The author simply claims, that the one thng that repeats through all long living people is a repetition of something, that the person is doing every day for decades.
Centerians are very different in everything else - some drink alcochol, some do not, some eat healthy, some not anything different than the people arround them, who lived less long, some have been sporting, some not. But all of them have had some "daily routine"
That is one of the few theories, that explains why my grand-mother lived to 97. She was having a very non-healthy lifestyle, but she had a very strict routine - in that time wake up, in that time start cooking, in that time take the grand son to the kinder garden, in that time serve lunch, in that time- dinner, etc.
I also noticed that centerians have had a daily routine.
One another long living person - a centerian from my life line, also has had a daily routine of walking on the black sea sand.
One of the very famous Bulgarian centerians - "Grandpa Dobri" had a very strict routine, waking up - going by feet fro his cillage to Sofia (some 40 km by feet !!!!), going to the largest church in Sofia, then starting to beg - at the end of the day, he was giving all of the eaned from begging money for the church or for to the local orphanages - then going back to his village - another 40 km !!!
At first glance I dodn't pay attention of the theory, but then I thought - wait a minute - if you train your body to perform successfuly a walk of 40 km then you surely will not die...
I simply started to think if you little by little day by day train your body to successfully perform something despite of the outside circumstances, would this actually train your body to be active, e.g. alive despite of the surrounding factors.
Such as you drink, but you trained yourself to perform that despite you have drunk alcohol ...
Can simmilarly you trin your body to perform a task despite what do you eat, how do you sport, etc.