I am just presenting facts to counter the distorted anti-vax hysteria constantly being spewed here. But people like Mind will just cover their ears because they can't accept that there might be cracks in the reality of their world view. People like Mind will continue to get all of their information from slanted sources like the Washington times and ZeroHedge (which BTW was recently uncovered as a tool of Russian propagandists). Those sources are not interested in truth, everything is presented in ways that don't reflect reality and just feed the false narratives the Minds of the world are hungry for. The word distopia has been batted around here and the situation is distopian- you have vaccines that clearly keep people from severe illness and death- yet you have people who are being manipulated by a right-wing media ecosystem to accept false narratives that the vaccines are bad. It's absolutely mind control at a scary and sad level. If you folks are so brainwashed that you believe life saving treatments are bad what else are you willing to be convinced of by your media puppetmasters? You think everyone else is sheep, but, darlings, I hate to break it to you but YOU are the sheep.
Like I mentioned earlier, most of the injected people I know are doing okay. I only know a small handful that had severe reactions, injury, or died.
There are many problems with the CDC's data.
As far as I am aware:
1. The CDC has not tested whether the injected people have had a previous COVID infection. If they had a previous infection, then they already had strong immune protection and the injection was not the reason they stayed out of the hospital or avoided death.
2. The CDC counts a person as an "unvaccinated" COVID death if the person gets infected and dies before the month or so time frame from the time of the first injection to two weeks after the second injection.
3. The CDC does not count a person as injured or killed by the injection, if the death or disability occurs before the month or so time frame from the time of the first injection to two weeks after the second injection.
4. The CDC admitted at one point that they do not actually have an accurate count of how many people are fully injected or boosted.
5. At one point, the CDC stopped tracking breakthrough cases. Tough to know the true rate of injected people getting ill or dying when you are not even tracking the cases.