Hello All
I've been fascinated by this particular case study and would like help unpacking it...
I can't post links I guess but it's on Reddit and title is "modafinil has mysteriously given me the charisma".
If true, this guy has had about the most positive result I've ever heard of.
Key points of the story:
1. He took Armodafinil 150mg/day for 30 days straight. He took 1g Oxiracetam "on and off" during the 30 days.
2. He had amazing results but more importantly, become permanent, and he remained at 90% after he discontinued.
3. The theory is he habituated his new character through 30 days straight of being in the zone.
4. How important was oxiractetam, and did it aid with neuroplasticity?
Most commentators believe he had a hypomanic episode, but he's got no history of hypomanic depression. He seems pretty self aware from his story and comments which makes me believe he did achieve something real. We don't know if these benefits lasted in the long run or if the story is real, but for arguments sake let's say it happened as he said. Is a permeant cognitive or personality upgrade possible, and what's happening in his brain?