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Some questions re: resveratrol

resveratrol piperine

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#1 newbieLLP

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 01:16 PM

It's been quite a while since I've looked into R.  Back then (10+ years ago? perhaps on this forum or the one it was spawned from) it was generally agreed that taking R in the morning on an empty stomach was the best way to take it. The belief was that you wanted a high and quick spike to activate genes and it didn't really matter how long it stayed in your system once the spike was achieved ... as opposed to taking it with food which would slowly release it into the bloodstream over a longer time.  The goal of course being life extension.


1) Is this still the case?  I recently saw an interview with Dr. Sinclair and he said he takes it with yogurt (ie- not on an empty stomach) in the morning. I've also read others saying it's better absorbed with food, take it before you sleep since it synergizes with melatonin, etc etc.  Got me wondering if taking it in the morning on an empty stomach was still regarded as the best way?


2)  What are your thoughts on taking R with piperine? I've read that it increases absorption and also reduces the amount of R metabolite seen in the blood (which was said as a good thing) ... but the thing is, I always thought R's metabolite was also good and exerted a positive effect? 


I'm pretty out of the loop on R as the last I seriously looked into it was like 10+ years ago back when it had big hype behind it.  Thanks for any advice.

#2 newbieLLP

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 01:18 PM

ps- 3) If you're taking R and are a bit older, is it better to take it with NR or NMN instead of by itself?  NR seems the cheaper option with 300mg being affordable. Is this a good dose?

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#3 Castiel

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 05:42 PM

I think Sinclair said a fatty meal helps with absorption.   Piperine I don't think prevents metabolites it only delays metabolite creation, if I'm not mistaken, allowing for the unmodified molecule to remain longer in the system before the metabolites start being created.


Care is needed with piperine as it also seems to affect medications.


As for NMN or NR, I think apigenin from parsley and chamomile tea is another good way to boost NAD+.    Apigenin inhibits cd38, the molecule that increases with age and is responsible for the age related NAD decline. Chamomile consumption has even been associated with decreased mortality in women, iirc.


As for resveratrol, a few studies have suggested it can help rejuvenate cells at certain doses.   I think it's still not known what the minimum dose and peak time is for its strongest effects.


Some of resveratrols antiaging effects only require 1 thousandth of the dose used in most studies according to some research.  So even very small doses can potentially have notable antiaging effect.

Edited by Castiel, 14 September 2020 - 05:43 PM.

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#4 newbieLLP

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 07:22 PM

I had no idea about chamomile tea increasing NAD+ ... thanks so much for the tip!  It comes at a good time too as I'm giving up coffee and replacing it with green tea.  I suppose I could add a bag of chamomile tea while brewing the green tea.  Any idea what kind of doses (ie- how many cups a day) I'd need to see a result?

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#5 Castiel

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 07:38 PM

I had no idea about chamomile tea increasing NAD+ ... thanks so much for the tip!  It comes at a good time too as I'm giving up coffee and replacing it with green tea.  I suppose I could add a bag of chamomile tea while brewing the green tea.  Any idea what kind of doses (ie- how many cups a day) I'd need to see a result?


I'm not sure.  I think one cup a day may be good.  I tend to drink two cups one of green tea and one of chamomile tea daily.   But I think both could also effectively be combined in a single cup.






That's a link to the news article on the reduced mortality from chamomile.   I'd imagine most people only take 1 cup daily and that's probably behind the about 30% reduced mortality seen in women.


Would more cups be more effective? Maybe.   


This article suggests up to 3 to 4 cups of chamomile might be beneficial



Edited by Castiel, 14 September 2020 - 07:39 PM.

#6 newbieLLP

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 10:44 PM

Something interesting I found as I've been casually reading about this:


- Raw parsley is about 0.3% apigenin by weight (so 300mg per 100g of raw parsley)

- Chamomile is about 0.8-1.2% by weight (so let's say 1g per 100g of chamomile)

- But check this out ---> dried parsley is 13.5% apigenin by weight! (http://www.nutrition...cgi?Nutr_No=770)


Dried parsley has an insane amount of the stuff and it's pretty cheap too: https://www.amazon.c.../dp/B01MS6VYZ9/


It might be the case that just adding dried parsley to your meal's salad or blending it into a shake is the most cost-effective method? Thoughts on this? I feel like I might be missing something.  At 13x more apigenin than chamomile, you'd only really need to add a couple pinches of dried parsley into your salad to get a similar dose to drinking a couple cups of the tea.  So that tub above should last for months.


