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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Regarding the vaccines, I think this is a question we All should be asking as members of a longevity-promoting website.


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#331 Mind

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Posted 25 March 2022 - 10:38 PM

I can't believe the CDC and FDA have not publicly acknowledged any deaths from the COVID injections (as far as I am aware). The recently released Pfizer trial results show a disturbingly high number of deaths and serious side effects. We know from a whistleblower that the Pfizer trial was shoddy and the data unreliable. Even the Mayo clinic in now investigating the large number of tinnitus cases arising from the COVID injections.


The rejection of any rational discussion about this is scary.


Last year, hundreds of thousands of people posted online about vaccine injuries and deaths. Every day, if you take the time to look at local media reports, you find dozens of injected people dying every day. The national media will not cover it, just labeling everything a "anti-vax conspiracy", but it is out there. Kentucky health department vaccine coordinator "dies unexpectedly". NYT editor dies 1 day after being injected.


I could fill many pages every day documenting the trend, but what has me really concerned is that people close to me are starting to develop health issues. Over 90% of the injected people I know caught COVID anyway. A couple went to the hospital. One person died shortly after the injection (within hours, heart attack). One person had a stroke the day after getting injected and spent 5 weeks recovering in the hospital. 2 people I know have now developed cancer. Another just had a minor "heart event" that required an overnight stay in the hospital. There are a few others as well. This is still a small percentage of the injected people I know (less than10%), but it makes me nervous about the health of the people I know. It could be argued they were going to develop those issues anyway...people have these types of health problems all the time, even without a mass injection campaign...but it is eerie. 


Anyone here notice any health issues since being injected?

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#332 Hip

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Posted 25 March 2022 - 10:43 PM

I can't believe the CDC and FDA have not publicly acknowledged any deaths from the COVID injections (as far as I am aware). 


Equally, I cannot believe the antivax organization have not publicly acknowledged the millions of deaths they caused by their antivax propoganda which led to many people shunning the protective advantages of the COVID vaccines.


If you want one side to admit the risks, then the other side should do likewise. But so far the antivaxers are not yet admitting that they have killed a hell of a lot of people.

Edited by Hip, 25 March 2022 - 10:43 PM.

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#333 geo12the

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 01:14 AM

Remember just a few months ago if you mentioned obvious facts that COVID is mainly a disease of the very old, frail, and morbidly obese, and that young people face little risk, you would be banned from all public discussion, maybe fired from your job, endlessly harassed, fined, lose your certification as a doctor, and derided as an anti-science conspiracy nut.




My point was that you misrepresented the study to bolster your views rather than present reality and facts for what they are. And you are now deflecting by claiming people were harassed for saying young people were at little risk. It's pretty much been accepted from early on that it's disease that effects the old and those with preconditions. You assortation about people being fired  and harassed is exaggerated grandstanding again to score points for your worldview. It's not a contest Mind, lets just present facts and stop selectively showing data to reinforce our views. 


"The real interesting part is that the experimenters expected to get 36 infections, yet they only got 18."


Yes it is interesting and they discussed this in depth on TWIV. Basically it comes down to that they didn't know how much to inoculate the people with. Because this kind of a study has not been done with this exact virus before. If I remember correctly they squirted a pre-defined amount of virus up the peoples noses.  In these kinds of experiments the number of infections you get is influenced by how high a dose of virus you give to people. If you use less virus, fewer people get infected and if you use more virus more people get infected. The amount of virus they used was on the low side. Had they used a high dose more of the volunteers would have been infected. 

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#334 Mind

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 05:23 PM





"The real interesting part is that the experimenters expected to get 36 infections, yet they only got 18."


Yes it is interesting and they discussed this in depth on TWIV. Basically it comes down to that they didn't know how much to inoculate the people with. Because this kind of a study has not been done with this exact virus before. If I remember correctly they squirted a pre-defined amount of virus up the peoples noses.  In these kinds of experiments the number of infections you get is influenced by how high a dose of virus you give to people. If you use less virus, fewer people get infected and if you use more virus more people get infected. The amount of virus they used was on the low side. Had they used a high dose more of the volunteers would have been infected. 




