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Is there a connection between how old you look and longevity? My thoughts and some science..

longevity skin aging looking young

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#1 Matt

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Posted 02 July 2020 - 07:24 AM

I got a comment recently from someone who said that it was delusional to think that there is any correlation between how old one looks and health status or longevity. So I got inspired to write a blog post about it.

You can read it here: http://www.crvitalit...ll-live-longer/

I think it should go without saying that if you slow down aging, then you will look younger. 


In the article I discuss a few things

  • Feature a few people who look exceptionally young for their age
  • Do centenarians appear younger than their age for most of their life?
  • Is it possible to slow down biological aging even in the young?
  • Why looking really young even at a fairly young age is still impressive and can be more difficult to achieve than someone who looks 40 at 60.
  • My own experience.


Interestingly, I've spoken to thousands of people on the phone, many of them in their 90s and some over 100 - and often I'm surprised by how young they sound. I think they are younger than their age until they tell me their date of birth. Being interested in longevity, I ask them some questions and they usually tell me that they've always been mistaken for looking a lot younger than their age too.

So in their appearance, voice and how they act, they seem younger.


Although I'm still fairly young, I've also had similar experiences in that people who talk to me on the phone normally assume I'm about 18-19. When they meet me in person it's usually 20-22. 

And it's not as common as people think either. The vast majority of people look their age or older. With some exceptions look a little younger.

And it's not just about great skin care either. I'm sure a lot of you have seen people who have incredible skin but for some reason still seem their age.


I remember years ago when I found out Ralph Macchio's age: he was about 28-years old in Karate Kid but still looked and sounded like a teenager. He has a family history of longevity by the way. He mentioned how he gets it from his grandmother who was still alive and close to 100, but looked 20 years younger.

His skin is a bit sun damaged now at close to 60, but he still seems young and sounds young. 

This was him when he was 28. 


Hope you enjoy! :)  The blog post is not finished yet, but it's the first version.



#2 pamojja

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Posted 02 July 2020 - 09:07 AM

Well, looking at the small collection of faces of centenarians here: https://www.worldlif...com/face-of-age they do sometimes look their age.


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#3 Mind

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Posted 02 July 2020 - 06:06 PM

Well, looking at the small collection of faces of centenarians here: https://www.worldlif...com/face-of-age they do sometimes look their age.


attachicon.gif 4.jpg


Are many of those pictures from when they are close to death? A better comparison would look at pictures from each decade of their life.


My subjective experience would agree with Matt.

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#4 bosharpe

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Posted 07 July 2020 - 02:14 PM

Thanks for the article Matt I appreciate the share.

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#5 Matt

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Posted 08 July 2020 - 08:57 PM

William Shatner seems to be doing fairly well for his age. I remember in Kurzweil documentary, he said that he didn't want to die and would like to prolong his life as long as possible. And if following Ray's plan would do that, he was willing to do it.

He doesn't seem to watch his diet but he claims to exercise. He's still quite overweight, but despite that, he's doing exceptionally well. He's obviously very sharp, looks younger, sounds young and strong in his voice. He just acts and moves as if he's much younger as well. 

He's 89 years old.





Edited by Matt, 08 July 2020 - 08:59 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: longevity, skin aging, looking young

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