Hey guys just wanting to share something. I suffer from insomia and I have come up with an accidental discovery.
I have been using buspirone. As you know Buspar is a 5ht1a agonist which in most instances makes insomnia worse.
I accidently took 5mg buspirone along with 1.5mg rhodiola rosea in the morning and it made me extremely drowsy and had knocked me out.
Now rhodiola works as a stimulant for me and makes my agitation worse but not in this instance.
So I decided to give it a go before bed time and the same thing has happened again. I woke up earlier than normal refreshed and ready to go. I have been trialing this for a week to make sure this was the combination and its worked without a fail.
Any one can explain as to why this has caused this effect? Doesn't make sense to me at all as both buspirone and rhodiola are both stimulating for me.