much on that. To me it seems like NAC might be more specific use. I've heard that it can indeed boost glutathione, at least for short-moderate periods of time. (Here in Sweden acetylcysteine recently (5 years ago or so) became a prescription only drug for clearing mucous (taken as an effervescent tablet in water). I was caught unaware and customs took a bottle of NAC.) At this point in time I'm personally more convinced by David Sinclair's hypotheses and ideas about how aging works. That free radicals and their effects isn't the biggest thing in most situations, it's rather a lot of the surrounding systems that might be more important and could need a boost to deal with that and all sorts of stresses we are put thru as these system age since birth. Then it's not like he has great answers concretely for what to take, what he takes is somewhat speculative at this point (NMN, metformin, resveratrol).
As far as possible side effects of NAC, I've heard something about it might mess with the permeability of the blood brain barrier (same person who said it might boost glutathione temporarily: Steve Fowkes) or something like that, best I recall.
Edited by Keizo, 21 August 2020 - 10:18 PM.