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Experimenting with Molecular Hydrogen for a year. Works. Ask me anything

suppliments aging energy

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#1 xenfasa

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Posted 13 November 2020 - 01:44 AM



I posted some of this in my introduction hopefully it's ok to repeat some here to start a discussion.


I have been lurking here for about 10 years it seems.  I check back every year or few months to see what is new in the longevity and anti-aging category. 

As I'm 50 now, I was starting to think it was time to think about extending life and getting the maximum performance out of my body.  I don't want to be losing memory or getting slower or running out of energy.  I have tried a lot of products over the years but don't like the idea of loading up on lots of pills, potions and tons of supplements.


One of the last interesting products I tried was Carbon60.  I did notice positive effects.

The Carbon60 community says Molecular Hydrogen enhances the effects. So I got into Molecular Hydrogen.  Both drinking H2 Water and Inhalation.


I have since stopped all supplements except H2.  I can talk for hours on what I have learned and what it has done for me and others I've introduce to it.


I came back here to Longecity.org to see what people are saying about Molecular Hydrogen and found nearly nothing!  I can't believe it.  You guys are missing out if you have not tried it.

There are 100s articles, research papers and studies done on it.  Even trails done on how it helps treat the covid issue.


Seems I can only post here sense I'm new I thought I'd try to open a discussion here and see if anyone else might be interested in hearing about my experiences and finding out if there is a reason why it's not talked about more here.   I want to compare notes with others, get feedback and share what I have learned.


There is no other supplement I have taken in my life that compares so far.  I'd rather give up coffee than my hydrogen now.


A bullet list of my experiences with it are this:

  • Increased energy.
  • never feel the need for naps
  • better sleep
  • deeper sleep
  • longer more vivid dreams
  • sciatic nerve pain of 2 years gone
  • numbness in foot gone
  • sharper mind, better focus and more productive
  • better at solving programs, no more brain fog or feeling like i'm in a zombie state
  • better strength and endurance
  • faster recovery from exercise
  • no more sinus problems
  • better muscle to fat ratio with let working at it.
  • better easier deeper breathing.
  • more lung breathing capacity
  • impossible to get sick. no more sniffles, sinus, nose, cold, lung issues ( used to get 3-4 colds a year)
  • Healed a swollen sprained foot overnight
  • joint pain gone
  • Heals burns fast
  • Instantly relieves dehydration symptoms before fluids given

I can go on, this is what I have experience myself first hand.  Even more feedback from friends that I have not listed here.  Lots of information online about the subject as well.

I think it is key to anti-aging and longevity.


Before I ramble on more here, I wanted to know what interest there is if any.  Ask me more or anything.

Any additional question let me know.





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#2 Oakman

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Posted 13 November 2020 - 02:46 PM

Can you please provide more detail on these items?


1. What exactly are you calling 'molecular hydrogen"?

2. How much are you taking of H2 water and /or gas daily, and when do you take it during the day/night?

3. Have you stopped taking this for a period, and how long did the effects last before wearing off, if they did wear off?

4. Your list is fairly comprehensive, as in miraculous even. How do you determine these improvements?

6. Are you young, old, i.e., what age? Before H2, were you well, sick, or what level of health.



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#3 michael0505

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Posted 13 November 2020 - 10:28 PM

Do you look younger?

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#4 poonja

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Posted 13 November 2020 - 10:45 PM

Interested.  Where do you obtain your molecular hydrogen and what is you dosage and schedule?

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#5 Turnbuckle

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Posted 13 November 2020 - 11:56 PM


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#6 ironfistx

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Posted 14 November 2020 - 05:49 AM

Wishing for discussion.

#7 Mind

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Posted 14 November 2020 - 11:05 AM

Did you take any before/after biomarker tests or functional aging tests?



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#8 anon

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 11:28 AM

Thanks for starting a great topic!


Are you making your own hydrogen water? If so, what machine are you using? Does the machine you use allow for the concentration of H to be adjusted and what should it be?

#9 xenfasa

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 09:48 PM

Can you please provide more detail on these items?


1. What exactly are you calling 'molecular hydrogen"?

2. How much are you taking of H2 water and /or gas daily, and when do you take it during the day/night?

3. Have you stopped taking this for a period, and how long did the effects last before wearing off, if they did wear off?

