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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Regarding the vaccines, I think this is a question we All should be asking as members of a longevity-promoting website.


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#211 Gal220

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Posted 19 January 2022 - 07:20 PM

Many concerning things to take stock of, hopefully they are all eventually addressed


-lack of investigation and acknowledgement of adverse events.  Where are the autopsies?

  --EU and VAERs show significant adverse events. University of Columbia estimates mortality under counted by factor of 20 in VAERs

  --Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch estimate allergic reactions following the shot were under counted by a factor of 40

  --Infections after the shot were high, this was never investigated

  --No proper research on where the toxic lipid nano particles go in mRNA. Only data we have was given to Japan, where they went to the ovaries and bone marrow.

  --HIGH increase of deaths in working ages, 40%


-optimal time between shots never realized, many adverse events could have been prevented if the time was extended to avoid hyper immune response.  

-shots not properly administered, only in the east did they aspirate the needle to check for hitting a vein.  It was critical to the shot design the injection stay in the Deltoid.  Tasting the shot after injection is a bad indicator

-no advice prior to taking the shot and after, vitamin D levels significantly lowered after the shot.  Vitamin D levels need to be maintained for a good immune response to the vaccine.


pandemic of exploitation - from the creation of the virus, to denying early treatment/natural immunity, to the mismanagement of the vaccines

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#212 Gal220

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Posted 19 January 2022 - 07:24 PM

Batch of Vaccine huge impact on adverse events - https://greatgameind...-vaccine-batch/


  • 5% of the batches appear to have produced 90% of the adverse reactions
  • Some Moderna batches are associated with 50 x the number of deaths and disabilities compared to other batches

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#213 Hip

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Posted 19 January 2022 - 09:03 PM

--HIGH increase of deaths in working ages, 40%


How dishonest of you.

I covered this issue before, just a week or so ago, but you continue to pretend that vaccines are are causing these excess deaths, even though these excess deaths started right at the beginning of the pandemic, 18 months before any vaccines were available. Typical of antivaxers.


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#214 Gal220

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Posted 19 January 2022 - 11:13 PM

How dishonest of you.

I covered this issue before, just a week or so ago


From the article


"Davison said death rates among working age people – those 18 to 64-years-old – are up 40 percent in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 over pre-pandemic levels."


"Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three sigma or 200-year catastrophe would be a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic levels,” Davison said. “So, 40 percent is just unheard of.”


Hopefully there is an reasonable explanation, but you are correct, there is much dishonesty going on. Pandemic of ethics

Edited by Gal220, 19 January 2022 - 11:17 PM.

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#215 geo12the

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 01:12 AM

From the article


"Davison said death rates among working age people – those 18 to 64-years-old – are up 40 percent in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 over pre-pandemic levels."


"Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three sigma or 200-year catastrophe would be a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic levels,” Davison said. “So, 40 percent is just unheard of.”


Hopefully there is an reasonable explanation, but you are correct, there is much dishonesty going on. Pandemic of ethics


It's not surprising at all that deaths would be up. Those deaths are from COVID, not people dying from the vaccines. Why are you conflating the two? 

Edited by geo12the, 20 January 2022 - 01:13 AM.

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#216 Gal220

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 03:41 AM

It's not surprising at all that deaths would be up. Those deaths are from COVID, not people dying from the vaccines. Why are you conflating the two? 


"According to the CEO of OneAmerica, a national life insurance corporation headquartered in Indiana, deaths are up 40% in the third quarter of 2021. These deaths are primarily non-COVID deaths among workers aged 18 through 64." - link



Im not sure where you have been, but Covid is primarily killing seniors or people with 4+ comorbidities... it would never raise deaths 40% for 18-64.  The survivability is 99.6% till 70+


...YES, it might be the vaccine.  But either way, it would be nice if the Communist regime in the WH would take the time to find out.

