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Medical student. Replacing all my hormones at 25.

hormones hormone replacement biohacking diy hormone therapy testosterone longevity fatigue

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#1 Thingsvarious

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Posted 24 October 2020 - 05:01 AM

I am a medical student in my last year. I replace ALL of my hormones. my energy levels went from the 5th percentile to the 95th percentile.


In early twenties my life was starting to go down the gutter. My life started to fall apart in every domain. At one point I was at the brink of suicide. I found out multiples of my hormnones were low.


I started hormone replacement. Whereas before my life was a nightmare, it has been great ever since. I have been doing this for some years now.

Life is just soooo easy (and enjoyable) if you have great energy, mood, health all the time. And again, there is nothing as powerful for these as your hormonal profile. 


What I take. But what works for me might not work for others.

Everyone is different, but the target range I aim for is in the upper tertile of the youthful reference range. Just falling somewhere within the reference range is not “optimal”. The reference range covers 95% of the population. Certainly more than 5% of the population have hormones bad enough to warrant intervention.

  • TRT: Test Cyp (50mg subQ 2x/week), HcG (250iu subQ 2x/week), anastrozole (0.25mg 1x/week), dutasteride 0.5mg 1x/week (as my androgens are high I don´t need the DHT).

  • cortisol: cortisone acetate (20mg/d HC equivalent) (split into 4 daily doses)

  • thyroid: 1.25 grains NDT + 6.25mcg T3 (a few hours later in the day)

  • GH: 0.5iu genotropin pfizer (aiming for IGF1 of 250) prebed

  • fludrocortisone 01.mg/d morning

  • melatonin: 0.25mg sublingual prebed

I personally need/choose to optimize all hormones but often for many people it is just ONE hormone that is imbalanced/deficient and replacing that is sufficient 
I am aware that this is rather uncharted territory, esp. in a DIY kind of way. As a medical student in my last year I am well aware of the risks. But to me the cost-benefit analysis is a no-brainer. If I had to, I would sign a contract to rather live 10 more years with my new vitality and then die instead of living to one hundred with the dreadful state I was in before. Life is about filling time and not passing it.  
I do extensive blood tests (complete hormone panel, metabolic health, general health) around every 3-4 months. I would´t dare doing anything (not even starting) without it.

Other stuff I do: keto/paleo, HIIT, weekly rapamycin, a bunch of supplements (all of them together less worth than a slight alteration in hormones), some exercise every day, sleep around 6h (wake up refreshed without alarm -before HRT I needed 8+).


My goal is to find a great balance between performance/wellbeing and health/longevity.  


Before hormone replacement I was trying out every nootropic under the sun (modafinil, caffeine, shitty racetams, small doses of MTP, ephedrine). Now I don´t need any (sometimes a little nicotine gum while studying). My cognition is now almost always sharp, no brain fog, great energy, motivated. The combo of good sleep + cardio + keto + good hormones is much healthier and more sustainable than any stims/nootropics. Too bad that so many people focus just on supps and nootropics.


I do everyhing mostly myself because many (not all) endocrinologists are shit. Once I found what works, taking all these hormones takes less than 5min per day and no thought whatsoever. Tiny price for a huge prize.


You can´t outdrug/outbiohack/outlifestyle a bad hormonal profile.

If you are interested how hormones destroyed and saved my life I wrote about my experience here. (I do link to my own article but I do not gain anything from it. I don´t want to sell anything and nor am I planning on in the future, all I do is want to raise awareness because I know hormonal deficiencies are soooo common but soooo overlooked.).
If you wonder about how to get started and how to approach the huge topic of hormone replacement, what to test for and how to find out if or what you need I wrote a quick practical guide Here (not trying to sell anything). It took 1000s of hours to figure out. Hopefully some of you will find value in it. Had I known what I know now, it would have saved me lots of money, happiness, effort, researching, experimenting. And suffering

Why do I post all this?

1) Trying to provide value: Because it does just cost me a little time but perhaps can might help others out a lot. Even if it is just nudging others to get bloods done.
2) Trying to get feedback/criticism/blind spots. I am sure some of you are quite knowledgable and experienced and might give valuable feedback/criticism and point out blind spots or other stuff I didn´t think about. 
My question. What are your thoughts on all this? As I am in my mid twenties, do you think this is sustainable for decades?   