4. Your list is fairly comprehensive, as in miraculous even. How do you determine these improvements?

6. Are you young, old, i.e., what age? Before H2, were you well, sick, or what level of health.




1. What exactly are you calling 'molecular hydrogen"?

Good question.  Google searching "molecular hydrogen"  which is H2, brings up the most information on the subject.  But I would also lump into this category. H2 water, H2 made by various means from magnesium tablets and even Oxyhydrogen which is also called HHO or Browns gas made through electrolysis


2. How much are you taking of H2 water and /or gas daily, and when do you take it during the day/night?

I try to drink 1 liter of Oxyhydrogen bubbled through water per day but sometimes don't get a chance to drink any.  For the last 2 months I've been inhaling H2/HHO all night.  Though started off just an hour or so per day.


3. Have you stopped taking this for a period, and how long did the effects last before wearing off, if they did wear off?

I have not stopped too often but others around me... friends and family that go on and off more frequently feel it wearing off after about 3 days.

Effects slowly taper off.  Some issues that you don't realize have gone slowly creep up again.  When I or others have started up again we notice a difference... after seeing/experiencing several times you get to know it and becomes no doubt that the Hydrogen is having effects.


4. Your list is fairly comprehensive, as in miraculous even. How do you determine these improvements?

Experience really... I know  Not scientific. But between me and about 20 other people the recurring themes are common as well.

If you are fairly clean with few issues and are sensitive, you get to know your body. For some people the effects are subtle. For others, its like "OMG" I feel it.


6. Are you young, old, i.e., what age? Before H2, were you well, sick, or what level of health.

I'm 50 now.  I was dragging much more in my 40s than I am now. I had no major health issues.

But I've had LOTs of personal experiences with smaller issues and watching other family members have issues be fixed it becomes obvious something is happening

Sciatica pain gone too. Other friends/family have had arthritis pain go away after 2 years of pain.  Pain gone after a month.

I can list tons of minor issues... which I will here soon.  Just too much too write about to get it all out at once.

#10 xenfasa

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 09:51 PM

Do you look younger?

I've only been using it for a year.  More consistently about 8 months now.  In the H2 user world, the longer term experience seems to be that it stops aging when you start using and reverses age about 1 month every year you do it.  This is not scientific but gathered from a consensus of longer term users.

So nothing happens fast. But effects are noticeable for sure in various ways.   I still have all my hair and unless you look close you can only see my gray hair up close.   More youthful energy, faster healing and sharper mind are the biggest bonuses for me at the moment.  It would take a while before anyone looks much younger. Though there are reports of hair regrowing or at least stopping the loss.

Edited by xenfasa, 16 November 2020 - 10:20 PM.

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#11 xenfasa

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 09:56 PM

Interested.  Where do you obtain your molecular hydrogen and what is you dosage and schedule?

Another good question.  Through lots of research and experimentation.  I found you get the most value and benefit from from Oxyhydrogen machines which I find produce more benefits than than just pure H2 hydrogen.  I have settled into breathing it overnight using cannula.  I drink the bubbled water when thirsty.   Others in my group experimenting and reporting back using for 30min to 60 mins 1 to 3 times a day breathing and drinking at least a liter a day in most cases.  There does not seem to be much benefit of doing it overnight other than sometimes having marathon vivid dreams, which if you like, is nice.

#12 xenfasa

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 09:59 PM

I just looked at this thread which also has good information but seems to have petered out in 2016. A lot has happened since them.

#13 xenfasa

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 10:03 PM

Did you take any before/after biomarker tests or functional aging tests?

No, but I would have liked to.  I did not think H2 would make so much of a difference and I do not know so much about the tests myself. I'm not in the US any longer which also complicates such I think too.  Where to get it, costs etc.  I think others here would be more likely to do such and I think would be an excellent supplement  to do such a test on.


Just found out I reached my 5 post limit today.  More tomorrow.  Thanks for your questions. I still have lots more I want to share. The questions help bring it out.

Edited by xenfasa, 16 November 2020 - 10:05 PM.

#14 Turnbuckle

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Posted 17 November 2020 - 09:51 AM

I just looked at this thread which also has good information but seems to have petered out in 2016. A lot has happened since them.



The last post was in November, 2019.

#15 xenfasa

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 01:46 AM

The last post was in November, 2019.

You are right,  I'm not sure how I missed that.  I see in that thread there is a lot of talk about H2 tablets and using magnesium to create H2 Water. 


That works for some people and in some cases could be convenient.  I actually started using a small table top 6oz electrolyzer that produced H2 bubbles.  I did not notice much from that. If you want to see effects from drinking H2 water you really need to do it consistently and enough of it.

I'm not a heavy water drinker so never drank enough. 


