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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Regarding the vaccines, I think this is a question we All should be asking as members of a longevity-promoting website.


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#1561 Hip

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Posted 20 November 2023 - 08:45 PM

On the. subject of ME/CFS you might find this post to be of interest:


"I've take 3 g Niacin and 300mg Niacinamide in average the last 15 years daily, and have accomplished what seems impossible: Remission from 4 irreversible chronic diseases (symptoms of pAVK, COPD, T2D, ME/CFS). Already between 11 and 5 years ago."


The poster is Pamojja. It is post number 4 in this thread: https://www.longecit...es/#entry927572


Thanks for posting that recovery story, I am always interested in those, and have collected many ME/CFS treatment remission stories. Ever since I developed ME/CFS 17 years ago, I've been trying several different treatments each month that other ME/CFS patients have reported effective. Unfortunately I have not had much luck, except for my high dose selenium protocol, which substantially improves my health.


Though it's unclear whether Pamojja has ME/CFS (even though his doctor diagnosed it), because he has other serious diseases like COPD and PAD which may be mimicking ME/CFS symptoms. 

Edited by Hip, 20 November 2023 - 08:46 PM.

#1562 pamojja

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Posted 20 November 2023 - 10:48 PM

Though it's unclear whether Pamojja has ME/CFS (even though his doctor diagnosed it), because he has other serious diseases like COPD and PAD which may be mimicking ME/CFS symptoms. 


By accident found this. No, I don't think mine was a typical ME/CFS. I wrote already on every other occasion. Only now got a little sloppy and didn't add: The typical main symptom of post-exertional malaise only known with ME/CFS. Not simple fatigue present with other chronic conditions. Also had the other symptoms, required to be classified as ME/CFS. Along with a litany of infections in the past.


But then, what is typical PAD? - typical COPD? - typical T2D? - is all together with ME/CFS typical? Are remission of the symptoms of 4 incurable diseases typical? (Note: symptoms, diagnosis is typically difficult to undo with MDs, or disbelieved afterward).



I've take 3 g Niacin and 300mg Niacinamide in average the last 15 years daily,



Completely taken out of context. I've done mainly major lifestyle changes (diet, occupation, sun- and cold exposures, mental methods, etc.) and comprehensive supplementation of 250 distinct supplemented molecules. So many in much higher doses than Niacin. And so many with more co-dependent effects, but in tiny doses, like vitamin D3, requiring for example Mg, K2, A and Boron too.


Ironic, since that sentence was in a post exemplifying how the pharmacological paradigm of 'one agent against one ill' never would have worked for me. And my systemic metabolic break-down.


And my recovery story is already posted for many years: https://www.longecit...nal-remissions/


Edited by pamojja, 20 November 2023 - 10:56 PM.

#1563 pamojja

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Posted 20 November 2023 - 11:33 PM

But returning to vaccines, it was clear for me from the experience on the Diamond Princess at the beginning, how low the infection rate fatality in a population with most comorbidities - as in my case - and inefficient quarantine would turn out: lower than the flu. Which I don't even remember when I had last.


I wouldn't have realized this, if I hadn't learned some scientific reasoning and dissecting studies exactly through my own health-odysee first. For a big part through the information on health forums, like LongeCity. And I was so surprised, when apparently most here, many more advanced in academic training than me, took the shot. It was here I learned to discern!


I only knew: No way I ruin my health a second time, how I did with many tropical infections in my youth. Travelling developing countries for 10 years.Too many otherworldly efforts, high cost and life-time involved to fix it again. Standard of medicine of no help. No experimental mRNA therapy for a joke of a cold for me. Never got Covid-19, like all around me, vaccinated.


Edited by pamojja, 20 November 2023 - 11:54 PM.

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#1564 Empiricus

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 12:15 PM

It's likely that public indignation over Google's efforts to prevent the public from learning about the risks associated with COVID vaccines and various successful COVID treatment options will lead to successful class action lawsuits against Google, including class-action lawsuits related to Google's attack on independent health information websites more generally. 


