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Changing family members' minds on COVID-19 vaccine...


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#1 jroseland

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Posted 06 December 2020 - 05:11 PM

I'm writing an email to try to convince my family to NOT take the "War-Speed" COVID-19. My family members are reasonably intelligent people but they watch too much television and tend to believe the programming - so they are planning on lining up with the sheeple to get the COVID-19 shot. Below you'll find the email and arguments I'm making, anywhere that I have __ (dropped line) is where I need a bit more evidence to link to. What are the most compelling Pubmed studies that reinforce COVID-19 vaccine skepticism? Is my "Tesla metaphor" compelling? I'd welcome any feedback on the arguments and evidence I present.


Feel free to copy my letter, edit it, and send it to your family members that you don't want to see vaccine-injured...



Please Read

Hey fam,

OK, I'm going to try to change your minds on something important. Please read this in completion before responding. I write this because I love you all. I think that you're all smart and reasonable people whose minds might be changed, so please take this as a compliment to your intellect.

An apt metaphor...

Imagine that you started seeing A LOT of promotion of Tesla's self-driving AI - the media was praising it all the time, the politicians were talking about how great it was - the mainstream everything seemed to really want you to be driven by the AI.

But, you kept hearing about how the AI was getting a lot of people into horrific car accidents, people were getting killed and badly injured. It got so bad that almost everybody knew a person who knew a person who had a friend or family member injured by a self-driving AI crash.

The media promoting the self-driving AI never talked about these accidents and you also couldn't find them on the front page of Google search results but you did a little research and you found that there were official databases documenting many thousands of terrible accidents every year, doing more research you could find vast numbers of people online talking about their AI-caused injuries. You could even find scientific studies talking about this epidemic, and there were a number of veteran AI and automotive experts out there who exhorted the public against driving in Tesla AI-controlled vehicles.

You continued to research and then you came across something shocking, the government indemnified Tesla against lawsuits resulting from ANY AI-caused deaths or injuries. Tesla didn't have to pay a dime to these people whose lives had been wrecked. The government handled these injury cases, apparently, if people were badly injured or killed by AI crashes they had to go through years of a tortuous bureaucratic process to get a much smaller payout (tax-payer funded) than they actually deserved from the government.

You learn that actually a lot of people (like soldiers, doctors, school teachers, and some government employees) were required by law to be AI-driven in Teslas. The government spent billions of dollars every year buying Teslas and politicians start hinting that eventually everybody might be required to be AI-driven by Tesla. 

Knowing a little about human nature and economics, it's clear what's happening here. All these AI-crashes, injuries, and deaths are happening because Tesla faces no legal ramifications for their bad AI causing all this death and mayhem - Tesla has government-guaranteed profits, no risk, and no reason to improve their product. They get to privatize their profits and socialize their losses. This all, of course, makes Tesla massive profits, and doing more research you learn that they lobby all the consumer protection agencies and a number of politicians to protect them and their monopoly. Any company that wanted to compete with Tesla, offering safer self-driving AI would face this monolithic political-bureaucratic superstructure of laws and institutions that mandated AI-driven Teslas, and they wouldn't receive any special protections in the event of lawsuits.

Knowing all this, you wouldn't buy or even be driven in an AI Tesla. You'd at the least say, I'm going to wait and see if they improve the AI and make it safer before I ever get in a Tesla!

If it's not obvious yet, my metaphor is about Big Pharma and vaccines and it elucidates the perfect storm of really bad incentives that makes the COVID-19 vaccine, something that you should, at least, wait on.

I gather that you all feel very strongly against President Trump, and I'm no Trump sycophant, one of the worst policy decisions of Trump is the "Warp-Speed" development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The foolishness of developing a vaccine that hacks your immune system (and mRNA) at "War-Speed" cannot be understated. The vaccine success case studies (Polio, Ebola, etc) that you've heard of took years or decades of careful, meticulous clinical research. If you're going to volunteer your body to be a guinea pig in Trump's "War-Speed" science experiment you need to have a lot more faith in him than I do!




I begin my case against the COVID-19 vaccine with the Tesla metaphor because it makes it clear why Big Pharma doesn't give a damn about producing a safe vaccine for you, especially when it comes to these "War-Speed" vaccines. But what's really made me vaccine-skeptical is the science...

  • In the initial COVID-19 human clinical trials, the incidence of side effects is high __.

  • In the COVID-19 trials, the observation period is __ days! Which is nowhere near long enough. The observation period for something that hacks your immune system and genetics should be years!

  • The COVID-19 vaccines have NOT undergone true placebo-controlled trials, as "placebos" they use other vaccines. Genuine safety trials would use saline solution placebos. It’s not real science without real placebos.

  • The COVID-19 vaccine that will be made available to you is the mRNA vaccine, so it hacks your genes themselves. This is different than historical vaccines that simply expose you to a weakened virus. This is a radical science experiment.

