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Regarding the vaccines, I think this is a question we All should be asking as members of a longevity-promoting website.


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#1981 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 30 April 2024 - 08:26 PM

As if hundreds of studies, autopsies, and observational data were not enough, Astra-Zeneca has now admitted in court that their COVID "vaccine" caused blood clots.


Yet another study lends credence to the fact that the COVID mRNA injections are not "100% safe and effective" (as the US media and US/UK "health" authorities told everyone) - finding that healthy user bias accounts for any perceived efficacy. There is no difference in IFR between the injected and un-injected once this is considered (according to the study).


A local news report about an employee suffering serious side effects from the COVID injection - is now being censored. How far can the US media and tech companies go in blocking news and research - about the deadly side effects - before they become civilly and criminally liable?


You sort of get the feeling that their vaccine caused clots for the same reason sars-cov2 caused clots - the spike protein.


I understand the rationale that all the vaccine makers used to target the spike protein to build their vaccine around - it was thought that the spike showed the least tendency for evolutionary drift and it gave them a better chance to have a vaccine that the virus wouldn't quickly evolve to escape.


But ... if the thing your vaccine is expressing is the thing that's causing a lot of the damage that the virus itself is causing then maybe that's not the best target for the vaccine. Particularly with an mRNA vaccine where you're making copies of this protein in the host cells. 

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#1982 Mind

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Posted 01 May 2024 - 05:54 PM

The COVID panic response was so awful and unproductive (with near zero accountability) that large (unheard of just 5 years ago) percentages of Europeans are now becoming skeptical of vaccines.

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#1983 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 02 May 2024 - 02:38 PM

The COVID panic response was so awful and unproductive (with near zero accountability) that large (unheard of just 5 years ago) percentages of Europeans are now becoming skeptical of vaccines.


We have some in these threads that have argued that "noble lying" on the part of public officials is ok or even laudable. That it's perfectly fine for bureaucrats and politicians to lie to the public as long as it's "for their own good". Because you know, the masses are too stupid to be told the truth and expect them to react reasonably.


The problem with this position is that a great deal of people can sense when they're being lied to. And over time, lies tend to be exposed.


Once that happens, the government has essentially burned down their credibility. You can't lie to people - even if you think you are doing it for the right reasons - and then expect to be believed without question in the future once those lies are exposed. It just doesn't work like that.


And the fact is, lies were told. Skepticism of public officials at this point isn't an unreasonable position. That's not the public's fault.

Edited by Daniel Cooper, 02 May 2024 - 06:11 PM.

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#1984 Mind

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Posted 02 May 2024 - 05:09 PM

If you have ever suffered uveitis, your chance of having a recurrence is a greatly increased if you have gotten the COVID injections (peer-reviewed)


Increased - new onset - psychosis is yet another severe side effect of the COVID injections (review article).


Remember, most of these severe side effects were found in the fraudulent and sloppy Pfizer clinical trial - yet the FDA rubber-stamped the injections and every booster since.


No surprise here, the CDC found deaths linked to the COVID injections but "failed" to report it to the public. Just a reminder, Moderna continues to fight in court to prevent the results of their mRNA COVID trial.



Edited by Mind, 04 May 2024 - 09:30 AM.

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#1985 Mind

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Posted 04 May 2024 - 09:35 AM

Yet another study (pre-print) that clearly shows that you are MORE likely to contract COVID after you have taken the COVID injections.


Remember after the roll-out of the COVID injections - when cases increased rapidly, and even people who took the injections were noticing they were getting COVID, and even the idiotic US National media was wondering why there was a surge in cases, and even the NY Times was wondering why the CDC was HIDING vaccine related case data from the public. Well, it is because the injections were not preventing transmission at all - they were causing COVID to spread like wildfire around the world.

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#1986 Gal220

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Posted 04 May 2024 - 02:12 PM

The COVID panic response was so awful and unproductive (with near zero accountability) that large (unheard of just 5 years ago) percentages of Europeans are now becoming skeptical of vaccines.


