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Fulvic & Humic Acids May Enhance Cognition & Prolong Lifespan

humic acid fulvic acid shilajit

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#1 Seganfredo

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 05:19 AM

I've been studying about Fulvic & Humic Acids for the last few days. Fulvic acid seems to be the main active ingredient in Shilajit, a well-known supplement.


Anyone's got experience with it and, even better, knows how to extract it from soil with substances readily available in the average home/kitchen?



[Had an image here, but apparently "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."]


Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity. Study showing how Shilajit's [almost entirely] made of these acids but has a few other ingredients: https://europepmc.or...cle/PMC/3296184


Found a chemistry student (who takes drops of common & dirt cheap [pun intended] Humic & Fulvic Acid made for plants and) who's started a small 6k subs youtube channel based 80% on praising Humic and Fulvic Acids as THE ultimate natural supplements. Here's his channel, but it's in Portuguese: https://www.youtube....dG7aKAVKF2nzYwg . He and other proponents claim these acids:


- Prolong lifespan (found a study backing it up - oops. I didn't keep links to the studies I've read.);
- Enhance cognition and memory (same as above);
- Bring balance/control/calmess to overstimulated minds while supposedly being energizing overall;
- Block tau self-aggregation (helps against Alzheimer's - found studies that back this up);
- Stimulates sexuality and testosterone production in men (seems a common claim);
- Serve as pretty well-rounded multivitamin & mineral complexes (specific content can't be listed accurately as they're pretty complex substances varying with the soil used for their extraction); 

- Aid with making sleep a lot more restorative from the very 1st use;

- Enhance energy/strength/muscle growth (it's actually quite known to help in the develpoment in both plants & farm animals from studies I've read);

- Are pretty great chelating agents (some 3 studies I've read concluded the same);

- Help with immune function (did find studies backing it up too);

- Tons other stuff...
There's one scholar I've seen who claims it's what Brazilian/Amazonian indians use to neutralize snake poison. (Can't find link.)
Just to mention one study I've still got opened:
- Increases growth rate and feed conversion efficiency (in cattle, 0.055g/kg/day) 
A story from the largest media corporation in Brazil:
FITNESS AND DIET: Miracle Fertilizer: fulvic acid is a substance that energizes everyone to pump iron
The substance that is absolutely "in" as a fitness supplement comes from the earth; know what are the benefits of this novetly that has conquered the American [and English] gym-goers
"The reason for the success is that it increases the oxygen supply to the muscles during physical activity. In other words, people are much more energetic to work out. Another advantage of the substance is that it helps the body to produce less lactic acid, which is responsible for the pain we feel when we exercise a lot.
"In addition to the obvious benefits for those who practice physical activity, the substance has other 1,001 'uses'. It works as a powerful antioxidant, helps the body better absorb vitamins and minerals, eliminates heavy emetal toxins from the body, facilitates the transport of nutrients through cells and strengthens the immune system. For this reason, it has been called a "miracle molecule" by some experts.
"Studies show that we need at least 90 nutrients to stay healthy. Fulvic acid increases the permeability of cell membranes, making the body metabolize these substances better,” explains nutritionist Roberta Lima, from the Velox academy, in Rio [de Janeiro]. She still does not prescribe the supplement “for lack of research that guarantees the absence of side effects such as prolonged use ”, but accompanies its boom abroad, where it is sold in liquid form and has a sweet taste. The daily dosage recommended by the manufacturers is small, just three drops."



7 Benefits of fulvic acid and how to use it: enhance the health of your intestines, skin and brain


Considered the “nutrient enhancer”, [...]

[...] it has become popular for delaying aging, improving digestive health and protecting brain function. [...]

