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NANOTROPIL NOVO® is next-level Phenylpiracetam

phenylpiracetam phenotropil smart drugs nootropics review racetams

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#1 jroseland

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Posted 06 December 2020 - 10:08 AM



I got my hands on a package and have been using it on and off for a few weeks. I cycled off my daily-driver Nootropic, Nicotine, when I first went on it because wanted to more accurately gauge its effects. It's a quintessential cognitive enhancer...

  • It enhanced my technical problem-solving capacities, which helped me get through a redesign and revamp of my website.
  • It sharpened my memory and grasp of vocabulary a bit.
  • I had words on the tip of my tongue less.
  • Recently I've developed moderate Tinnitus (which probably has something to do with excessive news binging this crazy year) which caused some sleep deprivation. 200 milligrams helped some with sleep deprivation, but addressing the Tinnitus with meditation made a bigger difference.

I give it 4 stars because it's a decent cognitive enhancer but, pound-for-pound, dollar-for-dollar, rubble-for-rubble, Piracetam remains the superior smart drug in my view. I'd suggest that biohackers try Piracetam for a month, then switch to Piracetam-derivative like this or Oxiracetam for a month, and then try stacking them.

  • Informative x 1

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: phenylpiracetam, phenotropil, smart drugs, nootropics, review, racetams

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