Regarding the vaccines, I think this is a...
29 Dec 2024
The pseudouridine question regarding the COVID injections has been brought up before. People have been wondering if it is safe. A recent Nature paper finds that it affects germline cells.
For those willing to investigate, here is another list highlighting all the peer-reviewed studies showing toxicity and other problems with the COVID injections.
06 Jan 2025
Yet another study clearly shows that the more COVID injections you get, the more likely you are to get COVID. There are multiple peer-reviewed studies now showing the same thing, yet the FDA/CDC continue to push the COVID injections non-stop. Wtf?!
One explanation for this is that the COVID injections are harming the immune system - making it easier for you to get sick. From personal experience, I see this happening all around me. People I know who got multiple injections (in addition to flu shots, RSV shots, what-not) are getting sick a lot, multiple times a year. This is my anecdotal and subjective observation, of course, but it aligns with the research.
10 Jan 2025
According to this report, 90% of healthcare workers in Ireland refused the COVID injections in 2024.
Remember when anyone who refused the COVID injections was labeled an anti-science, anti-vax, conspiracy nut-job? Remember when it was suggested that anyone refusing the COVID injections should be put into internment camps or have their children taken away?
I remember. Where are those people now? Why are they not calling for 90% of Ireland's health care workers to be fired or imprisoned?
What does it tell you when health care workers (not only in Ireland) are rejecting the COVID injections en masse? What have they seen? What do they know that they are not telling the general public?
What if you were going to buy a car and the person at the car manufacturing plant told you they would never drive that particular car that they built? It would make you wonder what was wrong with the car.
14 Jan 2025
This was well known immediately after the roll-out of the COVID injections, that the mRNA LNPs go everywhere in the body and cause damage through immune activation against the spike protein.
This is yet another lie that was told to the public (by US "health" bureaucrats) - "don't worry it just stays in your arm".
How many times do you have to be lied to (truly lethal lies) before you stop believing the CDC and FDA?
Despite the thousands of research papers and the volumes of epidemiological data showing significant and deadly side effects from the COVID injections, the CDC continues to recommend booster after booster after booster...and recommends combining various "vaccines" without properly testing the combinations. If you talk to any of the hard-working rejuvenation researchers about getting a new drug approved, you will be told how even the tiniest changes in their formulation, or even the delivery method (glass vs plastic containers) requires all new studies, millions of more dollars, years of more time.
In contrast, the COVID injections are rubber-stamped and promoted without rigorous testing.
What the heck is going on? Will anyone ever be held accountable?
26 Jan 2025
Now that Dr. Fauci has received a pardon for possible criminal activity all the way back to 2014, a lot of people are wondering:
What the heck did I get injected into my arm?!
Recently released documents proves the FDA knew the COVID injections were causing female menstrual problems way back in April of 2021, yet they did not warn the public or say anything about it. At that point, you might recall that the US government, FDA, and CDC were doing everything in their power to force everyone to take the injection. A recent study also shows that the placenta is affected by the COVID injections. Remember the US government, CDC, FDA, and Facebook all cooperated to censor the thousands of women who went on social media to warn others about these problems. Women were suffering and the US government told them to STFU.
In the UK, government officials are dodging questions about what injection did the public actually get - it appears most might have gotten a different version than what was in the trials.
Because of the COVID debacle, more and more people are rightfully questioning the vaccine cult industry. Here, Sharyl Atkinson wonders why it is okay to question the safety, approval process, effectiveness, of pretty much everything in life - except vaccines. The vaccine cult industry is sure to attack anyone and everyone who asks any questions.
In addition, more researchers are again looking into the vaccine-autism (neuro-developmental disorders) link and finding significant correlations.
01 Feb 2025
More papers everyday, highlighting the adverse events associated with the COVID injections.
Another day goes by with the FDA/CDC acknowledging that anything is wrong with the COVID injections. Another day goes by and the FDA/CDC continue to relentlessly push more boosters, boosters, boosters.
04 Feb 2025
Analyzing population-level data and using proxies for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed is not "gold-standard" data, but by now there is so much population-level data that almost anyone can see there is a likely connection between the COVID injections and serious side effects. There are thousands of peer-reviewed papers (and the trials themselves) indicating serious and deadly side effects from the COVID injections - so this should come as no surprise - Czech republic data shows a dramatic difference in births among those who took the COVID injections and those who did not.
One of the worst episodes from the COVID panic was when thousands of women (many pregnant) took to social media to warn people about negative effects from the COVID injections. The US government, the CDC/FDA, Facebook, Google, et al, did their best to stamp out any talk about negative side effects. Women were suffering and were being told to shut up.
Edited by Mind, 05 February 2025 - 05:19 PM.
05 Feb 2025
There are now six peer-reviewed studies showing that the more times you get the COVID injection the more likely YOU ARE GOING TO CATCH COVID.
From what I have seen, it is the same with the flu "vaccine".
I didn't really understand the vaccine cult industry until someone explained the difference between curing a disease and using a "vaccine" instead. Curing the disease is a lot of work. Vaccines - as we saw during the COVID debacle - are easy to develop and there is hardly any need for expensive trials. Governments around the world mandate the "vaccines" and viola - instant guaranteed huge profits forever. The "vaccines" don't even need to work very well. It doesn't matter. The vaccine cult industry has bought-off most of the world's governments. In the US the vaccine cult industry even has liability protection. There has never been a worse vaccine than the COVID injection - yet it is still on the marketplace and it is still harming people. The vaccine cult industry reacted like a vampire being sprayed with holy water during the RFK JR confirmation hearings in the US.