With autism at 1 in 36 now, the vaccine schedule needs to be looked at.  They are administered 6 or 7 at at time and were never tested in combination. It also makes it harder to implicate which one might be causing more problems than its worth



Is it simply corporate welfare? Pediatricians make up to 60% of profits from vaccines and it is gift to pharmaceutical companies.  The Amish communities living right beside us have been fine without taking them.   



Some states could really benefit financially by taking a harder look at the health care industry, they don't have the finances to continue being exploited.   Just in Illinois, a cancer treatment was $4000 at a clinic, when it merged with the hospital, the same treatment was $20,000.   Monoclonal antibodies were up to $1200 at hospitals, just for administering them, while clinics were charging $300.   Why is it cheaper to buy insulin in Canada? 


Statins, GMO grain(gluten), HFCS, seed oils, and glyphosates all leading to medical issues which is bankrupting our govt.  Food has far better regulation in Europe

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#1987 Mind

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Posted 04 May 2024 - 06:28 PM

The disgusting NYTimes is finally coming out with an article about "thousands" of people claiming to have vaccine injuries. If known (peer-reviewed) evidence of serious adverse events (including deaths) are to be believed, then the number of vaccine-injured around the world likely numbers in the hundreds of millions.


Recall, the NYTimes, along with the rest of the US National media, social media, snopes, wikipedia, etc... all denied any of this was real over the last 4 years. They censored anyone who talked about it. They spewed hateful rhetoric.


The NYTimes wonders why no one is listening to the vaccine injured:



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#1988 Mind

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Posted 06 May 2024 - 07:20 PM

Now Dr Jha says he is "very concerned" about vaccine side effects. He was part of the same cabal that led the charge to censor anyone and everyone (doctors, scientists, researchers, people who suffered). The same cabal was stoking abject hatred against the poor people who got debilitating conditions (or died) from the COVID injections 2 to 3 years ago. It wasn't that long ago that they were calling all of the injured wacko-conspiracy theorists, anti-science nut-jobs (insert any other terms you might have even seen previously in this discussion).


Dr Jha needs to be fired IMMEDIATELY.

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#1989 Mind

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Posted 09 May 2024 - 04:38 PM

Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo discloses that he got sick from the COVID shot and is now trying to recover, with a protocol that includes IVM, apparently.


Nice that more people are coming forward, but Cuomo (and others) really needs to apologize for being part of the hate mob a couple of years ago during the COVID panic.

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#1990 adamh

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Posted 10 May 2024 - 01:51 PM

The dam is finally breaking and news is getting out. Before this, it was a trickle and you had to dig to find the truth. Now even the nyt is talking about it. The liars and hypocrites are all saying "gee looks like a mistake was made" while ignoring the fact they were uncritically pushing the narrative, denying evidence to the contrary and attacking those trying to uncover the truth. People had to choose between having a job and taking the jab.


How many will die from the long term effects of the shot? We know many die the first year but what about after 10 or 20 years? Will people who were 30 and expected to live to 75 die at 40 or 50? It seems to be a method of lowering world population. It wasn't that long ago people were worrying about the population bomb. Was this to be the final solution? 


It might save social security since many are dying off without collecting benefits. Pension plans too will see less pressure. Annuities will become a profit center for issuers because the beneficiaries will not collect as long as predicted while on the other hand, life insurors are getting hammered and may go broke. 

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#1991 Mind

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Posted 16 May 2024 - 06:10 PM

Why does anyone trust the CDC on anything anymore? Recently it was found they covered up the deaths of two teenage boys after they took the mRNA injections.


Not only were hospitals/doctors and funeral homes paid enormous amounts of money for every death labeled as COVID, Doctors were paid enormous sums of money to push the mRNA injections, without any disclosure of conflict of interest. (here, and here)


Also, because of the COVID panic and debacle, people are asking more questions about vaccines - even noticing that the US has the highest number of childhood vaccinations in the developed world and ALSO the highest infant mortality rate.