It was a highly concentrated direct application, as compared to what people have encountered in the natural environment over the last two years. It was applied directly in a location where the virus is supposed to "take hold" and infect people. It is hard for me to just brush it off as happenstance. Maybe it is just random chance that 18 people had SARS-COV2 squirted up their nose and nothing happened but it seems odd to me.

Edited by Mind, 26 March 2022 - 05:49 PM.

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#335 pamojja

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 09:07 PM

It was a highly concentrated direct application, as compared to what people have encountered in the natural environment over the last two years.


I think in the diamond princess lab it already showed right from the beginning how weak this virus was in not overcoming the immunity of most and thereby self-limiting, even in perfect circumstances for incubation and worst demographic:



Of the 3,711 people aboard Diamond Princess on the 20 January cruise, 1,045 were crew and 2,666 were passengers.[80] The median age of the crew was 36 while the median age of the passengers was 69.[80] The passengers were 55% female and the crew was 81% male.[80] Of the 712 infections, 145 occurred in crew and 567 occurred in passengers.[81]


7 died on the ship (~0,19%), 7 more after disembarcation (according to Wikipedia).



5 March   696 - Includes 410 asymptomatic cases[120]



Only 8% of all with symptoms of a cold.

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#336 Mind

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Posted 29 March 2022 - 08:53 PM

Some people continue to point out how most people dying of COVID (over 90%) in the most vaccinated countries, are injected and boosted. This is true, but it is also true that the rate of mortality among the injected is officially lower. Both statements are true and worth considering in discussion. Of course, the definition of "fully injected" is different from country to country and does not usually does not include people who got ill and died before the a month had passed after their first injection.


Research shows that in a mouse model, every injected subject suffered some form of heart-damage from the mRNA injection.


Some have argued that the most damaging aspect of SARS-COV2 is the spike protein and that the mRNA injections cause this damage as well through auto-immune reactions.


I think there might be more hesitancy developing around Trump's COVID injections if political activists continue to die "unexpectedly".

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#337 Mind

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Posted 30 March 2022 - 08:25 PM

There has been some concern that the artificially modified mRNA from the COVID shots can integrate into DNA. There isn't a lot of info to back this up, but an in vitro experiment has found intracellular reverse transcription in human liver cells.


Risk of acute coronary syndrome increases from 11% up to 25% after a COVID injection.


New peer-reviewed study shows long-lasting cardiac problems in kids after COVID injections.


I am amazed that the FDA and CDC keep recommending more boosters (circumventing the normal approval process) and pushing to vaccinate kids from 5 to 11 and even kids under 5, who are a near 0 statistical risk of being hospitalized or dying from COVID. I have never seen a therapeutic with such a bad safety profile being promoted so heavily. I know that many people argue that the injections help keep people out of the hospital (based upon preliminary data, and until the injection wears off after a month or two), but at what cost? There is always a risk/analysis to be considered.

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#338 Mind

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Posted 03 April 2022 - 07:58 PM

Here is an article about war-mongering and war crimes the U.S. has committed, that has an interesting side discussion about "regulatory capture". I know there are a lot of people who think the COVID pandemic was planned and coordinated somehow - which is not impossible - but I think it looks more like "regulatory capture", very much like the opioid epidemic, the obesity epidemic, and many others. There are an incredible amount of dangerous therapeutics that were at one point "rubber-stamped" by health bureaucracies in collusion with mega-corporations.




In its quest to sell as many pills as possible, the pharmaceutical industry repeatedly pivoted to neologize in lethal ways over the two decades following the launch of Oxycontin in 1996. When it emerged that the pills sometimes wore off before the twelve-hour time release period, marketers and sales representatives claimed that those patients were suffering from breakthrough pain, the remedy for which was (surprise!) to double their dose. The narcotics marketers indulged in flat-out sophistry when they insisted that patients who appeared to be addicted to their painkillers were in fact suffering from pseudoaddiction, the remedy for which was (surprise!) even higher doses of their drugs. As farcical as these arguments may seem in retrospect, with the benefit of hindsight and in the light of the overdose epidemic now running rampant, many doctors appear to have been persuaded to believe that their patients’ miserable condition was not indicative of addiction but a manifestation of their ongoing and unbearable pain, the solution to which was to ply them with yet more powerful narcotics.