The facts implicate Google in a reprehensible breach of public trust.  And I'm sure juries, once presented the facts, won't fail to hold big tech firms accountable to the fullest extent of the law.  

Edited by Empiricus, 21 November 2023 - 12:29 PM.

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#1565 geo12the

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 05:13 PM



I really wish we could do something about disappearing from Google searches. Really shows you what power a company like Google or any of the social media platforms has and that it's not universally used for good.


I wonder if someone that knew something about SEOs could figure out a way to improve that situation. Unfortunately not something I'm versed in. I think every website forum I've ever been associated with has suffered a decline in favor of social media - mainly reddit and discord.


Based on my experience, having a website appear in Google searches is a black box and is influenced by things unrelated to censorship. For example I have a plant business (apolitical and uncontroversial)  and since it's inception have changed the internet hosting platform I used for the site 3 times. First hosting platform my site was #1 when you used certain search terms.  Ended up switching because the software to actually update the pages was far too convoluted. Second hosting platform my website disappeared from Google searches. I complained about it to the hosting company and they tried to sell me on a service they sell that costs thousands of dollars that is supposed  to increase the site in google searches. I have since found out that the backbone and code used to build web pages can have a big impact on appearing in Google searches and also influences people overseas being able to view the site. Switched to a third platform and now my site is #1 in the searches again. It is highly plausible that the old-fashioned source code and backbone of the hosting service of LongeCity combined with users fleeing due to abundance on far-right wing conspiracy nonsense is why it's in the pits in google searches.  

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#1566 Mind

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 07:23 PM

The web rankings/search algorithms are indeed convoluted - in addition to the active censorship by Google. Hopefully Google will get sued out of existence. A person can dream.


With regards to Google's censorship of LongeCity. It started down-ranking the site in 2018, not because of right wing conspiracies, but because of "non-authoritative" information. Google thinks we should only be posting government-approved information regarding health, cryonics, medicine, technology, etc...


It has almost nothing to do with left-right political postings, as far as they have warned us.


When I see the reports each week, they are demonetizing mainly health and biohacker discussions. They demonetize discussions about off-label drug use. They especially do not want any of LongeCity members talking about male sexual health.


Not sure where you see LongeCity as being a bunch of right-wing conspiracy discussions. Look at the first page of recent topics today. Not one expressly political discussion. As far as the COVID discussions go, the threads are full of peer-reviewed evidence on the true IFR of COVID (tiny), the failure of the COVID injections, the cover-up of the lab leak, the fake "doctors" accounts that were all over social media spreading fear porn, the potential benefits of HCQ and IVM. Many LongeCity members were proven correct - in spades. These are in-depth discussions. The National media in the US, in contrast, is still in the dark and spreading misinformation about COVID. At one point, most left-liberal leaning people thought that 50% of people who got COVID end up in the hospital (the real rate is closer to 1%). If they were reading LongeCity discussions they would be better informed.

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#1567 Hip

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 09:15 PM

It's likely that public indignation over Google's efforts to prevent the public from learning about the risks associated with COVID vaccines and various successful COVID treatment options will lead to successful class action lawsuits against Google, including class-action lawsuits related to Google's attack on independent health information websites more generally. 


The facts implicate Google in a reprehensible breach of public trust.  And I'm sure juries, once presented the facts, won't fail to hold big tech firms accountable to the fullest extent of the law.  


It may be the other way around: Google may have started filtering out alternative medicine from its top search results in part because of fear of being sued by people who were directed to inappropriate alternative treatments.


When the Apple genius and visionary Steve Job developed pancreatic cancer, he decided to shun the conventional surgical treatment that was almost certain to have saved his life, and instead opted to treat his cancer using alternative means, such as dietary treatments.


Jobs had an unusual slow growing pancreatic cancer, which was very likely to have been cured by surgery. But Jobs refused any surgery for 9 months, preferring instead alternative health approaches. By the time he changed his mind and had surgery, it was too late.


I am not sure where Jobs got the idea to treat his pancreatic cancer with diet, but if it was on Google, then there may be grounds to sue Google.




