In early twenties my life was starting to go down the gutter. My life started to fall apart in every domain. At one point I was at the brink of suicide. I found out multiples of my hormnones were low.
I started hormone replacement. Whereas before my life was a nightmare, it has been great ever since. I have been doing this for some years now.
What I take. But what works for me might not work for others.
TRT: Test Cyp (50mg subQ 2x/week), HcG (250iu subQ 2x/week),
cortisol: cortisone acetate (20mg/d HC equivalent) (split into 4 daily doses)
thyroid: 1.25 grains NDT + 6.25mcg T3 (a few hours later in the day)
GH: 0.5iu genotropin pfizer (aiming for IGF1 of 250) prebed
fludrocortisone morning
melatonin: 0.25mg sublingual prebed
Other stuff I do: keto/paleo, HIIT, weekly rapamycin, a bunch of supplements (all of them together less worth than a slight alteration in hormones), some exercise every day, sleep around 6h (wake up refreshed without alarm -before HRT I needed 8+).
After years of studying, researching, experimenting, testing I did a writeup about some stuff I have learned along the way.
My goal with all my writing is to point people into the right direction to remove biological shackles allowing them become the best version of themselves and live life fully.
Had I known what I know now, it would have saved me lots of time, money, happiness, effort, researching, experimenting. And suffering. I hope some of you find value in it . Enjoy.
I am open for any feedback and criticism.