Once I got a machine that produced enough to start inhaling I noticing much more.  Bubbling the higher gas output through drinking water whenever I could seemed more effective than the small table top device.    My machine produces the gas through electrolysis and does not separate the H2 from the O2.   This is called Oxyhydrogen or Brown's Gas.  Testing and research seems to point to Oxyhydrogen actually being more effective than pure H2.  It has more benefits.  Something similar to what you'd call earthing or grounding in the way it provides additional negative ions.  This pdf goes into more details on oxyhydrogen and how water may actually be charged with extra electrons.    http://www.naturalph...tracts_5440.pdf


In that thread, I saw some talk about deuterium concentrations and  Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW).  From my research DDW does have real health benefits.

I have read just 1 deuterium atom permanently jams the little motor in the mitochondria in part of the ATP production.  When enough damage is done the mitochondria die. When you reduce your deuterium intake by replacing more contaminated sources of water with DDW or cleaner water/hydrogen you give your body and mitochondria a chance to heal.  Producing more energy when less bogged down.

The reason I mention all this is that D20 or heavy water is 8 times LESS likely to be electrolysed into H2 and O2.  They actually use electrolysis to concentrate D2O/heavy water.

The end result is you get more H2 and less chance of D2 mucking things up.


So gas produced through electrolysis is less likely to have any damaging 2 proton deuterium and more likely to be the healthier one proton H2.


My opinion is that health and longevity all point back to the mitochondria.  Hydrogen seems to support healthing mitochondria in various ways.  Especially indirectly signalling other processes


I'm no expert but I understand mitochondria basically runs off of hydrogen by cleaving off hydrogen atoms from fats and sugars.  Then separates the proton and electron to create voltage potential difference/gradient in the membrane. I believe the last part of the Krebs Cycle is when the Hydrogen is combined with Oxygen to form water.   Trying to explain the extra energy I and others feel from supplementing with H2 I searched more to see if there is a way the mitochondria can directly use H2 for energy production.  I found this paper that eludes to such.  Way over my head.



The interesting part in the doc is in the section titled "MITOCHONDRIAL RESPIRATORY CHAIN AS A POSSIBLE TARGET FOR H2"


I really think the aging secret is somewhere in the mitochondria and hydrogen plays at least on part in in.

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#16 anon

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 09:46 AM


Once I got a machine that produced enough to start inhaling I noticing much more.  Bubbling the higher gas output through drinking water whenever I could seemed more effective than the small table top device.    My machine produces the gas through electrolysis and does not separate the H2 from the O2.   This is called Oxyhydrogen or Brown's Gas.  Testing and research seems to point to Oxyhydrogen actually being more effective than pure H2.  It has more benefits.  Something similar to what you'd call earthing or grounding in the way it provides additional negative ions.  This pdf goes into more details on oxyhydrogen and how water may actually be charged with extra electrons.   



What is the brand and model of the machine you use to generate Brown's gas? Most of the hits I came upon on Google are for welding or otherwise industrial machines.

Edited by anon, 18 November 2020 - 09:46 AM.

#17 xenfasa

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Posted 22 November 2020 - 12:27 AM




What is the brand and model of the machine you use to generate Brown's gas? Most of the hits I came upon on Google are for welding or otherwise industrial machines.



There are several companies that make machines for pure hydrogen inhalation.  You can google "hydrogen generator" and find lots of them.


Regarding Oxyhydrogen/Brown'sGas


There are at least 4 companies I've seen making them.


  1. A Korean company that sells for $8000.  Don't remember the link but price makes it not worth looking
  2. https://hydrogen4health.com/ Costs $1400.   They have gone through several iterations and prices
  3. https://eagle-research.com/  Costs  $2500   sometimes has a 25% discount.  I've heard has not been very responsive to support issues in last few months.
  4. https://h2genesys.com  Currently on sale for $1500 but coupons available for much larger discount.  This is the system I have been using.  I am mostly in contact with people using this system comparing notes. Contact them for specials.  Very responsive so far.

#18 Werper

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Posted 22 November 2020 - 09:34 PM

Which machine do you use?

#19 anon

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Posted 23 November 2020 - 03:24 PM


Which machine do you use?


In xenfasa's last post, he states:



https://h2genesys.com  Currently on sale for $1500 but coupons available for much larger discount.  This is the system I have been using.


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#20 Werper

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Posted 23 November 2020 - 04:59 PM

Sorry didn't catch it...

#21 adamh

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Posted 25 November 2020 - 11:17 PM

I just followed the link and after a loooong sales talk the price was $1995. How do we get the $1500 price and coupons?

#22 MikeGreo

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Posted 26 November 2020 - 11:33 PM

Hi OP. Thanks for your very informative thread, much appreciated.


