Me with few of my friends made a discord server about new experimental nootropics with an objective to build a small ecosystem of people interested in nootropics who are 1) capable to do chemistry work or organise synthesis, testing 2) people willing to join group buys and try new substances and 3) people willing to fund such new nootropic synthesis experiments (maybe someone believes in general nootropics idea and wants to donate like 50-100$ into a synthesis project and spectate reports but doesn’t feel comfortable of being on the list of early testers - you are still very welcome). Only constructive messages are allowed in order to not waste each others' time.
On discord it will be much much easier to discuss about experimental nootropics because it has a channel feature, where it’s possible to have an isolated chatroom for certain topic, like #isrib, #edaravone. Also new synthesis projects will be easier to spot so more people can join them, funds could be raised faster to buy precursors required for synthesis and thus more substances can be tested to push boundaries of what we currently know and have in our nootropics arsenal.
Currently of those who joined we have a chemist from Ukraine who has done a synthesis of ISRIB, who did edaravone synthesis just days ago (who wants to test it?), also will have ITPP very soon (in a few days) and is now collecting purchase orders for these. None of these 3 can be currently obtained from other sources for an individual.
We also have a person who is currently doing a group buy synthesis for HA-P6 peptide, who also did HA-FGL, GSB106 synthesis some time ago.
One of the secondary objectives is to not have nootropic beginners (sorry!) so that the theme of the group stays focused on experimental nootropics and group buys, where for general nootropic discussions about already widely available substances r/nootropics is much better. However, if you fit the target audience described in first paragraph, you are still very welcome. Please respect this rule, otherwise we won't have a focused community and we won't have new substances. If we test a substance and it's any good, the reports will be shared on reddit though.
I'm currently posting a public join link: If the link stops working or I disable it later, please PM me if you want to join.