  • Last year, I read and reviewed this very rigorously researched and cited book, Rigor Mortis, about how badly corrupted the institutional, government-funded science has become. This “Warp-Speed” vaccine with Trump as its cheerleader is a blatant example of shoddy science.

  • If you really want to understand the vaccine issue, you should listen to a 9-hour legal deposition of Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world's foremost pro-vaccination expert on vaccines. If you take the time to listen to it all, you'll hear that he confirms most of the objections that people like me have to vaccines.

  • __

I link to different sources and evidence here because if you Google "are vaccines safe" or anything like that you'll just get a bunch of propaganda from Big Pharma that pays Google billions of dollars. If you’re thinking...

“Jonathan, I just need a little more scientific evidence for what you’re saying.”

There’s a show, The Highwire, which does a fantastic job of presenting and documenting the science and evidence on my side of this issue. This episode of The Highwire succinctly breaks down what you need to know. If you just rely on Google, Youtube, and your televisions you’re only going to hear what Big Pharma wants you to believe so they can sell a very profitable product.

Despite, all the sound reasons to be skeptical of Big Pharma's COVID-19 vaccines you might choose to take it anyway and if you have a severe reaction to it, I won't arrogantly tell you "I told you so!" I'll direct you towards the evidence-based biohacks for addressing whatever you're dealing with. For example...

  • Autoimmune disorders (Arthritis, skin eczema, etc) are very common side effects because the vaccines cause chronic immune inflammation, but there are ways to bring the immune system back into balance. 

  • With vaccines, you get a major dose of mercury (in the Thimerosol) that causes all sorts of health problems, but this can be addressed with a chelation strategy. 

  • The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is going to bring a sledgehammer to the delicate epigenetic function of your genes, but there are epigenetic therapies that can bring things back into balance.

Deaths from vaccines are statistically uncommon__, while about 30,000 cases of more serious side effects are documented in the US government’s VAERs database, but I'm here to help with whatever chronic side effects you might struggle with.

There's also the chance that you might be fine with the vaccine, it's a minority of people that suffer horrific injuries. But, it really is playing Russian roulette with an awful chronic autoimmune disorder that you'll struggle with for a long time. I don't think it's worth the risk personally, Gergana and I will never take it. If there was a worldwide outbreak of a virulent Ebola strain, I might take an Ebola vaccine, but the case mortality rate of COVID-19 is well under 1% for people under 70-years-old.

Faced with the epidemic of AI-crashes in my metaphor, the thinking person would say...

"I'm just going to drive myself! I don't need their AI to drive me." 

And the solution COVID-19 is similar, it's taking extreme ownership of your health. Not waiting for Big Pharma to sell you a rush-job product. If you invest in antifragility and are highly vigilant about your health, COVID-19 will be a few days or a week of discomfort at worst and then you'll have proximal natural immunity for life to this and similar coronaviruses. If you depend on the vaccine then you need to get a new vaccine(s) every year as the scientists try to keep up with the mutating virus. Aspiring to antifragility to harder; it means doing things like fasting, meditation, exercise, maintaining an armamentarium of Biohacking tools, not eating crappy GMO-Walmart food, etc.

Finally, some of you are Bible-believing Christians and this vaccine is very Mark of the Beast-ish; politicians and globalists around the world are saying that a COVID-19 vaccine may be required to travel, to fly, to go to concerts, to enter public space, to essentially engage in commerce. The Bible commands us to kneel before Christ, not the powers and principalities of this Earth. Submitting to this vaccine (which will contain aborted baby cell lines - this was confirmed under sworn testimony by Dr. Plotkin) cooked up by these vile pharmaceutical companies is kneeling to the dark power that rules this planet.

That's my case against the COVID-19 vaccine, you might think I'm a "crazy conspiracy theorist" because I'm skeptical of vaccines which are so sacrosanct in the corporate mainstream, but hey at least I'm a "crazy conspiracy theorist" that cares about you! That's not so bad, is it?



Edited by jroseland, 06 December 2020 - 05:37 PM.

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#2 Dorian Grey

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Posted 07 December 2020 - 12:28 AM

I learned long ago to avoid giving medical recommendations or doctor referrals to friends & family, after getting burned several times.  


A Surgical Technologist for 35 years, I'm a pretty good judge of surgical technique, and after several dental misadventures found a guy who was really good.  Gave me 3 beautiful gold inlays & a gold crown that was solid as a rock.  The guy's personality was a bit Aspie (Asperger's), but brilliant technician.  When my future wife asked if I knew a good dentist, I referred her to him, and she and her daughter both booked appointment.  Daughter had a meth (drug) issue which resulted in multiple dental issues.  She came out of her first appointment spitting tacks...  "How could you send me to that butcher!"  Fiancee cancelled her appointment, & I was in the dog house quite a while.  


