I can't believe the CDC and FDA have not publicly acknowledged any deaths from the COVID injections (as far as I am aware). The recently released Pfizer trial results show a disturbingly high number of deaths and serious side effects. We know from a whistleblower that the Pfizer trial was shoddy and the data unreliable. Even the Mayo clinic in now investigating the large number of tinnitus cases arising from the COVID injections.
The rejection of any rational discussion about this is scary.
Last year, hundreds of thousands of people posted online about vaccine injuries and deaths. Every day, if you take the time to look at local media reports, you find dozens of injected people dying every day. The national media will not cover it, just labeling everything a "anti-vax conspiracy", but it is out there. Kentucky health department vaccine coordinator "dies unexpectedly". NYT editor dies 1 day after being injected.
I could fill many pages every day documenting the trend, but what has me really concerned is that people close to me are starting to develop health issues. Over 90% of the injected people I know caught COVID anyway. A couple went to the hospital. One person died shortly after the injection (within hours, heart attack). One person had a stroke the day after getting injected and spent 5 weeks recovering in the hospital. 2 people I know have now developed cancer. Another just had a minor "heart event" that required an overnight stay in the hospital. There are a few others as well. This is still a small percentage of the injected people I know (less than10%), but it makes me nervous about the health of the people I know. It could be argued they were going to develop those issues anyway...people have these types of health problems all the time, even without a mass injection campaign...but it is eerie.
Anyone here notice any health issues since being injected?