"Breakthrough pain". Sounds a lot like a "breakthrough infection". Instead of saying the pain medication failed - and moving on to a different treatment modality, more and more addictive opioids were prescribed.


With the COVID injections, after nearly everyone ended up with a "breakthrough infection" (plus most everyone currently dying of COVID in the most injected countries are "fully vaccinated"), the injection isn't being declared a failure. Instead, it is being promoted more. Once it was found that the "vaccine" did not prevent people from catching the disease, transmitting the disease, getting sick from the disease, getting hospitalized, and even dying in many cases, one would think there would be calls to at least investigate different treatment and prevention modalities. Alas, that is not happening.

Edited by Mind, 03 April 2022 - 08:00 PM.

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#339 Mind

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Posted 06 April 2022 - 09:26 PM

Some recent CDC data reveals natural immunity is at least three times better than the COVID injections at stopping hospitalization.


Another doctor that is concerned about the spike in myocarditis cases among young injected people.


What is causing the recent significant rise in mortality among millennials. Suicides due to pandemic restrictions? Drug overdoses due to the pandemic restrictions? Loneliness and depression due to the pandemic restrictions? The COVID injections?



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#340 joesixpack

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Posted 07 April 2022 - 07:01 AM

And there is this World Health Council publication that deals with long covid and covid vax injury. It is a spike detox discussion.



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#341 Hip

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Posted 08 April 2022 - 04:11 AM

And there is this World Health Council publication that deals with long covid and covid vax injury. It is a spike detox discussion.




What a total load of pseudoscientific woo. 

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#342 Mind

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Posted 09 April 2022 - 11:14 AM

Just another discussion about the Pfizer COVID injection trial data showing disturbingly high deaths and adverse reactions. What did Pfizer know about the deaths/adverse events and when?


I am not the only one suspecting regulatory capture in the promotion of the COVID injections. People used to be concerned about big corporate money influencing the medical system. People used to be concerned about the revolving door between big pharma and the FDA. If you talk about such issues in regards to the COVID injections, suddenly you are a conspiracy theorists, terrorists, and pariah.


Many places are rejecting further use of the COVID injections, probably because they do not work like most vaccines, provide only very short-term protection if any, and come with significant side-effects.


When people saw that the vast majority of recent COVID deaths in Scotland were among the injected and boosted, Scotland stopped providing the data to the public. Same thing is now happening in the UK as a whole after people saw that over 90% of recent COVID deaths were among injected and boosted people.

Edited by Mind, 09 April 2022 - 11:15 AM.

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#343 joesixpack

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Posted 09 April 2022 - 11:25 PM

I took the Pfizer vaccine, in Feb and March 2021. In late July I started to feel symptoms like the beginning of a cold. I took the PCR test, and it was negative. 10 days later, I went to my Dr. because the cold was not getting better. It turned out that my BP was 85/64 temp was low 90's, bloodwork was completely screwed up, BUN and Creatinine levels indicated my kidneys were shutting down. White cell count through the roof. Xray showed my entire left lower lobe totally engulfed with whatever it is that engulfs your lung with pneumonia.


Diagnosis, bacterial pneumonia, they wanted to put me in the hospital. I talked them into treating me in the clinic. They gave me three antibiotics, and put me on an IV for 4 hours, which brought most of my bloodwork moving towards normal numbers. I had to go back and be checked and X-ray'd first on a daily basis and then weekly. Diagnosed  August 10, was out of commission, unable to do much for 10 weeks, the disease was completely debilitating. I had a final Xray, which indicates scarring in my left lung, which still does not feel right.


I was observing Covid distancing and masking protocols, and no one that I had any contact with, has gotten sick.


I am 70, have been healthy, I have not had the flu, or a cold in years. I have never been this sick in my life.


I believe the vaccine did something to my immune system and that is why I got sick. That is also why I used the detox protocol suggested by the World Health Council in the document that I linked above.


Going from healthy to death's door in less than 6 months from the experimental double vax  was my experience. I don't think it was coincidence.


I don't intend to repeat it.

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#344 Gal220

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Posted 15 April 2022 - 07:22 PM



"This is official data from Massachusetts.  You will not find this anywhere else.  2020 was the year of a respiratory disease.  2021 was the year of a circulatory system disease. Diseases don't just switch like that."