I like the https://h2genesys.com  one. However I have seen other brands at much higher prices. I wonder if we losing out in terms of benefits by getting something cheaper. Also the h2genesys doesn't provide any information about the ppm of hydrogen it provides. Would be great to know these details if anybody knows.





#23 adamh

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Posted 28 November 2020 - 02:58 AM

I would not worry about it being too cheap. This is not rocket science or even very complicated. All we are talking about is electrolysis which requires no more than a transformer to lower the voltage and a diode rectifier. Those parts can be gotten for less than $50. Even $1500 allows for a large profit let alone the $1995 I was quoted when I followed the link. For that price I will simply buy the parts and hook up my own system. Or I could buy a dc power source might be less work.


A 1 or 2 liter soda bottle will do. Put your water in with something in it to make it conductive, salt will do, along with wires having bare copper at the end. Apply the direct current and it will produce o2 and h2. You can attach a flexible tube to the top and breath the mixture as it comes out or bubble it through water to make h2 water, or trap it in a plastic bag to take tokes from as the next bag fills. For $1500 you are getting high priced convenience and for $8k you are paying royally for the privilege. 


I've been using hydrogen from welding supply but this would be easier and no expense after you set it up. Where is the OP with info on the better price plus coupons? I can afford to throw away money but its nice to save some when they are still making a killing on it

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#24 Werper

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Posted 28 November 2020 - 05:21 PM

Here is a link to making your own hydrogen generator,  very lacking in details but at least it gives you the overall basics.  Very simple.  I suggest muting it because the music track they use can get annoying.


Edited by Werper, 28 November 2020 - 05:23 PM.

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#25 Werper

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Posted 28 November 2020 - 05:27 PM

 I agree with Adam, for how simple these machines are...their prices are out of whack.

#26 Dominicus

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Posted 02 December 2020 - 09:48 PM



I've been using hydrogen from welding supply but this would be easier and no expense after you set it up. Where is the OP with info on the better price plus coupons? I can afford to throw away money but its nice to save some when they are still making a killing on it

what does your set up look like and how much are you paying for refills? Are you breathing or also bubbling water?


There are several companies that make machines for pure hydrogen inhalation.  You can google "hydrogen generator" and find lots of them.




Hey Xenfasa, is there a cheaper way I can give this a trial? I dont mind going all in on one of these if I can really get these same benefits, but I would like to do a month long trial first before going all in

#27 Empiricus

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Posted 03 December 2020 - 07:12 AM

 For the last 2 months I've been inhaling H2/HHO all night.  Though started off just an hour or so per day.


Your new dosing protocol runs counter to the dosing recommendations I've seen for H2 gas.


I was advised by a seller of H2 machines that you should not exceed around 2 hours of H2 gas per day, or the gas loses its effectiveness.  And when I looked into the matter further, I saw that animal studies supported the advice I was given.  


So you're using a combination of oxygen and hydrogen while you sleep...  How much H2 gas are you inhaling?  Anyway, going to sleep with a machine running is not something I saw recommended by any of the sellers. Hopefully your bedroom is well-ventilated.


Given the number of do-it-yourself enthusiasts, marketers for H2 products , and promising studies on animals for a range of conditions, I am struck by how few people on this forum have reported benefits.  And several years have passed since people started experimenting.  

Edited by Empiricus, 03 December 2020 - 07:15 AM.

#28 adamh

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Posted 04 December 2020 - 12:21 AM

Dominicus wrote:


"what does your set up look like and how much are you paying for refills? Are you breathing or also bubbling water?"


I just simply hooked up some tubing to a regulator and tank of hydrogen. I forget how much it cost to fill, I put it in a post a while back. I think it was around $25 for enough to last a fairly long time. I put it first into a plastic bag, aluminum coated to hold helium. Rubber won't hold h2 for long. Then I used a simple valve on the bag and took long tokes.


I'm thinking having it produced constantly in small amounts would be easier. I would just turn it on and have perhaps a tube running to a nose piece. Since it has  o2 in it you won't worry about lack of oxygen and could simply open your mouth if you felt a lack. This should be safe for sleeping but I see little reason to use it for a long period like that.


xinfasa seems to have run off and left us with questions but no answers. I suspect the better price and further discounts will not be available so I'm going to assume that and work toward a home built system. I haven't even been using h2 recently. I keep telling myself to do it but haven't


If you can get a variable voltage transformer that would be excellent to start with. I happen to have one already, I think you can get them for maybe $25 to $50 used on ebay. It will let you continuously vary the speed of the process and therefore the rate that gas comes off. The only other thing you will need is a diode rated for at least the voltage you will be using. The current carrying capacity does not need to be high. Diode might cost 2 or $3 or more at radio shack. Some wire to make connections and perhaps a few wire nuts


If you want to be really fancy and high class you could buy some platinum electrodes or wire to put in the water and attach wires to them. You would still save money on that 2k machine, quite a bit really. You might want some flexible tubing, can be got cheap at home  depot  or lowes, or ebay. A nice touch would be a mask for the nose that you can connect the tubing to.