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#2 Thingsvarious

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Posted 24 October 2020 - 06:08 AM

This is how I look now vs. then. Note that my androgens have always been within the normal range. https://imgur.com/GWmzPJF


For questions/feedback you don´t want to post here my email: thingsvarious@yahoo.co.uk  

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#3 pamojja

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Posted 27 October 2020 - 08:59 PM

Too bad that so many people focus just on supps and nootropics.

You are funny. I wished hormones like NDT or T3 were that easily available. But Austrian customs doesn't let anything through, confiscates and fines heavily anything they consider an illegal medicine import - practically imposible to do legaly. First time an €260,- fine, on repeat up to €2600,-.

Happen to me to something as harmless as a $10,- NOW bottle of TMG tablets.
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#4 Thingsvarious

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Posted 28 October 2020 - 04:07 AM

You are funny. I wished hormones like NDT or T3 were that easily available. But Austrian customs doesn't let anything through, confiscates and fines heavily anything they consider an illegal medicine import - practically imposible to do legaly. First time an €260,- fine, on repeat up to €2600,-.

Happen to me to something as harmless as a $10,- NOW bottle of TMG tablets.

So funny. Actually I am from Austria :)

I have years worth of supply of T3. Also I didn´t have any problem with the NDT.

#5 Thingsvarious

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Posted 03 November 2020 - 10:52 AM

Update: New guide. https://thingsvariou...ed-2904aa48b7bd

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#6 Thingsvarious

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Posted 09 December 2020 - 05:00 AM

I created guides about how to replace individual hormones if you are interested.

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#7 Thingsvarious

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Posted 29 December 2020 - 02:45 AM

Any feedback would be appreciated

#8 pamojja

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Posted 29 December 2020 - 12:46 PM

So funny. Actually I am from Austria :)

I have years worth of supply of T3. Also I didn´t have any problem with the NDT.


How did you get those in Austria without being prosecuted?


Or is it something which only medical students are able to get?

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#9 TranscendingSingularity

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Posted 03 January 2021 - 10:47 AM

How did you get those in Austria without being prosecuted?


Or is it something which only medical students are able to get?


European here too. Sounds like something exclusive for med students

#10 platypus

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Posted 03 January 2021 - 12:48 PM

Do you think the results outweigh the risks/benefits/costs for doing this indefinitely? Are you talking to a mental health person about the psychological reasons for doing what you are doing? Some people might see your appoach as a tad OCD. I already get comments about the amount of supplements I use but as least most laymen think they do nothing. But hormones.. it's sketchier territory and you might end up with endocrinologic issues that are not fixable or that the struggle to fiox them can take years. 

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#11 Thingsvarious

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Posted 09 January 2021 - 04:57 AM

Do you think the results outweigh the risks/benefits/costs for doing this indefinitely? Are you talking to a mental health person about the psychological reasons for doing what you are doing? Some people might see your appoach as a tad OCD. I already get comments about the amount of supplements I use but as least most laymen think they do nothing. But hormones.. it's sketchier territory and you might end up with endocrinologic issues that are not fixable or that the struggle to fiox them can take years. 

About doing it indefinitely, I can´t comment of course. As of now, the decision/time/effort/money is a no-brainer to me.

No, I am not talking to a mental health professional. Sure, the line between passion and obsession is blurry.


Well, I´d rather live 10 more years in the state I am in now compared to how I felt and how life was before

#12 TranscendingSingularity

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Posted 16 January 2021 - 05:24 PM

Do you think the results outweigh the risks/benefits/costs for doing this indefinitely? Are you talking to a mental health person about the psychological reasons for doing what you are doing? Some people might see your appoach as a tad OCD. I already get comments about the amount of supplements I use but as least most laymen think they do nothing. But hormones.. it's sketchier territory and you might end up with endocrinologic issues that are not fixable or that the struggle to fiox them can take years. 