Having said that, I did know someone online who claimed she cured her breast cancer by shunning conventional treatment, instead taking a lot of kambo (a panacea treatment from Amazonian frogs), along with lots of cannabis oil and graviola. And I also know someone who put an incurable fatal cancer into full remission using ultra high doses of the selenium supplement sodium selenite (I have a thread on this selenite cancer cure). 


So alternative treatments can work sometimes, for some people. But if Google placed these alternative treatments at the top of its search results, and people tried them and died as a result of shunning conventional treatment, perhaps there would be grounds to sue Google.


In my case, I have trying thousands of alternative treatments and off-label drugs for 17 years in an attempt to fix my ME/CFS, but I still have not found a cure.

Edited by Hip, 21 November 2023 - 09:34 PM.

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#1568 Dorian Grey

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 09:41 PM

Virtually all of the health forums have been banished to the hinterlands on google, from what I've seen.  I used to frequent half a dozen or so fairly continuously for many years.  


Learned a lot of invaluable information over the years my GP knew nothing about.  Truly believe I'd be dead or in a tragic state without this.  


Males accumulate iron, which can have dreadful consequences for health.  Blood donation is the cure.  I'm approaching 9 gallons of whole blood donated over the last 35 years, and am in remarkable health, despite my life long bohemian/bachelor lifestyle.  Try asking your GP about this.  


Daily tipplers can reduce risk for fatty liver with daily lecithin (particularly polyunsaturated form) & benfotiamine.  My GP simply says no one should drink ever at all.  


Dental root canals and gingivitis can contribute to heart disease, & Vitamin-C is often a remarkably effective remedy for bleeding gums.  GP would probably say "Baa! No Proof"!  


Statins only reduce heart disease by about 1% (absolute risk) every 5 years you're on them, and lowering cholesterol excessively can have dreadful side effects.  


Trace minerals are almost never deficient, but frequently, badly out of balance (copper/zinc ratio, etc).


Treatment with repurposed drugs must be suppressed during a pandemic, in order to keep EUA channels open for vaccines & new drugs. 


It is difficult to show false benefit with RCT trials, but they can very easily be programmed to fail (to show no benefit) by design.     




I've accumulated this, and much more over my lifetime, and it's been a wonderful hobby pursuing this knowledge. 


Say a prayer for the young ones, as the narrative of the Medical Industrial Complex is all they will ever know.  

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#1569 pamojja

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 10:16 PM

Statins only reduce heart disease by about 1% (absolute risk) every 5 years you're on them, and lowering cholesterol excessively can have dreadful side effects. 


You are very generous to the industry. In reality, no drug is tested with RCT for longer than 5 years. After 5 years statins are as much 'Baa! No Proof!' as ordinary harmless vitamin C. Every one of them.

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#1570 pamojja

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 11:37 PM

Just remembered my funny GP at the time 15 years ago: to trick me into taking statins until my death (her words) would be the only option, if I wouldn't want to quit smoking tobacco.


Baa! I still smoke and even got the symptoms of a later COPD diagnosis into remission (put which required changing to organically grown tobacco). And my lipids improved with just enough cholesterol from daily eggs.


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#1571 Dorian Grey

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 11:54 PM

Evidence Based Medicine was once a cross the pharmaceutical industry had to bear in order to bring new drugs to market, but they've turned the tables on the world now as they are the only ones with the money to finance the massively expensive processes.  


Case in point: Dr Zelenko's humble retrospective on HCQ for COVID showing an 84% reduction in hospitalization in risk stratified seniors with early treatment...  WIPED OUT by Recovery & Solidarity, the multi-million dollar RCTs limited to HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS showing no benefit.  Try questioning the lack of early intervention & they'll be back in your face yelling THEY WERE RCTs!  There is no comparison to retrospective...  WE WIN!  


If you limit what is said online solely to what has been proven by RCT, you will soon find yourself totally under the spell of Big Pharma & their buddies in the government alphabet agencies.  

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#1572 Hip

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Posted 22 November 2023 - 10:12 PM

I really wish we could do something about disappearing from Google searches. Really shows you what power a company like Google or any of the social media platforms has and that it's not universally used for good.


