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Nasal Mucosa in COVID-19 - Strategies for reducing infection and hospitalization

coronavirus nasal spray nasal irrigation nasal immunity

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#1 smithx

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Posted 31 August 2021 - 08:04 PM

Here are what I think are the best and easiest proven ways to prevent and treat COVID-19 (in conjunction with getting vaccinated).


First, let's note that:


Poor nasal immunity can lead to severe COVID-19


Overall, their study suggests that failed nasal epithelial antiviral immunity underlies severe COVID-19 and that host responses in the nasal mucosa are an essential determinant of the overall disease trajectory.




So nasal infection is very important in determining outcome.


We also know that vaccinations and oral medications/supplements are not super great at providing nasal immunity:


Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination



Vaccinated people still have high viral loads in their noses even though they tend not to get very sick.


So maybe reducing the level of nasal infection would help? Turns out that it does:


Efficacy of a nasal spray containing Iota-Carrageenan in the prophylaxis of COVID-19 in hospital personnel dedicated to patients care with COVID-19 disease A pragmatic multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (CARR-COV-02)


The incidence of COVID19 was significantly lower in the I-C group compared to placebo (1·0% vs 5·0%) (Odds Ratio 0·19 (95% confidence interval 0·05 to 0·77; p= 0·03).


Interpretation I-C showed significant efficacy in preventing SARS-Cov-2 infection in hospital personnel dedicated to care patients with COVID-19 disease.




So iota-carrageenan nasal sprays can help prevent nasal infection. Which seems like a good thing, even for vaccinated people since we know from the previous paper that they get nasal covid-19 infections.


But what if you already have COVID-19? Well it turns out that iota-carrageenan nasal sprays are good then too:


Carrageenan nasal spray may double the rate of recovery from coronavirus and influenza virus infections: Re-analysis of randomized trial data


The increase in recovery rate was 139% for coronavirus infections, 119% for influenza A infections, and 70% for rhinovirus infections.




But what REALLY seems to work for COVID-19 infections is: nasal irrigation with saline. In other words, the humble Neti Pot:


Rapid initiation of nasal saline irrigation: hospitalizations in COVID-19 patients randomized to alkalinization or povidone-iodine compared to a national dataset


Conclusion Patients who initiated isotonic saline nasal irrigation after a positive COVID-19 PCR test were 19 times less likely to be hospitalized than the national rate.



Where to get iota-carrageenan nasal spray? Here's one list of all the brands containing one branded iota-carragenan ingredient in every country in which they are licensed:




Note that none of these are meant to be a substitute for getting vaccinated or or getting medical attention if you have symptoms.





Edited by caliban, 02 September 2021 - 04:13 PM.

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#2 smithx

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Posted 31 August 2021 - 09:15 PM

Could whomever marked this post as "Pointless, Timewasting" explain the rationale? I provided links to studies showing that:

  • Iota-carrageenan nasal spray reduced the chance of COVID-19 infection by 80% in healthcare workers (pre-vaccine availability)
  • The same nasal spray can halve the time to recovery from coronavirus and also helps for other respiratory diseases like influenza
  • Saline irrigation reduces the chance of hospitalization by 95%

What about that is "Pointless" or "Timewasting"? I'm very curious.


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#3 pamojja

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Posted 31 August 2021 - 10:05 PM

What about that is "Pointless" or "Timewasting"? I'm very curious.

First of all its pointless to start a new thread duplicating the one just started on exactly the same topic. Beside Iota-carrageenan nasal spray already mentioned in the old one closed.

Note that none of these are meant to be a substitute for getting vaccinated or or getting medical attention if you have symptoms.