"1. Improves intestinal health and immune function
For hundreds of years, an ancient remedy known as shilajit, which contains approximately 50 to 60 percent fulvic acid, has been used in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat a wide range of health benefits that can be traced to poor digestive and immune health.
2. Helps to stimulate digestion and absorption of nutrients
3. Protects Cognitive Health [quotes from a 2011 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.]
4. Improves Detoxification
5. Reduces free radical damage and inflammation
6. Improves energy levels and decreases pain
7. Repairs and protects the skin"

( portalsaude.net/acido-fulvico-7-beneficios-e-como-usar )




Anyway, the YouTuber I meantioned says it's obviously not a panacea, but that it'll likely help with any problem one might have and that he's greatly helped himself, his family and tons of other people over the years deal and even cure from a number of different health conditions only with these two acids (in tandem with Boron) and the results were nothing short of amazing in most cases. I already use Boron and really appreciate it - it's truly helping me against what seems to be a internal fungal infection. As the guy isn't selling the acids/anything and shows himself to be quite knowledgeable on the topic, it got me even more interested in it.



While Shilajit's quite expensive in some parts of the world, clean, rich rural soil is free & abundant in the far countryside (at least I've got plenty of access to it).

That's why I've beein looking around how to extract it from the soil myself.



According to the following,
...humic and fulvic acids can be extracted from (a rich, pesticide-free) soil with alkali (and acid).
I've been wondering over the last few minutes if I can make it work with ye ole baking soda and lemon juice/vinegar... It'd make my day.

Edited by Seganfredo, 16 August 2020 - 05:44 AM.

#2 Hip

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 04:29 AM

It may be advisable not drink chlorinated tap water while taking humic acid and fulvic acid, as chlorine reacts with both of these to create highly carcinogenic substances. See here and here.

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#3 Seganfredo

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 04:40 AM

I typically avoid chlorinated water like the plague but did not know about the reaction you mentioned. Thanks for the info. 

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#4 brosci

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Posted 22 August 2020 - 07:09 PM

It may be advisable not drink chlorinated tap water while taking humic acid and fulvic acid, as chlorine reacts with both of these to create highly carcinogenic substances. See here and here.


Are these issues there with consumption outside of chlorinated water? My rough math puts tap water at around ~0.5mg/L of chlorine, while the body itself has ~95,000mg of Cl.

Edited by brosci, 22 August 2020 - 07:09 PM.

#5 Hip

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Posted 22 August 2020 - 07:21 PM

Are these issues there with consumption outside of chlorinated water? My rough math puts tap water at around ~0.5mg/L of chlorine, while the body itself has ~95,000mg of Cl.


I don't think the chloride ion Cl- in the body can react in the same way with humic substances as the chlorine molecule Cl2.

#6 Seganfredo

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 12:07 AM

News: the agricultural fulvic and humic acids arrived today.

I took some 7 drops in water on an empty stomach. And what a surprise.


3-5mins later, I feel my lungs breathing much easier (I don't have any breathing issues, as far as I know).

My head starts making a weird noise at it's center (as it only does when I take some strong substance that acts in the brain - had multiple psychiatric problems in my early youth - long-term depression with and without manic episodes, severe depersonalization, anorexia, bulimia and dozen other things). I got a bit concerned something that wouldn't be good would happen, but it was quite the contrary.


Soon, colors became more vivid and shining surfaces became prettier, there was instantly more visual definition. Went out some 10mins later and I realized my vision was broader. I felt physically lighter, more nimble, comfortable. Still do, somewhat.


I'm usually QUITE vengeful (lol), but somehow, I simply didn't feel any need to be rancorous today when a situation that would undobtedly trigger it happened (dealt with it much better and came up on top without any unnecessary aggression). It's as if a part of my old depression (which was "cured", but some sequalae remained) was suddenly lifted just out of the blue. I don't know if I still got these enhancements, but as I check, it seems I've just normalized them, but they're still with me.


I didn't (consciously) expect 10% of it, much less this quick, but, who knows? It might be the placebo effect in action. If so, I just hope it keeps on fooling me for the better a lot longer.

Anyone else tried fulvic and humic acids/shilajit and had similar results?

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#7 Seganfredo

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 12:10 AM

Also, does anyone ever heard of a pseudo-scientific concoction popularly named "Ormus" ("mono-atomic minerals")? I had studied it deep enough quite a while ago, aware of its lack of scientific backing.