Had a similar issue recommending a surgeon to my future domestic partner who's daughter wanted a nose job.  I actually worked with this surgeon, who specialized in "re-do's" of previous botched nose jobs.  Absolutely brilliant technician.  Surgery went well, but as it was the first surgical experience for girlfriend's daughter, there were of course some unexpected surprises.  It hurts...  Pain pills made her hurl...  Looked swollen & mis-shapen for a brief period as it healed.  Found my self back in the dog house once again.  


Mom had a minor stroke a while back.  As we talked on the phone she said she also had a strange pain in the back of her knee.  I told her she should ask her doc to check about a possible DVT (deep vein thrombosis), as this might be throwing clots & causing her stroke.  Step dad called back mad as hell.  Said after a brief panic, doc told them DVT can't cause stroke as clots would get stuck in the lungs before they reached the brain.  He was right, I was wrong, but it was just a thought that crossed my mind.  


Here we are in 2020 & domestic partner's daughter has had a couple of kids, & is quite obese.  Scared to death of COVID.  I've got pharmaceutical grade ivermectin, doxycycline, lactoferrin, & other supps.  Will I be sharing with friends & family?  Oh heck no!  Not looking forward to what might happen if she told her doc her mom's DP "treated" her with gray market pharmaceuticals & supplements when she caught the rona.  Have a mental picture of her telling a judge about how I almost killed her during my trial.  


Nope!  Been there, done that.  Nevermore!  It would be sad to see her end up on a vent, getting remdesivir, but if that's her fate, so be it.  When it comes to medicine, the best of intentions have a nasty habit of coming around and biting you on the bottom.  Avoid this kind of trouble if you can.  


I'm with you on the vaccines.  Wouldn't touch one with a barge pole till a few million others test the waters for me.  Wouldn't be caught dead telling family & friends not to be first in line though.  Next thing you know, they've got plague and the entire family are after you with shotguns & pitchforks.  Simply unwise.  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 07 December 2020 - 12:36 AM.

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#3 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2020 - 03:19 AM

I’d have to agree with Dorian.

Most people are set in their ways and believe what they believe, and often toe the line of popular thought. I’ve been right on the money with a few things over my life, or at least ahead of the trend on certain things, just to be mocked at the time. I remember when I knew about intermittent fasting and it’s benefits before it became popular, and was mocked about the idea with everyone saying it caused starvation mode and is unhealthy, only as recently as the beginning of the last decade (2010), until its popularity grew enough that now it’s just common knowledge and accepted as a viable healthy lifestyle for some people. And there’s plenty of these personal examples for me.

But there’s plenty of examples where I’ve been wrong also, and I don’t think I’m right about everything, and am more conservative about all the information I read everywhere (compared to my younger and more naive self). Hell I’ve been crazy into supplements for the last 16 years of my life (since the age of 16), trying everything from A-Z, trying all sorts of crazy experiments and doses, only to realise in recent life that I haven’t ever cured my own problems fully, and that everyone is biologically and psychologically unique. If someone came to me for advice on supplements now, I’d probably just recommend them a good multivitamin and probiotics, and wouldn’t go much further than that. But generally I’d stay away from giving advice, it takes any blame off yourself (whether warranted or not). Let the doctors, nutritionists, therapists, take that burden of giving health advice, and you just focus on how you want to take care of your own health with the knowledge and understanding you possess.

Oh and you mention Christians and the vaccine being mark of the beast-ish. I agree, and wouldn’t personally take it on religious grounds, as well as me being conservative about it on health grounds. However my opinion from studying the Bible is the mark of the beast will be genetic in nature, and it won’t be forced, but a choice between join taking the mark and worshipping the beast or get beheaded.

As for my opinion on current events, I’m not worried. I think there’s a hidden war currently going on between patriots and globalists, and I have a theory that operation warp speed is more of a case of positioning the military around the country to make arrests. But I reckon we’ll find out soon enough, at least by January 20th, as that’s when the next president takes the helm.

But the main reason I’m not worried is because I’m a Christian, so I have faith that in the end it will all work out, so when my time comes, whether it’s sooner or later, then that’s my appointed time to die.

Edited by Jesus is King, 07 December 2020 - 03:23 AM.

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#4 Hip

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Posted 08 December 2020 - 04:01 AM


Submitting to this vaccine (which will contain aborted baby cell lines - this was confirmed under sworn testimony by Dr. Plotkin) cooked up by these vile pharmaceutical companies is kneeling to the dark power that rules this planet.


Seek help from a good psychiatrist.

Edited by Hip, 08 December 2020 - 04:01 AM.

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#5 ymc

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Posted 08 December 2020 - 05:44 AM

Taking a jab is always about risk and benefit. If I am in my 20s and a female, I will be last in line for the jab.