If there wouldn't perfect substitutes for getting medical attention we would be completely helpless. No treatment available, vaccines effectiveness rapidly declining (in most vaccinated Israel and UK).
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#4 smithx

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Posted 31 August 2021 - 10:26 PM

Here's the actual Israeli data:



On slide 8 they show that effectiveness against infection does decline (hence the idea that using iota-carrageenan could be useful in conjunction), however effectiveness against hospitalization and severe disease remains fairly strong even at 6 months post vaccination. So vaccination still remains a valid first-line defense.


With regard to reposts, the data on quicker recovery from iota-carrageenan nasal spray is new, as is the data on 19x reduction in hospitalization risk from nasal irrigation. Neither of those are reposts, and both of those count as "treatments" that are available!




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#5 pamojja

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Posted 01 September 2021 - 08:42 AM

With regard to reposts, the data on quicker recovery from iota-carrageenan nasal spray is new, as is the data on 19x reduction in hospitalization risk from nasal irrigation. Neither of those are reposts, and both of those count as "treatments" that are available!

All iota-carregeenan studies can ultimately be found and put in perspective if it really would be the 'best and easiest way available' here: https://c19ic.com/
Figueroa's study, 1 of the 2 new, was already added.
And already linked to in the new post you duplicated:

Black Cumin Seed / Nigella sativa / Thymoquinone(active ingredient) added to https://c19early.com


On slide 8 they show that effectiveness against infection does decline (hence the idea that using iota-carrageenan could be useful in conjunction), however effectiveness against hospitalization and severe disease remains fairly strong even at 6 months post vaccination. So vaccination still remains a valid first-line defense.


Attached File  Screenshot_20210901-010540~2.png   691.82KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Screenshot_20210901-010554~2.png   667.23KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Screenshot_20210901-010606~3.png   543.11KB   0 downloads


Twice as much newly hospitalized, new severely ill and dying vaccinated compared to unvaccinated - in a country where the majority of the population is already vaccinated - is anything else than faily strong. But obviously no defence at all.

Edited by pamojja, 01 September 2021 - 09:02 AM.

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#6 smithx

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Posted 01 September 2021 - 04:20 PM


attachicon.gif Screenshot_20210901-010540~2.pngattachicon.gif Screenshot_20210901-010554~2.pngattachicon.gif Screenshot_20210901-010606~3.png


Twice as much newly hospitalized, new severely ill and dying vaccinated compared to unvaccinated - in a country where the majority of the population is already vaccinated - is anything else than faily strong. But obviously no defence at all.


Can you link the original paper please? I can't read Hebrew and don't know what each color represents on those graphs.


Also, this is really off topic for this thread. In this thread I am presenting nasal immunity as an important factor and suggesting physical barrier (iota-carrageenan) and washing (isotonic saline) as protective and treatment options, both backed up by studies.


This is not a vaccine debate thread, so please post that kind of information in another thread (and please do link the original paper so we can discuss in detail).


Edited by smithx, 01 September 2021 - 04:23 PM.

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#7 Gal220

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 05:12 AM

I think this is the biggest misstep of our health agencies, there are simple products for nose and throat that directly kill the virus and are widely available like diluted H202, Betadine, yellow Listerine


McCullough tried to make a big point of it in this video at 50:10, but I dont see anyone else really trying to promote it.



Major point McCullough makes is the American Dental Association is behind this protocol so politicians and doctors have "Science" to cover them for recommending it like DeSantis is doing with Regeneron Mono Antibodies.

Edited by Gal220, 02 September 2021 - 05:13 AM.

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#8 FlorianReicht

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 02:01 PM

it's been known for a long time, Bacteria, Virus, Fungi even Cancer cells can not immunize themselves against Oxygen.


In russian medicine books it's labled as "outsider method" - still effective.


Look at countries like Bolivia where the pharma mafia ist not powerful enough, they legislated the use of ClO2.

It's an advanced version of the once known as Master Mineral Solution (MMS, aka Chlorine Dioxide) discovered by Jim Humble by accident (so save a life)




Studies proof it already, but are suppressed in the western "civilized" world.