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#1992 Dorian Grey

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Posted 16 May 2024 - 09:38 PM

Why does anyone trust the CDC on anything anymore? Recently it was found they covered up the deaths of two teenage boys after they took the mRNA injections.


Not only were hospitals/doctors and funeral homes paid enormous amounts of money for every death labeled as COVID, Doctors were paid enormous sums of money to push the mRNA injections, without any disclosure of conflict of interest. (here, and here)


Also, because of the COVID panic and debacle, people are asking more questions about vaccines - even noticing that the US has the highest number of childhood vaccinations in the developed world and ALSO the highest infant mortality rate.


One of my favorite observations regarding childhood jabs is the Hepatitis-B vaccine, that is given to newborns on the very day they are born (within 24 hours).  


Hep-B spread almost exclusively by risky sex (prostitution) and/or dirty needles...  Yet it is imperative they get this vaccine their first day on planet earth? 


I've heard the nurses are so used to routinely giving this, they often will not notice parents instructions refusing this vaccine, and give it anyway.  Later, during child wellness visits it turns out the child has been documented to have received the jab that was not supposed to have happened.  


If you're ever debating childhood vaccines, start with Hep-B and ask "what exactly is the rationale this must be given on day one"?  To the best of my knowledge, no other country on earth does this (though I may be wrong!)


I do know if you refuse getting your newborn jabbed before you go home, it will be flagged on medical records, and alarm bells will go off every time the chart is pulled up on computer.  

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#1993 joesixpack

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Posted 17 May 2024 - 07:52 AM

One of my favorite observations regarding childhood jabs is the Hepatitis-B vaccine, that is given to newborns on the very day they are born (within 24 hours).  


Hep-B spread almost exclusively by risky sex (prostitution) and/or dirty needles...  Yet it is imperative they get this vaccine their first day on planet earth? 


I've heard the nurses are so used to routinely giving this, they often will not notice parents instructions refusing this vaccine, and give it anyway.  Later, during child wellness visits it turns out the child has been documented to have received the jab that was not supposed to have happened.  


If you're ever debating childhood vaccines, start with Hep-B and ask "what exactly is the rationale this must be given on day one"?  To the best of my knowledge, no other country on earth does this (though I may be wrong!)


I do know if you refuse getting your newborn jabbed before you go home, it will be flagged on medical records, and alarm bells will go off every time the chart is pulled up on computer.  


There are a lot more kids with autism today, then there were 20 years ago. The number seems to go up, with the number of vaccines given to babies. Check it out for yourself.

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#1994 frederickson

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Posted 17 May 2024 - 02:39 PM

Your comment, sadly, illustrates the deluge of quackery on this forum.


You really want to give credence to ludicrous ideas like colds are not caused by germs? You wish to dignify such laughable assertions with a rational argument? 


quack... blah blah blah. boring. 


certainly ironic that the poster whose only argument appears to be calling others quacks is asking for rational argument. 


mind's posts are full of rational positions and data, which you dismiss as quackery, because you have no argument whatsoever and resort to lazy ad hominems.

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#1995 frederickson

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Posted 17 May 2024 - 02:43 PM

There are a lot more kids with autism today, then there were 20 years ago. The number seems to go up, with the number of vaccines given to babies. Check it out for yourself.




per the most recent cdc data in 2020, the prevalence of autism is now 1 in 36.


using nearly identical diagnostic criteria, the prevalence was 1 in 200 in the year 2000.


the prevalence was estimated to be just 1 in 10,000 in the early 1980's prior to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.


these are shocking figures that should concern everyone.

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#1996 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 17 May 2024 - 02:46 PM

There are a lot more kids with autism today, then there were 20 years ago. The number seems to go up, with the number of vaccines given to babies. Check it out for yourself.


It is actually worse, or is it reported more? Has the spectrum of what is labeled "autism" expanded over the years? I'd submit what was once a fairly narrow diagnosis is now very broad "Autism Spectrum Disorder". So of course it will capture more patients.