"WorldoMeters.info, ourworldindata.org, the CDC, Johns Hopkins, and the WHO derive their data from governments. They omit important information and control the ability to cross-analyze for cause, fraud, and demographic differences.


The database used herein is a root-source, official database and has all the details enabling multi-variable sorting and filtering."



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#345 Gal220

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Posted 15 April 2022 - 07:44 PM

What a total load of pseudoscientific woo. 


I would like to see some data on their recommendations as well, but for those with Long Covid, just give up and suffer?


I really appreciate the World Council of Health putting the data together, but more references would have been helpful


Nothing crazy on their top ten detox at the bottom, worth a shot - Vitamin C, D, zinc, NAC, magnesium, curcumin, IVM, Quercetin, milk thistle, Nigella Seed




A blood cleanser with proteases to digest up proteins in the blood makes the most sense to me - link1, link2, link3


"function in the body to digest and break down proteins into their amino acid components"

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#346 joesixpack

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Posted 15 April 2022 - 09:25 PM

Thanks for the information, I will look into it.

#347 Mind

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Posted 16 April 2022 - 03:43 PM



"This is official data from Massachusetts.  You will not find this anywhere else.  2020 was the year of a respiratory disease.  2021 was the year of a circulatory system disease. Diseases don't just switch like that."



"WorldoMeters.info, ourworldindata.org, the CDC, Johns Hopkins, and the WHO derive their data from governments. They omit important information and control the ability to cross-analyze for cause, fraud, and demographic differences.


The database used herein is a root-source, official database and has all the details enabling multi-variable sorting and filtering."


This data is worrisome and is supported by other data points regarding the COVID injections, however, if one was to play devil's advocate, you could continue to say the injections are 100% "safe and effective", and just chalk it up to "long COVID" (first symptoms being respiratory but later being circulatory), or maybe it is just the "post-lockdown" wave of deaths, which could be expected, because the lockdowns had such a devastating effect on mental health, there was a massive increase in substance abuse, etc...

#348 Gal220

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Posted 16 April 2022 - 09:00 PM

This data is worrisome and is supported by other data points regarding the COVID injections, however, if one was to play devil's advocate, you could continue to say the injections are 100% "safe and effective", and just chalk it up to "long COVID" (first symptoms being respiratory but later being circulatory), or maybe it is just the "post-lockdown" wave of deaths, which could be expected, because the lockdowns had such a devastating effect on mental health, there was a massive increase in substance abuse, etc...


He thinks the change in they way the injuries were coded is the key

"How does a virus change from overwhelming dominance in respiratory illness to overwhelming dominance in circulatory illness in just one year?"


Other threads from this search










Edited by Gal220, 16 April 2022 - 09:16 PM.

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#349 Mind

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Posted 18 April 2022 - 10:05 PM

I took the Pfizer vaccine, in Feb and March 2021. In late July I started to feel symptoms like the beginning of a cold. I took the PCR test, and it was negative. 10 days later, I went to my Dr. because the cold was not getting better. It turned out that my BP was 85/64 temp was low 90's, bloodwork was completely screwed up, BUN and Creatinine levels indicated my kidneys were shutting down. White cell count through the roof. Xray showed my entire left lower lobe totally engulfed with whatever it is that engulfs your lung with pneumonia.


Diagnosis, bacterial pneumonia, they wanted to put me in the hospital. I talked them into treating me in the clinic. They gave me three antibiotics, and put me on an IV for 4 hours, which brought most of my bloodwork moving towards normal numbers. I had to go back and be checked and X-ray'd first on a daily basis and then weekly. Diagnosed  August 10, was out of commission, unable to do much for 10 weeks, the disease was completely debilitating. I had a final Xray, which indicates scarring in my left lung, which still does not feel right.


I was observing Covid distancing and masking protocols, and no one that I had any contact with, has gotten sick.


I am 70, have been healthy, I have not had the flu, or a cold in years. I have never been this sick in my life.


I believe the vaccine did something to my immune system and that is why I got sick. That is also why I used the detox protocol suggested by the World Health Council in the document that I linked above.


Going from healthy to death's door in less than 6 months from the experimental double vax  was my experience. I don't think it was coincidence.


