"Vaccines work". True statement for previous vaccines against mainly non-respiratory diseases.
Get the polio vaccine. You don't get polio.
Get the smallpox vaccine. You don't get smallpox
Get the tetanus vaccine. You don't get tetanus
Get the rabies vaccine. You are safe from Rabies.
On and on.
Get 3 doses of the COVID injections....well....you had better get a fourth to have marginally better protection - as discovered in Israel.
If we were taking PCR tests of everyone during the polio or smallpox outbreak, despite people being vaccinated, you would have found a lot of polio and smallpox. The transmission method of polio was also much easier to control (ingestion of fecal material) or smallpox which was visually easy to spot when you were infectious so could isolate. If you stepped on a rusty nail even vaccinated for tetanus, if that nail had tetanus on it it clearly entered your body. So how do you justify that you dont get infected with tetanus? Of course you do. Vaccinations help prevent that infection from progressing to disease. (and I'm sure you know the protocol is to get a booster after the event despite how long ago your previous booster was).
Rabies vaccine can also be given after an infection
I wonder if anti vaxxers will opt for their 'natural immunity' to fight the virus if they have been told they got infected or opt for the vaccine??
Covid is largely invisible and spread through the act of simply breathing and talking. So when your virus has an R0 value of ~15 and a population so vain it refuses to put on a mask (which will reduce the R0 value a little) or social distance when they are infected then you are going to see infections continue. Those that are vaccinated and have good immune systems (not compromised or suppressed) have a very good chance of it not progressing to full blown COVID (the D meaning disease)
Vaccines DO NOT PREVENT Infection, but they do a good job in preventing serious disease and death. All the data available from the 12+ billion doses shows that if you are not vaccinated, your likelihood of ending up in hospital or dying is much greater
Also keep in mind COVID testing was always a stupid thing to call them. They were actually tests for Sars Cov-2. Returning a positive result only indicated the presence of the virus. NOT that you had the disease. A nasal or saliva swab cant determine that although in the absence of vaccination or prior infection it's a good bet you will go on to develop the disease...
People often make up stories about the 'spike' protein and how 'natural immunity' is 'safer' or 'superior'
You can get a degree of immunity 2 ways. Through a vaccine, or through infection. For all the BS stories around the spike, consider this:
Vaccines get your body to produce a spike which the immune system then takes care of and destroys
Infection results in a live virus multiplying and destroying your cells by the millions - each virus containing around 2 dozen different 'spikes'
If you were vaccinated, your immune system is switched on much earlier and takes out the virus in its infancy. Natural infection has it running unchecked for a time and then your body has to deal with how to destroy it while it is being destroyed. Not the most ideal circumstance to be in
Covid is something considered something of an eventuality if you participate in society. You will get it eventually. It's not like some other disease where your chance of contracting it is slim. (eg no point of me in Australia seeking a rabies vaccine unless I am going to be working with bats or overseas quarantined animals). Covid is something we have accepted is going to be around and caught by everyone eventually. Thankfully I have avoided it thus far. My wife did get it and was fine but I had slept in the same room for 2 nights after she got infected, I and my kids (who shared a car on the school drop off) avoided getting sick. Was it our vaccinations? Who can say for sure but it certainly didn't hinder our immune systems antivaxxers say it does
Keep this in mind when you are interested in a long lasting, healthy life:
Covid can leave lasting scarring on organs like your lungs, heart and brain. Internal scarring leads to reduced function, weakness and likelihood of cancer. So I bet going forward we can expect to see increased lung cancers, heart failures and strokes from the damage and infections done before vaccinations to it existed. Damage far less likely to occur if you were vaccinated and your immune system realizes its game time and has a way to beat it the moment you get infected.
I have to say I am surprised a site like this which is very science and research minded takes a huge steaming dump on all the data the science has provided on vaccinations. Look at any peer reviewed article or systematic review and find me one which proves any antivaxxer claims. The idea there is a global conspiracy of scientists the world over to fake the data so people take 'dangerous vaccines' (including the researchers) is as ludicrous as the flat earth conspiracy. Seriously. Do they think big pharma want to cripple or kill 95% (usual vaccine target) of the developed world leaving only the poor and developing world who didn't get the vaccines in a timely manner the only functional people left?
Myocarditis which has been presented as a boogeyman of the mRNA vaccine has always been mild and self resolving in vaccinated cases - and if you got it through the vaccine, you were a likely candidate of getting it through the viral route which has NOT always been mild and self resolving. Myocarditis is also nothing new. Most of us have probably gotten a degree of it at some stage through a bacterial/viral infection in our lives. It's just we have been looking acutely for it in the billions of people injected. Basically if you got a mild case of myocarditis from the vaccine, you should be thankful that you didn't end up getting it when your body was seriously infected in the fight of its life
Anyway, you all do you. Get vaccinated or dont, but for your own sake at least make your decisions based on facts and peer reviewed data. While it is popular these days to be a contrarian and it sure does get the views and clicks on social media, it is a serious disservice to your fellow neighbour when your promote and amplify ignorance and BS.
Edited by shifter, 29 August 2022 - 10:35 AM.