I wonder if someone that knew something about SEOs could figure out a way to improve that situation. 


It is possible for health and medical sites to get into Google's top 10 search results, even without being an official medical authority like the CDC, NIH, NHS, Mayo Clinic, etc.


If you look at the Health Rising website of famous ME/CFS blogger Cort Johnson, you find nearly all his blog articles appear in the top 10 Google results, if you search on the subject of the blog article.


Yet Cort is a layperson with no medical training. However, his articles usually focus on legitimate ME/CFS medical science, which may be why Google's algorithm likes his blog website. This is in spite of the fact that the forums linked to his blog site (but on a slightly different URL) are full of alternative medicine fans. 

Edited by Hip, 22 November 2023 - 10:14 PM.

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#1573 Dorian Grey

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Posted 22 November 2023 - 10:26 PM

I recall Gal220 posted a list of sites that were harmed and helped by google MEDIC.  Up at #1 for boost was a site I knew well Health-e-Iron, which was a kind of fringe site on Ferrotoxic Disease.  Was very surprised to see them up on top of the world!  


The only thing I can think of that caused this was that they supported the theories with a boatload of published trials and observation, and google's computer saw this & thought it was sound medicine.  


Perhaps if we all start including random PubMed reference numbers in each of our posts, we can fool the google puter into thinking we are EBM all the way.  

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#1574 Empiricus

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Posted 23 November 2023 - 07:45 AM

I only knew: No way I ruin my health a second time, how I did with many tropical infections in my youth. Travelling developing countries for 10 years.Too many otherworldly efforts, high cost and life-time involved to fix it again. Standard of medicine of no help. No experimental mRNA therapy for a joke of a cold for me. Never got Covid-19, like all around me, vaccinated.


You nailed it. Standard-of-care is high cost, high-time involvement, and often high risk. 


One of the biggest fiascos is all the testing. Patients who enter the "system" for conditions such as Long Covid or CFS can spend thousands on tests that either show nothing, have detrimental side effects, or have high risks of false positives leading to risky treatments or additional billing.  What's tragic is even where these tests show something definitive, the safest treatment is generally a matter of either overhauling the diet or taking certain supplements. Yet the doctor won't know about these approaches. Instead the specialist may prescribe a risky --and likely no better tested for these syndromes-- pharmaceutical product or other invasive therapy.  


It's ass-backwards.  For chronic non-life threatening conditions, low-cost, low-risk treatments should come first.  And that's where Google and social media are failing patients.  And by that I mean sabotaging patients' health and finances.

Edited by Empiricus, 23 November 2023 - 07:57 AM.

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#1575 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 23 November 2023 - 04:02 PM

It may be the other way around: Google may have started filtering out alternative medicine from its top search results in part because of fear of being sued by people who were directed to inappropriate alternative treatments.


World wide that might be an issue, but in the US Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act gives service providers, search engines, and social media platforms broad immunity against being sued by users for the content these types of internet service providers convey.


I doubt in the US there has been a successful civil suit against the likes of Google based on the results of a search on their platform since section 230 became law.


I have issues with section 230 since it also allows the likes of Google to be highly discriminatory in keeping socially unpopular (or at least unpopular with sort of people that run Google) entities out of Google search results, which is pretty close to an internet death sentence.

Edited by Daniel Cooper, 23 November 2023 - 04:03 PM.

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#1576 adamh

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Posted 23 November 2023 - 04:17 PM

But returning to vaccines, it was clear for me from the experience on the Diamond Princess at the beginning, how low the infection rate fatality in a population with most comorbidities - as in my case - and inefficient quarantine would turn out: lower than the flu. Which I don't even remember when I had last.


I wouldn't have realized this, if I hadn't learned some scientific reasoning and dissecting studies exactly through my own health-odysee first. For a big part through the information on health forums, like LongeCity. And I was so surprised, when apparently most here, many more advanced in academic training than me, took the shot. It was here I learned to discern!


I only knew: No way I ruin my health a second time, how I did with many tropical infections in my youth. Travelling developing countries for 10 years.Too many otherworldly efforts, high cost and life-time involved to fix it again. Standard of medicine of no help. No experimental mRNA therapy for a joke of a cold for me. Never got Covid-19, like all around me, vaccinated.