It's efficiency is amplified when combined with DMSO.


3% H2O2 can also be used to clean eyes, nose (sinsues) mouth (lung), ears and skin. I use a ultrasonic nebulizer (no heat) to breathe in 3% H2O2 with Quinton Hypertonic diluted from 12% stock solution.

Edited by FlorianReicht, 02 September 2021 - 02:04 PM.

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#9 geo12the

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 02:32 PM

I think this is the biggest misstep of our health agencies, there are simple products for nose and throat that directly kill the virus and are widely available like diluted H202, Betadine, yellow Listerine


McCullough tried to make a big point of it in this video at 50:10, but I dont see anyone else really trying to promote it.



Major point McCullough makes is the American Dental Association is behind this protocol so politicians and doctors have "Science" to cover them for recommending it like DeSantis is doing with Regeneron Mono Antibodies.


I am afraid Listerine is not a substitute for vaccines my dear.  There has been talk here about the effects of the vaccines on longevity parameters. To me, inhaling a strong pro-oxidant compound like H2O2 would not have the best effect on longevity? 

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#10 Gal220

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 08:14 PM

I am afraid Listerine is not a substitute for vaccines my dear.  There has been talk here about the effects of the vaccines on longevity parameters. To me, inhaling a strong pro-oxidant compound like H2O2 would not have the best effect on longevity? 


It is if you want to try and stop spread, the vaccinated have a full viral load with Delta and getting hospitalized.   Inhalation therapy has been used for years at clinics like Riordan and promoted by Thomas Levy and others.



BUT the American Dentist Association isnt promoting that, as McCullough discusses if you watch the video, its just rinsing mouth/nasal twice daily.  No inhalation.  And unlike the Vax, it cant drop you dead from a blood clot which really puts a dent in longevity..



I can confirm the dentist in my area have been using this since October 2020.

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#11 smithx

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 09:57 PM

To whomever renamed this topic: I do think the new name makes sense, however it hides the fact that I suggested specific strategies which have evidence from published studies to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection and also reduce the risk of hospitalization if infected. Because this is not evident from the topic, people who otherwise could benefit from these strategies may not read the thread.


Can we rename it again to something like:

"Nasal Mucosa in COVID-19 - strategies for reducing infection and hospitalization risk"


Thanks for your consideration.


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#12 geo12the

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Posted 04 September 2021 - 04:08 PM

it's been known for a long time, Bacteria, Virus, Fungi even Cancer cells can not immunize themselves against Oxygen.


In russian medicine books it's labled as "outsider method" - still effective.


Look at countries like Bolivia where the pharma mafia ist not powerful enough, they legislated the use of ClO2.

It's an advanced version of the once known as Master Mineral Solution (MMS, aka Chlorine Dioxide) discovered by Jim Humble by accident (so save a life)




Studies proof it already, but are suppressed in the western "civilized" world.




Chlorine dioxide is poison. Of all of the suggested COVID interventions I have come across here, this is the most stupid and dangerous.



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#13 FlorianReicht

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Posted 05 September 2021 - 01:27 PM

Chlorine dioxide is poison. Of all of the suggested COVID interventions I have come across here, this is the most stupid and dangerous.




Water is poisonous too in large quantities..

Same with CDL, or any other substance - know how to use it.


There is plenty of evidence available, no hazardous effects were observed if administered correctly, go check out sci-hub yourself - but fake news media is playing ball for the pharma cartells, go figure..

It's redox potential of 1,5V is lower than that of H2O2, so it's only reacting with harmful bacteria, virus, fungi and cancer cells. The body has been shown to transport the Cl-Ion with 2 O-atoms attached, exactly the same way it's transporting it's own erythrocytes.


Obviously you do not breathe this stuff in, use 3% H2O2 for the lungs, eyes instead

Edited by FlorianReicht, 05 September 2021 - 01:28 PM.