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#217 Hip

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 04:29 AM

Covid is primarily killing seniors or people with 4+ comorbidities... it would never raise deaths 40% for 18-64.  The survivability is 99.6% till 70+



But young people may be dying of COVID months after they caught the virus. This long term persistent virus remains in the body after your acute infection, and continues to infect your organs. If you die of COVID months after you catch it, it does not get recorded as COVID. But COVID nevertheless may be the cause of your death. 


This something that all the pandemic deniers on this forum don't want to consider, because they have their heads in the sand, and deny the facts, preferring to spread propaganda, conspiracy theory and blatant lies rather than deal with the uncomfortable truth.


Look at the excess deaths for the UK and US in this graph. Look at the 15 to 64 age group, and notice a massive amount of excess deaths that occurred right at the beginning of the pandemic, long before the vaccines first started to be rolled out in December 2020.


Notice how there was a massive spike in excess death in around April 2020, when the pandemic started to hit the UK and US in a big way. Then lockdowns were implemented, and we also went into summer where deaths decreased in many regions (but not all) of the northern hemisphere, and then excess deaths went down a bit, but deaths were still higher than normal.

Edited by Hip, 20 January 2022 - 04:40 AM.

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#218 Gal220

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 05:09 AM


This something that all the pandemic deniers on this forum don't want to consider, because they have their heads in the sand, and deny the facts, preferring to spread propaganda, conspiracy theory and blatant lies rather than deal with the uncomfortable truth.


Maybe our beloved CDC could do some research and find out..

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#219 Mind

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 06:25 PM



But young people may be dying of COVID months after they caught the virus. This long term persistent virus remains in the body after your acute infection, and continues to infect your organs. If you die of COVID months after you catch it, it does not get recorded as COVID. But COVID nevertheless may be the cause of your death. 


I have seen no evidence of this what-so-ever. No studies. No doctor reports.


Meanwhile, what everyone with their eyes open noticed months ago, the COVID injections do not stop the spread of COVID, according to South African scientists.


Another list studies highlighting the serious side effects of the COVID injections (some are repeats, so probably not 1,000 studies). It must be noted that even though there are this many studies from around the world, this does not mean the side effects are widespread and common. I personally know a small number of people who suffered severe side effects and/or died after taking the shot. It is a small percentage of the total number of injected people that I know, probably less than 5%. Most injected people I know are still doing fine. Even if it is a very small perentage overall, I am amazed at the absolute denial by US media and health bureaucracies that there are any side effects at all.


Here is an interesting level-headed discussion of the COVID shots, pointing out that once there is a "breakthrough" infection in an injected person, there is no difference in the mortality rate between injected vs. un-injected. Based upon preliminary data (and ignoring side-effects and those who died from the injection), the COVID shots decrease the odds of a fatal outcome.


the CDC, FDA, NIH, US Media, continue to block out all discussion of side-effects, but there is a well-known, well-studied, medically-confirmed small risk of myocarditis/heart problems with the COVID injections, particularly among young men.


A nurse observes odd things about the COVID shot program.


Someone has tabulated the likelihood of getting COVID based upon injections status. In the UK, it looks like injected people are more likely to catch the disease (become a case). However, this is just bulk data. If true, then it further demonstrates that the injections do not stop the spread of the disease. This is only "case" data. If the injected people are all doing fine and are not ending up dead or in the hospital, then that is at least one positive aspect, even if the injections do not stop the spread of the disease.


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#220 Hip

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 06:42 PM

I have seen no evidence of this what-so-ever. No studies. No doctor reports.


It's been known for a long time that people hospitalized with COVID are at double the risk of dying in the next year, especially people younger than 65: 



COVID-19 survivors have an increased risk of death 12 months post infection


For people younger than 65 who were hospitalized with COVID-19, the risk of death in the 12 months after the infection was 233% higher than it was for people who did not have the disease


Severe Covid infection doubles chances of dying in following year, study finds


The increased risk of dying was greater for patients under 65, and only 20% of the severe Covid-19 patients who died did so because of typical Covid complications, such as respiratory failure.


As these deaths frequently occurred long after the initial infection had passed, they may never have been linked to Covid-19 by the patients’ families or doctors, the study found.