I don't intend to repeat it.


Thanks for the report. I wonder if anyone else had some side effects. I am concerned that some people might chalk it up to normal aging diseases or incidents, instead of the injections.


Most people I know who took the injection are still okay. It seems about 5% have suffered some serious side effects. 1 died. 

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#350 Mind

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Posted 18 April 2022 - 10:32 PM

A few whistleblowers have now insisted that they were ordered to not report COVID injection side effects, including this military paramedic. (OSHA even published a memorandum telling their employees to not report side effects). This is a bad policy, IMO. Maybe the side effects are not much to worry about. Maybe they benefits outweigh the detriments. Maybe the injections are causing a disturbing numbers of deaths. In any case, transparency and quality data are paramount for determining public policy. Hiding data is bad.

Edited by Mind, 25 April 2022 - 07:14 PM.

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#351 Mind

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Posted 22 April 2022 - 06:44 PM

Geert Vanden Bosch is a world leading expert on pandemics/virology who used to work for WHO, GAVI, Bill & Melinda Gates - that is, until he went against the pandemic narrative. Once he suggested alternative approaches and highlighted the dangers of widespread vaccination during the middle of a pandemic, the media and other health authorities exploded in rage and tried to shut him down, labelling him as just another lunatic.


He was correct, of course. He predicted that the most vaccinated countries would have the highest spread of the disease. That is EXACTLY what happened.


Now he says children should not get the COVID injections - that the risks outweigh the benefits. I agree.

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#352 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 25 April 2022 - 02:55 PM

Geert Vanden Bosch is a world leading expert on pandemics/virology who used to work for WHO, GAVI, Bill & Melinda Gates - that is, until he went against the pandemic narrative. Once he suggested alternative approaches and highlighted the dangers of widespread vaccination during the middle of a pandemic, the media and other health authorities exploded in rage and tried to shut him down, labelling him as just another lunatic.


He was correct, of course. He predicted that the most vaccinated countries would have the highest spread of the disease. That is EXACTLY what happened.


Now he says children should not get the COVID injections - that the risks outweigh the benefits. I agree.


Children should have never been vaccinated and the FDA should have never have even considered approving the vaccine for children given the exceedingly low infection/mortality rates for this group. Children were not even much of a disease vector according to the studies that I have read.


Given that children overwhelming weren't getting sick and even more rarely dying from covid, it was always all downside with little upside. Vaccinating this group never made any sense to me. I just chalked it up to hysteria.

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#353 Mind

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Posted 25 April 2022 - 07:22 PM

I have often remarked about the similarities between the widespread adoption of addictive and deadly opioids and the adoption of the mRNA injections for COVID. It looks a lot like regulatory capture. The two episodes even have very similar players behind the scenes.


NYT writes about how the vaccination push is losing steam.

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#354 Hip

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Posted 26 April 2022 - 11:36 PM

Children should have never been vaccinated and the FDA should have never have even considered approving the vaccine for children given the exceedingly low infection/mortality rates for this group. Children were not even much of a disease vector according to the studies that I have read.


Given that children overwhelming weren't getting sick and even more rarely dying from covid, it was always all downside with little upside. Vaccinating this group never made any sense to me. I just chalked it up to hysteria.


Children are now being hit with an unknown form of hepatitis, and requiring liver transplants. Some kids have died as a result of their liver infection. Provisional information suggests the cause might be adenovirus, but the question is, why have these children suddenly become susceptible to this common virus. 


These children have not been vaccinated, so the let's not have the tiresome antivaxers lurking here claim is it a side effect of the vaccine. 


It's possible that these kids may have caught COVID previously, perhaps asymptomatically, and this has then weakened their immune system. Scientists have found that COVID causes profound changes to immune cells that persist months after they are no longer positive for COVID.


It makes you wonder whether COVID vaccination might have prevented these kids from getting hepatitis.

Edited by Hip, 26 April 2022 - 11:58 PM.

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#355 Gal220

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 03:27 AM

 Vaccinating this group never made any sense to me. I just chalked it up to hysteria.


Once you are on the child vaccination schedule, can no longer be sued, there is a method to the madness.



sold our children out

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#356 Gal220

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 03:37 AM

Post mortem not looking so good


"17 inch fibrin clot taken out of artery by an embalmer earlier this week."