" I was so surprised, when apparently most here, many more advanced in academic training than me, took the shot. It was here I learned to discern!"


That is true of the general public as well. But seems that even scientific and more intelligent people can be fooled same as the general public if wrong information is given by authority figures. If info comes from someone with no credentials, we are skeptical. If they say they are a doctor and have links, we examine the links but we may start out half convinced simply because they seem to have credentials


The covid hoax was presented by not just a random doctor but in effect by the entire medical establishment along with the government saying the same thing. This was partly an illusion because the medical establishment was not unanimous on this and dissent was suppressed. Testing was not done, just a fig leaf of fake testing and lets ignore the results anyway. When faced by apparently the same opinion from multiple sources long considered reliable, even some very smart people got fooled.


Not everyone was fooled by the covid scam, I suspect that those who are the least authoritarian will be less likely to take the shot on faith and more likely to look deeper. I have a healthy distrust of government and the establishment in general so I always dig for the lie and usually find a few in any pronouncement from on high. The flu shot was never very effective and it uses up some of your lifetime immune memory each time you take it so I didn't take it. I took vitamins, minerals, herbs, extracts, etc and never got the flu except one time in '19 and I think that was covid. Got over it in a few days, no biggie


But most people have their thinking set up that they believe their doctor but some will check on his recommendations to see if other doctors seem to agree. If the government tells people to do something, most will do it if its not too difficult and a reason is given. Many do not check the reason to see if they agree with the govt's assessment of it. So when a convergence of authority figures said do this because its very important, people believed it and followed orders. Much to their dismay in many cases.

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#1577 adamh

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Posted 23 November 2023 - 04:32 PM

World wide that might be an issue, but in the US Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act gives service providers, search engines, and social media platforms broad immunity against being sued by users for the content these types of internet service providers convey.


I doubt in the US there has been a successful civil suit against the likes of Google based on the results of a search on their platform since section 230 became law.


I have issues with section 230 since it also allows the likes of Google to be highly discriminatory in keeping socially unpopular (or at least unpopular with sort of people that run Google) entities out of Google search results, which is pretty close to an internet death sentence.


This exposes one of the fatal flaws in our capitalist system. We in the usa do not have a democracy, though many wrongly think we do, we have a republic and can not vote for our president directly neither can we vote for or against laws with a few exceptions.


What we have is our 'representatives' who supposedly represent us and try to bring about what we want. What we get is government beholden to bribes in the form of campaign donations (legal) and book deals, job after leave govt, buy your artwork, etc (shady) and that buys our govt's allegiance. So google with billions to donate to the 'right' cause is the tail that wags the dog and you will not have legislation that seriously hampers google's right to screw us over. It may get proposed but quickly killed or watered down to nothing.


Its the same thing in most if not all countries. There are laws we can pass which would put a stop to this under the table bribery. Those laws often get discussed, sometimes proposed but oddly enough they never seem to pass.


Once every decade or two the public gets fed up with the crooked dealings and makes a fuss. They then put on a charade of reform, pass laws with pretty sounding names which do not do what they claim they will do. They say "Ok now we have cleaned it up" and later the loopholes they built into it are exposed and its business as usual


So google, microsoft, clinton foundation, and so on can do as they like with little worry about harsh or even sensible regulation. Microsoft was supposedly sued by justice dept under obama but it was merely a shakedown, they paid the fine and the bribe and it all went away.

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#1578 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 23 November 2023 - 04:59 PM

Loncecity is corrected automatically in longevity... That's why... Don't know who had the idea if changing the name from Imminst to Longecity. The trick is changing back the name to Imminst.


I do believe that is part of the problem.

#1579 Hip

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Posted 24 November 2023 - 01:14 AM

World wide that might be an issue, but in the US Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act gives service providers, search engines, and social media platforms broad immunity against being sued by users for the content these types of internet service providers convey.


I doubt in the US there has been a successful civil suit against the likes of Google based on the results of a search on their platform since section 230 became law.