Most of the deaths that occurred in severe Covid-19 survivors were not linked with common complications from the disease – 80% of such deaths occurred for a wide variety of reasons that are not typically associated with the virus.

Edited by Hip, 20 January 2022 - 06:42 PM.

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#221 Mind

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 07:10 PM

It's been known for a long time that people hospitalized with COVID are at double the risk of dying in the next year, especially people younger than 65: 



COVID-19 survivors have an increased risk of death 12 months post infection




Severe Covid infection doubles chances of dying in following year, study finds


As far as these cases go, there is no evidence that the people are dying from a persistent or recurring COVID infection, flare-up, or whatever, only that they are more likely to die after having a SEVERE case of COVID. The implication is that they died because they never truly recovered from the inflammation, the heart injuries, lung injuries, etc. and end up at a higher risk of dying a few months or a year later.


Saying they died of  a persistent COVID infection seems like speculation.

Edited by Mind, 20 January 2022 - 07:12 PM.

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#222 Hip

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Posted 20 January 2022 - 08:29 PM

Saying they died of  a persistent COVID infection seems like speculation.


It is speculation that the virus caused their deaths, but SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to persist in multiple bodily organs many months after even mild COVID infections. See this study for example:


SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence throughout the human body and brain


We performed complete autopsies on 44 patients with COVID-19 to map and quantify SARS-CoV-2 distribution, replication, and cell-type specificity across the human body, including brain, from acute infection through over seven months following symptom onset. We show that SARS-CoV-2 is widely distributed, even among patients who died with asymptomatic to mild COVID-19, and that virus replication is present in multiple extrapulmonary tissues early in infection. Further, we detected SARS-CoV-2 RNA in multiple anatomic sites, including regions throughout the brain, for up to 230 days following symptom onset.



So after the acute COVID infection is over, the virus remains in the body, and is found simultaneously living in multiple bodily organs on a long term basis, not just in one organ.


And we know that after hospitalized COVID, people are much more likely to die within 12 months, with over double the risk of death.  


Now I agree that it is speculation that this persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection found in post-COVID patients is the thing which is killing post-COVID patients after some months; but as a hypothesis goes, it's an entirely reasonable one.




For those with an interest in virology: one study indicates that SARS-CoV-2 may persist in the body as a non-productive infection. Non-productive infections are where the virus goes to live long term inside humans cells as an intracellular infection. Non-productive infections are rare, but it is known that HIV forms a non-productive infection of CD4 cells. 


Non-productive infections may be extremely hard to eradicate. Normal antivirals may not work, as antivirals are usually designed to target productive infections. 


Such intracellular viral infections are linked to many chronic diseases. So post-COVID patients, as well has having a higher risk of death many months down the line, also carry this ticking time bomb of a persistent non-productive infection in their body, which could play havoc with their health in the long term.

Edited by Hip, 20 January 2022 - 08:33 PM.

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#223 xEva

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Posted 21 January 2022 - 01:42 AM

Hip wrote:
I agree it's hard to tell who will get vaccine side effects or death, but ... it does not logically follow that it should be an individual choice.  
Vaccines have saved millions of lives, while perhaps killing thousands. So if saving life and preventing ill health from long COVID is our paramount concern, then logically it follows that vaccine should be encouraged and coerced. That does follow logically.


If follows logically from the point of view of public health policy, or when you manage a herd, coz then you interested not in individual heads but only to preserve the size of your herd overall.

If course, if you have different priorities, and you consider personal freedom more important than human life, and are happy to sacrifice the lives of millions for your belief in personal freedom, then you could logically argue for no vaccine coercion.


Nope! A different priority is to hold your own life/health dear to your heart rather than risking it for a dubious benefit for others at large. 


When risks/benefits are so uncertain let the individual decide. That is if society cares about individuals. Or it can drop the pretenses and openly be a farm it already is.


Edited by xEva, 21 January 2022 - 01:48 AM.

