I too have anhedonia. I am interested in non pharmaceutical interventions that may help. It seems like dopamine might be an area to Target and that Stephania(stephanolide) may help as a D1 agonist/d2 antagonist.
I'm looking for more substances and the ones mentioned above do sound interesting but I would like to know more about their mechanisms and see studies if they are available.
I assume that this is for its gaba properties?
In my experience mirtazapine and trazodone make anhedonia worse. Low or high dose.
- Buspirone has done wonders for my anhedonia along side natural supplements such as Gingko biloba (5th1a protective effects and preventing desensitization from buspirone. (I am not too sure for people with gaba issues as ginkgo is a gaba antagonist)
-Taurine (gaba agonist without downregulation and helps hormones)
-Ginserg (especially Korean ginserg) 5ht2a agonist can give some sense of anhedonia relief as long as you don't suffer from anxiaty, racing thoughts, ocd paranoia etc. Usually it's a sign of oveactive 5ht2a receptors and its better to keep block. Although some people find great anhedonia relief from activating the 5th2a receptor especially if anhedonia is also sensory.
-Inositol above 4 grams can help regulate over-active 5ht2a receptors as it reduces its function. Also inositol increases dopamine receptor density that again may help with anhedonia.
-Berberine has also worked for me 1000 mg.
Berberine is a 5ht1a presynaptic agonist and inhibits 5ht1a post synaptic. But it gives me insomnia. It also blocks 5ht2a.
Personally I stay away from fish oil and vitamin d. Makes anhedonia worse. I'm not sure why. Increase in seratonin maybe?
Lastly cialis. Apart from the obvious benefits its a nootropic, can boost dopamine and if you take it along with exercising can give you a nice comfidence boost which again may relieve anhedonia.( be careful can lower blood pressure)