Boosted infection rate is much higher than other groups




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#357 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 02:38 PM

Children are now being hit with an unknown form of hepatitis, and requiring liver transplants. Some kids have died as a result of their liver infection. Provisional information suggests the cause might be adenovirus, but the question is, why have these children suddenly become susceptible to this common virus. 
These children have not been vaccinated, so the let's not have the tiresome antivaxers lurking here claim is it a side effect of the vaccine. 
It's possible that these kids may have caught COVID previously, perhaps asymptomatically, and this has then weakened their immune system. Scientists have found that COVID causes profound changes to immune cells that persist months after they are no longer positive for COVID.
It makes you wonder whether COVID vaccination might have prevented these kids from getting hepatitis.


The current speculation is that all the social distancing and school closures have delayed children from catching this adenovirus (adenovirus 41) till a later age than they would have otherwise, causing it to be more serious. I have seen no data that supports that prior covid-19 infections are involved in these cases of hepatitis. I would suggest that if such data exists it would be all over the media right now. But perhaps you're aware of such information and can share it with the rest of us.


In any case, we're currently talking about 169 cases world wide with one death.  Are you so sure that the adverse reactions to these covid vaccines are lower than that? Because that is the ultimate issue.


And to imply that I'm antivax is ridiculous. I've been vaccinated twice. 

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#358 Hip

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 03:36 PM

 The current speculation is that all the social distancing and school closures have delayed children from catching this adenovirus (adenovirus 41) till a later age than they would have otherwise, causing it to be more serious.


I've heard some lockdown skeptics advancing that view, and I guess it is a possibility, although we have not previously seen such hepatitis cases in homeschooled children. 


It will be interesting to see if any hepatitis cases appear in Sweden, which is the country that shunned lockdowns and social distancing. If there are Swedish cases, then that casts doubts on the lockdown theory. So far there have been no cases reported in Sweden. The reported cases are: 


United Kingdom (114), Spain (13), Israel (12), the United States (9), Denmark (6), Ireland (less than 5), the Netherlands (4), Italy (4), France (2), Norway (2), Romania (1), and Belgium (1). Ref: this article.


That article also says: "Adenovirus 41 has been linked to hepatitis in children who are immunocompromised, but hasn’t been seen to cause the condition in previously healthy children."


So that makes me wonder whether some changes to the immune system caused by COVID might be behind these case of hepatitis.

Edited by Hip, 28 April 2022 - 03:36 PM.

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#359 Mind

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 04:54 PM

I've heard some lockdown skeptics advancing that view, and I guess it is a possibility, although we have not previously seen such hepatitis cases in homeschooled children. 


It will be interesting to see if any hepatitis cases appear in Sweden, which is the country that shunned lockdowns and social distancing. If there are Swedish cases, then that casts doubts on the lockdown theory. So far there have been no cases reported in Sweden. The reported cases are: 


United Kingdom (114), Spain (13), Israel (12), the United States (9), Denmark (6), Ireland (less than 5), the Netherlands (4), Italy (4), France (2), Norway (2), Romania (1), and Belgium (1). Ref: this article.


That article also says: "Adenovirus 41 has been linked to hepatitis in children who are immunocompromised, but hasn’t been seen to cause the condition in previously healthy children."


So that makes me wonder whether some changes to the immune system caused by COVID might be behind these case of hepatitis.


The depression, isolation, stress, fear, from the COVID lockdowns could easily be why children's immune systems are less effective and diseases are rising. There is a very long, reproduced, high quality research history of depression, stress, fear, and isolation having very negative effects on the immune system.


Everyone is talking about the "mental health crisis" in kids, as if it is a mystery. It is not a mystery. It was the COVID lockdown and isolation policies. You reap what you sew.


It is also known that the COVID injections are associated with CD8 T-cell dominant hepatitis (among hundreds of other diseases and conditions).

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#360 Mind

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 05:10 PM

Cases of serious heart inflammation are higher among people who took the COVID injections.


Multiple politicians and their staff have had the COVID injections and all the boosters yet continue to contract COVID. Jen Psaki has gotten sick twice.

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