Also, there is a weird sort of "fadism" in these diagnosis. Particularly things that upper middle class parents tend to latch on to. Remember when almost every kid had ADD/ADHD? That was a fad to a significant extent. Some middle class mommy has a child that's defiant and difficult to control and they start looking for a medical condition to explain it. That seems to have happened with ASD (but not strict autism) to an extent as well. Lately diagnosing children as transgendered seems to be the new fad.  Oh for the days when hula-hoops, pet rocks, and Rubik's cube were all the rage in popular fads.


I'm pretty sure comparing diagnosis over time for something like autism is pretty difficult, because the threshold for a diagnosis shifts with time. So I'm not sure you can attribute in rise in autism solely to vaccines.

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#1997 Dorian Grey

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Posted 17 May 2024 - 04:31 PM

It is actually worse, or is it reported more? Has the spectrum of what is labeled "autism" expanded over the years? I'd submit what was once a fairly narrow diagnosis is now very broad "Autism Spectrum Disorder". So of course it will capture more patients.


Also, there is a weird sort of "fadism" in these diagnosis. Particularly things that upper middle class parents tend to latch on to. Remember when almost every kid had ADD/ADHD? That was a fad to a significant extent. Some middle class mommy has a child that's defiant and difficult to control and they start looking for a medical condition to explain it. That seems to have happened with ASD (but not strict autism) to an extent as well. Lately diagnosing children as transgendered seems to be the new fad.  Oh for the days when hula-hoops, pet rocks, and Rubik's cube were all the rage in popular fads.


I'm pretty sure comparing diagnosis over time for something like autism is pretty difficult, because the threshold for a diagnosis shifts with time. So I'm not sure you can attribute in rise in autism solely to vaccines.


I'm 67, & I would have remembered kids in crash helmets or headphones, or non-verbal, walking on their toes & playing with their poo.  


I recall Del Bigtree had snippets of the "it's just better diagnosed now" proclamations.  It seems every time they look at autism prevalence, they are diagnosing it better.  Perhaps we're all on the spectrum?  


Forrest Maready had a remarkable thesis on vaccines, autism, & why males are affected so much more often.  He opines it may be the emotional betrayal at a specific age of brain development, of having your mom hold you down, kicking & screaming in a strange office, while some stranger injects you multiple times with poison that makes you sick for days after.  


The reason males are affected so much more than females?  Males instinctively fight for their lives in situations like this, and the enormous adrenaline surge burning the neurons of their 18 month old brains is enough to permanently damage them.  Girls on the other hand have a self preservation instinct to submit, aka Stockholm Syndrome, which spares them the burning adrenaline poisoning.  They know they can't win against adults using force, so they don't react the same way boys do.  


Wasn't the mercury, or miniscule amounts of formaldehyde or other preservatives or adjuvants...  It's the emotional trauma of the vaccination itself, at precisely the right timing in neural development!  A betrayal the caveman area of the brain sees and never forgets.  This may also explain why autism has such a broad spectrum.  Different kids react to different levels of trauma in different ways at different ages, to a different extent. 

Edited by Dorian Grey, 17 May 2024 - 04:40 PM.

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#1998 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 17 May 2024 - 08:31 PM

I'm 67, & I would have remembered kids in crash helmets or headphones, or non-verbal, walking on their toes & playing with their poo.  


I recall Del Bigtree had snippets of the "it's just better diagnosed now" proclamations.  It seems every time they look at autism prevalence, they are diagnosing it better.  Perhaps we're all on the spectrum?  


Forrest Maready had a remarkable thesis on vaccines, autism, & why males are affected so much more often.  He opines it may be the emotional betrayal at a specific age of brain development, of having your mom hold you down, kicking & screaming in a strange office, while some stranger injects you multiple times with poison that makes you sick for days after.  


