No, it states that vaccines may speed up the virus's evolutionary process.
What I said:
that the article states that the vaccines cause mutations,
and what you said are the exact same thing.
The article is trying to hide "vaccines cause mutation" under careful language and you are trying to do their work by keeping their PR language nonsense in place for them.
No one here is beholden to the article authors nor to you, in terms of not reading through undifferentiated synonyms (evolutionary process = mutation).
Trying to resurrect the article's transparent soft peddling is useless and dishonest. Its a waste of time and a non-point.
Using the word "may" is politicians language in this instance. It is meant to give them an out for stating a major risk (which we see playing out with the variants), without giving vaccines critics a definite reference.
But fine: "may". And my point still stands. Because its still an admission that there is a great reason not to promote / de facto mandate leaky vaccines. And it looks like that risk has come to bear.
And that's unequivocally a bad thing.
In other words, the mutations would have happened anyway,
That's a rhetorically convenient switch from "may" to "would".
Is that the result that we've seen with leaky vaccines used elsewhere?
Try your "may / would" sleight of hand in three card monte at the park. It won't win you any arguments here.
Have significant "mutations happened anyway" with other COVID diseases and that scale (to the relative severity of the original disease) with that of the threat of the Delta or Lambda variants, absent widespread immunizations?
Or just with this, given widespread immunizations?
So we haven't agreed that mutation would happen naturally to a significant degree...
but vaccination with leaky vaccines may speed it up.
... but thanks for the admission that vaccines "may" (do and did) cause mutations.
Again, circling us back to my first point that you tried and are failing to respond to: promoting widespread leaky vaccines is a bad idea for this disease.
And even that is not proven, it's just a theoretical possibility.
Mutation in response to leaky vaccine is absolutely proven. And here we are with several unusually fast appearing mutations after an unprecedented vaccination drive.
But if you reach herd immunity, so that the virus dies out entirely, then that will totally prevent any mutations, because no humans will have the virus, and mutations occur during an infection of the host. No infections = no chances of mutations occurring.
Except that the virus dying out entirely is not possible with leaky vaccines. But mutations are possible.
Herd immunity is the holy grail, which will allow society to go back to normal, and will also prevent new variants from appearing (except in animal populations, which is why we may need to vaccinate them also).
Is that the old official definition of herd immunity, or the new official definition that was repurposed to only encapsulate vaccination status?
Forgive me if I don't take anyone seriously that unironically uses the phrase "Holy Grail" while trying to persuade in regard to such a malleable and now politicized concept, or in regard to an injection.
It is estimated that around 70% to 85% of the population needs to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.
Is it? I remember when those percentages were changing each week with Fauci's discontent with public vaccination enthusiasm, as well as when the definition of herd immunity formally changed.
So total elimination of coronavirus may be possible, as long as the anti-vaxxers comply.
"So" is generally used, in rhetoric, before a conclusion and after a cogent presentation of logical proofs. Not after the mish mash of hand waving, buzz words, scary adjectives, and scaepgoating that you employed here.
Stated differently, at no point in your presentation did you come close to any logic that concludes that anything whatsoever is dependent on "anti vaxxers" complying.
In fact, we are now much closer to "vaxxers" being a problem. However, I wouldn't be so retrograde, as you are, to attempt to lay blame for a disease on a population of people.
If they do not, then the anti-vaxxers may actually create the super-killer mutant coronavirus which kills 1 in 3.
Right on cue.
As long as it isn't the superman-killer-monster-crypto-irradiated virus then, given the case being made by you, I think we are good.
But if we do get a 1 in 3 virus, then given what we know about leaky vaccines, viruses, and our specific comparative argument, then it seems as if the vaccinated will more than likely be the culprit.
If we were scapegoating people. Which I would never do, given historical lessons learned. Did you attend your history classes when they were covering the part about using concepts of flawed innate biology to scapegoat groups of people? I can't be the only one to have come away with that principle = umbrella bad. Was I? I doubt it.
Have you heard the expression "biting the hand which feeds you"?
LOL, for so many reasons. I'll let this one stand on its own. It does all the work itself for readers, and I could never match what it says just hanging there.
One of the main reasons that life expectancy has gone up so much over the last 100 years or so is because of the products the pharmaceutical industry, especially antibiotics and vaccines. Better sanitation has also played a major role in increased longevity.
Unless you have a better approach at controlling the pandemic, I can't see the logic in criticizing the pharma industry.
Same here. ^^
"No logic" in criticizing the pharmaceutical industry. (of course, this is inaccurate shorthand for "don't refuse medication mandates").
You are truly self-satire.
Because antibiotics = criticism free reign for literally everything else / for every pharamceutical mandate for healthy individuals (for approved or unapproved of meds).
Does any single company go an entire year wherein they don't refute this attempted axiom in one fashion or another? Maybe when extremely lucky.
Pharmaceutical industry and its "also" sidekick santitation being responsible for lifespan improvement. We see what you did there! Nice one. (and nevermind the other contributing factors). Also, myself and Elon Musk are totally rich if you add all of our money together.
You're here to say don't question Big Pharma or the vaccine, in spite of any argument or variants, and to scare and group-scapegoat people into getting vaccinated.
I'm here to tell you that your logic is bad and that, referencing historically taught lessons, you are an immoral and divisive danger for trying to scaepgoat unvaccinated people. Whatever the scale of the eventual bad result for your scapegoat target.
That will remain true whether or not you eventually revert to an attempt at an actual set of logical proofs, yet stick with the scaepgoating.
Edited by Ames, 04 August 2021 - 04:21 AM.