I believe that for some people this might be OCD but also that this can be done rationally. OP seems quite rational about this. A diverse anti-aging regimen with 20+ supplements, 5+ meds and courses of resveratrol, rapamycin, statins, metformin etc. would also seem OCD to an outsider...

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#13 Ibbz

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Posted 23 January 2021 - 11:38 PM

Any feedback would be appreciated


What do you think about peptides such as Ibutamoren / MK677 & TB500? I didn't see any mentions of it in your article.

Edited by Ibbz, 23 January 2021 - 11:38 PM.

#14 Thingsvarious

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Posted 28 January 2021 - 10:08 AM

What do you think about peptides such as Ibutamoren / MK677 & TB500? I didn't see any mentions of it in your article.

Will update my articles about MK677. Thanks for mentioning it.

#15 TranscendingSingularity

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Posted 05 February 2021 - 11:37 AM

What do you think is the main benefit of MK677? any longevity boosts?

#16 Thingsvarious

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Posted 14 February 2021 - 08:34 AM

What do you think is the main benefit of MK677? any longevity boosts?

I included a subsection in my guide about GH-secretagogues because of you! Thank you.

Here you can read my thoughts on them: How To Replace Growth Hormone: An Ultimate Guide

#17 TranscendingSingularity

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Posted 22 February 2021 - 01:07 PM

I included a subsection in my guide about GH-secretagogues because of you! Thank you.

Here you can read my thoughts on them: How To Replace Growth Hormone: An Ultimate Guide


So basically because they are unknown and not produced by high quality companies, you recommend GH because it's safer and researched?

#18 Thingsvarious

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Posted 26 February 2021 - 01:58 PM

So basically because they are unknown and not produced by high quality companies, you recommend GH because it's safer and researched?

Predominantly because GH-secretagogues often do not work. Furthermore, it is hard to find a reliable high-quality manufacturer

#19 dontwakeme

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Posted 03 March 2021 - 01:49 PM

How did you know that your hormones were low?  Especially as you said some were in the normal range?  

#20 Thingsvarious

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Posted 09 March 2021 - 07:36 AM

How did you know that your hormones were low?  Especially as you said some were in the normal range?  

Blood tests. Almost all of my hormones were below the reference range. Some were borderline but signs and symptoms were there. I did not want to accept this

#21 TranscendingSingularity

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Posted 30 March 2021 - 12:46 PM

Predominantly because GH-secretagogues often do not work. Furthermore, it is hard to find a reliable high-quality manufacturer


Thanks. But ibutamoren is quite proven to work, if I'm not mistaken?

#22 Thingsvarious

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Posted 02 April 2021 - 03:09 AM

Thanks. But ibutamoren is quite proven to work, if I'm not mistaken?

"Proven" by the broscience community. Furthermore, it is a ghrelin agonist and ghrelin has a variety of functions in different tissues

#23 Kentavr

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 09:11 AM

1. I believe you are taking too little melatonin. You may need to increase the dosage to 1 mg / day for your age. After 45-50 years, I would increase the dosage to 2 or 3 mg / day.

2. I also disagree that rapamycin is less beneficial for your body. People taking ONLY rapamycin (6 mg once a week) have experienced a significant boost of energy. Their well-being has improved significantly 2 months after the start of the treatment.

3. Your therapy is very interesting, but there is a possibility that your body will wear out ahead of time. Analyze the risks of such an outcome of events.

4. To reduce your risk of insulin resistance, you may need to take metformin (delayed absorption) 500 mg / day. In addition, metformin has been shown to reduce the chances of certain cancers. It can be a good synergist for your therapy.

Edited by Kentavr, 21 June 2021 - 09:38 AM.

#24 CarlSagan

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 09:36 AM

1. I believe you are taking too little melatonin. You may need to increase the dosage to 1 mg / day for your age. After 45-50 years, I would increase the dosage to 2 or 3 mg / day.

2. I also disagree that rapamycin is less beneficial for your body. People taking ONLY rapamycin (6 mg once a week) have experienced a significant boost of energy. Their well-being has improved significantly 2 months after the start of the treatment.

