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Please somebody make this decision or suggestion for me. I just do not know where to start here.

aging fisetin sulforephane nmn

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#1 Qowpel

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Posted 09 April 2021 - 07:58 PM

Hello everyone. I am a 29 year old man who has been fasting for about 7 years on and off for longevity.

I always have wanted to get into anti aging supplemental regimens. But I just cannot choose WHICH ONE to do.

Somebody please help me put on this.

So from my research it seems the big players are.


Apigenin (for cd38 inhibition, which of course allows for Less inhibition of NAD... thos Is important because at a certain point our gut biome, with age, starts allowing for higher amounts of cd38, meaning increasing NAD alone is not enough)

[Maybe is there another cd38 inhibitor? Such as a probiotics that would create a healthier gut biome despite higher biological age, thus allowing less cd38 increasing?]

I have heard of the stack of Resveratrol plus NMN... I look at videos of David Sinclair who seems to look younger after having supplemented it for a while.

Glucosamine supplementation (apparently increases lifespan?)

Sulforephane (perhaps increases SIRT nicely).

Nicotinamide Riboside vs NMN?

I have read also that telomerase activators can burn up my available stem cells quickly which would be bad.....

I also have read of using quercetin and dastinib combo.

Also have read about using fisetin...

I just do not know what to do here can somebody help. I feel nearing 30, I have wasted time Not being on a supplemental anti aging regimen...

the only anti aging things I have done are intermittent fasting, longer fasting, caloric resteiction, methionine restriction, and sunscreen....

Someone please help me out. Which of these holds the Best promise in helpng me maintain a youthful body, youthful looks, and a lower biological age?

Should I use all of them? Some of them?

Any anecdotes of the effects of their use of you have used them before? Thanks everyone.

#2 Perry23

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Posted 25 July 2021 - 08:44 PM

that is a great question. personally supplements with quercetin, astragalus and spermidyne, melatonin 0,5mg before bed and regulary fasting , 4h a day eat 20h off and train a lot from very long time. Now 30yo, looking great, for sure a lot of aerobic training and strength training have huge influence here. Recently change diet a lot, 30yo is no joke and it is one of this thing that i neglect before , once better once worse, now eat really healthy, sugar as low as possible fructose also, try to get little more proteins from plants less from meat (work on that now) , for sure have quite solid amounts of sulphorephane and querceting from diet now olso, as flavonoids and so on. I suppose start rapamycin 5mg week in 10 years about 40 but now ... not yet. Supplement about 2 years with resveratrol but when i analyse all off info not so sure about resveratrol, quite a long time with creatine - strength supplement, wondering how big was placebo in my strength pb .. from really long time i thing melatonin supplementation, about 5 years .

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#3 Perry23

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Posted 25 July 2021 - 09:37 PM

and i forgot .. 6g of collagen and and the same with AKG with my smoothie everyday  :)

#4 Qowpel

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Posted 26 July 2021 - 04:05 AM

that is a great question. personally supplements with quercetin, astragalus and spermidyne, melatonin 0,5mg before bed and regulary fasting , 4h a day eat 20h off and train a lot from very long time. Now 30yo, looking great, for sure a lot of aerobic training and strength training have huge influence here. Recently change diet a lot, 30yo is no joke and it is one of this thing that i neglect before , once better once worse, now eat really healthy, sugar as low as possible fructose also, try to get little more proteins from plants less from meat (work on that now) , for sure have quite solid amounts of sulphorephane and querceting from diet now olso, as flavonoids and so on. I suppose start rapamycin 5mg week in 10 years about 40 but now ... not yet. Supplement about 2 years with resveratrol but when i analyse all off info not so sure about resveratrol, quite a long time with creatine - strength supplement, wondering how big was placebo in my strength pb .. from really long time i thing melatonin supplementation, about 5 years .

This is great. How long have you been doing this? Would you say you look younger than you are now (and it is fine if you dont as 30 is young), or at the ery least maybe appear and feel 30, but are like, a healthier version of 30 than the other 30 year olds around you. What have you noticed?


you REALLY may wanna look NOT only into SIRT 1... but SIRT 6 seems to be the bigger anti ager now. A good source of EVOO, as well as excercise, and consistent CRON increases Sirt 6.