The reason males are affected so much more than females?  Males instinctively fight for their lives in situations like this, and the enormous adrenaline surge burning the neurons of their 18 month old brains is enough to permanently damage them.  Girls on the other hand have a self preservation instinct to submit, aka Stockholm Syndrome, which spares them the burning adrenaline poisoning.  They know they can't win against adults using force, so they don't react the same way boys do.  


Wasn't the mercury, or miniscule amounts of formaldehyde or other preservatives or adjuvants...  It's the emotional trauma of the vaccination itself, at precisely the right timing in neural development!  A betrayal the caveman area of the brain sees and never forgets.  This may also explain why autism has such a broad spectrum.  Different kids react to different levels of trauma in different ways at different ages, to a different extent. 


I'm only a little bit behind you age wise. I will disagree with the "I would have remembered kids in crash helmets or headphones, or non-verbal, walking on their toes & playing with their poo." somewhat.


Those kids were around. When I was in Junior Highschool, one of our teachers took us through a state run "facility for mentally disabled and retarded children". Those kids that you describe were there. Out of sight, out of mind. But not non-existent. 


Now days, the standard of care is to mainstream as many of these kids as possible and they are therefore a lot more visible. 


Also, I wouldn't say that in many cases these kids are "just diagnosed better now". In fact, somewhat the opposite. In my experience, I know of kids being roped into diagnoses that they'd never have been diagnosed for 30 years ago. Autism now seems to spread the gamut of "severely handicapped to the point of minimal functionality" to "a kid that's not very social and is more interested in math and science than in talking to people". To the extent they may have a medical condition, they don't have the same medical condition that the completely non-verbal non-responsive kid has. 

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#1999 Gal220

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Posted 18 May 2024 - 05:07 PM

Autism like cancer has multiple causes, but its not hard to find testimonies of children turning off shortly after vaccination


Edited by Gal220, 18 May 2024 - 05:07 PM.

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#2000 adamh

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Posted 18 May 2024 - 11:38 PM

I have become somewhat of a vaccine skeptic. I never took the annual flu shot since I never got the flu. After the clot shot debacle I'm not sure I would take any vaccine. I would have to be very convinced it was necessary. They put mercury in the shots and I looked at some analyses of the clot shot and it was full of oddball stuff like aluminum and weird compounds

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#2001 Mind

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Posted 20 May 2024 - 05:18 PM

I have become somewhat of a vaccine skeptic. I never took the annual flu shot since I never got the flu. After the clot shot debacle I'm not sure I would take any vaccine. I would have to be very convinced it was necessary. They put mercury in the shots and I looked at some analyses of the clot shot and it was full of oddball stuff like aluminum and weird compounds


I also became more skeptical of vaccines because of the flu shot. I never took it. I watched through the years and everyone I knew who took the shot, both suffered flu-like symptoms as a side effect from the shot and ALL of them ended up getting the flu like everyone else. In addition, there is no evidence of reduced flu mortality in the US over the last 20 years. In addition, it barely works for elderly citizens because their immune systems are largely in a state of disrepair.


Yet every year, we have the media and government "health" officials constantly urging everyone to get the flu shot because it is the most super-duper effective magical medication ever invented in the history of the world and guaranteed to prevent the flu (I paraphrase).


When year after year, I see the exact opposite result from what the government "health" officials proclaim, it makes me skeptical - with GOOD reason.


The COVID mRNA injections never passed a legitimate human trial, has innumerable severe side effects (including death), and doesn't stop the spread of the disease what-so-ever. Why would I take it.


NOW the former CDC director says there are lots of severe side effects. He was all for the "100% safe and effective shots" when he was director - now it looks like he is doing some CYA.

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#2002 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 20 May 2024 - 06:23 PM

Autism like cancer has multiple causes, but its not hard to find testimonies of children turning off shortly after vaccination


There's no doubt that every medical intervention has side effects. Including vaccines.


The question is - is any particular intervention worth the side effects?


In the case of smallpox - absolutely. It kills 30% of the people that contract it. Polio? Who wants to live the rest of their life in an iron lung? Measles, mumps, etc? Less severe but not without complications so the case can be made.