I have issues with section 230 since it also allows the likes of Google to be highly discriminatory in keeping socially unpopular (or at least unpopular with sort of people that run Google) entities out of Google search results, which is pretty close to an internet death sentence.


That's interesting, I did not know about section 230.



If it's not about avoiding lawsuits, perhaps then Google's main focus is on increasing the quality of its links, so that it remains the top search engine. 


The August 2018 Medic Update affected health and medical sites; but that update was part of a wider new Google strategy to increase the quality of the search results it presents. In 2018 Google devised a new policy they call EAT (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) that it looks for in websites. 


So if you want to get your site into the top Google search results, you need to make sure the site satisfies the EAT criteria. 

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#1580 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 24 November 2023 - 03:33 AM

What I'd like to see is something that I suspect Google would never implement: a "reverse" rating. The reverse rating would display search results in reverse order. Using the reverse rating would be akin to looking at Amazon 1-star product-reviews first when you're on a page for a product that you're interested in.


Of course, even if Google did implement a reversed-order rating it would be difficult to determine if certain web pages were hard-coded out of the results, as Daniel Cooper suggests, earlier, in his post #1575:


"I have issues with section 230 since it also allows the likes of Google to be highly discriminatory in keeping socially unpopular (or at least unpopular with sort of people that run Google) entities out of Google search results, which is pretty close to an internet death sentence."

#1581 joesixpack

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Posted 24 November 2023 - 03:45 AM

What I'd like to see is something that I suspect Google would never implement: a "reverse" rating. The reverse rating would display search results in reverse order. Using the reverse rating would be akin to looking at Amazon 1-star product-reviews first when you're on a page for a product that you're interested in.


Of course, even if Google did implement a reversed-order rating it would be difficult to determine if certain web pages were hard-coded out of the results, as Daniel Cooper suggests, earlier, in his post #1575:


"I have issues with section 230 since it also allows the likes of Google to be highly discriminatory in keeping socially unpopular (or at least unpopular with sort of people that run Google) entities out of Google search results, which is pretty close to an internet death sentence."


It would not have to be a reverse order display, it could be a multiple choice method of displaying search results. Choices could be Lowest rated to Highest rated (as you suggest), Newest to Oldest, Least relevant to Most Relevant, Etc..


But they will never do it, because there is a large income stream from people, companies, organization paying big bucks to show up on the first page of a search.

#1582 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 24 November 2023 - 04:19 AM

You can currently do some the things you suggest by using Google "advanced search" and by using "tools" to specify specific date ranges. A search for "oldest", for example, could be determined by implementing your own "binary search" to find the first-hit early date within the period for which web pages were/are available. The start date can be estimated by giving a "start of the internet" date, and proceeding from there. That takes a little bit of effort to do manually, so having it automatic, as you note, would be nice.


One can get to the end of a Google search-result by paging through perhaps thousands or tens of thousands of pages to get to your goal. There isn't an option, like here on LongeCity, to get to the last, or first, page of a thread with one click (or anywhere in-between).


"But they will never do it, because there is a large income stream from people, companies, organization paying big bucks to show up on the first page of a search."


Agreed.  ( or a greed on the part of Google, heh heh)



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#1583 Gal220

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Posted 25 November 2023 - 08:47 AM

I recall Gal220 posted a list of sites that were harmed and helped by google MEDIC.  Up at #1 for boost was a site I knew well Health-e-Iron, which was a kind of fringe site on Ferrotoxic Disease.  Was very surprised to see them up on top of the world!  


Here is the website




Sites critical of vaccines are hard to find on any engine other than yandex.com   The main way to find articles from childrenshealthdefense.com is that they are republished on other sites

I think there is basically a black list table they join to eliminate sites they find undesirable, like Mercola



They have such a strangle hold on the market, its not going to be easy to take down the king

I have seen campaigns to switch to other search and maybe it hurt them a percent or 2...but long way to go.


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#1584 Empiricus

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Posted 26 November 2023 - 03:11 AM

Chat GPT is at least as bad as Google.  It lies to your face about COVID vaccines, won't show you all kinds of information.  