12 Feb 2025
Prominent people who should have spoken out about this 3 years ago, are now recounting how people they know were severely harmed by the COVID injections. I also know healthy people who had strokes and brain bleeds soon after taking the COVID injections.
Remember when Eric Clapton tried to warn people about the COVID injection? He was told to shut the hell up!! No one was allowed to ask any questions about the "miracle" COVID injections in 2021. Social media censorship was widespread.
15 Feb 2025
The FDA continues to hide COVID vaccine information from the public. They have been ordered by a court to release the hidden information in.....June. I don't see any reason they could not release the documents right now. They have them. They likely have digital copies. It would take one staffer about 5 minutes to start posting them on the FDA's website or share the entire tranche via the cloud.
Why does anyone trust the current FDA or CDC? After all the lies and obfuscation.
Maybe we will start getting some answers with the new leadership at HHS.
19 Feb 2025
In one of the most awful episodes in the sordid history of the US "health" bureaucracy, thousands of women who experienced severe side effects from the COVID injections, were mocked, censored, and told to shut up. The FDA and CDC completely ignored these reports and/or issued statements (without a shred of evidence) that these side effects were only "temporary".
Yet another study finds that these women were correct to raise some alarm.
A new pre-print study out of Yale indicates that the vax-generated spike protein lingers in the body and even increases over time, probably related to t-cell exhaustion. From my personal observations, this study seems to be correct. All of the people I know who got the COVID injection seem to be getting ill more often, including several episodes of COVID.
There are now several thousand studies, mostly peer-reviewed, showing severe and even deadly side effects from the COVID injections, and yet the CDC and FDA refuse to even acknowledge any problems. Perhaps with new leadership at the HHS, we will finally see a fair hearing about this issue. I am amazed that there is a small segment of the population who are unaware of any problems with the injections.
23 Feb 2025
Can anyone tell why there is still an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the COVID injections? Is there a COVID public health EMERGENCY anywhere in the world right now? Most of the world has been living like normal for almost 4 years now.
I would suspect this would be revoked soon, now that there is a new leader at HHS. At least it appears that the US government will end its flu shot campaign. It is a useless and potentially harmful "vaccine". This was known over 15 years ago - yet we got a steady stream of flu-shot propaganda from the US government and CDC for the last 15 years.
25 Feb 2025
I agree that the emergency use authorization no longer makes sense. Multiple factors contribute to this, including:
Global case fatality rate from COVID‐19 has decreased by 96.8% during 2.5 years of the pandemic - PMC (2022)
The decrease in COVID‐19 CFR is likely due to multiple factors. Vaccination and postinfection immunity made the disease less severe. Antiviral medications inhibit viral edgrows. Viral lethality mitigated by mutation because host killing is disadvantage for the virus.
It's also worth considering the wide variance in the duration of immunity conferred by different vaccines. The immunity associated with COVID vaccines, it turns out, is not very long (~5 months). Other vaccines, such as the measles vaccine, last for years or even decades (see attachment). In lieu of this assessment, the EUA no longer makes much sense.
Attached Files
04 Mar 2025
RFK just issued a broad endorsement of the measles vaccine. The plot thickens.
04 Mar 2025
Just another documentation of how a mostly useless and somewhat dangerous "vaccine" (for COVID) was approved. The decision was political, not scientific. Warnings from respected scientists were ignored. You know the story.
The only question is why so many people still believe what the US "health" bureaucracy says, about COVID or anything else - after all the documented failures, lies, and unscientific pronouncements.
12 Mar 2025
A large increase in the rate of hypothyroidism has been observed in people who took the COVID injections.
Women who took the COVID injection are having fewer kids in the Czech Republic. Does correlation mean causation in this case?
Breast cancer deaths in the UK have surged recently. Doctors are baffled!
14 Mar 2025
Here is a new bomb, dropped on the covid 19 vaccination A Slovak physician, government commissioner and MP is presenting an investigation into DNA contamination of the vaccine. There is almost as much DNA as RNA in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. He concluded that anyone who was vaccinated with those vaccines is now a GMO!
15 Mar 2025
The CDC has revealed that most of the people sitting on the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices have conflicts of interest. Some of them recused themselves from voting when it came to the approval of the COVID injections, however, a lot of people are wondering how someone with egregious conflicts of interest gets on the ACIP in the first place.
Doctors got death threats for opposing the COVID injections, but it is worse than you can imagine. Oppose any vaccine and you will get death threats - according to Dr Weldon.
People don't realize how much influence hundreds of billions of ill-gotten profits can buy. People don't realize how threatening that gravy train of vaccines-for-profit is a huge deal. There are still people who believe everything the they saw and heard during COVID pandemic panic - even though much of it was false.
20 Mar 2025
The study that "proved" the the COVID injections were safe for pregnant women - EXCLUDED women who lost their child before birth.
This is the type of junk science that ran rampant during the COVID pandemic panic. In fact, the social distancing regulations were completely made up, as admitted to by Dr Fauci after the pandemic panic had subsided.
All of the junk science was force fed the public by the US Government and US media. False and misleading narratives paid for with hundreds of billions of dollars. Recall the during the post-COVID inquiries in Germany and the UK, various health official claimed they were pressured by "outside" actors and politicians to adopt anti-science COVID policies.