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#14 Gal220

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Posted 05 September 2021 - 09:22 PM

Water is poisonous too in large quantities..

Same with CDL, or any other substance - know how to use it.


There is plenty of evidence available, no hazardous effects were observed if administered correctly, go check out sci-hub yourself - but fake news media is playing ball for the pharma cartells, go figure..

It's redox potential of 1,5V is lower than that of H2O2, so it's only reacting with harmful bacteria, virus, fungi and cancer cells. The body has been shown to transport the Cl-Ion with 2 O-atoms attached, exactly the same way it's transporting it's own erythrocytes.


Obviously you do not breathe this stuff in, use 3% H2O2 for the lungs, eyes instead


Here is the product - Closys oral rinse

Lab tests confirm Closys Oral Rinse eliminates COVID-19 virus by up to 98.4% in 30 seconds.... All Closys products contain a proprietary formula with Clorastan, the trade name for stabilized chlorine dioxide, which is an  oxidant long recognized for its antimicrobial, disinfecting, and sanitizing properties. The Closys formula is activated by acids in saliva.


I would gargle for 30 seconds after getting the saliva mixed.

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#15 lancebr

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Posted 20 September 2021 - 03:46 PM

The older I get, the more I tend to prefer old drugs.  Quinine an excellent cure all, but I'm willing to entertain pondering some of the newfangled potions.  


Let me guess...  Is it Chloroquine?  or perhaps the newer version, hydroxychloroquine?  



I'm taking a guess that it is Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS).



"A rapid reduction (95%) in the SARS-CoV-2 viral load was observed within 24 hours, with a 99% reduction observed within 72 hours

with NONS treatments."





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#16 Hip

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Posted 20 September 2021 - 04:48 PM

I'm taking a guess that it is Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS).



"A rapid reduction (95%) in the SARS-CoV-2 viral load was observed within 24 hours, with a 99% reduction observed within 72 hours

with NONS treatments."




You got it!


Yes, I posted about this COVID nitric oxide nasal spray here


The product is called Enovid, made by SaNOtize. One spray bottle costs $45.


Nitric oxide (which is a gas) is a broad-spectrum potent antiviral and antibacterial substance secreted by the immune system in order to fight pathogens. In the body, NO is particularly important for fighting pathogens in the nasal and sinus mucous membranes. So this nasal spray augments in the natural NO levels in your nose.


The spray resulted in a 20-fold reduction viral RNA after just 24 hours.


However, I've just now realized this 20-fold reduction in viral RNA was measured by nasal and throat swabs. I originally assumed the 20-fold reduction was measured in the blood. 


So I may have over-rated this nitric oxide nasal spray; it may not be as good as I first thought.


If the spray could cause a 20-fold reduction in viral RNA in the blood, that would be something, as that has wider benefits. But if the 20-fold reduction is only in the nose and throat, that is not as good. I am not sure what correlation there is between blood levels of the viral RNA, and nasal and throat levels. If they closely correlate, then this NO nasal spray could offer a major benefit in reducing the impact of a coronavirus infection.


Unfortunately the study only measured RNA level, but did not look at factors such as prevention of hospitalization (because the number of study participants was too small for that).





This Enovid NO spray consists of citric acid 0.2% and sodium nitrite 0.41%, which when mixed forms NO gas. This gas is highly soluble in water, so dissolves into the body fluids like blood and mucus.


I am not sure why the citric acid and sodium nitrite don't just react in the bottle. I think either these two chemicals must have a separate compartments in the bottle, and only combine once you spray. Or there may be something within the bottle which prevents them reacting, until such time as they enter your nose.


The spray appears to contain a slow release agent called hypromellose (aka HPMC) which slows down the reaction rate, so that might also prevent these ingredients reacting in the bottle, but I am not sure.

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#17 DanCG

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Posted 21 September 2021 - 12:38 AM


However, I've just now realized this 20-fold reduction in viral RNA was measured by nasal and throat swabs. I originally assumed the 20-fold reduction was measured in the blood. 