#5 Perry23

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Posted 28 July 2021 - 12:56 AM

melatonin supplementation about 5 years most of the time but i discovered that even 1mg o melatonin everyday is little bit too much just for me, sometimes little foggy but 0,3 - 0,5mg seems to be really good in terms of sleep, creatine from time to time almost from when i start get interested in strength sports about 7 years ago but some months on most of the time off, now off, was supplementing trans resveratrol about 2 years and now i decide  now from my 30 birthday  to dig into longevity quite deep, always was interested but now really, really interested, think about diet and supplementation also and here is my reasoning:  


1. As one of my favorites Peter Attia said: "The most potent known drugs in terms of longevity are sport and diet"  and lets start from SPORT. Fortunately always was really active and serious about sport. Almost all my live quite extensively playing football , 7 years i was training karate Shotokan, then got about 7,8 years ago really interested in strength sports and swimming and about 4 years ago in freediving.


- Now about 3,4 times a week i have strength training. - in my opinion really important aspect of longevity.  We should remember that theoretically we loose 3-5% of muscle mass for decade so we should preserve it as much as possible . More muscle mass, lover bf - better insulin sensitivity - i suppose that it is why if i checked my glucose levels in spite of a fact of bad diet always have levels of glucose in the middle fortunately - most of glucose just go to muscle - so you know , much less chance to become diabetic. 


- 1,2 times a week (in free day often have strength training and swimming at the same day :laugh: ) - swimming - typical aerobic exercise. There are some papers there that is really good for cardiovascular health, and it is neuroprotective.


- once a week mainly in weekends freediving training, now in summer we are doing deep diving in the lake - in my opinion another important aspect of out body - anaerobic capacity and for sure is more anaerobic sport than all above. And here it gets really interesting. Theoretically there are papers out there who shows that hypoxia will activate sirtuins that is one of many many aspects why sport is good, when you train quite hard you can get little hypoxic - but what about this level of hypoxia which freedivers can achieve ... for sure there are a lot of adaptation here .. there are a lot of research there that shows that brain of experienced freedivers can work quite good when most of people just blacked out with that level of hypoxia but could some brain damage can occur? - looks like every impact sport which is interesting is worse for brain damage than freediving , theoretically even playing football but general all of data, opinions are quite ambiguous - for sure we need more research in thins area but AMAZING sport - check it out - best guy in my country in this sport -  . - and quite huge follower of resveratrol - from point when he read that it elevates levels of hemoglobin - you know more hemoglobin more oxygen in blood theoretically - but overall this sport helps to calm down and just relax 


- and last aspect - screeching and some stability fun - handstands and so on 


*Really important to mention here that sport in overall raise NAD levels. 


So as you see was always really into sports and i am convinced that it is most important thing in terms of longevity. Let's jump to point 2.


2. Sleep - nothing fancy here, solid 8 h is must be in my opinion. - there is so much papers in importance of sleep that will not be diving deep into it because it will be too long  :laugh: .


3. Diet - and i must admit that sometimes i really neglect that :sad: ,and i decide to change it just before my 30 birthday, i was little ignorant in this field i must admit. Now have started to be really strict. Cut a lot of sugars, no sugar to tea, no sugar to coffee , no cakes, no cola , no candies, no juice. So glucose and fructose really down. Healthy breakfast, sometimes there are eggs but start to eat more plant base protein like lentils on breakfast as main source of protein and it is solid breakfast , most of my protein is  from breakfast , then most of the time is training then smoothie quite close to this suggestions from Rhonda Patrick and dinner. Before about 2 years ago start fasting but it was not so strict as now , now eat all that in 4h then 20 hours fast. (ps. quite a lot of olive oil ;))


And here we can say a lot for sure in terms of metabolic heath, NAD levels, mTOR suppression and NAD levels by fasting and so on...


4. And supplementation - recently start to organize all of that and now it looks like it . - To smoothie there are 6g of collagen and the same with AKG. When we get older we have less collagen in skin and in my diet, i discovered that i have really low amounts of collagen if any. There are papers there which shows that collagen works in terms of skin elasticity, bone mineral density and so on.. and it is really important to decrease chance of injuries in terms of strength training and overall .


Why AKG - studies looks promising in terms of longevity, and is important when we talked about collagen synthesis so i think it good combination.


