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Peptide Bioregulators - Experience Thread

peptides bioregulators benefits side effects

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#1 MikeGreo

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Posted 21 November 2020 - 04:11 PM

I had heard about the amazing ability of peptides before and how they can be used to reverse aging.

I am still investigating this, as the products sold on the website do seem more like prescription medication, even though it is sold without a prescription and sold as a food supplement in Russia.

It would be great to get some expert advice on this peptide bioregulators.

One concern that I always have when it comes to such medications/supplements is, two things. One is does it have adverse side effect or any risk of causing things like cancer etc. And two is, will it create a dependency where the body will create the endocrine hormone in lower quantity and in the long term actually worsen the persons health? I think it is easy to think something is helping the body in the short term, but if taking peptides causing the body to stop producing any given substance/hormone etc without, that means we harm ourselves in the long term. I believe something similar happens with synthetic thyroid hormones. Just worried if this is the case with these peptide bioregulators. Basically once we stop taking peptides bioregulators are we better off or worse off in terms of the bodies ability to produce its own hormones substances, or has it in someway lost that ability? Has it been adversely affected in the long term for someone who doesn't have the money to continue taking them again in the future?

It would be great to find out if anybody has any experience with peptide bioregulars.


Kind regards,



#2 ironfistx

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Posted 22 November 2020 - 09:12 AM

100$ agree

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#3 ironfistx

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Posted 29 November 2020 - 07:55 PM

https://www.reddit.c...about_peptides/ not sure how legit answers are

Edited by ironfistx, 29 November 2020 - 07:56 PM.

#4 floret

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Posted 20 December 2020 - 04:38 PM

Would really like an answer to this too. I'm currently doing my Google research on peptides particularly the ones that the body produces naturally. Why are most of the peptides that seem to be really popular taken in cycles rather than a single steady much lower dose on a long term daily basis. Wouldn't the ideal treatment for aging be to supplement these peptides to get their levels back up to the level of about a 20-year-old human's blood serum would have? If enough of them were supplemented, in theory it would begin to produce the same effects as that of parabiosis. Supplementing these things at way higher doses than naturally would occur in the body even when young, and then going months without before super dosing again seems far from ideal . So there's got to be a good reason for it. I read the Reddit answers and they seem to say no they don't create a dependency, nothing to worry about, but then, why the cycling in high doses? Is that just to give it some extra 'kick'? If it's bodybuilders or recreational users I could see their motivations for that but ours here would be much different.

Edited by floret, 20 December 2020 - 05:25 PM.

#5 jane13

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Posted 06 April 2021 - 07:55 PM

I wouldn't really say that they reverse aging, but they are beneficial to our physical health. My doctor recommended them to me a while ago and I've been taking them ever since. No side effects so far, only the good ones :D It's true, some people say they experience a weird taste in their mouth after taking it but it lasts for a few seconds only. Besides this, I heard nothing bad. It can also depend on the brand you're using, I suppose. 

Edited by Daniel Cooper, 09 April 2021 - 07:42 PM.

#6 Rocket

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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:55 AM

Bpc157 is awesome for healing and recovering from exercise. But you need to know the risks of boosting growth hormone and all those gh secretogogues need to be taken on an empty stomach. While growth hormone is great for young healthy people, in middle age gh can be dangerous as it causes cells to multiply and when you're not 25 years old your cells aren't necessarily the healthiest. Gh can cause bph and make harmless cancer cells that would die if left alone, it can make them grow. Artificially making an older persons endocrine system mimic a youthful one isn't without real risks.

#7 jroseland

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Posted 12 July 2021 - 06:09 AM

This is an immune bioregulator that works via the thymus gland. It’s recommended for people who are recovering from severe adverse immune events.
It also has a radiation mitigation effect which is interesting, it makes the peptide a good doomsday prepping measure - I'd want some of this around to take if the next Chernobyl happens in my geographic neighborhood.

#8 ironfistx

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Posted 12 July 2021 - 02:30 PM

What was mentioned in the first thread worries me.  I'm trying to find similar answers for taking systemic enzymes which contain pancreatin, such as Wobenzym that people take for anti-inflammatory support.  Your body naturally makes these.  Having lower pancreatic enzymes is very bad.  There is at least one study that shows taking oral enzymes reduces endogenous production.  However, I don't know if given this study where they were using them with meals vs. away from meals such as taking them for antiinflammatory reasons makes a difference, I think they were taking them with meals in the paper, and I don't know if they were using prescription enzymes that might be different from OTC kinds.  I emailed the authors but the email bounced.  I have reached out to other people in this sector but no one has gotten back to me.  I have reached out to the manufacturer and they said there has never been any reports of this happening, but there is literally a study showing otherwise.  I don't know if when you stop taking them the body's production returns.

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#9 jroseland

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Posted 20 November 2021 - 07:46 AM

I tried another one of these...

I took PINEALON for about a month, two capsules a day in the morning. It has a very subtle effect as a cognitive enhancer, I noticed myself being just a little quicker in my problem solving and deduction. I had hoped that it might have a cumulative effect on improving my memory and recall, but I did not as far as I can tell. I've tried a number of "memory-enhancing" Nootropics and the only one that seems to actually have this effect is Piracetam. PINEALON is worth the attention of those who want to arrest and treat cognitive decline, but I don't regard it as a performance-enhancing smart drug for biohackers.


My biohacker review/overview: Will this Russian peptide activate your Pineal gland? [Overview of PINEALON®]


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