This is my first post, so I only have 4 left today, but I'm happy to be a part of the community and look forward to engaging with like-minded folks. I should state the following is going to be a thought dump of sorts as I haven't found a consistent nor thorough source of information on any of this, so I'm looking for help and guidance.
I'm in need of guidance on deprenyl dosage, initial effects as well as comparison with p-f-deprenyl. I've currently been on deprenyl (first p-f-deprenyl then just deprenyl after dosing issues with the powder) for 11 days, which is not very long at all. I've seen so many conflicting dosages and administrations and not sure if what I'm doing is correct.
- Age: 44
- Current deprenyl dosage: 1.25mg sublingual from 5mg tablet
- Duration: 11 days
- Diet: Somewhere between paleo and keto, but as a rule just eat clean and make my own food
- Fitness: Work out between 3-5 days a week for the last 8 years regardless of other things going on including severe depression, etc. It's my mainstay.
- What I know about deprenyl: I know the MOA of deprenyl, that men over 40 should take relatively higher doses, that MAO-A inhibition starts at higher doses around 10mg, the half-life is 2 weeks.
As of 11 days ago I was on anywhere between 30-60mg prescribed adderall a day, depending on workload, which barely made a dent in my wandering disinterest. This was my second go with adderall and only over the past year or so. Prior to this I made due with bromantane, tianeptine sulphate, caffeine/l-theanine and various racetams. This period lasted around 2 years and was just effective enough to keep me propped up. The 5 (ish) years prior to this were very low dose adderall with a litany of nootropics. Anyway, bromantane is fantastic, but also highly variable for me. The inconsistent spouts of exhaustion, which always felt very much like serotonin activity despite it's low affinity for those receptors, were eventually intolerable. Upon trialing deprenyl I dropped to tiny 5mg doses as needed.
My reason for trialing deprenyl is my severe, ongoing treatment resistant anhedonia despite adderall and a slew of other compounds/supplements used for motivation/cognitive issues. I did, however, eliminate my other most bothersome depression/add issues, but of course not the one symptom that has plagued me since birth. That anhedonia combined with lack of drive, general enjoyment of life and lack of confidence led to me getting to the point of just staring at my computer doing zero work for weeks (software developer) and I was headed toward losing my job. After thoroughly researching deprenyl and, as much as was possible, p-f-deprenyl and their associated positive and negative anecdotes I ordered both compounds. P-f-deprenyl was the fastest available and the deprenyl 5mg tablets were supposed to take several weeks to arrive, but came in less than 2. I should also state that I had little hope for this compound because why would I? I had no expectations, kinda assumed it would make me feel like garbage and act like a tranquilizer or something despite it's MOA. Also, nothing has really done much over 8 years of this journey, but mostly because the better the anecdotes, the greater the chance of it doing nothing for me.
So 11 days ago I received the p-f-deprenyl and started immediately with what I roughly believe to be 2mg sublingual. I say roughly because digital scales, unless very expensive, are useless for anything under 5mg and suspect even at that number. The next 2 days dosing the same, but was completely exhausted. i had expected this as I'd seen several comments suggesting this possibility. On day 3, and 4 days before a huge deadline, everything changed. Like i came back to life, but not in a sweaty manic way, just in the perfect amount. I was able to knock out enough work to cover the deadline for this demo I had. This was achievable with the same 2mg dose of p-f-deprenyl and little to no adderall or caffeine. I used a tiny bit of noopept as well. More importantly I had the motivation, real motivation, to do a lot of things that had been rotting on the vine. The point is it looked promising. However the dosing was a huge issue and I had no idea how much I was taking.
At this point I decided to make a solution of vodka and the p-f-deprenyl so I could dose accurately with a dropper. That seemed ok, but I was wary of that combination. I have no idea if the p-f degrades in vodka, but I also had so few resources on p-f-deprenyl to find anything useful in terms of moving forward, but the tablet deprenyl arrived around this time, so I jumped to that option for the easier pill cutting dosage. I've been cutting the 5mg pills into 1.25mg quarters and dosing sublingually since the 16th, so only 4 days, but I have a lot of questions.
Guidance and reason for my post:
First, i apologize for the disjointed text wall above. I'm trying to be as thorough as possible, but realize that may read like a rambling mess. So for this entire trial, with both compounds, the results are all over the map. One day is very good and i'm highly motivated, the next i'm completely exhausted and kind of an asshole, however there are sporadic clearings throughout those days as well. Today, for example, I was incredibly tired and not comfortable using any stimulant other than a little caffeine due to all of the warnings on mixing these things. However the tiredness would suddenly vanish and i'd start living life, but only for a short time, then back to nodding my head. Another thing is, regardless of how my day goes - motivated or exhausted - falling asleep is easy even if I feel fully alert. That's very nice, however waking up is an absurdly laborious act. I mean drunken exhaustion for 2-3 hours after waking.
My questions:
- Are these variable effects normal or not unheard of this early in starting deprenyl?
- Is my sublingual dose of 1.25mg deprenyl enough or should I be taking 5mg orally as I'm in my 40s? For that matter should I be taking it daily at all?
- Is the liquid citrate form more consistent and generally better as so many anecdotal reports have stated? If so, is there a reliable source for liquid citrate? (if this is vorboten, I apologize, but I've seen the same on may other posts.)
- Is p-f-deprenyl stable in my ridiculous vodka solution and is that a viable option? If not, what solvent would you suggest?
- What are your thoughts on p-f-deprenyl vs deprenyl and if you have an opinion on this, which would you suggest i move forward with?
- Is there a dosing schedule, titration, etc?
- Could my exhaustion and variable results be related to dropping adderall so drastically? If so, have you any ideas on how to ameliorate that issue? Taper while using deprenyl, take as needed or something else?
Ok, that's it and I know it's a lot. i promise I'm not high, just really wanted to cover as many bases as possible as my posts are limited to 5 a day. Ask any questions you'd like, I have no qualms about sensitive topics or personal history to the point of deeming the requisite "I hope you don't mind me asking" unnecessary.
Edited by effinrich, 21 September 2020 - 02:29 AM.