Funny thing is, fulvic and humic acids (which has plenty of scientific backing) are extracted from soil/dirt in precisely the same way as "ormus" is produced. 

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#8 Hip

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 01:51 AM

News: the agricultural fulvic and humic acids arrived today.
I took some 7 drops in water on an empty stomach. And what a surprise.


Can you link to the agricultural product you bought? Is it a liquid product? Are agricultural fulvic and humic acid products cheaper than fulvic and humic acids sold as supplements? 


Would you know how many milligrams of fulvic and humic acids were present in the 7 drops you took?


After your interesting results, I am looking for an agricultural product I can buy in the UK. I was looking into fulvic and humic acids some years ago, but never got around to trying them properly, apart from some brief experiments with Shilajit.


Soon, colors became more vivid and shining surfaces became prettier, there was instantly more visual definition. Went out some 10mins later and I realized my vision was broader. I felt physically lighter, more nimble, comfortable. Still do, somewhat.
I'm usually QUITE vengeful (lol), but somehow, I simply didn't feel any need to be rancorous today when a situation that would undobtedly trigger it happened (dealt with it much better and came up on top without any unnecessary aggression). It's as if a part of my old depression (which was "cured", but some sequalae remained) was suddenly lifted just out of the blue. I don't know if I still got these enhancements, but as I check, it seems I've just normalized them, but they're still with me.


Intriguing! Sounds like the fulvic and humic acids have created a more poised and higher state of consciousness (ie, a more spiritual state), which then enables you to ride above situations that would normally trigger anger.


If you search Google for "Shilajit spiritual", you find some articles stating that it enhances spiritual consciousness.


Other supplements that are known to induce a higher state of consciousness and greater spirituality are holy basil herb (Ocimum tenuiflorum, Tulsi), which works in a matter of hours, and frankincense essential oil (if you take 5 drops of this essential oil internally, diluted in some cooking oil, you feel spiritual effects within hours). I have tried both, and they definitely work. It is no coincidence that they burn frankincense in churches, as inhaling the smoke will put you into a more spiritual state of mind.


Reishi mushroom builds up the spiritual faculty over weeks of usage, it is reported. 


Edited by Hip, 05 September 2020 - 01:58 AM.

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#9 Seganfredo

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 04:05 AM

Can you link to the agricultural product you bought? Is it a liquid product? Are agricultural fulvic and humic acid products cheaper than fulvic and humic acids sold as supplements? 


Sure (but it's from Brazil, lol): https://www.agrobiol...-solve-liquido/

Taking into account you'll take less than 10 drops a day, it's basically free. I bought 1L for ~30BRL (less than 6USD). Actually, as I don't know for sure what they could do to extract these acids from earth (might use toxic products, process it in unclean places, etc) I bought exactly the one the researcher bought "Hum-I-Solve", it's called. As I know how it's usually done by now (the use a strong base), the only dangerous thing I can think of right now is that they might use metallic parts to make/"brew" these acids, which would react with the strong base in a very dangerous way. But *I guess* it's unlikely, as it's cheaper for them to use plastic/wood to do it and *I guess* if they did it like that, it could damage the plants (I sdon't know. TBH it's a wild guess I'll have to research later).



Would you know how many milligrams of fulvic and humic acids were present in the 7 drops you took?


After your interesting results, I am looking for an agricultural product I can buy in the UK. I was looking into fulvic and humic acids some years ago, but never got around to trying them properly, apart from some brief experiments with Shilajit. 


Actually I don't... The product is made to be used macro, and in such tiny doses, it's beyond hard to know how much you're using.

I just experimented using somewhat as used by the researcher who proselytizes about it (and now I guess I know why).

If it helps, here's the technical sheet from the product I bought: https://www.agrobiol...a-humisolve.pdf



Intriguing! Sounds like the fulvic and humic acids have created a more poised and higher state of consciousness (ie, a more spiritual state), which then enables you to ride above situations that would normally trigger anger.