Drill, punch or cut a small hole in the cap of the plastic bottle, a 2 liter would be best because it has a larger cap to work with. First hole is for the tubing, that will be the large hole. 2 smaller holes beside it for your electricity. The flex tubing just  goes a little ways in the bottle, you want it at the top. The wires will go to the bottom. Then seal around them with glue, maybe hot glue.


You want your tubing to be long enough to use comfortably, to toke on via mouth  or to a nose mask. Or to go into some pure water and make h2 water by dissolving into it. Since it costs almost nothing to run you can make water all day or during the night. Just fill it with water up to just below where the tube will come. Screw the cap on with wires and tubing by keeping the cap still and rotating the bottle. It doesn't have to be really tight, you could even leave it running letting it go into the room. Close the windows and build up h2, it won't get too stuffy because of the o2 produced but co2 might become noticeable. Its something to experiment with


2 liters of water should last a long time. Put a pinch of salt in the water to make it conduct. Then adjust the voltage until you are getting the rate of flow you want. The transformer should either lower the voltage to perhaps 20v, if you use the more expensive variable transformer you can start with any voltage and work higher. Transformer must be rated for at least the line voltage in your area, 120 in usa and about 220 in europe.


That video on hydrogen generating is interesting but looks like overkill to me. Keep in mind that if your 2 electrodes touch while its running it will likely burn out your diode so maybe buy a pack of a few in case of accidents. The area of the contacts and distance between them will help determine the amount of gas produced. Those metal thingies will do the job but the plastic lid is flexible and if one electrode bends a little it shorts out against the other one. You might want to put some metal mesh or foil in the bottom attached to one electrode and have the other one above it and vary the distance. Or just two wires with perhaps a twist tie to keep them from drifting together and touching.


I recommend against using a whole head helmet or anything that covers nose and mouth. I just saw a nose mask for oxygen for $7 on ebay with free shipping. Comes with 7' of hose. You could be taking your hydrogen while watching tv or surfing the net. The extra oxygen won't hurt either

#29 Hip

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Posted 04 December 2020 - 04:10 AM


There are several companies that make machines for pure hydrogen inhalation.  You can google "hydrogen generator" and find lots of them.


Regarding Oxyhydrogen/Brown'sGas


There are at least 4 companies I've seen making them.


  1. A Korean company that sells for $8000.  Don't remember the link but price makes it not worth looking
  2. https://hydrogen4health.com/ Costs $1400.   They have gone through several iterations and prices
  3. https://eagle-research.com/  Costs  $2500   sometimes has a 25% discount.  I've heard has not been very responsive to support issues in last few months.
  4. https://h2genesys.com  Currently on sale for $1500 but coupons available for much larger discount.  This is the system I have been using.  I am mostly in contact with people using this system comparing notes. Contact them for specials.  Very responsive so far.



Those companies seems like scams. Why would you pay over a thousand dollars for a hydrogen gas generator when you can make strong 5 ppm hydrogen-rich water easily at home for a few cents a liter using the DIY method I detailed in this thread?

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#30 adamh

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Posted 06 December 2020 - 02:09 PM

I think hydrogen water is a good way to take H2. But breathing it is good as well. So perhaps doing both will be the best roa of all? The water gets it right away to the stomach and intestines. Breathing gets it right away to the lungs and blood stream. The only other method I can think of that might make sense is to be in a hydrogen atmosphere and absorb it through the skin. If someone was using a hyperbaric O2 chamber they might add some H2 but now we are talking about a considerable expense plus needing room for the chamber and taking the time to do it. 


What I like about hydrolysis is that it also produces oxygen. You will no doubt get some benefit from the higher O2 levels even though its not under pressure. People pay money to get that treatment. Using acid and metal is probably cheaper but a slower rate of production and no oxygen. Having oxygen at the same time means no risk of suffocation. The only negative is that its very flammable when combined with H2 and potentially explosive. If you are a smoker it will be a risk. But people looking for health and life extension are unlikely to be smokers I would think. Just keep it in mind and be careful.


I'm thinking an upgrade to the hydrolysis would be to have a bag at the output and a hose from that. This way you could take a deep breath of it without waiting for it to produce enough gas for a lungful. Then while you are holding it, the bag refills. 

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