So I may have over-rated this nitric oxide nasal spray; it may not be as good as I first thought.



Do English speakers from outside the US use the expression, “That’s nothing to sneeze at”? So it is not a cure, but reducing viral load in the nasal passages and throat is a very good thing. It reduces the further inhalation of virus deeper into the lungs, and it reduces the amount of virus exhaled to infect others. Link1 Even simple nasal irrigation with saline can reduce hosptalization according to this small study.

Edited by DanCG, 21 September 2021 - 12:40 AM.

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#18 Hip

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Posted 21 September 2021 - 12:51 PM

Do English speakers from outside the US use the expression, “That’s nothing to sneeze at”? So it is not a cure, but reducing viral load in the nasal passages and throat is a very good thing. It reduces the further inhalation of virus deeper into the lungs, and it reduces the amount of virus exhaled to infect others. Link1 Even simple nasal irrigation with saline can reduce hosptalization according to this small study.


British English does indeed have that expression.


I think this Enovid nitric oxide nasal spray looks like an interesting product that would be good to have on your shelf as part of a treatment protocol if you did catch COVID. If you kept it unopened for emergency use only if you did catch COVID, it would not be that expensive.


It is for sale here at $45 for a 25 ml bottle, which the webpage says is enough for 1 month of daily protective use. 


It's designed to be used 2 to 3 times per day for protective use, and it says up to 5 times a day after suspect exposure to viruses.

Edited by Hip, 21 September 2021 - 12:53 PM.

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#19 Gal220

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Posted 22 September 2021 - 07:26 PM

Something to spread around on other forums, in your community


We CAN stop it ! Please share
FLCCC Covid Prevention - 2x daily gargle with Scope, Crest, Act, Listerine with essential oils, or 1% iodine
Dr. McCullough discusses at 50:10 in this video

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#20 Hip

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Posted 22 September 2021 - 08:31 PM

FLCCC Covid Prevention - 2x daily gargle with Scope, Crest, Act, Listerine with essential oils, or 1% iodine

That is an excellent paper on the efficacy of 1% povidone-iodine gargle and nasal spray in combating COVID and reducing death rate.
The study found povidone-iodine nasal spray, gargle and eye drops when taken by a COVID patient every 4 hours for 4 weeks seems to substantially reduce the death rate from COVID. 
In the 303 COVID patients NOT using povidone-iodine, the study recorded 17 deaths; whereas in the 303 COVID patients administering povidone-iodine every 4 hours, there were only 2 deaths. 
So that is approximately a 9-fold reduction in death. Which is not far behind a vaccine, which reduces death by about 20-fold. 
This is an interesting paper, because back in April 2020, on the Phoenix Rising forum, we were looking at possible COVID preventative treatments, and povidone-iodine nasal spray and gargle was identified by a forum member as likely to be effective for COVID. See this post and the subsequent posts on povidone-iodine.
But that was based on theoretical considerations. This present study provides empirical evidence that povidone-iodine reduces death rate in COVID.
Note that povidone-iodine is not the same as iodine, and regular iodine probably will not work. Povidone-iodine is a slow release form of iodine, which thus remains effective for many hours.  
Note that if you want to make your own povidone-iodine nasal spray and gargle, this article contains important info:

In the United States, povidone-iodine solutions are sold as skin disinfectants, which contain ingredients that can cause serious harm if ingested; preparations that are suitable for gargling are not generally available in this country. It’s critical that people not gargle with skin disinfectant solutions, including those that contain povidone-iodine. In Canada, a povidone-iodine gargle solution is sold under the brand name Betadine.

So you need to got hold of some povidone-iodine that is intended for gargling.

Edited by Hip, 22 September 2021 - 08:41 PM.