Covid? If you're young(ish) and healthy - probably can't make the case. The effectiveness and durability is so low and so short and your chances of a negative outcome from getting the disease is rather low. Even if we consider long covid I've not seen a compelling case that the vaccine will reduce the likelihood of that and given the 50-60% effectiveness of the vaccine and 3-6 months durability of that suboptimal level of immunity you will be infected at some point anyway.

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#2003 Mind

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Posted 22 May 2024 - 05:14 PM

After the COVID debacle, more and more people are asking legitimate questions about vaccines in general. Here is an interesting tidbit that came out of congressional testimony: the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (in the US), requires that HHS is supposed to submit a report about vaccine safety to congress every two years. How many times have they filed a report? Zero. Never.


Similar to how there are no long-term, placebo controlled, studies of vaccines with all cause mortality as an end point.


Some people might speculate the this data is missing/ignored because the net health outcome of vaccines is negative.

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#2004 adamh

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Posted 22 May 2024 - 09:29 PM

I also became more skeptical of vaccines because of the flu shot. I never took it. I watched through the years and everyone I knew who took the shot, both suffered flu-like symptoms as a side effect from the shot and ALL of them ended up getting the flu like everyone else. In addition, there is no evidence of reduced flu mortality in the US over the last 20 years. In addition, it barely works for elderly citizens because their immune systems are largely in a state of disrepair.


Yet every year, we have the media and government "health" officials constantly urging everyone to get the flu shot because it is the most super-duper effective magical medication ever invented in the history of the world and guaranteed to prevent the flu (I paraphrase).


When year after year, I see the exact opposite result from what the government "health" officials proclaim, it makes me skeptical - with GOOD reason.


The COVID mRNA injections never passed a legitimate human trial, has innumerable severe side effects (including death), and doesn't stop the spread of the disease what-so-ever. Why would I take it.


NOW the former CDC director says there are lots of severe side effects. He was all for the "100% safe and effective shots" when he was director - now it looks like he is doing some CYA.


The flu shot is a joke as you pointed out. It doesn't work and the excuse they gave was it didn't work because the flu "mutated". It always mutates and it takes about a year to develop a new vaccine. Another problem was that it, to the extent it did anything at all,  would use up some of your immune memory. It can program killer cells and so on to respond to that seasons flu which has already mutated. But the programmed cells are used up and no good anymore. They say we have a limited amount of immune resources and they can get used up. That may be why the elderly often have lower functioning immune systems


They ignore the guidelines, the covid testing failed and that was supposed to be the end of it but they keep pushing it to this day. No more safe and effective, just fake the tests, bribe the officials and put it on the marketplace. They ignore safe practice, they fudge and work around the rules and guidelines or ignore them entirely. They ignore pertinent laws.


We use to be a country of laws that people followed. Not so much anymore and the government is out of control. Departments won't honor a subpoena, people commit egregiously illegal acts but if they are the right party and an important politician, nothing happens to them. The wrong party and did nothing wrong, might be put in court. It seem to be the same in the rest of the world. The sacredness of banking laws means nothing, they will confiscate the assets of a person or country if they are angry about something. Norms are breaking down


The covid shot fiasco was really a major high point of this process which is ongoing. I no longer trust the government about really anything. What they say is safe or dangerous means little unless I look into it and agree. Most of the time they are full of it. I no longer trust the medical establishment, they are all politicized. I may trust an individual doctor but not all doctors and if they recommend something, I will cross check before I use it. A doc gave me a prescription for floaters in the eye and the side effect list was a yard long, I looked it up. It included many things including death and blindness. The doc did say that if I notice like a black curtain coming down over my vision I should check with the office right away. Yeah like I'm going to take some crap like that for a minor thing. I threw away the prescription and the free sample both


This country and much of the world is falling apart, much of it due to stupid leaders like biden, sunak, nutenyahoo, sholtz, I could go on and on. If we avoid ww3 count yourself lucky and enjoy the fiscal depression because at least you are still alive.

