I had my Senescence-associated-β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) levels measured by a newish company called Jinfinity. Website here:
My SA-β-gal were measured at 2190. That is almost three times higher than the optimal max, which they list at 750. The blood draw date was 5 Jul 2021. I got the results near the end of the month, but I had already decided (based on gut feelings, yes I know that is subjective) that high senescence was likely a problem, so I started a Fisetin/Quercetin cycle. I bought Fisetin and Quercetin from Swanson Vitamins. But I only bought 3 bottles of Fisetin, as I did not realize how small (100mg) the capsules were. I started off slowly to test for side effects.
6 Jul 2021 - took 500mg each of Fisetin and Quercetin, swallowed them with half a glass of olive oil
7 Jul 2021 - took 1g each of Fisetin and Quercetin, swallowed them with half a glass of olive oil
8 Jul 2021 - took 2g each of Fisetin and Quercetin, swallowed them with three quarters of a glass of olive oil. I don't like the aftertaste of the olive oil, will try avocado oil tomorrow.
9 Jul 2021 - took 3g each of Fisetin and Quercetin, swallowed them with a glass of avocado oil
10 Jul 2021 took 2.5g each of Fisetin and Quercetin, swallowed them with a glass of avocado oil. I dropped down because this was all I had left. Next cycle in 6 weeks I will buy more bottles than 3. Also I need to find better tasting olive oil.
I think the Mayo clinic is doing 2 days on and a month off. but I want to maintain my workout cycle, so I am going to do more days at once with a 6 week break between them. I noticed no side effects, or any effects at all from the amounts I took.
Once I got the results from Jinfiniti I gave them to my family doctor and asked him for a prescription for Dasatinib, but he is booking me to see a specialist, as he said that is not his area of expertise.
Jinfiniti also measured my NAD levels, inside the cells the levels are fine (48.1, which is well into optimal range), but outside the cells and levels are worryingly low (measured at 80, and minimum should be 450+). I am guessing that the high senescence is causing my body to produce a lot of CD38, which is an enzyme that destroys NAD in the plasma. I have ordered a large supply of Apigenin from DoNotAge.com, so I will start to take 500mg a day of that when it arrives (will do that for a year or so to control the CD38 until I can get the senescence levels under control)
Here is the specific product I ordered:
Other than Fisetin, Quercetin, Dasatinib (which is very expensive) I have also read on the forums about FOXO4-DRI, but that also seems very expensive, and none of these have any direct trials on SA-β-gal levels as measured in the blood (that I can find).
Not really sure what the optimal path forward is. Oh, I weigh just under 100 kilograms, so I use slightly large amounts of supplements than the average person.