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#21 Hip

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Posted 22 September 2021 - 11:24 PM

Just provided some more info about this 1% povidone-iodine nasal spray and mouthwash in this post





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#22 Hip

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Posted 23 September 2021 - 12:06 AM

Looks like the 1% povidone-iodine nasal spray and gargle does a lot better than ivermectin, in terms of COVID death reduction.  


Although we only have a single study at present, povidone-iodine was found to reduce death by 8.5 times.


Whereas in a meta-analysis of 15 ivermectin clinical trials, the reduction of death from ivermectin was only 2.6 times. 



Since povidone-iodine is very cheap, safe and available without prescription, povidone-iodine looks like it could be the go-to treatment for anyone who wants to substantially reduce their chances of death from COVID if they did catch the virus. It's going to work even better when combined with vaccination, as the vaccine provides a 20-fold reduction in death, and povidone-iodine provides an 8.5 reduction in death, so both together will lead to a 20 x 8.5 = 170-fold reduction in death!


To put that into context, for someone who is in their 80s, for example, an age group which when unvaccinated has around a 29% chance of death once they develop symptoms and become a COVID case (ref here), vaccination would reduce their chances of death to about 1.5%, and vaccination combined with povidone-iodine would further reduce the risk of death down to around 0.2% (or 1 in 500).




If you then add ivermectin too, you are going to further reduce the chances of death by a factor of 2.6, resulting in a 20 x 8.5 x 2.6 = 442-fold reduction in the risk of death.




That was a good find on the povidone-iodine paper, Gal220.

Edited by Hip, 23 September 2021 - 12:12 AM.

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#23 Gal220

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Posted 23 September 2021 - 12:13 AM

Looks like the 1% povidone-iodine nasal spray and gargle does a lot better than ivermectin, in terms of COVID death reduction.  


If it is done 2x daily, or say after shopping/ lunch out, you would always be attacking the virus on day 1 of infection.

#24 Hip

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Posted 23 September 2021 - 12:22 AM

If it is done 2x daily, or say after shopping/ lunch out, you would always be attacking the virus on day 1 of infection.


The study got COVID patients to use the povidone-iodine nasal spray and mouthwash every 4 hours, and to continue to administer it for 4 weeks, until their COVID was over. 


The patients also administered povidone-iodine eye drops at the same time, but I suspect this would not be as important as the nasal spray and mouthwash gargle, so you could probably forget about the eye drops. Harder to make eye drops, as you really need a sterile solution for that.


When making up your povidone-iodine 1% solution, it may be an idea to add salt, to make a 2% solution, as salt has also been shown in a study to reduce coronavirus viral load in the mucous membranes. Salt is converted by the immune system into the the bleach hypochlorous acid (HOCI), which fights viruses. 

Edited by Hip, 23 September 2021 - 12:23 AM.

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#25 smithx

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Posted 23 September 2021 - 09:56 PM

In the study in my original post, iota-carrageenan worked but iodine did not clearly work.



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#26 Avatar of Horus

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Posted 24 September 2021 - 12:14 AM

This below has been doing some rounds in the news in Hungary in the recent weeks; I thought I share it;
it's about a drug called azelastine, an anti-allergy nasal spray, against Coronavirus, from a joint Austrian-Hungarian-German research project and its clinical trial:
Widely available anti-allergy azelastine nasal spray poised to revolutionise COVID-19 management - Vienna, 17th August 2021
some excerpts:

... azelastine was effective in accelerating the reduction of the viral load in SARS-CoV-2 positive patients ...
CEBINA in collaboration with Professor Dr Robert Konrat (University of Vienna, Austria) and Professor Ferenc Jakab (National Laboratory of Virology at the Szentágothai Research Centre, University of Pécs, Hungary) previously identified that the antihistamine azelastine has potent anti-viral effect against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants in several in vitro assays
... To assess the potential of azelastine as an anti-COVID therapy, CEBINA's partner URSAPHARM conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 clinical efficacy trial at the University of Cologne, Germany in 84 volunteers who were positive for SARS-CoV-2.
Treatment with azelastine nasal spray greatly reduced the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the study population: a reduction in viral numbers of around 97% (up to around 30-fold) was seen in those treated with azelastine compared to the placebo (nasal spray buffer alone) after 1 week of treatment. At this time point significantly higher proportion of subjects became PCR negative in the azelastine test groups.
"This clinical data confirms our previous laboratory research findings with human nasal tissues where we observed drastic reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infection with azelastine. Since higher viral numbers in the nose and throat are associated with higher likelihood of progression to disease but also greater risk of infecting others, the efficacy of the azelastine nasal spray in PCR positive individuals suggests that both the treated individual and those who have been in contact with infected people could benefit from azelastine use. As an approved drug, used safely as allergy medication for 30 years and already on the market as nasal spray, azelastine could immediately be introduced as a prophylactic or post-exposure anti-COVID solution, beyond its therapeutic effect studied in this clinical trial” - commented Eszter Nagy, MD PhD, CEO, CSO and founder of CEBINA GmbH. “In addition, we believe that proving the potency of azelastine against the major SARS-CoV-2 variants - including the delta variant, further increases the potential of topical azelastine in the management of COVID-19."

The first analyses of the clinical data have been published in a manuscript issued on a preprint server (without formal peer-review, Klussmann et al., https://www.research...le/rs-864566/v1 . Full study results will be presented in a peer-reviewed publication.


in Hungarian:


COVID-19: Azelastine nasal spray Reduces Virus-load In Nasal swabs (CARVIN). Early intervention with azelastine nasal sprays reduces viral load in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. First report on a double-blind placebo-controlled phase II clinical trial.


The Anti-histamine Azelastine, Identified by Computational Drug Repurposing, Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Reconstituted Human Nasal Tissue In Vitro

in German:

another group also investigated it, and its mechanism:

Azelastine inhibits viropexis of SARS-CoV-2 spike pseudovirus by binding to SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor ACE2
2021 Aug - https://pubmed.ncbi....h.gov/34052578/

A recent study have reported that pre-use of azelastine is associated with a decrease in COVID-19 positive test results among susceptible elderly people. Besides, it has been reported that antihistamine drugs could prevent viruses from entering cells. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether azelastine have antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and the possible mechanism. Here, we discovered antihistamine azelastine has an affinity to ACE2 by cell membrane chromatography (CMC); Then we determined the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of azelastine-ACE2 as (2.58 +-0.48) x 10-7 M by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The results of molecular docking showed that azelastine could form an obvious hydrogen bond with Lys353. The pseudovirus infection experiments showed that azelastine effectively inhibited viral entry (EC50 = 3.834 mcM). Our work provides a new perspective for the screening method of drug repositioning for COVID-19, and an attractive and promising drug candidate for anti-SARS-CoV-2.

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#27 lancebr

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Posted 30 September 2021 - 07:02 PM

I think this is the biggest misstep of our health agencies, there are simple products for nose and throat that directly kill the virus and are widely available like diluted H202, Betadine, yellow Listerine


McCullough tried to make a big point of it in this video at 50:10, but I dont see anyone else really trying to promote it.



Major point McCullough makes is the American Dental Association is behind this protocol so politicians and doctors have "Science" to cover them for recommending it like DeSantis is doing with Regeneron Mono Antibodies.



I just noticed that the media is now doing a lot of articles on H2O2 and how bad it supposedly is:


"Medical experts are warning the public of a dangerous trend that has been spreading on social media where people are skipping

intensive care units and instead treating COVID at home by inhaling hydrogen peroxide through the use of a nebulizer.....hydrogen

peroxide is commonly used in hospitals as a disinfectant, but is dangerous when inhaled because it severely inflames the airways.