If you search Google for "Shilajit spiritual", you find some articles stating that it enhances spiritual consciousness.


I don't know, really. The way I thought about it is: "I'm a bit effed up in the head from my childhood PTSD/long-term traumas, so this thing is probably [physically] improving my brain, giving it more energy/nutrients to work, etc. And as my brain works better, I don't feel like being a douche" lol. I guess by improving my brain, it improved my "spirituality" (or behaviour) in tandem - supposing the brain affects the spirit, of course. "Spirit" is so hard to define, right.


Interesting. Clicked in the Google search and will def check about "shilajit spiritual" right away.



Other supplements that are known to induce a higher state of consciousness and greater spirituality are holy basil herb (Ocimum tenuiflorum, Tulsi), which works in a matter of hours, and frankincense essential oil (if you take 5 drops of this essential oil internally, diluted in some cooking oil, you feel spiritual effects within hours). I have tried both, and they definitely work. It is no coincidence that they burn frankincense in churches, as inhaling the smoke will put you into a more spiritual state of mind.


Reishi mushroom builds up the spiritual faculty over weeks of usage, it is reported. 


As I've got CFS/ME (it sucks big time - but I recovered some 90%+ from it since I had it), I've been trying like crazy to find large amounts of Tulsi at a decent price, but that's been hard to do.

Hmm.. frankincense... I'll try that one out. As it's more of a common item, I guess I might find it at a decent price (for a Brazilian guy in the middle of an Earth-shattering crisis).


If you know of other supplements with positive spiritual effects, shoot it. I'll be sure to try them out too.

#10 Seganfredo

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 04:08 AM

BTW, another good news.


I've been able to do A LOT more exercise and without even getting tired after using this supplement for the very first day. (After the good results, I "cheated" and used a LOT more than the 7 drops, as I've read here and there one basically can't overdose these acids - at worst people have gotten diarrhea with huge doses, from what I've seen.)


I know my body and my rep range pretty well, and I got WAY beyond what I've been used to for the last 2y (which is a fraction of what I used to do 3y ago when I hadn't yet developed CFS/ME, but it's still pretty decent for the average person). I've been surprisingly fatigue resistant in my last set of exercises. Stopped cause I don't wanna find out what's my limit and realize I'll crash later bc of ME.



Hopefully neutral news:


Right now I'm feeling like there are some "spider webs" being ripped off inside my brain and a bit of pain behind my lower flanks that comes and goes - and hope it's a good/neutral sign.

Heard about the spider web symptom from a cocaine user and never knew what he meant - but it's exactly what I feel. The flanks thing I guess has to do with my kidneys and/or the CFS.


I'll likely keep myself within the recommended dose tomorrow, no need to rush.

Edited by Seganfredo, 05 September 2020 - 04:22 AM.

#11 Seganfredo

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 04:27 AM

Video of the YouTuber I mentioned briefly talking about the supplement. 




(Add subtitles and select translate to English.)

Edited by Seganfredo, 05 September 2020 - 04:28 AM.

#12 Hip

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 04:27 AM

I've been able to do A LOT more exercise and without even getting tired after this supplement.
I know my body and my rep range pretty well, and I got WAY beyond what I've been used to for the last 2y (which is a fraction of what I used to do 3y ago when I hadn't yet developed CFS/ME, but it's still pretty decent for the average person). I've been surprisingly fatigue resistant in my last set of exercises. Stopped cause I don't wanna find out what's my limit and realize I'll crash later bc of ME.

That's very interesting. 
I also have ME/CFS, which I developed in 2006, after an infection with coxsackievirus B4. I used to be close to severe on the ME/CFS scale of: severe, moderate, mild, remission, but now I am moderate to mild. So I am definitely going to try fulvic and humic acids now.



If you know of other supplements with positive spiritual effects, shoot it. I'll be sure to try them out too.