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#1585 gamesguru

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Posted 26 November 2023 - 10:00 PM

I've noticed DuckDuckGo still provides a lot of Longecity hits.  I was searching something unrelated yesterday and was surprised to see a thread come up where I had posted.


The amount of information on the web has substantially increased over the past decade.  This can cause searches to take longer than usual, and lose customers.  The search algorithm has been streamlined partially in response.


There is some evidence of successful legislation/restriction, but mostly aimed at the "monopolistic" aspect of Google, Facebook, Amazon.





One thing you can do is include what I call an "academic qualifier keyword", such as NCBI... so search "vaccine risks ncbi" and you will get a mixture of results.  By telling the search engine that you are a more academic or astute or erudite person, it will not present you with the same bland filters as everyone else.



And if you don't like the results of a particular engine... switch to a different one.  Among the top 5 search providers, DuckDuckGo seems the least reliant on the EAT principles (see post #1579).


But this even seems to be less true.  Search engines are increasingly driven by machine learning [1].  Being largely trained on public or academic data, it often reflects biases of those domains.  And they can somewhat pollute, distort, simplify, or confuse word and phrase meanings as well as deprioritize result relevancy... making it harder to find what you're looking for (especially using exact quotes from unpopular websites).


The sad thing is for the average (not very intelligent or curious) individual, these cookie cutter, basic search results served up by AI models are often preferred.  So from a marketing perspective, it makes economic sense, regardless of whether it irritates more educated people or people of alternative viewpoints (who are unusual and likely represent a minority).


It's not clear to what extent the law of unintended consequences applies here.  The economic motivations could easily erode democracy as a byproduct.  And as pointed out, society has gotten uncontrollably large... we don't live in a democracy so much as a republic.  Our ability to affect great change is minuscule in probability.  We need to ask how we can restore balance to the power structures that have grown out of and crystallized society.  Complaining solves little; pointing fingers at authority figures or high ranking officials raises awareness, but it does not constitute a comprehensive action plan in itself.



What's more is people are often innocent to pertinent issues which are NOT filtered by search results.  For example if you Google "is the world running out of zinc" or "what is peak oil" or "how effective is solar panel recycling" or "how much lithium does earth have in its reserves", you'll find some frighteningly informative sources.  Yet virtually no one today seems to feel society needs to radically alter its means to achieve sustainability tomorrow.  We instead adopt a "fix it when we get there" mentality, or fall victim to the optimism bias of "what about asteroid mining?"  Anyone with a comprehensive scientific background can see the gravity of the situation and the pitfalls of these mentalities, modalities, biases.  Sadly most people won't see the red flags, and as they did with Musk's dreams to colonize Mars in the next 5 years [2], they will put themselves behind an ill-founded cause.

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#1586 pamojja

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Posted 26 November 2023 - 11:04 PM

  And as pointed out, society has gotten uncontrollably large... we don't live in a democracy so much as a republic.  Our ability to affect great change is minuscule in probability.  We need to ask how we can restore balance to the power structures that have grown out of and crystallized society.  Complaining solves little; pointing fingers at authority figures or high ranking officials raises awareness, but it does not constitute a comprehensive action plan in itself.


When very young after a 21-day fast - actually in front of the regional parliament declared a hunger-strike - I realized: There is nothing one could change politically - this arena is populated by power-hungry only, and emphatics there wouldn't last long.


So the only action plan for my life I could come up with was, just to take at least the responsibility for what I would have brought to this world in the end. Every coin earned and spend, is the democratic vote for the existing destructive economic system. As carpenter, I build a house of natural material only, and trained in innocent living by traveling developing countries for 10 years with 8000,- € saved, only. The plan was to settle down, where such could be still easy with only little. Malarias and other infections brought me back home, I wouldn't be alive by now otherwise.

But continued with my as low as possible impact lifestyle. No refrigerator, no TV and no car since 36 years. I regret naught, having throughout followed my heart only.