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#2005 Gal220

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Posted 25 May 2024 - 07:02 PM

There's no doubt that every medical intervention has side effects. Including vaccines.


The question is - is any particular intervention worth the side effects?


In the case of smallpox - absolutely. It kills 30% of the people that contract it. Polio? Who wants to live the rest of their life in an iron lung? Measles, mumps, etc? Less severe but not without complications so the case can be made.



I honestly never gave it much thought until Covid, they are going to have to prove it with placebo controlled trials before I believe it.  Absolutely regret vaccinating my Children


And if they are safe as claimed, get rid of the liability exemptions.   I know I will absolutely not take a drug that cannot have its manufacturer sued


Unvaccinated Kids Are Healthier Than Vaxed





Edited by Gal220, 25 May 2024 - 07:06 PM.

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#2006 Mind

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Posted 27 May 2024 - 05:56 PM

The flu shot is a joke as you pointed out. It doesn't work and the excuse they gave was it didn't work because the flu "mutated". It always mutates and it takes about a year to develop a new vaccine. Another problem was that it, to the extent it did anything at all,  would use up some of your immune memory. It can program killer cells and so on to respond to that seasons flu which has already mutated. But the programmed cells are used up and no good anymore. They say we have a limited amount of immune resources and they can get used up. That may be why the elderly often have lower functioning immune systems


They ignore the guidelines, the covid testing failed and that was supposed to be the end of it but they keep pushing it to this day. No more safe and effective, just fake the tests, bribe the officials and put it on the marketplace. They ignore safe practice, they fudge and work around the rules and guidelines or ignore them entirely. They ignore pertinent laws.


We use to be a country of laws that people followed. Not so much anymore and the government is out of control. Departments won't honor a subpoena, people commit egregiously illegal acts but if they are the right party and an important politician, nothing happens to them. The wrong party and did nothing wrong, might be put in court. It seem to be the same in the rest of the world. The sacredness of banking laws means nothing, they will confiscate the assets of a person or country if they are angry about something. Norms are breaking down


The covid shot fiasco was really a major high point of this process which is ongoing. I no longer trust the government about really anything. What they say is safe or dangerous means little unless I look into it and agree. Most of the time they are full of it. I no longer trust the medical establishment, they are all politicized. I may trust an individual doctor but not all doctors and if they recommend something, I will cross check before I use it. A doc gave me a prescription for floaters in the eye and the side effect list was a yard long, I looked it up. It included many things including death and blindness. The doc did say that if I notice like a black curtain coming down over my vision I should check with the office right away. Yeah like I'm going to take some crap like that for a minor thing. I threw away the prescription and the free sample both


This country and much of the world is falling apart, much of it due to stupid leaders like biden, sunak, nutenyahoo, sholtz, I could go on and on. If we avoid ww3 count yourself lucky and enjoy the fiscal depression because at least you are still alive.


Very well said!


The COVID panic was an utter debacle and revealed (once again), that the US healthcare system is a disaster. US "system/corporate" doctors and hospital are the MOST expensive and inefficient in the developed world. The COVID debacle revealed that public "health" bureaucrats are increasingly not rational and scientific. Most of the medical boards are politically biased and vindictive. The APA keeps pushing the COVID shots on toddlers even though it is a net negative for anyone under 20. They keep pushing the HPV vaccine on toddlers even though there are not even remotely in a risk group.


One great explanation I heard about the vaccine absolutists in the US is about money. Why pursue treatments to heal the few people who get sick when you can get a vaccine rubber-stamped by the FDA/CDC and force it upon 100% of the population. $$$$$$


How many frauds can big pharma and the US government perpetrate before more people rebel. The "chemical imbalance" theory of ADHD and related "disorders" is just a bunch of hogwash with no legitimate science. How many lives have been ruined through that big pharma drug pipeline?


The US does surgery very well - tops in the world. Everything else - not so much - and it will probably get much worse. Maybe AI will help salvage things.