I used to be quite a spiritual/mystical person (although with a science education), and loved doing yoga and meditation. But after I got hit with ME/CFS, my spiritual side dried up. I think this is because ME/CFS as a disease seems to reduce or shrink conscious awareness, whereas I tend to think of spirituality as an expanded conscious awareness. That's my working definition of spirituality: a mental state where you have more conscious awareness of both your own self and own mind, as well as the environment around you.


So every time I found a supplement which could increase spirituality / conscious awareness, I made a note. So as well as frankincense and holy basil, one other supplement that I find boosts spirituality is creatine, especially if taken intranasally by snorting the powder. If I snort around 100 mg of creatine monohydrate powder into my nose, I find this creates a more spiritual stance. Careful not to snort creatine hydrochloride, as this is acidity and anything acidic will sting like hell in the nose.


Colloidal platinum is also touted to increase spirituality. 




By the way, if you want to increase emotions, then myrrh essential oil is fantastic for this. You can take orally 5 drops of myrrh essential oil diluted in 30 15 ml of cooking oil, and you may find that it makes your emotions stronger and more robust. This is what I found. You can also rub the 5 drops of myrrh on your skin, where it will be absorbed. It has a strong odor though, but a nice odor.







Edited by Hip, 05 September 2020 - 04:28 AM.

#13 Seganfredo

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 05:18 AM

You got ME/CFS too? I just exchanged some emails with Cort from Phoenix Rising asking him about NA sellers that would send to Brazil right now (really putting effort to get them) and telling him about my crazy protocol, stacks, and experiments, and he sent me back a form asking me to disclose my protocol for him to post on the forum so others could benefit. I'll be sure to do that. I researched like a madman and tried EVERYTHING to get better for these 2y - and actually did, quite a lot, but am not yet 100%. Was pretty close to it until last week, but slided back quite a little after staying out in the cold for too long, abusing of sex back again, getting a bad sore throat and then having some truly heavy stress and aggression that got me shaking my whole body from lack of proper cortisol production. Old habits die hard. If the acids keep on like this, I no doubt will highly recommend them for ME.


Please do tell me what helped you the most in your quest for recovery from CFS/ME. I'll be sure to do the same. Maybe we start a post here and exchange knowledge.


I used to be quite a spiritual/mystical person (although with a science education), and loved doing yoga and meditation. But after I got hit with ME/CFS, my spiritual side dried up. I think this is because ME/CFS as a disease seems to reduce or shrink conscious awareness, whereas I tend to think of spirituality as an expanded conscious awareness. That's my working definition of spirituality: a mental state where you have more conscious awareness of both your own self and own mind, as well as the environment around you.


So every time I found a supplement which could increase spirituality / conscious awareness, I made a note. So as well as frankincense and holy basil, one other supplement that I find boosts spirituality is creatine, especially if taken intranasally by snorting the powder. If I snort around 100 mg of creatine monohydrate powder into my nose, I find this creates a more spiritual stance. Careful not to snort creatine hydrochloride, as this is acidity and anything acidic will sting like hell in the nose.


Funny of you to say that. I agree about ME drying up the spiritual side. I'm a master neurolinguistic programmer and master hypnotist/hypnotherapist by trade. I still can solve people pretty well through technique, but the gift (?) of "knowing" and "reading" people, kind of like "getting inside them" that I developed.... it's pretty much gone. Also, I used to be able to do quite unbelievable stuff to myself through self-hypnosis and meditation, but it seems CFS stole almost all my innate "power" from me. If I try to force it, it's real bad. I can only change myself slower and through other means. This CFS-spirituality link got me real curious now.


Snorting creatine... now that's something I never thought I'd be tempted to do... but I'll sure to try that. I was using creatine mono only for it's intellect boosting abilities - surely it reaches the brain much better if snorted, probably skipping the BBB. Where did you get this idea from? I wonder if it's 100% safe and am highly temped.



 Colloidal platinum is also touted to increase spirituality. 