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#224 Mind

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Posted 21 January 2022 - 07:40 PM

It is speculation that the virus caused their deaths, but SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to persist in multiple bodily organs many months after even mild COVID infections. See this study for example:


SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence throughout the human body and brain




So after the acute COVID infection is over, the virus remains in the body, and is found simultaneously living in multiple bodily organs on a long term basis, not just in one organ.


And we know that after hospitalized COVID, people are much more likely to die within 12 months, with over double the risk of death.  


Now I agree that it is speculation that this persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection found in post-COVID patients is the thing which is killing post-COVID patients after some months; but as a hypothesis goes, it's an entirely reasonable one.




For those with an interest in virology: one study indicates that SARS-CoV-2 may persist in the body as a non-productive infection. Non-productive infections are where the virus goes to live long term inside humans cells as an intracellular infection. Non-productive infections are rare, but it is known that HIV forms a non-productive infection of CD4 cells. 


Non-productive infections may be extremely hard to eradicate. Normal antivirals may not work, as antivirals are usually designed to target productive infections. 


Such intracellular viral infections are linked to many chronic diseases. So post-COVID patients, as well has having a higher risk of death many months down the line, also carry this ticking time bomb of a persistent non-productive infection in their body, which could play havoc with their health in the long term.


It is pure speculation that any remnant infection or non-productive infection from SARS-CoV-2 is directly causing death months or years after infection. Billions of people around the world live decades into old age with viruses that are unable to be cleared from the body. I personally know dozens of people who are perfectly healthy after contracting COVID almost 2 years ago.

Edited by Mind, 21 January 2022 - 07:41 PM.

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#225 Mind

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Posted 21 January 2022 - 07:46 PM

EU and WHO say (what a lot of people have been saying for about a year now) the booster strategy is failing.


Researchers are being censored for pointing out the known and severe side effects that affect some of the injected people.


The obsessive push for the COVID shots as the be-all-end-all solution to the pandemic is causing a lot more people to ask questions.

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#226 Hip

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Posted 21 January 2022 - 08:08 PM

Billions of people around the world live decades into old age with viruses that are unable to be cleared from the body. 


That reminds me of the arguments you get from the mathematically illiterate who say that "smoking is not dangerous, look at my uncle Jack, he smoked 40 a day, and he lived to 93". 


If that's the level of discussion here, no wonder all the scientific types have deserted Longecity, or Shortgecity as it should now be called, after promoting antivax policies. 




Not all viruses are like HIV. If you catch HIV, without treatment, with this virus living in the body, almost everyone will go on to get AIDS. 


But other viruses living in the human body are more selective regarding who they give disease. Many researchers now believe that multiple sclerosis is caused by Epstein-Barr virus — a virus which is found in 90% of the population, and is caught typically when you are a teenager or early 20s. But only 1 in 500 get MS.


So this shows that you can have a virus in your body, and some people will succumb to disease it causes, and others remain healthy. The virus can exist in your body for decades without causing disease, and then suddenly the disease appears.


Almost every virus that lives in the human body — and each person will have dozens of viruses living in their organs — is linked to triggering some sort of chronic disease. So if one virus does not get you, another one might.


Having another chronic virus like SARS-CoV-2 in your body just increases the risk of developing a chronic disease. But it may take a decade or two before these SARS-CoV-2-triggered diseases start appearing.





Edited by Hip, 21 January 2022 - 08:20 PM.

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#227 geo12the

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Posted 21 January 2022 - 10:15 PM


The sources you post are reactionary right wing. Epoch times and Rumble. For an interesting article on epoch read here. They are meant to stir up partisan emotions, they are not reliable sources for information about a pandemic.  I will say what I've been saying which still holds true:


The pandemic is over. COVID will be with us as a seasonal respiratory virus like the flu and colds. Omicron is less deadly, though still can be nasty for some folks. The guy who just installed our dishwasher, overweight though not morbidly obese, just recovered and said it was nasty and he had lingering lung symptoms. He was double vaxed and boosted. Through last year most of the people filling up hospitals were unvaccinated. Regardless of what the extreme right wing news sources say, the vaccines saved tons of lives and prevented immeasurable misery. Why crab on about how bad they are? Answer: it fits your conspiratorial and political worldview. Whatever! The delusion of you folks is incomprehensible to me. 

