When a short person takes hgh and they see growth in height, and stop hgh they will shrink some not a lot because their bones have already been grown like with huge head or enlarged organs. But when it comes to the penis if you are severely deficient overtime your penis will go back to how it was before (perhaps some benefit) because its more susceptible to change. you might keep some benefits but not as much as with height/bone growth.
. And growth hormone will increase anything especially if you are deficient and take it at a early age. If you arent deficient it might do very little but it will increase size of things regardless because if you force it in your body it will forcibly do what it does regardless how much your body tries to fight it but ofc theres a limit. acromegaly is caused by more than hgh excess and its not the only thing involved in growth and usually they have more mutations .
Ask anyone who has been treated for acromegaly if things shrunk when Hgh was normalized!
If their HGH went severly deficient they would see some shrinkage. But we were talking about penis size here, which is more easy to change than bones. And I never said it will go back to normal just a lot of size will be lost.
Edited by kurdishfella, 30 March 2021 - 04:28 AM.