Quercetin - first of all it helps raise NAD levels by inhibition of CD38 enzyme. I think that is good idea for example raise NAD levels in 40s by NAD precursors when it is half naturally of that it was before but now i think that raising nad levels by IF, working out and quercetin (also have quite big amounts of quercetin in food and sulforaphane also as if i am not mistaken sulforaphane also inhibit cd38 enzyme  ) is a good way to go. Probably starting using senolytic supplements in 30 is also good way to go i think. 


Vitamin D - when don't have enough sun from outdoor activities and in winter .


Astragalus - good papers out there on this rood in terms of longevity -  reduce level of triglycerides, good in terms of kidney health, immune strength and overall health, looks quite promising


Spermidyne - hematoprotective, induces autofagy - i thing quite good to add in terms of effect of IF and in terms of longetivity


And melatonin - neuroprotective , levels decline with age , good safety profile 


And that is my reasoning, about your question i must admit i look younger than my age, most people think that i am student lol, for sure sport and sleep have huge impact here, maybe supplementaton a little bit but it was not so regime , as i said only supplement which i take strait 5 years almost non stop is melatonin, for sure have much better physique also then most of 30s, thanks to hard training and good hormonal profile (thx parents for good ganes lol ). Almost every hormone in the middle and testosterone in upper limit 1186 ng/dl as i last measure . But it is double - edged sword - i strongly belie that i could keep this level of physique most of my live because of really high level of test so in spite of a fact of decline testosterone probably will heve more lets say in 50s than people will lover, but for example higer chances of prostate cancer - that is why i supplement melatonin, studies have shown that men with higher urinary levels of the sleep hormone melatonin are much less likely to develop prostate cancer what is interesting melatonin exerts its pro-apoptotic effects on cancer cells, but shows its anti-apoptotic properties in healthy cells so preventively...


That is long post, but hope will be informative. Wondering what is your view, rigour in terms of diet and supplementation and so on . 


And sorry if there are some mistakes , my English is not prefect when we talked in many scientific worlds.. 


Have a good day ;) 



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#6 Kentavr

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Posted 11 August 2021 - 04:13 PM

I'm 39 years old. I am from Russia, I graduated from the University of Chemistry with a degree in chemistry-technologist, organic synthesis technology.


I use the following dietary supplements:


1. Ubiquinol, 200 mg, QH-Absorb, Jarrow Formulas - 1 capsule per day (evening). It is important to choose a quality product. There are a lot of fakes, as well as poorly digestible forms. I have chosen this brand as a result of testing for several years. Many brands are ineffective. This is my experience.


2. Vitamin D3, 2000 IU, California Gold Nutrition - 1 capsule per day (in the morning). I take it even in summer.


3. Vitamin K2 MK-7, NOW FOODS, 100 mg  - 1 capsule per day (in the morning). This vitamin is needed to activate vitamin D3.


4. Collagen Peptides, SPORT RESEARCH, 1 scoop (11,65 g) (morning or evening, on an empty stomach). The course of taking the supplement is 3-4 months every six months.


5. Nattokinase (2000 FU), Lake Avenue Nutrition - 3 capsules (6000 FU) during the day (morning, afternoon and evening on an empty stomach). To quickly epmty wy stomach, i drink 1 large dlass of water 60 minutes after eating.  Because of this, the stomach pushes food faster into the intestines. 30 minutes after drinking the water, I take nattokinase. This method was developed by myself.


6. TRIPLE STRENGTH Omega-3 fish oil - 2 capsules daily (during the day, with meals). I take courses for 3 months, then I take a break for 1-2 months. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in order to increase the content of fatty acids in the cells to the norm, the intake of fish oil must be carried out for at least 3 months. I do not use omega-3 fatty acids, because they lack glycerin in the molecular structure, which is why they are practically not absorbed without taking fatty foods (you need at least 2 eggs to digest). In addition, fatty acids accumulate in cells 15% slower than triglyceride acids.



7. Quercetin, Natural Factors, LipoMicel micellar, just 2 capsules daily (1 capsule with meals, sometimes on an empty stomach). Only recently I started using this supplement, I plan to take it in courses of 3 months a year. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I take quercetin in micellar form. If you take quercetin in its usual form, then you will have a load on the liver, and also quercetin will be unevenly distributed throughout the body, and not all cells will receive it. The micelles mask it from the liver, thereby reducing the burden on the liver, and thanks to the micelles, quercetin is very well distributed among all cells. The high degree of adsorption of quercetin in micellar form allows the cells to be provided with a sufficient amount of quercetin.