By the way, if you want to increase emotions, then myrrh essential oil is fantastic for this. You can take orally 5 drops of myrrh essential oil diluted in 30 15 ml of cooking oil, and you may find that it makes your emotions stronger and more robust. This is what I found. You can also rub the 5 drops of myrrh on your skin, where it will be absorbed. It has a strong odor though, but a nice odor.


I've been dealing with colloids for 1,5 y. Homemade colloidal silver was what killed all my heavy muscular pains and basically saved me in the beginning. But never tried producing colloidal platinum. Not even sure I'd know how to make it. The next one in my list was gold, as it's supposed to enhance cognition, energy, and the electrical flow in the body. You buy or make your collidal platinum?


Also very funny of you to say that (ie. increasing emotions). I've been looking for something to actually "feel feelings" for years, much before the CFS thing, but had lately come to the conclusion that it's okay and normal for me to not feel emotions as I'm a man and that T + PTSD (which I consider normal for men throughout history) blunts feelings. But I'll try myrrh too, no doubt, except it drops T levels too bad.


("Boswellic acid has a structure not dissimilar from some hormones like testosterone, and also to steroids found in myrrh, (like cholest-5-en-3β-ol" ...Hmmm... https://www.scientif...nd-myrrh-audio/ ). Myrrh, frankinsense and [colloidal] gold... so the Three Magi actually knew what they were doing.


Edited by Seganfredo, 05 September 2020 - 05:20 AM.

#14 Hip

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Posted 05 September 2020 - 04:13 PM

I just exchanged some emails with Cort from Phoenix Rising asking him about NA sellers that would send to Brazil right now (really putting effort to get them) and telling him about my crazy protocol, stacks, and experiments, and he sent me back a form asking me to disclose my protocol for him to post on the forum so others could benefit. I'll be sure to do that.

I'd be interested in seeing your stack of treatments.


I have spent over a decade trying out all sorts of supplements and drugs to try to improve my ME/CFS. The only major success I have had was with high-dose selenium (400 micrograms daily), which took me from the edge of severe ME/CFS, up to being at the edge of mild ME/CFS. Selenium is antiviral for coxsackievirus B, one of the main viruses linked to ME/CFS (and my blood test showed I have active CVB4). Selenium also has other benefits, like boosting the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase.


As soon as I stop selenium, I slip back to being much worse within 5 days. I posted details of my selenium protocol in this thread on the Phoenix Rising ME/CFS forums.


Some people who tried my selenium protocol also benefited; though like most ME/CFS treatments, others found this protocol did not help at all. That's often case with all ME/CFS treatments: what helps one patient may do nothing for the next.




You might like my roadmap to ME/CFS testing and treatment. This is a document I slowly compiled over many years, after reading about ME/CFS treatments on online forums like Phoenix Rising. The roadmap lists the ME/CFS treatments which are used by ME/CFS specialist doctors in the US, and which have a track record of helping ME/CFS patients. 


Treatments which are not too expensive and worth trying include vitamin B12 methylcobalamin injections (or the B12 transdermal oils, which are easier to administer than injections), the immunomodulator oxymatrine, low-dose naltrexone, and the immunomodulator drug tenofovir.


You might also like my recent thread: List of ME/CFS Recovery and Improvement Stories.




the unbelievable gift of "knowing" and "reading" people, kind of like "getting inside them" that I developed.... it's pretty much gone. 


I am exactly the same. I used to have a strong empathy, I could tune into other people's minds very easily. Not always a good thing, because when someone's mind is dark or depressed, the same feeling may come over you too. But overall I considered my empathy as a gift.


However now with ME/CFS, I would say that 90% of my empathetic skills in tuning into other minds has disappeared. I find this very sad, because I now feel more isolated from other people; before, when I had lots of empathy, I felt very mentally intimate with others, because I could feel their minds.


I think empathy may be due to naturally having high levels of consciousness, whereas I think ME/CFS dulls consciousness. ME/CFS brain fog feels like a deficit of consciousness. So maybe that's why ME/CFS reduces empathy.




Where did you get this idea from?