The concern for using it in a nebulized form is severe irritation to the airways with a lot of additional inflammation. If they’re infected

with COVID, this can really really exacerbate it and cause severe harm."














I like the one article that equates H2O2 to hair bleach and says that you should not be inhalling hair bleach:


"A chemical product often used to bleach hair in salons across the globe should not be inhaled as a way to treat or prevent COVID-19, experts say.

Edited by lancebr, 30 September 2021 - 07:17 PM.

#28 geo12the

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Posted 30 September 2021 - 08:42 PM

I just noticed that the media is now doing a lot of articles on H2O2 and how bad it supposedly is:


"Medical experts are warning the public of a dangerous trend that has been spreading on social media where people are skipping

intensive care units and instead treating COVID at home by inhaling hydrogen peroxide through the use of a nebulizer.....hydrogen

peroxide is commonly used in hospitals as a disinfectant, but is dangerous when inhaled because it severely inflames the airways.

The concern for using it in a nebulized form is severe irritation to the airways with a lot of additional inflammation. If they’re infected

with COVID, this can really really exacerbate it and cause severe harm."














I like the one article that equates H2O2 to hair bleach and says that you should not be inhalling hair bleach:


"A chemical product often used to bleach hair in salons across the globe should not be inhaled as a way to treat or prevent COVID-19, experts say.


Folks here have been mentioning gargling with Listerine and other substances and nasal sprays. I just don't think these measures help with virus inhaled into the lungs where it does the most damage. H2O2 is a strong pro-oxidant. Concentrations higher than 3% will burn your skin.  The only paper I found that on gargling shows no effect. see here. I haven't seen any papers published on nebulized H2O2 and COVID, but I would think it's gotta be terrible for your lungs. See here. People here are scared of the vaccines but think it's no big deal to inhale H2O2?  Seriously, there is a serious disconnect there. 

Edited by geo12the, 30 September 2021 - 08:43 PM.

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#29 pamojja

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Posted 30 September 2021 - 09:14 PM



..We propose a regimen of gargling 3 times per day for disinfection of the oral cavity and nasal washes with a nebulizer twice daily (due to a greater sensitivity of the nasal mucosa). Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is safe for use on the mucous membranes as gargling or as a nasal spray; in fact, it is already commonly used in otolaryngology. Figure Figure11 shows the epithelial of oral mucosa treated with H2O2 3% for a period of 6 months. No damage was observed on oral mucous membranes or their microvilli after ongoing gargling treatment with H2O2 3%. Another route for SARSCoV-2 is through nasolacrimal ducts; thus, we advise the use of iodopovidone 0.5%–0.6% as eye drops (1 drop 3 times daily on conjunctiva of both eyes) due to its antiseptic action against SARS-CoV-2 within 1 minute.


I haven't seen any papers published on nebulized H2O2 and COVID, but I would think it's gotta be terrible for your lungs. See here. People here are scared of the vaccines but think it's no big deal to inhale H2O2?  Seriously, there is a serious disconnect there. 


Yes a serious disconnect!


Hydrogen peroxide has been in safe use at least since the civil war. You can only can come up with just 1 case associated with hydroperoxide use? But almost aproaching a million of adverse events reported on vaers in 9 month only due to covid vaccines  - of course all coincidental?

Edited by pamojja, 30 September 2021 - 09:22 PM.

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#30 geo12the

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Posted 30 September 2021 - 09:22 PM



"we propose that hydrogen peroxide, as an antiseptic agent, could play a pivotal role in reducing the hospitalization rate and COVID-19–related complications. The antiseptic efficacy of hydrogen peroxide 3% against SARSCoV-2 on oral and nasal mucosa can be reasonably hypothesized."


It's their hypothesis. No real proof that it actually works. Anti-vax people always say they don't want to be guinea pigs. If you are using H2O2 against COVID, especially nebulizing,  that is exactly what you are. No harm in gargling with it, but inhaling it into your lungs? No thanks. 

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