8. Zinc Chelate, 25 mg, Natural Factors - 2 tablets daily. I always try to take it along with quercetin in micellar form as they are synergistic. Unlike conventional zinc salts, zinc chelate is 99.9% absorbed by the body. I plan to continue taking this supplement after I stop taking quercetin.


I buy supplements from 1 to 8 on iherb. Below I list what I take in Russia. It is easier with us with medicines - many medicines are sold without a prescription.


9. Telmisartan, 40 mg, 1 tablet daily (in the evening after 19:00). Powerful anti-inflammatory, although it lowers blood pressure slightly.


10. Selank (nasal drops 0.15%, 3 ml) - 2-3 drops in each nostril (before bedtime). Course: 1 bottle every 4 months. Synthetic analogue of tuftsin. Restores the myelin sheath of the nervous tissue, balances hormones. It can be combined with any medication. There are practically no contraindications. I use it to protect against neurodeneration and reduce the rate of epigenetic drift.


11. Vesugen, (short synthetic peptide of the vascular wall), 60 capsules - 2 capsules in the morning before 12:00, ideally at 10:00 (IMPORTANT! Take a supplement in the morning! If you take these peptides in the evening, your blood pressure can rise! Оn an empty stomach and during meals. With food, the calculated efficacy falls by no more than 10%). Course: 1 pack in 6 months. A powerful activator of vascular endothelial stem cells and bone marrow. I and my friends noted a rejuvenating effect (after the course, i looked younger and fresher, the skin acquired a barely noticeable pink tint).


12. Endoluten, 20 capsules - 1 capsule per day, at exactly 10:00 (practice has shown that it is most effective at this particular time). Course: 1 pack every 6 months. Since the capsule contains titanium dioxide in the film shell, I pour the contents from the capsule into a spoon before use. Endoluten is a natural peptide derived from the pineal gland and is a very potent (very!) Geroprotector, providing improved melatonin production and a strong immune boost. The drug, in fact, is an analogue of Epitalon, but only in tablets. IMPORTANT! The drug is very powerful, after a few days you will want to sleep a lot, this is normal. While you are taking the drug, I do not advise you to drive a car yourself. Also, in order for the drug to manifest itself as much as possible, you can take 1/3 of the capsule a day, stretching the drug intake for 2 months.


I also like to drink green tea. I like to drink decaffeinated cappuccino (this is important because caffeine reduces the production of melatonin in the pineal gland, and also reduces it by about 30% in 15-20 years).


Major health improvements:


1. I keep my youth and look even a little younger (my wife says I look 32. When I started learning about supplements and how to use them, I was 34 years old and I looked 34 years old). This is very good, because looking even younger at 30+ is a very difficult task. It is more difficult for others to see the effect of rejuvenation.


2. Wrinkles gradually disappear. Against wrinkles, I recently optimized my supplement list, so wrinkles have recently begun to fade. I have an assumption that such an effect is given by morning collagen + Nattokinase 2000 FU before bedtime.


3. Much more energy. Even on Sunday I am cheerful. My friends note a high level of energy.


4. I feel "fresh" inside. It’s as if I’m saturating with something. It is difficult to describe the feeling.


I have tried various supplement options for several years and settled on this choice. For several years I have read a lot of studies and made a thorough analysis.

Additionally, I do not use any creams that could distort the result, otherwise I will only see a superficial effect that distorts the idea of internal rejuvenation. Real rejuvenation is important to me, not a "mask".

I am currently continuing to improve the protocol.


Edited by Kentavr, 11 August 2021 - 05:10 PM.

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#7 antoral

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Posted 22 August 2021 - 06:21 AM

Thanx for sharing your experience

#8 cinnabar

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Posted 03 October 2021 - 04:17 AM

1. Ubiquinol, 200 mg, QH-Absorb, Jarrow Formulas - 1 capsule per day (evening). It is important to choose a quality product. There are a lot of fakes, as well as poorly digestible forms. I have chosen this brand as a result of testing for several years. Many brands are ineffective. This is my experience.



What kinds of improvements or specific symptoms did you notice with this supplement? Did you notice less effectiveness with the other popular ubiquinol brands available from iherb (NOW, Natural Factors, Doctor's Best, Life Extension), or a dependence on dietary fat?