  For example if you Google "is the world running out of zinc" or "what is peak oil" or "how effective is solar panel recycling" or "how much lithium does earth have in its reserves", you'll find some frighteningly informative sources.  Yet virtually no one today seems to feel society needs to radically alter its means to achieve sustainability tomorrow.  We instead adopt a "fix it when we get there" mentality, or fall victim to the optimism bias of "what about asteroid mining?"  Anyone with a comprehensive scientific background can see the gravity of the situation and the pitfalls of these mentalities, modalities, biases.  Sadly most people won't see the red flags, and as they did with Musk's dreams to colonize Mars in the next 5 years [2], they will put themselves behind an ill-founded cause.


It all started so innocent, back in the cradle of human civilizations. Looking for food and being eaten oneself, most yearned for safety in a clan, which most cruel leaders could provide. In the course of millennia they became kings, and now billionaires, still providing safety. And most still don't know better and want it that way. Somehow truly democratic.


Where it all ends? At the moment, everything predictive is like flipping coins with totally contrary outcomes.

Recently was appalled by the unbelievable toxic waste still innocently released in India everywhere. Maybe, but only maybe, on the other hand, with the still huge population growth, like of half a billion in the last 30 years, India could become the cradle of the next civilization. After the few in other parts of the world died out, just by the sheer size of that population, a few could survive. With an accidental genome mutation, immune to human-made toxins?





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#1587 Mind

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Posted 28 November 2023 - 11:21 PM

Iceland is halting the use of the Moderna COVID injection due to heart inflammation/damage concerns. Most countries in the world recommend against the injections for younger adults, mainly suggesting it only for the elderly......


....except the US, where the CDC and national media outlets relentlessly push the use of the COVID injections for everyone including toddlers.


I don't trust anything the CDC is saying. They are outliers in the world of public health - consciously ignoring volumes of clinical data and lying to the public (well-documented and admitted publicly).

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#1588 Gal220

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 02:27 AM

New Zealand deaths after vaccination just released







This kind of data is available from every state/country.  Florida recommended against the vaccine for younger ages based on internal data, but never released it...



There is one reason, and only one reason why


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#1589 Hip

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 05:53 AM


What total bollocks, again posted by the boy who cried wolf.


If you look at the excess death graph in the last tweet you posted, you can clearly see that excess deaths only arrived in New Zealand once COVID arrived. 


And we know that once you've caught COVID, in the year that follows that infection, you are 2 to 3 times more likely to die. So COVID often kills by a delayed action effect. So with COVID, deaths by asphyxiation during the acute infection are recorded as COVID deaths; but deaths occurring in the year or two that follows a COVID infection are not recorded as being due to the virus, even though many are.




The COVID vaccination program was started in NZ on 20 February 2021. If you look at this orange and red diagram of excess deaths by country during the entire pandemic period, you can see New Zealand about half way down the chart.

In NZ here were no excess deaths when the vaccines began getting rolled out from Feb 2021, nor in the year that followed the introduction of the vaccines in NZ. A total of 81% of people in NZ had at least two doses of the vaccine, so the vaccine rollout was quite comprehensive. Yet no excess deaths.
Excess deaths only started appearing in NZ around March 2022, when NZ relaxed their restrictions and were then finally hit with a wave of COVID. Those excess deaths you see from March 2022 onwards were due to the virus. 
I've said this before, as usual nobody pays attention. 

Edited by Hip, 01 December 2023 - 06:01 AM.

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#1590 Gal220

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Posted 03 December 2023 - 07:38 PM


What total bollocks, again posted by the boy who cried wolf.


People can draw their own conclusions from the NZ data, I am thankful someone finally released what was available to them(database administrator) of their country's data

Unfortunate, but I am sure he suspected his arrest would be forthcoming



From Steve Kirsch



From Norman Fenton




Even if a consensus develops about the NZ data, is it due to poor manufacturing or poor health?  Why was Germany's excess death so much higher than everyone else(perhaps their extremely high salt intake)?



With Ron DeSantis falling in the polls, sadly the best candidate, hopefully he will release the FL data w/o fear of political fallout



Whether one believes the NZ data or not though, the fact remains, countries are hiding this data

Edited by Gal220, 03 December 2023 - 07:39 PM.

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