But if I am old and frail, I will want to be the first in line.


As to myself, since I would love to travel and don't want to getting COVID to interfere with my job, I would

want to get a jab as early as I can. By the time I can get a jab, I believe millions would already have it, so 

I can observe the outcomes and see if I need to change my mind then.

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#6 ymc

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Posted 10 December 2020 - 12:56 AM



Two patients with past history of allergy is allergic to the vaccine. So now NHS is recommending against people with history of allergy for food and/or medicine from taking the jab.


Therefore, if your friends and family has a past history of allergy, I suppose this can dissuade them from taking the jab.

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#7 ymc

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Posted 10 December 2020 - 01:09 AM



Two people died after getting the jab during the clinical trial. You can also use this article to dissuade your family from taking the jab ;)

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#8 Dorian Grey

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Posted 11 December 2020 - 05:32 PM



Two people died after getting the jab during the clinical trial. You can also use this article to dissuade your family from taking the jab ;)


Yes, I heard they were both cardiac deaths & one dropped down dead only 3 days after his jab.  

#9 jroseland

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Posted 18 December 2020 - 11:46 AM

Have a mental picture of her telling a judge about how I almost killed her during my trial.  


Nope!  Been there, done that.  Nevermore!  It would be sad to see her end up on a vent, getting remdesivir, but if that's her fate, so be it.  When it comes to medicine, the best of intentions have a nasty habit of coming around and biting you on the bottom.  Avoid this kind of trouble if you can.


THIS is a good point, if you face potential legal repercussions for giving family members legal advice, don't do it. We live in a ridiculously litigious society, where seemingly no good deed goes unpunished. Sadly it's not worth helping people if it might get you on the wrong side of the law.

#10 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 18 December 2020 - 12:51 PM

First minister of Australia fakes getting the vaccine on television? 



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#11 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 05 January 2021 - 07:43 PM

First minister of Australia fakes getting the vaccine on television? 





Don't you think if they were going to fake giving the First Minister the vaccine they would just have injected her with sterile saline rather than pantomime giving her an injection?

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#12 shp5

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Posted 12 January 2021 - 07:47 PM

Don't you think if they were going to fake giving the First Minister the vaccine they would just have injected her with sterile saline rather than pantomime giving her an injection?


thank  you. what in the love of god as become of this forum?

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#13 Ames

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Posted 31 July 2021 - 03:10 PM

Yes, I heard they were both cardiac deaths & one dropped down dead only 3 days after his jab.  


Possibly related.


Spike protein causes pools of S1 presenting non classical monocytes to build, which do not succumb to apoptosis out to 15 months. 


The SARS CoV-2 spike S1 subunit induces hypercoagulability. 


What is the cardiovascular risk for pools of S1 presenting non classical monocytes building up over a period of 15 months?


What happens if you have an unehalthy pool of non classical monocytes already, at the time of the jab, due to health issues (obesity, etc), prior coronavirus exposure, or other exposure to spike protein?


How to induce monocyte apoptosis toward lowering risk of a cardiac event?


How might this predict the near future curve of cardiovascular pathology across the population?



Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection

The levels of both intermediate (CD14+, CD16+) and non-classical monocyte (CD14Lo, CD16+) were significantly elevated in PASC patients up to 15 months post-acute infection compared to healthy controls (P=0.002 and P=0.01, respectively). A statistically significant number of non-classical monocytes contained SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein in both severe (P=0.004) and PASC patients (P=0.02) out to 15 months post-infection


Edited by Ames, 31 July 2021 - 03:24 PM.

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#14 jroseland

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Posted 29 March 2022 - 09:42 AM

A book I read a few years before the COVID pandemic/plandemic was Rigor Mortis, which does much to validate skepticism of mainstream science. Check out my review here...
This book is a real black pill (a grim truth) for those who are optimistic about medical science delivering us cures to disease. The book's title is a clever double entendre, the death of the rigor in science causes actual death.
But don't despair! In this book review, I share some guidelines for biohacking in this era of bad science.

Listen to podcast: The Bane of Billion Dollar Bad Science - Book Review of Rigor Mortis

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#15 Gal220

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Posted 03 April 2022 - 04:55 AM

Several people have been caught on video passing out, you can see several of them at this LINK

Luckily all of them had someone close by to help, unlike Bob Saget


Interesting timing on 2 of them

--Heather McDonald was bragging about all her shots while doing stand up, then proceeded to pass out and fracture her skull

--German lady was advocating for mandatory vaccination, started slurring her speech and lost it.


Dr. Drew discusses in this video, he explains there is 2-3 week window after the shot where people pass out.  Heather says she will not be taking the 4th jab





This is the best account to follow on injuries



They also have a forum


Edited by Gal220, 03 April 2022 - 05:01 AM.

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