Originally I used to take creatine orally, in doses of around 5 grams. I observed a mild spiritual effect from oral creatine at that dose.


Then I read that creatine can increase levels of the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is associated with increased aggression and hair loss. So then I thought, what if I snort some creating powder, in order to get it directly into my brain (the nose is known to provide a fast route of getting substances into the brain, even pharmaceutical companies use it). Then I could direct the creatine into my brain, but not have much creatine in the rest of my body, where it would increase DHT. 


And sure enough, I found that just 100 mg of creatine monohydrate powder snorted into my nose would produce the same consciousness increasing effects as 5 grams of oral creatine. Just don't do this outside a police station!


I should add that I have often experimented with snorting various supplements into my nose, in order to target the brain. I think it's safe, but be careful not to snort anything acidic, as you would not believe how much that stings. I once tried to snort some vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid powder into my nose, and it instantly caused a terrible stinging pain, and I had to rush very fast to the bathroom to wash it out with water!




You buy or make your collidal platinum?


I bought it. Also tried colloidal silver, and colloidal gold. The silver did not seem to help; the gold did not seem to do much either. The platinum only had mild spiritual effects.




Also very funny of you to say that (ie. increasing emotions). I've been looking for something to actually "feel feelings" for years, much before the CFS thing, but had lately come to the conclusion that it's okay and normal for me to not feel emotions


Having blunted emotions (what psychologists call "blunted affect") is actually a known symptom of ME/CFS. My emotions became quite weakened as a result of ME/CFS. However I never had strong emotions even when healthy; I was more of a logical scientific type, although with lots of empathy. 


I always found I could offer empathetic help and understanding to other people, but I was never good at offering sympathy, because I think you have to be emotionally strong to give sympathy. I think empathy is a spiritual/consciousness-mediated connection to others, whereas sympathy is an emotional connection.


So even when healthy, I was always looking for something that might increase my emotions, and one day I started experimenting with myrrh essential oil, and noticed a powerful boosting of emotional strength. It felt really nice, all of a sudden I was that more emotional person that I had always wanted to be.


As you say, the Magi offering frankincense and myrrh was wise, one enhancing spirit and the other enhancing emotion.



Unfortunately not long after I discovered these emotional benefits of myrrh, I was hit with ME/CFS in 2006, after catching a virus that caused a bad sore throat initially, which I caught from kissing someone on a date (I think lots of people unknowingly catch viruses from their amorous activities, as deep kissing is a good way to spread viruses person to person).


ME/CFS then weakened my emotions much more, and now I find myrrh does not work for me at all. But when I was healthy, it worked very powerfully, you could not mistake it, because the emotional effect was strong. 



I have been experimenting with numerous supplements and drugs to try to boost my ME/CFS blunted emotions, and I listed some of the things that help in this post. But I usually find that supplements which work to increase my emotions would only do this for a short time of a few hours, and then would stop working the next day. So if I took the same supplement the next day, it would do nothing. Which is strange, almost like developing a tolerance to the supplement. So I would have to take a break from that supplement for a week, and only use it occasionally. 


That post also lists supplements I found have some slight benefit for my anhedonia, which I also have (anhedonia is the loss of the feeling of pleasure from life's normally pleasurable activities).




Anyway, I have just ordered this agricultural fulvic/humic acid product: Lignohumate MAX (1 liter for £16), so look forward to trying that.


Edited by Hip, 05 September 2020 - 04:16 PM.

#15 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 09 September 2020 - 09:20 PM

I have a 50 lb bag of Humate in my garage that I'm getting ready to put on my lawn.  Could I really grind this up and put it in capsules and take it?


I suppose the only thing I'd worry about would be heavy metal contamination from where ever this stuff is mined.  Something that might have seeped from the surface to whatever layer this material was sitting in.  That's also been my reluctance to try Shilajit, though I suppose if it really comes out of the Himalayas that the risk for heavy metal content would probably be low.


It would be nice to get a source for Humate/Shilajit that had some sort of testing done on it.





