Hi I'd love to get your thoughts, I don't really have anyone to ask who thinks the same way about health as I do.
I've been given a chance to move to a very rural place. I'm currently suffering chronic stress where I am. However I was surprised to see 2 industrial chimneys near the new property, about 200 metres away at a guess. They are well hidden, it is only one factory and the rest of the environment for miles in all directions is rural with lots of fresh air.
I talked to some of the locals and they said those chimneys are part of a factory that creates natural flavour oils for the food industry.= (citrus, vanilla, etc). They said you don't get any bad smell, only nice smells, like vanilla, soup smells, etc and only occasionally. When I looked again I can see these are not huge tall industrial chimneys, they are small, not much taller than a 3 storey house. I think it was just a surprise to see them so close as I was thinking of giant incinerators, but this is not anything like that.
What are the thoughts of those on the forum about this? Chronic noise stress where I'm living currently, or go there, where it's a beautiful rural environment, but with this small factory down the road? It is close. Most people that I've asked away from this forum feel there's no problem. So interested what people here think. Thanks