Hey guys,
I want to post a question pertaining to my biology.
I am the guy who got destroyed by Ashwagandha. If you haven't seen my thread see here: Ashwagandha Can Cause Anhedonia, PSSD, Blunted Emotions and Apathy. | Ergogenic Health
My symptoms:
Low Blood pressure.
Craving Salt.
MUTED orgasm.
Normal Strong erections.
Muted pleasure response (Laughing doesn't have the FEEL to it).
Emotional NUMBING.
My question is... What Do All These Have In Common?! (They ALL FIX my symptoms).
1. Cyproheptadine.
2. St John's Wort.
3. Licorice.
A single dose of cyproheptadine (<1mg), will cause the following effects:
-Horrible libido.
-Ravenous appetite.
-Incredible digestion.
-Numbing of all my emotions.
BUT...... It's the REBOUND of cypro.... That CURES me of PSSD.
DAY 4 and 5 AFTER using 1mg of cypro, there's this incredible SNAPBACK effect....
Orgasm returns, no more blunted libido, everything amazing.
After 2-3 days of dosing.... CURES me. But if I stop using it, the effects fade. All emotions back online, orgasm feeling returns.
2-3 days of licorice usage, my symptoms also disappear.
5-HT1A post synaptic up-regulation?

Will Pay Someone $25USD To Answer This (Using science)
Posted 02 June 2021 - 04:54 AM
Posted 02 June 2021 - 03:53 PM
A non in depth and possibly off base analysis - you said that you have low blood pressure. Licorice significantly raises blood pressure and St. John's Wort also raises blood pressure (not to the same degree as licorice). Maybe probe the blood pressure issue further to give you a clue as to what's happening metabolically. I'm not saying that low blood pressure in and of itself is causing your symptoms, but it might offer useful info as to where to look for associations between LBP and your symptoms described. It might be useful to check into your Genotype and snps variants (if you already haven't).
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Posted 03 June 2021 - 12:58 AM
Just take real vitamins, avoid drugs etc and eventually with time your body will recover and stabilize as best as it can.
Posted 03 June 2021 - 06:11 AM
A non in depth and possibly off base analysis - you said that you have low blood pressure. Licorice significantly raises blood pressure and St. John's Wort also raises blood pressure (not to the same degree as licorice). Maybe probe the blood pressure issue further to give you a clue as to what's happening metabolically. I'm not saying that low blood pressure in and of itself is causing your symptoms, but it might offer useful info as to where to look for associations between LBP and your symptoms described. It might be useful to check into your Genotype and snps variants (if you already haven't).
Thanks for that - I will be investigating the low blood pressure issue further. There are not many interventions to directly increase BP though.
Posted 03 June 2021 - 08:55 PM
Thanks for that - I will be investigating the low blood pressure issue further. There are not many interventions to directly increase BP though.
You're welcome. Drinking more water, adding electrolytes, and some sodium will help increase blood volume(as you probably already know). Ephedra raises blood pressure nicely (if you're feeling adventurous).
How do you feel after a sauna or prolonged workout that pushes you into dehydration? If symptoms worsen post workout/sauna, that might be another indication as to how big a part LBP is playing here.
On the bright side, blood pressure tends to increase w/ aging (so you have that to look forward to!).
BTW Lucas, I enjoy your Youtube vids at Boost Your Biology. Very informative. Keep 'em coming!
Edited by motorcitykid, 03 June 2021 - 09:04 PM.
Posted 03 June 2021 - 11:18 PM
If the latter pantothenic acid may help you, especially if used as calcium pantothenate sublingually. Its cheap. You really need SMAC CBC and Spectracell or similar testing.
(Anemia, kidney function, etc).
23 and me wouldn't hurt either...
Posted 05 June 2021 - 07:58 AM
You're welcome. Drinking more water, adding electrolytes, and some sodium will help increase blood volume(as you probably already know). Ephedra raises blood pressure nicely (if you're feeling adventurous).
How do you feel after a sauna or prolonged workout that pushes you into dehydration? If symptoms worsen post workout/sauna, that might be another indication as to how big a part LBP is playing here.
On the bright side, blood pressure tends to increase w/ aging (so you have that to look forward to!).
BTW Lucas, I enjoy your Youtube vids at Boost Your Biology. Very informative. Keep 'em coming!
Hey dude!
Wow thanks heaps. This is useful. Yeah, I do feel worse after the sauna usually.
And THANKS! My YouTube channel is my baby haha. I spend literally 6 hours a day recording videos. I want to be the best biohacking channel on YouTube in the world.
After featuring on Ben Greenfield's Podcast it really gave me a confidence boost!
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Posted 19 June 2021 - 12:25 PM
Not sure all i know about cyproheptadine is its antagonistic to many of the serotonin receptors 5-HT1a 2a 2b 2c - it can be used to treat serotonin syndrome acutely. and it antagonises dopamine D2
licorice inhibits the enzyme that converts cortisol to cortisone significantly, leading to a spike in cortisol levels. I saw a report of a woman hospitalized from eating excessive amounts of licorice often and her cortisol:cortisone ratio was spiked high. so this one alone could be fixing low cortisol OR spiking cortisol higher than a normal baseline which I guess could feel good in the short term but if your cortisol levels / HPA axis is normal then in the long run skewing it could have harmful effects e.g immunosuppression increased aging etc, hard to tell.
st johns wort could be many things it seems. i read hyperforin in st johns wort inhibits dopamine beta-hydroxylase enzyme which lowers conversion of dopamine into nor-epinephrine, so theoretically leaving more dopamine around and decreasing Epinephrine (which comes from norepinephrine). but this study showed over 7 days nor-epinephrine levels were not affected https://pubmed.ncbi.....gov/15536462/ tho they used neuroplant st johns wort which doesnt look standardized for hyperforin content, so there could have been little, maybe it depends on the supplement
Edited by CarlSagan, 19 June 2021 - 12:55 PM.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pssd, anhedonia, libido
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