Edited by cinnabar, 03 October 2021 - 04:18 AM.

#9 Kentavr

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Posted 04 October 2021 - 06:55 AM

What kinds of improvements or specific symptoms did you notice with this supplement? Did you notice less effectiveness with the other popular ubiquinol brands available from iherb (NOW, Natural Factors, Doctor's Best, Life Extension), or a dependence on dietary fat?


This is a very good question, and I will give an answer to it.

When you start taking Ubiquinol, you feel nothing. Generally. You take a week, then the second week, and then the thought occurs to you that the supplement is not working. But this is not the case!
You must continue to take Ubiquinol and after 3 weeks you will feel a slight effect, after 4 weeks a significant one, and after 5 and 6 weeks you will want to climb the mountain!
When you take a really working Ubiquinol supplement, you feel "fresh". Not energy, mind you! Namely, there is a feeling of freshness.
Supplements I have taken: I have not taken any other coenzyme and I will explain why.
It turns out that any ubiquinol in the intestines is converted into coenzyme Q10, no matter whether you take coenzyme Q10 or its reduced form (Ubiquinol). And after that, when absorbed, the body itself turns it into Ubiquinol! This has been shown back in research from 2015.
After taking ubiquinol, CoQ10 begins to convert to ubiquinone in the stomach due to the high concentration of hydrogen ions. In the small intestine, CoQ10 is almost entirely in the ubiquinone form. In the distal lymphatic duct, CoQ10 is initially in the form of ubiquinone. The absorbed ubiquinone then begins to convert to ubiquinol. By the time the CoQ10 has passed from the lymph to the blood, the total percentage of ubiquinol is 96% and the percentage of ubiquinone is 4%. These data show the redox conversion of ubiquinol to ubiquinone in the stomach and small intestine and the conversion from ubiquinone to ubiquinol in the lymphatic ducts on the way to the systemic circulation. Dr. Judy presented this data to the members of the International Coenzyme Q10 Association at the Association's 8th International Conference, held in Bologna, Italy in October 2015.
Look for Richard Morrild, "The History of Coenzyme Q10 Research", p. 50-51.
It turns out that this is the case:
The important thing with regards to the absorption of CoQ10 is the composition of the oil matrix in which CoQ10 is dissolved, and the heating and cooling processes used before pouring CoQ10 and the oil mixture into the soft mixture. gel capsules. Other ingredients such as peppers and glycerides, as well as heating and cooling processes, can also improve absorption.
I tried to understand how “pepper” facilitates the absorption of coenzyme Q10. On the iherb website, I found products that contain BioPerine black pepper extract (mostly manufacturers use it). Found a company that manufactures BioPerine is Sabinsa Corporation.
On the site I found a graph of the absorption of coenzyme Q 10 without bioperine and with bioperine. The results were not impressive (only 15% better).
Then I looked in patents and found that the effectiveness of Ubiquinol from Kaneka Corporation lies in the fact that it contains auxiliary additives that greatly improve absorption. And I take Ubiquinol not because it is Ubiquinol, but because the capsule also contains additives that greatly improve absorption!
Here is such a feature that few people know about.  :)
And the companies that produce coenzyme Q10 are aware of this feature and are protecting it with patents. The best in terms of assimilability is coenzyme Q10 from Pharma Nord, but it's not very convenient for me to order: it is not available on iherb. Ubiquinol from Kaneka Corporation (Kaneka QH) is absorbed 2 times worse, but still much better than competitors, and this is what I order.
All of these methods of adding coenzyme Q10 to the bloodstream are protected by patents. Many people do not know about this, and they take coenzyme Q10 with low digestibility, and then in bewilderment say that coenzyme Q10 does not work.
Be careful and don't be fooled.


Edited by Kentavr, 04 October 2021 - 07:10 AM.

#10 Kentavr

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Posted 04 October 2021 - 07:17 AM

Additionally, you can read a great interview about coenzyme Q10:


Part 1




Part 2




You will learn a lot!  :)

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#11 antoral

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Posted 24 December 2022 - 09:15 AM

Hi kentavr, I  followed your protocol and found positive effects . the most important : I look much younger than my age. I’m 48, but everybody gives me 10 less.

I want to ask you a question:

Did your protocol stay the same or did you make any changes?

for my age would you advise me a different regime? thanks

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