Another question ... does it matter when you take your cd38-inhibitor compared to when you take resveratrol? For instance, if I take R in the morning, should I take the parsley in the morning too or does the inhibition of cd38 last long enough that it really doesn't matter?

Thanks for all this advice btw. This has really grabbed my interest now :laugh:


edit - halflife appears to be around 12h ... so it seems it won't matter when taken. Thus taking it with biggest meal seems ideal to increase absorption.

edit 2 - No need to worry about buying dried parsley after all :laugh: :laugh: It seems that they sell apigenin capsules as a supplement :laugh:.  I can just buy the capsules.


Edited by newbieLLP, 14 September 2020 - 10:58 PM.

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#7 Castiel

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Posted 14 September 2020 - 11:12 PM


Something interesting I found as I've been casually reading about this:


- Raw parsley is about 0.3% apigenin by weight (so 300mg per 100g of raw parsley)

- Chamomile is about 0.8-1.2% by weight (so let's say 1g per 100g of chamomile)

- But check this out ---> dried parsley is 13.5% apigenin by weight! (http://www.nutrition...cgi?Nutr_No=770)


Dried parsley has an insane amount of the stuff and it's pretty cheap too: https://www.amazon.c.../dp/B01MS6VYZ9/


It might be the case that just adding dried parsley to your meal's salad or blending it into a shake is the most cost-effective method? Thoughts on this? I feel like I might be missing something.  At 13x more apigenin than chamomile, you'd only really need to add a couple pinches of dried parsley into your salad to get a similar dose to drinking a couple cups of the tea.  So that tub above should last for months.


Another question ... does it matter when you take your cd38-inhibitor compared to when you take resveratrol? For instance, if I take R in the morning, should I take the parsley in the morning too or does the inhibition of cd38 last long enough that it really doesn't matter?

Thanks for all this advice btw. This has really grabbed my interest now :laugh:


edit - halflife appears to be around 12h ... so it seems it won't matter when taken. Thus taking it with biggest meal seems ideal to increase absorption.

edit 2 - No need to worry about buying dried parsley after all :laugh: :laugh: It seems that they sell apigenin capsules as a supplement :laugh:.  I can just buy the capsules.




The supplement capsules I've seen have around 50mg, apigenin is said to be stable within the plant cells present in chamomile and parsley.   But I've heard isolated it is unstable.  Not sure what the supplement capsules do to stabilize it, perhaps it is in plant extracts still not isolated.




Pure apigenin is generally regarded as unstable for long term storage at room temperature, and thus it requires storage at -20°C 



I know that in costco they sell dried parsley in a quite large container*(at least quite large for a spice), it comes in 2+oz(70g) package for about $7, iirc.   (wow seems it's even cheaper on amazon!)


The container seems to last forever.   I tend to sprinkle a bit of parsley on a slice of bread covered with about a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil.   

Edited by Castiel, 14 September 2020 - 11:13 PM.

#8 newbieLLP

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Posted 21 September 2020 - 06:35 PM

"I tend to sprinkle a bit of parsley on a slice of bread covered with about a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil."


I've been reading a little bit more on cd38 and I think your moderate approach of just a sprinkle of parsley is probably the best approach to take.  It seems that cd38 does some pretty important stuff:



Large-scale inhibition might have some seriously negative effects.  I'll take your approach and stick to a sprinkle as well (on salad).  The link states that there's a drug  called Daratumumab (Darzalex) that targets CD38.  When I have some free time, I'll try reading up on it's effect on people as I presume it's inhibition of cd38 will be way more than parsley's :laugh: Curious to see what negatives large-scale inhibition creates.

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#9 Oakman

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Posted 22 September 2020 - 02:00 PM

Interesting re: Apigenin (something I take {Swanson's} every morning) vs. parsley. I noticed there is a 4:1 extract powder available here that is cheap by the pound! If this is similar or better than the flakes, nutrition-wise, might be worth using it whenever in food prep, salads, soups, on toast w/oil, on potatoes, pizza, etc. As an old guy reducing CD38 NAD+ consumption is a good idea IMHO.


Thanks for the tip!

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