Folks, I've been suffering from what's known as Post Finasteride Syndrome since age 32 (6+ years now). It really just happened overnight. No cure for the root cause so in absence of that, the best I can do is treat my symptoms. Some:
- Insomnia, Fatigue, Buzzed/Wired feeling all day -> under control with Thyroid med (Levothyroxine)
- Elevated Bad Cholesterol -> under control with statins but I actually just try to control it with diet/exercise
- Elevated Blood sugar -> under control with Metaformin but I skip it several times a week, prefer to control blood sugar with intermittent fasting + exercise
These 3 approaches have allowed me to function day to day. However, there are 2 more aspects that I'm trying to fix and have not successed.
1. Sexual anhedonia and non-responsiveness to Cialis/Viagra/PDE5 inhibitors. Before PFS, I could take 5mg of Cialis and be good for 3-4 days. It worked really really well. All of a sudden (after taking Finasteride), body stopped responding. It seems to me that brain-penis connection is missing. The signaling is lost.
Upon closer analysis, it seems to me that brain -> nitric oxide signaling is missing. Normally, when you take Cialis/Viagara or L-Arg/L-Citrulline etc - your veins pop-out, you can feel a bit of fullness. But now, nothing happens. It's not just that penis doesn't respond to Cialis/Viagra. It's like even veins in my arms, wrist don't pop-out. It's like whatever is suppose to release nitric oxide no longer releases nitric oxide.
Does anyone know how to re-establish brain nitric oxide signaling? Can NAD/NMN/NR help? See the diagram/picture attached, right most, it mentions NADH, seems like it has a role to play.
Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 7.37.44 PM.png 644.14KB
Source (with more info):
2. Other aspect is that my short-term/working memory seems to be declining like crazy. Overall memory has declined but short-term has declined even more. I have started taking Bacopa (Synapsa) and hoping it'd help.
Edited by userCK, 14 January 2021 - 06:19 PM.