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Secretagogues 2

secretagogues hgh

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#1 BrandonFlorida

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Posted 24 February 2021 - 01:03 AM

For many years I have sometimes, for months at a time, taken arginine and ornithine before bed (on an empty stomach) to increase my blood HGH.  It has worked so well, that the next morning I can see the muscle tone in the mirror, my face looks smoother, and certain symptoms of age go away.


Lately, I have read articles which say that this effect rarely works in people over 50.  But then they inevitably move on to the next subject as though no one over 50 will wonder what does work.


I'm 67.  Is there nothing other than artificial HGH which can increase my blood HGH level?  No more secretagogues?


Thanks in advance for any illumination you can shed.

#2 Believer

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Posted 24 February 2021 - 04:28 AM

Intranasal epithalon before bed works in young, not sure about in old people

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#3 Galaxyshock

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Posted 24 February 2021 - 08:05 AM


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#4 Rocket

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Posted 26 February 2021 - 02:06 AM

I am 40s and ghrp2 works great. Its in the young ironically that secretogogues are a waste because they already have high levels of hgh. The older you get and the less hgh you have is when secretogogues work better. 4x a day pins of ghrp2 will basically double my hgh levels. Even my doctor noticed a few years ago.

That being said,I prefer real hgh as you just pin it once upon waking and once later in the day and regardless of whether or not your stomach is empty like a secretogogue.

You should take huperzine with ANY secretogogue... Its essential.

Be careful not to over do it. Hgh will cause bph in older lab rats.

Edited by Rocket, 26 February 2021 - 02:13 AM.

#5 BrandonFlorida

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Posted 27 February 2021 - 05:31 AM

Thank you for your answer.  If you are right, then some secretagogues work on older people and some do not.  The articles that talk about it typically indicate a cutoff age of about 50.  I am 67.  It seems as though the arginine and ornithine are still helping me, but numerous articles on the Web say no.


Do you need a prescription for ghrp2?


It's a pity we can't intervene earlier on the chain of cause and effect and deal with whatever stops us from producing HGH as we age.

Edited by BrandonFlorida, 27 February 2021 - 05:33 AM.

#6 Rocket

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Posted 28 February 2021 - 02:11 AM

Thank you for your answer. If you are right, then some secretagogues work on older people and some do not. The articles that talk about it typically indicate a cutoff age of about 50. I am 67. It seems as though the arginine and ornithine are still helping me, but numerous articles on the Web say no.

Do you need a prescription for ghrp2?

It's a pity we can't intervene earlier on the chain of cause and effect and deal with whatever stops us from producing HGH as we age.

The loss of HGH with age is ESSENTIAL absolutely essential for our health.

If you don't lose HGH then cancer will be more prevalent, you will develop bph, and its likely that you will develop diabetes.

Young people need HGH because they are growing. Young people don't become diabetic because they have naturally high dhea.

If you don't supplement with dhea then you will become insulin resistant and risk being a diabetic patient.

Humans aren't meant to last forever. What's essential in youth may make you sick later in life... We are a house of cards.

Yes I play with growth hormone but I know the risks or what will happen.

I take dhea to stave off diabetes and I take avodart and pramipexole to minimize the impact on my prostate.

When you boost HGH you are trading health benefits with health risks and deciding what's more important: short term health span versus a potentially longer life with frailty.

You can by ghrp2 without prescription. I don't even think there is medical grade ghrp2 being manufactured.

I don't buy that 50 year old bullcrap. 50 is quite young.

And you can order your own blood tests with at least 2 online private labs so you can see yourself if they work for you.

But you can buy real HGH if you know who to seek out online. Surf the bodybuilding forums and they talk about sources... Its just as cheep as ghrp2 and real HGH works on everyone.

Edited by Rocket, 28 February 2021 - 02:17 AM.

#7 BrandonFlorida

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Posted 28 February 2021 - 04:41 AM

Thanks, Rocket.  Wow, what an interesting post.  In terms of cessation of HGH being essential - maybe so, but no ability to regenerate tissue is a pretty heavy price.  Starting at about the age of 60, i began to notice that walking was no longer effortless.  If I walked further than the sorts of distances inside my home, I felt weakness in my upper legs as I walked.  Taking arginine and ornithine before bed makes that go away completely.  Walking is effortless again.  I walked over 7 miles with my wife the other day.  When I stop taking arginine and ornithine, the problem doesn't return immediately, but it does return.


I was very interested in what you said about DHEA.  I take quite an elaborate supplement regimen, but have never taken DHEA because I don't understand it.  How does it stave off insulin resistance and diabetes?

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#8 brendan1

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Posted 05 September 2021 - 11:44 PM

I am 40s and ghrp2 works great. Its in the young ironically that secretogogues are a waste because they already have high levels of hgh. The older you get and the less hgh you have is when secretogogues work better. 4x a day pins of ghrp2 will basically double my hgh levels. Even my doctor noticed a few years ago.

That being said,I prefer real hgh as you just pin it once upon waking and once later in the day and regardless of whether or not your stomach is empty like a secretogogue.

You should take huperzine with ANY secretogogue... Its essential.

Be careful not to over do it. Hgh will cause bph in older lab rats.


Dosage on the Huperzine?

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