3. Your therapy is very interesting, but there is a possibility that your body will wear out ahead of time. Analyze the risks of such an outcome of events.

4. To reduce your risk of insulin resistance, you may need to take metformin (delayed absorption) 500 mg / day. In addition, metformin has been shown to reduce the chances of certain cancers. It can be a good synergist for your therapy.


He mentioned not taking higher doses of melatonin like 1g + as it has a blunting effect on cortisol. and wakes you up early. when I looked into it the studies on cortisol seemed a bit mixed on this. but personally all doses of melatonin 5mg even down to 250mcg wake me up after 4 hours so it isnt very useful to me, even extended release. tho OP wrote about this only being temporary with lower doses but I don't fancy consecutive sleep deprivation for a while on the chance it will stop.

Edited by CarlSagan, 22 June 2021 - 09:38 AM.

#25 Thingsvarious

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Posted 03 July 2021 - 01:01 PM

1. I believe you are taking too little melatonin. You may need to increase the dosage to 1 mg / day for your age. After 45-50 years, I would increase the dosage to 2 or 3 mg / day.

2. I also disagree that rapamycin is less beneficial for your body. People taking ONLY rapamycin (6 mg once a week) have experienced a significant boost of energy. Their well-being has improved significantly 2 months after the start of the treatment.

3. Your therapy is very interesting, but there is a possibility that your body will wear out ahead of time. Analyze the risks of such an outcome of events.

4. To reduce your risk of insulin resistance, you may need to take metformin (delayed absorption) 500 mg / day. In addition, metformin has been shown to reduce the chances of certain cancers. It can be a good synergist for your therapy.


1. With melatonin, I believe 0.25mg is all one ever needs to achieve physiological levels.

2. I do take 6mg of rapamycin (down from 10mg) every week.

3. I am aware of that and I am trying to wean off the cortisol.

4. I did take melatonin 1g ER for 2 years. However, I stopped using it, as on a paleo diet and many other interventions, I do not see any benefit.


Best wishes,


#26 Perry23

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Posted 25 July 2021 - 07:02 PM

Damn that is huge intervention and you have great physique. But it sounds really risky. Personally, fortunately don't have that problem, i checked my hormonal profile some time ago, as i remember was almost exactly in the middle with everything except testosterone above 1100 ng/dl so with training above 7 years I must admit that my physique is really great. And always fell quite good, so I suppose good hormonal profile has here good role. But damn i think it must cost you so much

#27 Perry23

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Posted 25 July 2021 - 07:06 PM

Personally taking 0.5mg melatonin and sleep quite good solid 7,5/8 h a day daily. But I am interested in rapamycin. 6mg a week, and as I understand it is a mTor inhibitor which is really important element in building muscle mass. So you don't see any disadvantages in terms of bodybuilding using 6mg rapamycin a week

#28 Thingsvarious

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Posted 01 August 2021 - 01:37 PM

Personally taking 0.5mg melatonin and sleep quite good solid 7,5/8 h a day daily. But I am interested in rapamycin. 6mg a week, and as I understand it is a mTor inhibitor which is really important element in building muscle mass. So you don't see any disadvantages in terms of bodybuilding using 6mg rapamycin a week

Yes, muscle growth is certainly impaired somewhat. However, I take the longevity every day over a little bit more muscle growth

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#29 Thingsvarious

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Posted 19 August 2021 - 10:47 AM

Update: Currently off the cortisol (3 months now). Weaning was much easier than imagined. It seemed that these years of replacing my cortisol have somehow kickstarted my HPA-function at the (pre)hypothalamic level (instead of suppressing HPA-function as one would assume)

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#30 Kentavr

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Posted 19 September 2021 - 04:50 PM



Would you like to try large doses of melatonin for the regeneration of the thymus?




 Analyzing various studies, I conclude that even at a young age it makes sense to already start to engage in its regeneration. 


Recently, it was found that aging cells of the immune system appear to be potentially some of the most damaging of all senescent cells, as they spread tissue damage and rapid aging to other organs and systems of the body:




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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: hormones, hormone replacement, biohacking, diy, hormone therapy, testosterone, longevity, fatigue

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