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#228 geo12the

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Posted 21 January 2022 - 11:49 PM

That reminds me of the arguments you get from the mathematically illiterate who say that "smoking is not dangerous, look at my uncle Jack, he smoked 40 a day, and he lived to 93". 


If that's the level of discussion here, no wonder all the scientific types have deserted Longecity, or Shortgecity as it should now be called, after promoting antivax policies. 




Not all viruses are like HIV. If you catch HIV, without treatment, with this virus living in the body, almost everyone will go on to get AIDS. 


But other viruses living in the human body are more selective regarding who they give disease. Many researchers now believe that multiple sclerosis is caused by Epstein-Barr virus — a virus which is found in 90% of the population, and is caught typically when you are a teenager or early 20s. But only 1 in 500 get MS.


So this shows that you can have a virus in your body, and some people will succumb to disease it causes, and others remain healthy. The virus can exist in your body for decades without causing disease, and then suddenly the disease appears.


Almost every virus that lives in the human body — and each person will have dozens of viruses living in their organs — is linked to triggering some sort of chronic disease. So if one virus does not get you, another one might.


Having another chronic virus like SARS-CoV-2 in your body just increases the risk of developing a chronic disease. But it may take a decade or two before these SARS-CoV-2-triggered diseases start appearing.


Another example is Shingles, a nasty disease (several family members have had it) caused by Herpes virus. 

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#229 Hip

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 01:43 AM

New study on 185 million post-COVID cases worldwide finds 1 in 4 who've had COVID suffer from neurological symptoms including persistent cognitive dysfunction.



According to Dr. Joss Reimer, the study looked at the 185 million documented COVID-19 cases worldwide and found neurological symptoms – including persistent cognitive impairment -- in one in four people.


“That’s a really alarming finding,” she said at a news conference on Wednesday.
Reimer noted the symptoms were more common in severe cases that required hospitalization; however, even people with mild symptoms experienced higher rates of lasting cognitive dysfunction.
“When I say cognitive dysfunction I mean that a person has persistent concentration difficulties, has problems with verbal or non-verbal learning, has short-term or working memory loss, and many other symptoms related to the brain – all of which can significantly affect their daily life at home, at school and at work,” Reimer said.

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#230 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 02:29 AM

Re post #229

Hip, how about providing a link to the actual study (which I assume you've read in order to verify that the article you link to is correctly reporting the findings).

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#231 Hip

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 04:05 AM

Re post #229

Hip, how about providing a link to the actual study (which I assume you've read in order to verify that the article you link to is correctly reporting the findings).


I could not find the actual study, but posting it would not help anyway, as it's only Mickey Mouse publications that people here read.

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#232 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 04:56 AM

Re post #231


"I could not find the actual study,..."


Ok, Hip, just another of your "vaporware" non-scientific claims. Such as the following in the "Ivermectin" thread from last October.


Me: "Hip, did you read Sheldrick's original work about the 26 ivermectin studies?"

Hip: "Nothing is published yet, as you know, so we can only go by Sheldrick's video, and what he says on his Twitter account."


LOL, talk about being  scientific.

Edited by Advocatus Diaboli, 23 January 2022 - 05:00 AM.

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#233 qge

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 12:31 PM




These vaccinations have now been shown to downregulate critical pathways related to cancer surveillance, infection control, and cellular homeostasis.




We anticipate that implementation of booster vaccinations on a wide scale will make all of these problems only more acute, and it will serve to further erode antiviral immune competence and innate cancer surveillance and protection for the global population subjected to these repeated boosters.




It is imperative that worldwide administration of the mRNA vaccinations be stopped immediately until further studies are conducted to determine the extent of the potential pathological consequences outlined in this paper. It is not possible for these vaccinations to be considered part of a public health campaign without a detailed analysis of the human impact of the potential collateral damage.