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#2007 Empiricus

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Posted 29 May 2024 - 07:07 AM

The US does surgery very well - tops in the world. Everything else - not so much - and it will probably get much worse. Maybe AI will help salvage things.


I think this statement is true with respect to certain surgeries, but not others.   


The author of this article https://www.midweste...-art-of-surgery says robotic surgery has led to a widespread deterioration of the skills of surgeons to the detriment of patients.   It seems innovation in surgery, as with the development of new drugs, has become contingent on profit rather than patient outcomes.  


Also, a huge number of unnecessary surgeries happen every year in the U.S. because physicians are incentivised by hospitals to prescribe surgery for treatment of symptoms for which they can bill, rather than addressing the underlying cause.  How do you bill someone for fixing their diet or taking more walks?  

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#2008 Mind

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Posted 29 May 2024 - 05:06 PM

I think this statement is true with respect to certain surgeries, but not others.   


The author of this article https://www.midweste...-art-of-surgery says robotic surgery has led to a widespread deterioration of the skills of surgeons to the detriment of patients.   It seems innovation in surgery, as with the development of new drugs, has become contingent on profit rather than patient outcomes.  


Also, a huge number of unnecessary surgeries happen every year in the U.S. because physicians are incentivised by hospitals to prescribe surgery for treatment of symptoms for which they can bill, rather than addressing the underlying cause.  How do you bill someone for fixing their diet or taking more walks?  


Great point. I made a similar point in the other AI thread about how "coders" are losing real programming skill because they rely too much upon AI. Same with doctors relying upon robotic surgery assistance, I suppose.

#2009 adamh

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Posted 30 May 2024 - 03:17 PM

Good points about the bureaucratic and political nonsense. They ignored the data and used illegal methods to pressure people to take it including job loss, doctors losing their medical license and so on. Hopefully there will be lawsuits




The COVID panic was an utter debacle and revealed (once again), that the US healthcare system is a disaster. US "system/corporate" doctors and hospital are the MOST expensive and inefficient in the developed world. The COVID debacle revealed that public "health" bureaucrats are increasingly not rational and scientific. Most of the medical boards are politically biased and vindictive. The APA keeps pushing the COVID shots on toddlers even though it is a net negative for anyone under 20. They keep pushing the HPV vaccine on toddlers even though there are not even remotely in a risk group.


One great explanation I heard about the vaccine absolutists in the US is about money. Why pursue treatments to heal the few people who get sick when you can get a vaccine rubber-stamped by the FDA/CDC and force it upon 100% of the population. $$$$$$


How many frauds can big pharma and the US government perpetrate before more people rebel. The "chemical imbalance" theory of ADHD and related "disorders" is just a bunch of hogwash with no legitimate science. How many lives have been ruined through that big pharma drug pipeline?


The US does surgery very well - tops in the world. Everything else - not so much - and it will probably get much worse. Maybe AI will help salvage things.




"The author of this article https://www.midweste...-art-of-surgery says robotic surgery has led to a widespread deterioration of the skills of surgeons to the detriment of patients.   It seems innovation in surgery, as with the development of new drugs, has become contingent on profit rather than patient outcomes. "


There is no doubt some truth to that but on the other hand, robot surgery eliminates shaky hands and many medical blunders since it has to be programmed. It makes it easier and the doc may gradually lose some skill in doing it the hard way since they always use the 'bot. Eventually bots will do all medical work


Profit is all the establishment cares about anymore. 

Money has ALWAYS been the main motivator, some say the only motivator for big pharma. They would gladly bury any cure they came up with in favor of a treatment that helps a tiny bit and must be taken forever. And it will be expensive even if it costs 2 cents to make





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#2010 Mind

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Posted 30 May 2024 - 05:28 PM

The US government is going to bail out Moderna again. If the US funds the trial and the new "vaccine" is created, the odds are high the US health bureaucrats are going to try to force it upon the world's population, no matter if there is a true threat.

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