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#16 gintrux

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Posted 11 September 2020 - 06:12 AM

Just found this thread and reads pretty interesting. OP, can you report more about the effect it had on you, because more days had passed?

#17 gintrux

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Posted 11 September 2020 - 08:39 AM



Hum-I-Solve  is a fertilizer rich in humic and fulvic acids, produced through the alkaline extraction of lignite (sedimentary rock rich in humic substances).


Is this even safe for human consumption?


So does shilajit's effect suppesedly comes only from Humic & Fulvic Acids? And supposedly it's better to buy them than shilajit?

Edited by gintrux, 11 September 2020 - 08:42 AM.

#18 gintrux

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Posted 11 September 2020 - 06:31 PM

So today I bought this plant fertilizer from a local store (https://zaliastotele...iatorius-100-ml) which supposedly contains at least 20% fulvic & humic acids (unknown how much each precisely). Took 3 drops, no allergic reaction. Took 1.5g mixed with water and it was actually pretty nice mood booster + sort of a stimulant effect. Felt quite energetic. Had a meeting with a client and was assertive, witty and confident.

Could have been a placebo really, but usually doesn't happen like that. Need to test more.

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#19 Hip

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Posted 12 September 2020 - 03:46 PM

In terms of the potent carcinogens that are created when humic and fulvic acids come into contact with chlorine in drinking water (see my earlier post), it just occurred to me that if you are taking humic and fulvic acids as supplements, it may be an idea to take them well away from the time you have a bath or shower, as you breathe in chlorine gas from the water while in the bath or shower, and this gas dissolves into your bloodstream, where it may react with the humic and fulvic acids to create these highly carcinogenic substances.





#20 gintrux

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 02:18 PM

Just to report back, I’ve been using this plant fertilizer for 4 days and I’m pretty sure I’m back to baseline now. I don’t know if the effect was a placebo or some tolerance developed. I had also stacked it with egcg

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#21 Seganfredo

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Posted 22 October 2020 - 03:10 AM

Hey gintrux,


I've given one of my students who's a pretty massive body builder some 80ml of the H&FAs and told him to take some 5 drops pre and maybe post-workout.

Guy's been using everyday before training for the last 2 weeks and says it's given him a very definite boost in strength and resistance, no doubt about it. He also says he's somehow sleeping better since he started, but he went up to 12 drops pre-workout. (God, I miss lifting weights seriously so much.) Just as me, he also invests in livestock (he's got a LOT more heads of cattle than I do at this point, bless him), so he's got quite interested with the studies about H&FAs being used to speed and enhance cattle growth and says he'll check with the veterinary to give it a shot with a part of his herd.


I don't know how one would develop tolerance to it (the mechanics). I just know that first time I took it, it was ridiculous. Really. I took so little, yet, it had so much "oomph", it was such a strong "punch" that it got me even worried something bad was happening. It started my brain so powerfully and suddenly and let me breathe so much deeper that it was like a joke. Lights became brighter, too. Now I take some 15 drops and it gives me quite a nice boost, a small "punch" for a little while, definitely makes my retina/brain/whatever more receptive to light (things still become much brighter). I still can do SO MUCH more physically after taking it that it's not a joke. It undoubtedly makes a big difference, there's no question in my mind about it. I'm just worried it may have heavy metals, as it's not certified organic. 


Anyways... it's been a month+ since you've last reported, gintrux. What's been your experience?


I've been mixing it with ginger (energy), pure cocoa (antioxidant), lots of dried parsley (apigenin), coconut oil (antibacterial, brain food), black papper (piperine), curcumin (self-explanatory), borax (boron), iodine, l-carnitine (energy), ACV (energy), and a ton other stuff into one goo, and it's just being ridiculously powerful. Given it to two family members who were experiencing tough depressions, it lifted their mood so quickly and so well that one of them asked me WTH did I give them, and is starting to make the same goo for herself (the other's a bum when it comes to taking care of his health...).

Edited by Seganfredo, 22 October 2020 - 03:13 AM.

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