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#234 Hip

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 01:16 PM





These vaccinations have now been shown to downregulate critical pathways related to cancer surveillance, infection control, and cellular homeostasis.




We anticipate that implementation of booster vaccinations on a wide scale will make all of these problems only more acute, and it will serve to further erode antiviral immune competence and innate cancer surveillance and protection for the global population subjected to these repeated boosters.




It is imperative that worldwide administration of the mRNA vaccinations be stopped immediately until further studies are conducted to determine the extent of the potential pathological consequences outlined in this paper. It is not possible for these vaccinations to be considered part of a public health campaign without a detailed analysis of the human impact of the potential collateral damage.



The lead author is Stephanie Seneff, who does interviews with Joseph Mercola, which no respectable scientist would do. The quackometer needle flickers when she is around. She is a computer scientist, who moonlights in the evening in biology, but it is not actually her day job.


Stephanie Seneff thinks that glyphosate causes COVID. Need I say more?

Edited by Hip, 23 January 2022 - 01:22 PM.

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#235 Hip

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 01:30 PM

Re post #231


"I could not find the actual study,..."


If you are that desperate to get you hands on the paper, I suggest emailing the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory where the study was performed, and asking when it will be published, or whether there are pre-prints available. 



By the way, have you ever thought about using Quote function on this forum when responding to people's comments? It's easy to use.

Edited by Hip, 23 January 2022 - 01:30 PM.

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#236 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 07:44 PM

Re: post #234


Hip, the link given by qge in post #233 contains the text of the study. Rather than spending time attacking the author(s) I suspect that it would be more productive, and scientific, to address the ideas that they present and thence to offer your reasoning (including any extant countervailing studies) as to why you think the study might be "Mickey Mouse", to borrow a phrase, rather than once again exercising your demonstrated expertise in constructing straw men.


You did read the study, right?



Hip writes (post #235):


"By the way, have you ever thought about using Quote function on this forum when responding to people's comments?"


Well, yes, actually, I have. LOL

Edited by Advocatus Diaboli, 23 January 2022 - 08:02 PM.

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#237 Hip

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 08:33 PM

 I suspect that it would be more productive, and scientific, to address the ideas that they present and thence to offer your reasoning


I am sure you do, but I have better things to do with my time than to use my scientific knowledge for the benefit of Longecity members, who don't appreciate the major efforts involved, and only mark my posts with negative labels anyway.


This is Longecity, where people only give positive labels to quackery and conspiracy theory.


If Longecity members want to dine on quackery, trying to stop them would be like King Canute trying to stop the tide.

Edited by Hip, 23 January 2022 - 08:39 PM.

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#238 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 11:52 PM

I'm going to agree with Hip on this one. Stephanie Seneff seems to be a bit of a kook. She's been on my radar for several years now and the more I see her publish the bigger that vibe grows.


The tell is that as far as I can see, everything she publishes is a warning of some catastrophic calamity if her revelations aren't heeded. And yes, she seems to link almost every malady known to man back to glyphosate herbicides. 


Real medical research isn't like that. Most of what a researcher discovers might be useful, but generally not earth shattering. The product of most research is fairly mundane. But every paper from Seneff seems like an earth shattering discovery that forecasts doom and misery if unheeded.









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#239 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 24 January 2022 - 12:46 AM

Re post #238


Daniel Cooper, so after your having read the study, what, specifically, were your main objections, if any? And, for your objections, what references of corroboration can you cite?


(For those who may be interested, please note that no mention of glyphosate was made in the study.)

Edited by Advocatus Diaboli, 24 January 2022 - 01:01 AM.

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#240 Hip

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Posted 24 January 2022 - 01:00 AM

Advocatus Diaboli, is Stephanie Seneff a new name to you, or are you familiar with her career? If you are not familiar, then I suggest becoming so. You may like to start with her Wikipedia article.  


The onus is on you if you are interested in delving deeply into her paper. Go for it, and see if you find it an edifying experience. You will find that Seneff is high on speculation, and low on substantive evidence. That's her trade mark.  



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